THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM Mss 387, Gordon Family Papers Box 4, File 6 Gordon, Jack – Naval Academy memorial chair, 1941-1999, undated ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICLY PROHIBITED ● ● ● ·,. 1' • - t .. ·.,. U I . ( V'. z ' .•.. u . ··. •I Q.,.. u. N . No.v. 3GO ... (Hov . .A Jlril JOJO) . APPOINTMENT. IN NAVAL RESERVE z '1 • • • ~ u. >l mv-16" ).1.-rot. .; '1' . ::< L n ?7(.>!J7 "*'(----- APR l 8 1941 ,19__ _ u. ' ·I --. -------. --- }' . .'. .. ~; ..., c> c.: From: /, THE CHIEF OF THE; BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, NAVY DEPARTMENT. I' : .-: . ... _ ... ·: ( u To: - ~~~ -; ~~~*~-~!\~>~r~~~,\~t lf!lNK, • .._ :::.!: . ~_:!.l!.:_::_;,_~.::_.;_1.;<_· L- lJ • ..l. ~•il.V~ .4~Ul.9V• .ltJ~~~ ~ . ~M " j ' · : · ': ':: • . ' " i'. (. t3 • D !O l~"'VJ.l. " A~duiq · · · . · · l · · . '. ·· : .! .1· ; • · 0r. J:lu--~;o1ru-;'-i~~~luiia!---- ~ -:-~~-:-~-~--:--- .~~--.'. ·\ ' . --- ··· · · .>... < :.· .. ... ~ r. Via:' '. ... ~~f-~~~~~~~!•..1JJ,._~..!~~if.:X. ~,·.. (.)~• . : .·'.:'.~'_:.:. _; .,;,:·;:.~'. : . ,-;_ : ~· I · ' • · ', , ·,• " .....,· ' ~•• •:.-., : •.. I •. ' ' ' ' . , . · ~ .·· : . S ubject : Appointment in United States Naval Reserve.,'.:_t; . 1 . , In closure: (A) Commission. · ': .. .'.'.>).... / :'.:(~ : ~ . ~ . I ~ ·) :.: .; :. , ; .' /.~ · . : • : . · 1. Having been appointed a U... ------~--]Q}~ · _ ··' · .·:':· ;~ . ~ . --:-- - -- --~....:J:-· -._____ ,. _ :_~ -" ·1;'\' · ·~ <' ii '" 'l.~~~_':_:_:: ~ ;(i•:. -~ ·-'_' - ... i!;!:>ill thJ.:''. ; ...... Urnted States Naval Reserve to rank from ----------------~--~-------------ruT' the Bureau takes · pleasure in transmitting herewith your corrunission, dated · -----~-:-~_ JJ;l_j_f~-- ------~-.. _·_.) Yo u are hereby assigned to the --------------- ----~~}'!!,~~ - --·------------------------- --- ----------------- - Reserve for : · :~ ;. -~--~ -~-r._IY,\~-~-~ -g!t~tt}_ _______ _____ __ ______ _____ _:_: ________________________________ __________ effective on the date you execute acceptance and oath of office under your commission. 2. ~:bm.till?J.dls· stgnm~"(.V~~~r~;.a~~l!M'~~----------------- --- --- ---- -------- 1 st indorsement U. S. NAVAL ACAOKMY __ .\: Jl.._ll :.a__JU~.m, __ __ ________ ___________ __ Anna po li s , Maryland MAY 151941 Chief of Bureau. Delivered vn t11 c;ongr·atulatit,ns ________ _ Jb_J~.!.. .!~ .~-~~~-!l!'.. __ ___ _________ _ a;· c-: woo~ 1 (Dy direction) ]y directio~ ACCEPTANCE AND OATH OF OFFICE r )!.ii;.111~ij: (1 : •, : ;,.r;~rr1 '{i 1;. :11.1f..:_;rJQJJ' ~ . ~ I. , I . , ... t. · __ _______ Il •.. .S~- - :NA.v:Jlli.=ACJ\:DEMf -------··--- J, . ~ e Anna·pb1 i··e·v· Mc1'JP OJ.!s-v; ro '<! ri~!.ll!~f.Gl . --:- ·1i2 oi:. g liop1D~ ·- 1rnr{siw~-iii~~iTl-!11r1ri;- ---- ·---7 -1...-- -- __ .. ____________ __ ___ __.. _______ 1~xvGrrflJCiIJq7."(~rnrrr ob!GCI Ol ·cG1Jp1ucG uuq 01:lfJJ ot Ol:IJCG PGlOJ.G ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ----------- day of ------'~A't--f-5.-1-941--------· 19 ____ _ Aulhorlz ed to edmlnl•ler oaths for pur­ posos ol Naval admlnislrallon and ju•ll~ Cuba Family(Sh:-nature Archives and official Litle) c. J ~ ~°-~~Q~ .l (INSTIWCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE) . -·t--: - , U. 5. Na>1$:;, ! '.eu •. · . >~ to Superintendent~! ,' OUR LADY OF LOURDES' RECTORY 18 P'AlllC A YllNUll NEW LONDON, OHIO May 1, 1950. Dr. Samuel L. Gord on 3 Homewood Road Hartsdale, N.Y. Dear Doctor Gord.ens Upon my return to New London Saturday I found your letter of the thirteenth and a letter from your father inquiring El.bout your brother Ensign Jack B. Gordon, Jr. · I appreciate your kind letter, but anything I did to ~larify the record~ or attempt to obtain reco5ni t1on for yo1Jr broth> rs deeds was simply my duty. You inquire as to whom I am, and under what circumstances I knew your brother. I was the first Corps Chaplain under General Wainwri5ht in the Northern Luzon Campaign and in . Bataan. Six times '·rounded in action, bayone\ted and left for d ead on the death march, a guerrilla for a year in the P.I. , a prisoner in the P.I. Japan and Manchuria and one of the survivors of the "Hell-ships"~ I first met your brother in Bilibid Prison Manila P.I. about the middle of October 1944, but did not become very well acquainted With him until our detail began the fa~ta'ul journey to Japan from Manila on Dec. 13th 1944. Your dlscription tallies with the lad that I knew as Jack Gordon an~ Ensign in Uncle Sam's Navy. I happened to know the Na.val files e, 11 ttle b etter than the avera5e Army person as I was the Catholic Chaplain in Bilibid Prison, which was the central Prison Hospital for Luzon and manned exclusively bY. Naval Doctors. The entire staff ~ the old Prison hos pi ta 1 wci.s on that ship and Dre. Smith, Langdon and . myself were the only survivors. It was quite natural then that we ·should be in the section with the Naval personal on that detail, which was composed chiefly of junior Army Field Officers, Civilians, and Naval personal chiefly Doctors and Corps men. The e tory of the trip is briefly this. We breakfasted at B111bid on rice g ruel about five A.M. and were prep~.red to leave the Prison about 6 :OO A.M. After Cubaetandin£5 in Familyline for an hour, we Archiveswere sent back to our barracks, apparently the1·e w :=1.s sol'!le doubt ci. bout whether the detail should sail or not that day. At eleven we were ag2.in lined up e.nd this time we ·.vere mnrched to the Hanila wa terfrOnt, where w e ea.w f or the first ti;1 e the darnae;e .' OUR LADY OP' LOURDES' RECTORY II P'AlllC AVKNU• Nl:W LONDON, OHIO May 1, 1950. Dr. Samuel L. Gordon 3 Homewood Road Hartsdale, N.Y. Dear Do ctor Gordons Upon my return to New London Saturday I found your letter of the thirteenth and a letter from your father inquiri;ng e.bout your brother Ensign Jack B. Gordon, Jr. I appreciate your kind letter, but anyth ng I did to ~larify the record~ or attempt to obtain recocsni t1on for your brotre rs deeds was simply my duty. You inquire as to whom I am, and under what circumstances I knew your brother. I was the 11ret Corps Chaplain under General Wainwright in the Northern Luzon Campaign and 1n . Bataan. Six times wounded in action, bayone\ted and left for d ead on the death march, a guerrilla for a year in the P.I. , a prisoner in the P.I. Japan and Manchuria and one of the survivors of the "Hell-ships"~ I first met your brother in Bilibid Prison Manila P. I. about the middle of October 1944, but did not become very well acquainted With him until our detail began the fa~~ul journey to Japan from Manila on Dec. 13th 1944. Your dtscr1pt1on tallies. with the l.Eld that I knew as Jack Gordon an~ Ensie;n in Uncle Sam's Navy. I happened to know the Na.val files a 11 ttle b et tor than the average Army person as I was the Catholic Chaplain in Bilibid Prison, which was the central Prison Hospital for Luzon and manned exclusively bY. Naval Doctors. The entire staff ~ the old Prison hos pi ta l WB.Z on that ship and Dre. Smith, Langdon and myself were the only survivors. It w·as quite natural then that we · should be in the section with the Naval personal on that detail, which was composed chiefly of junior Army Field Officers, C1v111ans, and Naval personal chiefly Doctors and Corps men. The e tory of the trip is b r1efly this, We breakfasted at B111bid on rice s ruel about five A.M, and were prepEl.red to leEl.ve the Prison about 6 :00 A.M. After Cubastand1n13 1nFamily line for an hour, we Archiveswere sent back to our barracks, apparently the:i:e w~s sor!le doubt a bout whether the detail should sail or not tr.at day. At eleven we were a5e.1n lined up Hnd th1a time we ':Jere ID"'-rched to the ?·~anila wa terfrOnt, where w e sa.w f or the first t1:ie the damase OUR LADY OF LOURDES' RECTORY ti PAlllC AVllNUll NSW LONDON, OHIO 2 and destruction done to the Port Area by the American:>in their bombine;e of Sept 21, 1944 and subsequent bo l"1 1;1nes. We were assembled on pier 7 and stayed there until 6:00 P. M. when we were · loP.ded on the Oryoka Maru. our section drew hold No 2. under the b ride;e. ·,ve had w hat we considered a good meal thE. t ni3ht, a WCJ' m like fish ani e;ood rice. V.uch better.Jftchow than we hRd been Bett1n5 1n R111b1d. There was only e1"1J1ng room for our ean3 in the hold. The next morning we received the srune menu for breakfast. About the time we hfl.d f i ;i.1ahed our chow the Americana at t1?.cked us, around 9 sOO A. M. The jape manned the pomp ens on deck and the anti-atrcraft three inch on decks, we were under a constant machine gun bRrra5e f rom then on until 4&30 that afternoon someplace in Subic Bay just past eorre51dor. The Jape were 3ood enoue;h gunners to keep the America~ from hitt1l18 us with a bomb, we had some casualties f rem machine e;un fire, I was wou nded myself but the Jap women and children, and the convale~t Japs who were in the upper decks were badly elau5ht ered. our positions 1n the hold prevented us from e;reat machine gun caaulties. Some of our doctors went up tcri)'~ i de ani helped with the Nip wounded throuBh the nie;ht ani the Japs who could b el.
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