Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 4-21-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 21, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1982 Volume 67, Issue 139 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 21, 1982." (Apr 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. By Chris FlOlklOr ,\ss(J£iate FAilor committee has been bounced around on campus." according will ~ a'SAVE '82" campaign to Stan Irvin. SIU-C student - roughly an acronvm for The National Coalition of trustee. Students for the Aid Vote in the 1962 ElectIOns. I~~epe~dent College and Both Debbie Brown {jmversrty Students announced .. 'SA ii E '82' \l,ill be a three. ~resident of the SIL'-C Graduat~ New national PAC Tuesday the formation of a Student CounCil. and Todd pronged effort to try to ac­ pl'rmanent student polilical Rogers. Undergraduate Student compirsh the overall objectives aclron committee "10 support of our political action com­ Organ~zatlon president. said the members of Congress who have new (OPUS committee "is mittee. We will conduct a major shown goodwill toward higher push thiS fall to register the to back legislators education ... great. .. Brown said she hadn't heard about the PAC's for­ student vote. inform students on :l.Il'anwhile. student leaders mation and asked how to the voting records of at Slt-C expressed interest in contact the natronal congressmen on student-related heIpillg higher ed COPUS' action. saying that it organrzation so she could learn Issues and mobilize students to might serve as a model for more about it partiCipate in the campai"'IS of similar action at Sll'-C or in congressmen Who have" sup­ Southl'rn Illinois. They said that ported higher education." SIt:-C is not a ml'mber of an'i :\n~,I,UI. R()SE~B";R('. Rosenberg said. COPL S national director. also national studl'nt organj~tion COPL'S represents 250 to 300 announ~l'd at a press con­ that has a PAC. although "the non-government-funded ference In the L.S. Capitol th<,[ Idea to form a political action the committee's first activity NolO PAC PaglO 21 'Daily C£gyptian Wednesday. Apnl 21. 1982-\'01. 67. No. 139 80uthern Illinois University Reagan will negotiate on budget WASHINGTON (AP) ~ident Reagan, saymg he Will "go the extra mile" to r~ach a budget compromise With Congress, indicated Tuesday that he would consider tax increases as part of a package to reduce record deficits. While remaining firmly 0p­ posed to changes in the in­ dividual and businf'SS tax cuts enacted last year. Reagan would not rWt' out other tax increases beir.g promoted by congressionlll Republicans and Democrats during buo:lget negotiations with the ad­ ministration. "It's my fervent plea and hope that from these meetings there will soon come a balan­ ced. bipartisan package that will help to revive our t'Conomy," Reagan said. "I 'mow of nothing that would be a greater tonic for the economy right now," The president's statement on the budget negotiatio!lS was his most conciliatory to date, clnd Senate Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. said he was optimistic that Reagan "wants to play ball." Reagan met with reporters in S&aff PIIo&e 'y Briaa Howe the White House Rose Garden shortly after meeting with Low blow Republican congressional Like. pale _t 01. Sllakespearea. ,lay. two ~""als weat at it facility member, weren', really btdilll over !lOme fair maide•. leaders and then telephoning with sw.. Tunday _side die C-mllllic..... BaiWing. Steve 'I1Iey were pncticlll. f. tile duel scene from "Romeo .... Juliet," • Democratic House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. to say he SCulls, left, Ju.... ia theater, aad GHI'Ie Piaaey, fl"", &be.ter part 01 "A NiglttofSla.kespeare"on May'"McCleod 'I1Ieater. hoped administration and congressional negotiators could reach a 1983 budget com­ promise. Council OKs West Park Plaza bond sale "I'm happy he's admitting By BoIt ..........nt . Construction equipment is negotiating with the Murdale Westberg asked John Womick • something has to be done," Staff Writer already on the properly, and Water District for relocation of special counsel for Eisenberg O'Neill said after the call. The work can begin as soon as the a water line which ran ttu-ouab and Co., what would happen in The Carbondale City COUlICil ground becomes dry enough. the middle of the property. K­ case of a default on the- bonds. See R~AGAN, Page S Monday removed one of the said Jim Murtha, a represen­ Mart pulled out, and Kroger Womick said Kroger would be rinal stumbling blocks to c0n­ tative of Leo Eisenberg and Co., became a co-partner in the liable, and would have to struction of the proposed West co-developen of the project. shopping center project. complete construction of the -,- Park Plaza_ The shopping center shOuld be The easement was agreed to shopping center. Fry told the (ius The council authorized complete in six to eight months, by the water district earlier this council Kroger would have to go '- month, permitting the '1 issuing $3.45 million in in­ he added. bankrupt before it could default 80cle dustrial revenue bonds for the The shopping center will developers to go 3hfo.ad with the on the bonds. project, to be located west of contain a Kroger food store, a bond sale for the project. An amendment to the Car­ Carbondale neilr the in­ SupeRx druptore, and 14,000 The underwriting firms of bondale City Code passed by the tersection cl iilinois 13 and New square feet oJ space for smaller Matthews and Wright and the council specified th:.t the city Era Road. retail stores, on a 13-acre tract. Chicago C(Jrporation will will not be liable. as the issuer The coulK'il approved the When the council initially purcluIse the revenue bonds and of the bonds. for completing the bond documents for the sale and committed itself in 1980 to resell them to other private project. G_It s~y. It fiDally 101 th.... gll authorized City Manager issuing revenue bonds, a K­ investors. The sale slKiuId be In other action. the council Ie BaaIO that there are two out CarroU Fry and Mayor HaIlS Mart store bad been included in completed in three to four unanimously adopted without ia the .......m III the IIlIItil and Fischer to sign them when the the plans for the shopping weeks, Murtha said. lie'. II naIlS 1IeIl ..... final draft is completed. center. Because of delays in CounCil member Helen See COUNCIL. Pale %1 Reagan appeals for restraint, Wews GRoundup--- Income rises, spending down WASHING"'-.'l (AP) - Personal income rose modestly in IDore· time in Falklands crisis March, but consumers spent less on goods and services, ur.. WASHINGTON (AP) - With Britain a dky earlier. had within striking distance of the dermining a prop that bas kept the ec:onomy from falling ir.to his secretary of state's serious shortcomings. She Falklands by the wef<kend. peacekeeping mission at an dispatched Foreign Secn".ary .on even deeper recession, government figures showed The pre!lident noted that the Tl·esday. Impasse, President Reagan Francis Pym to 't': ashington to Orgamzation of American (! personal c~umption spending, which declined 0.2 appe9led to Great Britain and present counter-proposals to States voted 18-(1 Tuesday - Argentina on Tuesday to give Haig on Thursda:,. with the United States, peri ant in March. !'hould continue to fall, it would raise ne-..' the United States mt.:e time to But in Buenos Aires. an of·· Columbia and Trinidad ab­ questions about whether the economy will recover this avert a shooting exchange in ficial source Mid Fresident staining - to bold a meeting of summer, as the ReaglUl administration and many private their dispute over the Falkland Leopoldo Galtieri ~J8S made hemispheric foreign ministers t.'Conomisls are D<IW Corecasting. Ishnds. virtuallr all the COIIcessions hI!' np.xt week to coosider Ar~en­ Thp. president spoke to can. This official. woo asked not tina's request for sanctions State rep takett administration job r.>parters at the White House to be identified sai~ "we cannot against Britain. a.ft,"l· be had conferred with offer any morel. than ~hat HBig SPRINGFIELD (AP) - ~:ate Rep. Ben Polk of Moline, a Reagan said it would be member of the IlIiois House Republican leadership team, is Secretary Alexar."'.....r M. Haig carried away on Monday. "advantageous" if the OAS Jr. upon his return from a Reagan declared that "I just ministers delayed any action on resigning to take a job in the Thompson administration. it was marathon round of bargaining hope that we can keep this the Argentine proposal while announced Tuesday. with authorities In Buenos process going and that ~re Haig's mediation efforts con­ Polk was named by Thompson as associate director of the Aires. That mission fell through WIll be a restraint on both tinued. minois Department on Aging. His resignation is effective when Britian effectively countries from taking action Asked which th~ United April30, and he assumes his new duties May 1. rejected a settlement proposed that would endanger it." States would fav~ in the event "Ben Polk bas been an outstanding legislator for the past by Argentina. Meanwhile. a British fleet of of "a shooting war in he South decade, and one of his areas of concern has always been the In London, Prime Minister Ilf'arly 70 warships continued to Atlantic," Reagan replied: elderly," said Thompson.
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