PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, PHYSICAL REVIEW D please see inside front cover APS Subscription Services (ISSN: 1550-7998) Suite 1NO1 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY 11747-4502 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 70, NUMBER 7 CONTENTS D1 OCTOBER 2004 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Measurement of the eeÿ ! D D cross sections (6 pages) . 071101 T. Uglov et al. (Belle Collaboration) p Study of double charmonium production in eeÿ annihilation at s 10:6 GeV (6 pages) . 071102 K. Abe et al. (Belle Collaboration) Testing soft electroweak supersymmetry breaking from neutralino, chargino, and charged Higgs boson pair production at linear colliders (5 pages) .......................................................... 071301 M. Beccaria, H. Eberl, F. M. Renard, and C. Verzegnassi Universal neutrino mass hierarchy and cosmological baryon number asymmetry (4 pages) . 071302 Zhi-zhong Xing ARTICLES New measurements of 1S decays to charmonium final states (18 pages) . 072001 R. A. Briere et al. (CLEO Collaboration) Underlying event in hard interactions at the Fermilab Tevatron pp collider (10 pages) . 072002 D. Acosta et al. (CDF Collaboration) Measurement of 3 with Dalitz plot analysis of B ! D K decay (14 pages) . 072003 A. Poluektov et al. (Belle Collaboration) Study of the eeÿ ! ÿ0 process using initial state radiation with BABAR (22 pages) . 072004 B. Aubert et al. Nucleon contribution to the induced charge of neutrinos in a matter background and a magnetic field (10 pages) 073001 Jose´ F. Nieves Large logarithms in the beam normal spin asymmetry of elastic electron-proton scattering (10 pages) . 073002 Andrei V. Afanasev and N. P. Merenkov Improving extractions of jVcbj and mb from the hadronic invariant mass moments of semileptonic inclusive B decay (17 pages) ............................................................................ 073003 Michael Trott Combined analysis of short-baseline neutrino experiments in the 3 1 and 3 2 sterile neutrino oscillation hypotheses (16 pages) ........................................................................ 073004 M. Sorel, J. M. Conrad, and M. H. Shaevitz Three-loop radiative-recoil corrections to hyperfine splitting generated by one-loop fermion factors (7 pages) . 073005 Michael I. Eides, Howard Grotch, and Valery A. Shelyuto Electric dipole moments of leptons in the presence of Majorana neutrinos (7 pages) . 073006 John Paul Archambault, Andrzej Czarnecki, and Maxim Pospelov Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in unquenched QED3 (20 pages) . 073007 C. S. Fischer, R. Alkofer, T. Dahm, and P. Maris Copyright 2004 by The American Physical Society (Continued) 1550-7998(20041001)70:7;1-T CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 70, NUMBER 7 D1 OCTOBER 2004 Large neutrino mixing and normal mass hierarchy: A discrete understanding (9 pages) . 073008 Shao-Long Chen, Michele Frigerio, and Ernest Ma Neutrino mixing and quark-lepton complementarity (12 pages) . 073009 Hisakazu Minakata and Alexei Yu. Smirnov Type II seesaw mechanism, deviations from bimaximal neutrino mixing, and leptogenesis (11 pages) . 073010 Werner Rodejohann Higgs boson production in weak boson fusion at next-to-leading order (16 pages) . 073011 Edmond L. Berger and John Campbell Invisible Higgs boson decays in spontaneously broken R parity (12 pages) . 073012 M. Hirsch, J. C. Romao, J. W. Valle, and A. Villanova del Moral Generating extremal neutrino mixing angles with Higgs family symmetries (13 pages) . 073013 Catherine I. Low Prospects of accelerator and reactor neutrino oscillation experiments for the coming ten years (24 pages) . 073014 P. Huber, M. Lindner, M. Rolinec, T. Schwetz, and W. Winter Electroweak radiative corrections to pp ! W ! ‘ beyond the pole approximation (15 pages) . 073015 U. Baur and D. Wackeroth Neutrino masses and mixing, quark-lepton symmetry, and strong right-handed neutrino hierarchy (7 pages) . 073016 Radovan Dermı´sˇek Higgs self-coupling in collisions (6 pages) . 073017 R. Belusevic and G. Jikia Quark-mass dependence of Tc in QCD: Working up from m 0 or down from m 1? (8 pages) . 074001 Adrian Dumitru, Dirk Ro¨der, and Jo¨rg Ruppert Chiral doubling of heavy-light hadrons and the vector manifestation of hidden local symmetry (14 pages) . 074002 Masayasu Harada, Mannque Rho, and Chihiro Sasaki Effective Lagrangian approach to Higgs-mediated flavor changing neutral current top quark decays (8 pages) . 074003 Adriana Cordero-Cid, M. A. Pe´rez, G. Tavares-Velasco, and J. J. Toscano Center vortex model for the infrared sector of SU 3 Yang-Mills theory: Baryonic potential (8 pages) . 074004 M. Engelhardt Thermal pion masses in the second phase: jIj >m (12 pages) . 074005 M. Loewe and C. Villavicencio Nonfactorizable soft contributions in the B ! cK; xc0K decays with the light-cone sum rule approach (10 pages) ................................................................................. 074006 Lin Li, Zhi-Gang Wang, and Tao Huang ÿ Predictions for e e ! J= c with light-cone wave functions (6 pages) . 074007 J. P. Ma and Z. G. Si Direct photon cross section with conversions at CDF (12 pages) . 074008 D. Acosta et al. (CDF Collaboration) Parton intrinsic motion in inclusive particle production: unpolarized cross sections, single spin asymmetries, and the Sivers effect (22 pages) ................................................................... 074009 Umberto D’Alesio and Francesco Murgia Higgs radiation off bottom quarks at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC (5 pages) . 074010 Stefan Dittmaier, Michael Kra¨mer, and Michael Spira Probing trilinear gauge boson interactions via single electroweak gauge boson production at the CERN LHC (10 pages) ................................................................................. 074011 O. J. E´ boli and M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia Current correlators in QCD: Operator product expansion versus large distance dynamics (14 pages) . 074012 V.I. Shevchenko and Yu. A. Simonov Spread of the gluon kt distribution and the determination of the saturation scale at hadron colliders in the resummed next-to-leading logarithmic BFKL evolution (11 pages) . 074013 V.A. Khoze, A. D. Martin, M. G. Ryskin, and W. J. Stirling Heavy-quark symmetry and the electromagnetic decays of excited charmed strange mesons (12 pages) . 074014 Thomas Mehen and Roxanne P. Springer (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 70, NUMBER 7 D1 OCTOBER 2004 0 ÿ 0 Manifestation of the a0 980f0 980 mixing in the reaction p ! n on a polarized target (11 pages) . 074015 N. N. Achasov and G. N. Shestakov Three-loop QCD corrections and b-quark decays (5 pages) . 074016 John Paul Archambault and Andrzej Czarnecki Neutron electric dipole moment in the instanton vacuum: Quenched versus unquenched simulations (8 pages) . 074017 P. Faccioli, D. Guadagnoli, and S. Simula Quantum anomalies in dense matter (5 pages) ....................................................... 074018 D. T. Son and Ariel R. Zhitnitsky Generalized parton distributions and color transparency phenomena (14 pages) . 074019 S. Liuti and S. K. Taneja SU(3) symmetry-breaking corrections to meson distribution amplitudes (9 pages) . 074020 V.M. Braun and A. Lenz Collins-Soper equation for the energy evolution of transverse-momentum and spin dependent parton distributions (10 pages) ................................................................................. 074021 Ahmad Idilbi, Xiangdong Ji, Jian-Ping Ma, and Feng Yuan New-physics scenarios in S 2 decays of the Bc meson (10 pages) . 074022 Svjetlana Fajfer, Jernej Kamenik, and Paul Singer Phenomenological constraints on the Jaffe-Wilczek model of pentaquarks (7 pages) . 074023 Thomas D. Cohen New integrable structures in large-N QCD (5 pages) . 074024 Gabriele Ferretti, Rainer Heise, and Konstantin Zarembo Accessing Sivers gluon distribution via transverse single spin asymmetries in p"p ! DX processes at BNL RHIC (6 pages) .................................................................................. 074025 M. Anselmino, M. Boglione, U. D’Alesio, E. Leader, and F. Murgia Two flavor color superconductivity in nonlocal chiral quark models (8 pages) . 074026 R. S. Duhau, A. G. Grunfeld, and N. N. Scoccola Calculation of gluon and four-quark condensates from the operator product expansion (10 pages) . 074027 B. V. Geshkenbein Exotic characteristics of Centauro-I: Reexamination of the Centauro event (12 pages) . 074028 Akinori Ohsawa, Edison H. Shibuya, and Masanobu Tamada Baryon axial charge in a finite volume (7 pages) . 074029 S. R. Beane and M. J. Savage B meson wave function in kT factorization (11 pages) . 074030 Hsiang-nan Li and Huei-Shih Liao Measuring in B t! (12 pages) .......................................................... 074031 M. Gronau and J. Zupan NLO QCD procedure of the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering data analysis with respect to the light quark polarized sea (13 pages) ...................................................................... 074032 A. N. Sissakian, O. Yu. Shevchenko, and O. N. Ivanov Representation mixing and exotic baryons in the Skyrme model (4 pages) . 074033 Hyun Kyu Lee and Ha Young Park Phase structure and gauge boson propagator in the radially active 3D compact Abelian Higgs model (11 pages) . 074501 M. N. Chernodub, R. Feldmann, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, and A. Schiller Nonperturbative renormalization of meson decay constants in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action (11 pages) .............................................................
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