Franklin Focus Serving Somerset, Franklin Park, Middlebush, East Millstone and Griggstown Vol. 7, No. 12 Thursday, March 23,1995 A Forbes Newspaper 250 Focus on Franklin Clock ticks down Kindergarten registration set Kindergarten registration Prosecutor losing patience with Wolf for Franklin Township chil- dren who will be 5 years old By BARBARA MENDOZA Ballistics tests a week ago con- Mr. Wolf was expected to meet on or before Oct. 31 will be with police earlier this week, how- FOCUS CORRESPONDENT firmed that it was Mr. Wolfs gun held in the auditorium of that killed Mrs. Wolf at point blank ever, he did not come in and po- the Board of Education Ad- FRANKLIN - It was the gun of range, not Mr. Kennon's as the lice were told he was under a doc- Jeffrey Scott Fine Jewelry store tor's care. ministration Building, 1755 Jeffrey Wolf that killed his wife Brenda in the couple's jewelry owner told police. "He is medicated and not in a Amwell Road. store Tuesday, March 14. Mr. Wolf insisted last week that condition to speak," Mr. Bissell The Mowing schedule Now "the clock is running" and it was Mr. Kennon who killed his said. will apply: Children with police want Mr. Wolf to come for- wife after running into the store. Mr. Bissell said Mr. Wolf could last names beginning A-E ward so they can talk to him fur- He told police several times after be charged with obstruction of jus- ther about inconsistencies in his tice if he does not come forward register Monday, letters F- version of what happened during with the truth. L, Tuesday, letters M-R the foiled robbery attempt that There is a point in time when So far, there is no evidence in- Wednesday, and letters S-Z, ended in his wife's death, Somer- the window of opportunity for dicting that the robbery was any- set County Prosecutor Nicholas thing but random, Mr. Bissell said. Thursday, March 30. [Jeffrey Wolf] is closed. We Registration hours are 9 Bissell said Tuesday afternooa "We're looking at all possibili- Mr. Bissell said the prosecutor's might start to look at him a ties," he added. a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.nx If office is "exercising some pa- little differently The two latest suspects arrested unable to register children tience" with Mr. Wolf who is now in the robbery, Robert Williams during the days, an evening under medical care. However, he -Nicholas Bissell and Michael Guhse, did not impli- Somerset County Prosecutor registration will be held 7-9 added, "they won't wait forever." Somerset County prosecutOF cate Mr. Wolf in the event, Mr. Bis- sell said. Nicholas Bissell talks about p.m. Thursday, March. 30. "There is a point in time when the Brenda Wolf murder at a the window of opportunity for him "There is nothing to indicate he At registration parents the robbery that Mr. Kennon, one is involved," Mr. Bissell said. "I recent press conference. is dosed," Mr. Bissell said. "We of the four men who flew from must present the child's •might start to look at him a little have said that repeatedly." differently." Kansas City to rob the small shop, However, Mr. Bissell questioned the robbery, not sifting through birth certificate, all updated executed his wife. immunization records, and It was revealed last week that Mr. Wolfs emotional status. Mr. Wolfs story, Mr. Bissell said. the .357 magnum revolver used to Now authorities are looking for "He wasn't in this condition However, nothing has been evidence of Franklin Town- the truth. right after the incident," Mr. Bis- shoot robbery suspect Marqis Ken- ruled out at this point ship residency such as a tax non, who was captured by police There were two guns at the sell said. statement, lease or mort- after the botched heist, was the scene, but police said Mr. Ken- Right now the priority has been "We're looking at everything," gage statement same gun that killed Mrs. Wolf. non's weapon was never fired. on apprehending the suspects in Mr. Bissell added. For additional informa- tion call 873-1373. Teens nabbed; fourth suspect is still at large By BARBARA MENPOZA each by Avram Gottlieb, the fourth suspect who still remains at large, FOCUS CORRESPONDENT for their part in the holdup, which Franklin Fact - FRANKLIN — Two teenagers , ended in the death of 32-year-old have been arrested and one sus- Brenda Wolf. The Franklin Township pect still remained at large However, police are still trying Animal Control Office is Wednesday following the bungled to get Jeffrey Wolf to come for- housing 13 dogs and 19 robbery attempt last week re- ward to talk further about what RANDALL MLL0VTHE FOCUS cats in need of homes. sulting in the murder of jewelry happened after it was revealed last Anyone interested in store co-owner Brenda Wolf. week that it was a bullet from his Hot-diggity! adopting a pet should call Robert Williams, 19, of Kansas gun, not one of the suspects, that Students Gabriel Estevez and Betsy Tapia enjoy hot dogs 873-2500.' '. City, Kan., and Michael W. Guhse, killed his wife. Monday at Franklin High School. To Ieam about what goes 17, of Independence, Mo., told po- Since last week several develop- In to making student lunches see page 14. lice they were promised $25,000 (Please turn to page 3) Franklin Focus March 23,1995 'Spring Into Health' fair slated at FHS April 8 VFD MARCH To recognize Public Health panel and total cholesterol check) iJ LK PRICE Week, the iPranklin Township is $17 and $12 for senior citizens. Health Department will sponsor The blood test requires partici- LIQUORS Spring Into Health, an adult pants not eat or drink anything for MADNESS® health fair, 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, 12 hours before the test. April 8, at Franklin High School. The Adult Health Fair will offer VODKAS. GINS & RUMS mil education and screenings, includ- M M TROIKA "The fair offers an opportunity ing: blood pressure; blood test for BEEFEATER GIN ,7SUTER24 AMARETTO Dl SARONNO ,M, 15 99 VODKA 80° for early detection and risk reduc- cholesterol (total cholesterol, HDL GILBETSGIN WSUTERISP9 SAMBUCA ROMANA .,M, 16 tion for the major chronic dis- and LDL), diabetes and anemia; SEAGRAM'S GIN ws LITER 12" DRAMBUIE 7MML 20" eases," said Walter Galanowsky, podiatric screening (foot exams); FRANGEUCO 7 MI 14" 099 I ABSOLUT VODKA 80°, 7s LITER 21" M ^J 1 75 LITER Franklin Township Health Officer. hearing test; vision and glaucoma 99 Many of the screening services screening; oral cancer screening. F1NLANDIA VODKA 80 , ; ER 1999 KAHLUA 7MML 13 || S3.00 MAIL IN REBATE 99 are free. The complete blood pro- For more information, call the | WOIKCHMIDT VODKA 80°,7 5 LITER II file (which includes a total lipid Health Department at 873-2500. $3.00 MAIL IN REBATE SOUTHERN COMFORT 16" STOUMMYA VODKA 80°.., 7SUTER 22s9 llEROUX POLISH SEAGRAMS 7 BACARDI RUM .... ILACKBERRY BRANDY, 75 LITER 15" Office on Aging names officers LIGHT• DARK I 75LITER la" II S5.00 MAIL IN REBATE $3.00 The Somerset County Office on Morrison, Shirley Noble, Michael MYERS'S PIANTCR-S PUNCH ,_M ROUX FLAVORED - _ REBATE ORIGINAL DARK RUM I 7S LITER ZS Aging Advisory Council installed Pappas, Frank Pflueger and Lois RANDIES nM 121" 75 LITER [.COUPON I CAPTAIN MORGAN PRICOT • CHERRY • PEACH FULL LITER S" ORIGINAL SPICED OR - • ••• 1 75 LITE) new officers at its recent annual Rand. At the meeting, Freeholder n(M1 13.00 MAIL IN REBATE meeting. Each officer will serve for Michael Pappas discussed the im- AUTHENTIC COCONUT RUM 750 Ml B" two years. portance of county programs de- iMMETS IRSHCflEAM 75OML 9" S3.00 MAIL IN REBATE Dr. Dorothy Zufall, director of signed to benefit senior citizens. AMERICAN WHISKIES IRISH MIST ,M 16M Community Health Education of He addressed several significant JIM BEAM ,7SUTER15M programs including OutReach, BAILEY'S IRISH SARK the Somerset Medical Center, is JACK DANIELS 750 ML 12" the new council president. Vice mentorship between senior citi- CREAM REGULAR 75OML 1699 president is Mayor Richard Torn- zens and community families and OLD GRAND DAD 86°. U5 UTER 19" businesses, and the cooperative re- 23" quist of Franklin Township and SCOTCH •M^^ 175 LITER secretary pro tem is Sharon L. De- lationship with area clergy. CANADIAN & IRISH WHISKIES CLAN MACGREGOR . I 75 LITER 15 Ghetto. Reiterating the importance of CANADIAN MIST Other members of the council the OutReach program was the CLUNY . I 75 LITER 14" CROWN ROYAL I 75 LITER 31" are Karen Carter, Frances DeMar- new president, Dr. Zufall. She said BLACK & WHlTE . I 75 LITER 1* SEAGRAMS U. BUSHMILL'S^, 1 75 LITER 24" tin, Elaine DeMelia, Jan Doman, the council must continue to real- MARTINS V.V.O. I 75 LITER 1* BUSHMILL'S •»»«<* 7S0ML12" Evelyn Field, Barbara Franzblau, ize the need for comprehensive GRANTS FULL LITER 1Z^ John Havay, Ruth Hotz, William public education for senior citizens JOHN JAMESON M j & B : . I 75 LITER 25" Layton, Dr. Eileen McCoy, Marv and their families. IRISHWHSKEY 750MLl2 16" JOHN JAMESON 1780 nMO THE GLENUVET • \0 175LITEI IRGH WHISKEY 7J0ML TF^ 1JYR OLDMAIT Local seaman gets TULLAMORE DEW CROCK GLENFIDDICH ..... 750ML 20" IRISH WHISKEY 750 ML 2k" ABC OIL CHIVAS REGAL I 75 LITER 43 achievement medal COORS EXTRA GOLD 2t2fjS Navy Seaman Ian F. Drennan, "A Full Service Company" COGNACS & BRANDIES son of James and Joby Drennan of CHAMPAGNE MILLER REGULAR ^tOm 756-5060 SALIGNACV.S 750 ML 1399 Somerset, recently received the ANDRE BRUT-EXTW DRY • REMY MARTIN V.S.O.P.
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