VOLUME IY. WASHINGTON CITY, D. 0., MARCH 29,1874. NUMBER 4. SENATE, Wednesday, Mar«h 28.—Mr. Hamlin in- out, which were all that the subject Is capable of. that Messrs. E. V. Hermangc and James R. Brewer had THE CAPITAL, troduced a bill to amend the act to incorporate the LOCKWOOD, HUFTY & TAYLOR, «23 Pennsylvania One Is that the effect-of the bill will be to postpone formed a copartnership for conducting It in the future, avenue, have received, and will open to-morrow, many National Union Savings Bank of the District of Co- PUBLISHED WEEKLY the resumption of specie payments and settled values The New» Is daily improving, its circulation Is steadily novelties in fancy goods for ladles and gentlemen's BT THE lumbia. indefinitely; and the other is that the people de- on th« lucrease, and its value as an advertising medium wear. Ladles wishing fancy articles for the coming The first important matter under discussion was thus enhanced. CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, mand of Congress to perform just such a foolish Easter festivities can purchase them of this firm at very the finance bill, to provide for the redemption and thing, and so it must be done. CAPITAL BITS. reasonable prices. 027 D Street, Washington, D, C. reissue of United States notes, and for free banking. There was no vote had, and the Senate adjourned The Cathedral Is to have a new organ at a cost appro: The novelties just received comprise plain and fancy Mr. Schurz moved to amend the bill by fixing the imating $10,000. DOJiN PIATT Editor. HOUSE.—Mr. Nesmlth of Oregon, from the Com- collars and cuffs, ruffling and plaiting for the neck and maximum of United States notes at $356,000,000. W. A. Butter, Esq., aged thirty-six, one of the firm of mittee on Military Affairs, reported a bill directing sleeves; plain white, black and fancy bordered hand- TERMS.—!$2.50 per year in advance. This drew out a lengthy argument upon the financial Broslus & Co., died at the Maltby House on Monday kerchiefs, linen sleeves, chemlsetts, leather belts, silk the Secretary of War to ascertain the amount of ex- Clubs: Ten copies to one address, $20 in advance, with condition of the country. Mr. Schurz opposed the from paralysis. and velvet belting, belt-buckles, plain, black, fancy penses incurred by Oregon and California, in 187: one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $33 in legalizing of any part of the $44,000,000 which had The next meeting of the national congress of the stick, and ornamental silk fans. Parasols lu all the and 1873, by reason of Indian disturbances, which Worklugmen's Union will be held in this city In July advance, with one copy free. been issued without authority of law. very latest styles, in colors and handles. They have passed. next. Eight hours a day's work will be the objective also their spring stock of their celebrated kid gloves In Mr. Bayard said that the road to specie payments Mr. Mitchell addressed the Hou.se in opposition to point. two and three buttons. OUR " Social Gossip," with all the latest scan- had to be traveled some time, but It certainly would inflation, and advocated the resumption of specie The " unbiased Judgment of posterity" will be more For gentlemen they have an elegant stock of spring da's, social fictions, facts and fancies, done by never be reached without contraction. payments. favorablq to tile memory of the late Charles Sumner ties and scarfs, and a very large assortment of suspen- Mr. Ferry made his usual declamation in favor of than to that of any member of tliecoramlttccon federal those female frauds known as the "Kit-cats," The discussion of the financial question took the ders. Their stock of fancy Percale and Zephyr cloth expansion. relations of the State legislature. can be found on our second page. remainder of the day, and at half-past four the house shirtings is complete, with all the novel and new de- The ladles' tea party will be held at the Masonic Tem- Mr. Frellnghuysen undertook to show that the took a recess. signs of their own direct importation. They manufac- On our third page will be found a sketch of $44,000,000 was a reserve, and not a cancellation of ple on Friday, April 10. An address by S. Wallls, esq., ture the Palmer patent double yoke shirts, which are Mrs. John B. Eaton, tinder the title of "A 'Won- notes. He was not, however, very conclusive in his music by the "Old Folks," and slnglug by the Lelder celebrated for their perfect lit. derful 'Woman." arguments or positive in his statements. kranz will be prominent features. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. The new building of the Peabody Institute, which the BROWN'S YOUNG MAN says, "Wouldn't the ladles go Mrs. Dahlgren'a beautiful and graceful "South Mr. Scott gave out some of his peculiar financial trustees will csmmence the erection of lu a few weeks, wild over those loves of bonnets at Mills', 425 Ninth Sea Sketches," as continued, are on the sixth views, in which he said he came to the conclusion will cost $300,000. It will contain a library with a ca- street. that the only proper currency was one based on the SPECIALS FROM HAXTIMOHK. page. pacity of fifty thousand volumes, also a reading-room. TEEL.—The man who hails you Torn or Jack, and The Baltimore letter is on the seventh page. national faith. We always supposed that currency The old building will be used as an academy of music proves by clapping on your buck his sense of your was based upon something more tangible than all TltOUBLB AMONG THE " MBTI10DIE8." aud gallery of art. BALTIMORE, March 18—Rev. J. H. Liglitbourn has great merit, Is such a friend as one had need have very that, as, for Instance, gold; but then one mnst live About $262,000 have been so far expended In the build been pastor of the Charles-street Methodist Episcopal much, his friend Indeed, to pardon or to bear it. The and learn; and where can a young man go in search lug of the new Academy of Music, on Howard street. foregoing is, wo believe, a poetical quotation. But If CHRONICLES OP CONGRESS. church fer the past two years. His ministerial efforts For furniture, scenery and interior decoration it will of wisdon with better assurance of finding it than to have not proved as successfnl as they might have done, such a man, no matter whether he halls you Tom or the United States Senate f The discussion of this take $120,000 more. The board of managers have applied Jack or not, proves his sense of your great merit by SENATE, Monday, March S3.—After prayers, me- and he was not much of a favorite to speak of with the to the legislature for a special act authorizing the Issue bill took up the balance of the day. clapping on your buck a garment bought of Teel, why morials and petitions, among which were some from congregation. Accordingly, at the late M. E. eonference of bonds to raise the latter sum. Opinions widely differ It was Intimated that a cliangc would be very accept- then there Is no difficulty about having the aforesaid the leading business men of the country, for and HOUSE—The House continned the discussion of as to the ultimate success of the new cutcrprlse. able. The conference, acting on the suggestion, ap- man very much your friend indeed to pardon or to bear against the inflation of the corrancy, the unfin- the transportation bill. Mr. Dunnell of Maine having it. There is nothing more easy, and you are sure of a pointed a new minister for Charles street, and gave Mr. The Railroad Strike. ished business, which was the bill to equalize the the floor in its advooacy. After the conclusion of his Liglitbourn a charge In Cumberland, Maryland. There- perfect flt and looking every Inch a gentleman. We distribution of the currency, was taken up. * speech the Houso adjourned until 12 o'clock, when it SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT, PENNSYLVANIA, March 28.- would call attention to his excellent stock on hand of upon Light, became very indignant, and said he would An excited meeting has Just been held by the strikers Mr. Morton said that there is only $150,000,000 in was called to order again. sooner go to.tlie " bourne from which no traveler re- gentlemen'« wear of every style and quality. W. S. here. They arc firm and united, and will allow no train Teel, 935 Pennsylvania avenue. •coin, according to the highest estimates, in the On motion of Mr. Dawes, the Committee on Bank- turns" tha ii to Cumberland. He Also made some very to pass, nor any business to be done until all railway country, and thai to resume and maintain specie ing and Currency was directed to Inquire into the unchristian-like remarks about the stewards and other companies aecede to the demands. District Attorney WE HAVE lived so long, and met with so many of the expediency of having United States notes and securi- officers of the church. These gentlemen embrace several payment* there should be at least $400,000,000, and Carmalt of tills county made an address to the strikers, ups and downs in this wicked world, that we arc seldom made an argument in favor of inflation in his usual ties printed in parts and at different places, in order prominent citizens.
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