-AMERICAN ROAD MAP SUCTCESS First Steps in Psychology . BY FRED S. RAWSON SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Nineteen-Twenty-Two CITY PRINTING CO, 722 Market street, San Diego, California 1 ‘i,, - -t, J , . , SPECIAL NOTICE. For psychological reasons, never loan this book. Keep it for a ready reference for yourself or members of your family. Tell your friends where to get one. But, hold on to your own copy. It is your own private Key to the Temple of Success. Use it daily. It will grow brighter with use. Become familiar with every one of the Thirty-three Elements of Success. Mail orders filled the same day they are received. $1.00, Cloth Bound. THE FREDERICK S. RAWSON PUBLISHING CO. 724 BROADWAY, SAN DIEGO. CALIF. A. K. Aberg, Manager Mail Order Dept. PREFACE. THE ROAD MAP TO SUCCESS, THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CHAIN OF LIFE. All nature grows in silence. All growth is in silence. When you want any new ideas, go where it is quiet; get into the silence, absolute silence. Listen into your own head. When you have adopted this method as a means of getting inspiration, you will never have any trouble getting new ideas. They will come faster than you can write them. I am as positive as I can be, that no person can create anything of any consequence, under fear, excitement, or noise, where constructive thought is required. Have you not heard it said, “For God’s sake, keep still and let me think !“? The idea of the Psychological Chain of Life was received early one morning while lying in bed. When all was still, and I was feeling especially refreshed, I said, this is a good time to get something new-No, not new, because nothing is new; only things evolve from the mind, in silent meditation, manifest themselves for the first time, in many complex forms and expressions. Radium has always existed since the earth was a solid mass, or, I might say, since it was in I gaseous stage of its evolution, before it was condensed and formed the earth. But it took Madam Curie, a woman, to discover it and separate it out from its associated minerals. There never was a time in the world that fire or heat would not convert water into steam, or hydrogen gas, a great ex- panding and explosive force, bpt it took Watts to devise a means to control it and make it a docile and useful servant of man. He got his idea from watching the cover of a tea- kettle rise and fall as the steam was generated in the kettle. Think out your own problems. If you are stuck on some 3 business proposition, or feel the ground slipping beneath your feet, don’t rush off to some supposed friend for advice. expecting him to help you. He may advise you, but if he does, and you take his advice, you are a weaker man from that day. The real men of genius and originality will be found in the ranks of the workers-the producers. The office holders will be found in a class by themselves. No good business man can afford to take a political job. It interferes with any professional man’s career, if he has a goal in life to which he aims. His purpose, his cherished ideals will be wrecked. You cannot get away from it. What becomes of all the chronic office holders after they are elected to stay at home? They are grafters as long as they live. They will never be found in the producing class again. Any one following a useful occupation is a producer. He may be a clown. He cheers your lonesome hours; he makes you laugh when you need it. I have done clowning-I am proud of it. I still find my greatest pleasure in breaking the crust on some old grouch’s face. A teacher, a preacher, an artist, all are producers. But a grafter, seeking to sepa- rate you from your loose change, is a parasite on society. He gives nothing but “hot air,” and experience, in return for your good coin. He depends on his smoothness, polish to lure the shining dollar from your pocket. A real business man is never a grafter. He knows the value of business integrity. He does not do business for a living. He lives to do business. Business is his hobby, his pleasure. His love goes into everything he sells; his blessing goes out to every one he serves ; his ultimate end is Success. The Psychological Chain of Life POSITIVE: NEGATIVE: SUCCESS FAILURE PROSPERITY I CAN’T ABUNDANCE PERSISTENCE DESPAIR TRUTHFULNESS CRUELTY CHEERFULNESS FRANKNESS DISHONESTY WIT FEAR HUMBLENESS ANXIETY COURAGE HOPE REVENGE FRINEDSHIP ANGER SYMPATHY GENTLENESS HATE TOLERANCE ENVY SINCERlTY WORRY POWER THOROUGHNESS NOISE ENTHUSIASM CARELESSNESS SECRECY GREED PATIENCE GOLDENRULE HURRY FAITH SELFISHNESS QISDOM LOVE EASE PURPOSE DESIRE DESIRE PURITY PURITY VITALITY VITALITY STRENGTH STRENGTH HEALTH YOUTH HEALTH LIFE YOUTH - - Copyright, all rights reserved. BY FREDERICK S. RAWSON. 5 A SPECIAL \VORD TO THE DISCOFRA4GED ONES. It is a scientific fact that the mind can not hold two op- posite thoughts at the same time. This is the scientific prin- siple on which the Psychological Chain of Life is based. When you think of any of the Positive Links of the Chain, you can not think of thenegative one. Think Success, ever Success, you will leave no room for a failure thought to en- ter in. As you continually think of success, you attract it to you, but you must move up towards it by your own power. keepin the light of your own desires and purpose ever ahead of you. Do not walk in the light of your own shadow. Re- solve, as you close this book, I wilt tlzink in Positives. I will no longer undermine my own destiny with negative thoughts. Remember, you are a part of the great Divine Entity, a unit of the Universe. You have always existed in some form ; you always will continue to live in some form .into everlast- ing. The oglians say it will be in the form of “angels,” or perhaps imps, in a lake of hell fire. Those ideas are all the results of the wanderings of the primitive mind of man. We are concerned with the Here and Now. The Creator that placed us here will attend to the matter of our next stage of existence. You can make your life one of progress, or vou can lower yourself below the level it was when it came &to first con- sciousness. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.. Know you not that the secret place is your own reason, the one guiding star of your own life? The wholesome example of some one may stimulate you to a higher objective; but the great regulator, the governor of your activities will be your own reasoning powers: con- sequently, you see the necessity of having a mind free from all prejudices, superstition, and negative thoughts. YOU are in touch with the infinite source of Life and Success and as long as you hold a clear, steady, purposeful mind fixed on a definite purpose, you will progress. Remember this always : You attract those things you fear-sickness, poverty, accidents; you can kill all the chan- ces of realizing your desires by drawing to your self the things you fear. Do not allow doubt thoughts, or any of the disrouraginx thoughts of the Negative Chain of Life to 6 strangle or side-track your fresh-kinded desires. As you emerge from the depths of despondency and discouragement you will need to guard against those negative thoughts very carefully. But as you develop strength by winning one suc- cess after another, you will soon be in a position to laugh at all obstacles, “cold shoulders,” affronts, sneers, and ridicule of those who know nothing of the secret of success. You are now supported by a power no human force can dethrone : It is your own awakened consciousness of your ontTness.with all that makes for szcccess. Many discourage- ments and fears come from a feeling of sejxzrateness from the good and desirable things of life. It breeds weakness, and it is an awful sensation to feel that one is alone in the world. I never pass an old “blanket stiff,” on the road, if I can make room for him on the “running board.” Always make such an one know that “some one cares.” When you feel lonely, get out and mix with the whole-souled, happy hearts and cheerful faces. You will see reflected on some face the spirit of kindness that dwlls within “one who cares.” To all discouraged, misguided ones who have gotten off wrong on the Road to Success, I dedicate this book. There is a place in this big world of ours where you will fit in snug and happy. Just start today, climbing the Psychological Chain of Life, and you will surely find it along the route. You can not miss it. hlake your future a success, make it happy, make it worth while. The power is zuitlh you; Start, Begin; the rest is easy. Remember you can’t pull and kick at the same time. Which do you thing will get you the most? You have been a chronic Kicker all your life: Try Pull~ing and Pushing a while. My greatest success is not in reaping of a few dollars in the sale of this book.
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