11/6/26 Engineering Electrical Engineering Heinz Von Foerster Papers, 1925-2000

11/6/26 Engineering Electrical Engineering Heinz Von Foerster Papers, 1925-2000

11/6/26 Engineering Electrical Engineering Heinz von Foerster Papers, 1925-2000 Box 1: Correspondence Abbott, Bernard C., 1971 Ackermann, Klaus, 1972 Adams, Sally, 1964-65 Ades, Harlow, 1971 Africa - Nwana, S. P. C., 1966 Agalides, Eugene, 1973 Ainsworth, William, 1963-64 Alexander, Christopher, 1967, 1970 Alpert, Dan, 1968 Amarel, Saul, 1969 Amiot, Larry W., 1962 Andreae, John H., 1964 Andrew, Alexander M., 1961, 1963-66, 1969-71, 1973-74 Angyan, Andre J., 1961, 1963-65 Anschuetz, Herbert R., 1965, 1968 Apter, Julia, 1972 Arbib, Michael, 1963-64, 1966, 1968-69, 1971-72 Arend, John Daniel, 1967, 1969-70 Arnheim, Rudolf, 1969, 1973 Arnold, Phylis Ashby, W. Ross, 1960-73 (2 folders) Box 2: Ashby, W. Ross, 1960-73 Ashby Festschrift, 1972-73 Ashworth, E. Robert, 1970 Askew, Lloyd, 1961 Aton, Bea, 1972 Atwood, J. W., 1967-72 Audrieth, Elsa Augusta, Nicolaus, 1964, 1966 Austin, Arthur, 1971 George, 1970, 1973 Auth, Leo V., 1957, 1959-60 Babcock, Murray L., 1952-55, 1958-60, 1963, 1965 (2 folders) Badenoch, Bruce, (2 folders) 1971-73 Baldwin, Claire, 1965-67 Ball, Geoffrey, 1963 11/6/26 2 Ballonhoff, Paul, 1971-72 Baran, Sanford, 1972 Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 1971-72 Barkson, J. A., 1955 Basan, Roger, 1970 Bastin, E. W., 1959-60, 1963, 1966 Bateson, Gregory Bauer, Mariano, 1964 Beauchamp, James, 1969 Beck, Howard, 1973 Becker, James K., 1967 Box 3: Beer, Stafford, 1958-60, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1969-73 Behrensmeyer, Michael R., 1971 Bell, Larry S., 1970, 1972-74 Bellugi-Klima, Ursula, 1969 Benedict, Stephen, 1972-73 Benford, Woodrow, 1967 Bert, Paul H., 1966 Beurle, R. L., 1966 Bhanos, Alex, 1971-72 Bielowski, Heinz F., 1965-67, 1972-73 Thesis Binder, Robert, 1973 Biss, Kenneth, 1970, 1972 Blandford, Dick, 1974 Thesis Bloch, Susanna, 1964 H. David, 1968 Bloom, Lou, 1972 (2 folders) Blum, Harry, 1964-70, 1972 Draft manuscript of Space and Visual Science Boehm, Josef, 1971-72 Boernstein, Walter S., 1970, 1974 Bogdanski, Casimir, 1965-66, 1969 Bogoch, Samuel, 1967, 1972 Bohne, Walter, 1963 Bolt, Richard H., 1961-63 Box 4: Bonnell, Bill, 1970, 1972-74 11/6/26 3 Bordeaux, Janice, 1971-74 Borger, Robert, 1972 Borremans, Valentina, 1972-73 Borup, Eric, 1967 Bourret, Richard, 1973 Bowman, John Braitenberg, Valentin, 1966, 1972 Brademus, John, 1966-67, 1970-71 Brand, Stewart, 1972-73 Brash, Douglas, 1971-73 Braun, Robert A., 1973-74 Brecker, George, 1968 Brennan, Lawrence, 1950 Bresnik, Mark, 1972 Brewer, Jan, 1973 William, 1971 Brieske, Gerald, 1962-73 (3 folders) Thesis Brodey, Warren, 1964, 1967, 1970 Brody, Peter, 1966 Brooks, William, 1969, 1971-73 Broudy, Harry, 1972 Brown, G. Spencer, 1969-70, 1972 Brown, Joel, 1964 Randy Scott, 1972 William, 1968 ----Box 5: Brün, Herbert, 1967-70, 1973-74 (3 folders) Brunn, Kenneth, 1953, 1957-58 Brunner, Cornelia, 1965, 1969-71 Bryson, David, 1968 Buchberger, Bruno, 1968 Buckley, Walter, 1974 Budzinski, Robert, 1971 Buffington, Joan, 1973 Bugliarello, George, 1969 Bull, Thomas, 1969 Bulnes, J. M., 1972-73 (2 folders) Burckhardt, Christof, 1961-62, 1965-68, 1971 11/6/26 4 Burke, Tom, 1967-68 Burkholder, Mrs. Donald, 1971 Burnside, Mr., 1962 Butler, Mr., 1960 Caianiello, Edwardo, 1966, 1968 Cameron, Scott, 1960 Cannon, Walter W., 1950, 1952, 1955, 1969 Carlson, Nancy, 1970 Carnegie Corporation Carskadon, Karen, 1961 Carson, Ralph St. Clair, 1960-61 Carter, Ceorge, 1973-74 Castaneda, Carlos, 1972 Censor, Alex, 1969-73 Chancellor, John, 1963, 1968 Chapman, David, 1968 Chaudhry, Jogindar Singh, 1966 Chen, Joseph Z., 1961 Kwan Shei, 1963 Cheng, Chikmei, 1960-65, 1968, 1970-73 Chermayeff, Serge, 1962-64, 1967-71 Cheydleur, Benjamin, 1964 Chien, Robert, 1970 ----Box 6: Chin, Te-Ning, 1952 William, 1961-62, 1965 Chow, Paul C., 1972 Christoe, C. W., 1970-71 Christoffers, W. H., 1951 Ciures, Alexandra, 1969-70 Clark, George L., 1952, 1954 John, 1963-64, 1966 Clement, Chan, 1971 Howard, 1967, 1970 John, 1970-71 (2 folders) Patricia, 1968, 1971 Clough, Rodney, 1971-74 Coates, F. Del, 1971 Cohen, Dan, 1963-68 David, 1966 11/6/26 5 Jerome, 1965 Jordan, 1969 Cole, Janet, 1967-68 Collins, Pete, 1972 Collonese, Giulio, 1966 Conant, Lawrence, 1964-66 Roger, 1961, 1964-65, 1967-69, 1971-72, 1974 Conrad, James and Pamula, 1971-72 Cook, A. D., 1969 Donald, 1970 Corbett, J. W., 1960 Costonis, Maureen Court, Andrew, 1971 Courtney, Cynthia, 1969 Craig, John, 1971 Dance Notation Bureau Incorporated, 1968 Dauten, P. S., Jr., 1972 Davenport, Demorest, 1964 Davis, Regula, 1972 Ruth, 1969 Deckert, Charles, 1963 DeCoster, Charles, 1972 Degan, James, 1970 Dehn, Michael DiBartolo, Baldasarre, 1958 Box 7: Dingle, Hugh, 1969 Dirkswanger, Aric, 1967 Disser, Sister Josephine, 1974 Divilbes, 1971 Dixon, John, 1968-74 Box 8: Dobson, Vernon, 1972 Dodd, Stuart C., 1959, 1972 Dodge, Linwood W., 1965 Dolson, Bill, 1972 Domeier, Edward, 1966 Dostalek Douglass, Ernest, 1969 11/6/26 6 Dovring, Karin, 1965-66, 1969 Drake, Caleb, 1972 Paul, 1973-74 DuBrul, Lloyd, 1966-68, 1973-74 Düchting, W., 1974 Dueck, G., 1971 Duker, Sam, 1967 Dullemeijer, P., 1966 Dunn, Howard, 1971-72 Duran, Peter, 1966-70, 1972 Durr, Edith, 1968-69 Susan, 1968-70 Box 8: Susan, 1966-70, Biafra Crisis (2 folders) Earls, John C., 1971-72 (3 folders) Thesis Eaton, Byrus, 1972-73 Eccles, John C., 1967-68 Effort, Edmund, 1972 Einhorn, Ira, 1970 Eisenberg, Arnee, 1970 Eisenman, David, 1966-68 (2 folders) Ekman, Paul, 1970 Eliasberg, W. G., 1961-62 Elliot, Robert S., 1951 Elphick, Mrs. P., 1969 Elsasser, Walter M., 1968-69 Elui, Rafael, 1972-73 Elyn, Jaclyn Engel, Martin, 1970 Engelbart, Douglas, 1971 Erickson, R. J., 1960-61 Box 9: Ernst, E. W., 1952, 1954-55 Eshkol, Noa, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973 Esser, Aristide H., 1972-73 Etter, James E., 1954 Ewald, A. Timothy, 1967 Fabrega, Horatio, 1969 11/6/26 7 Fair, Charles M., 1970 Fairbanks, G. d. A. Grant, 1961 Fang, Fu, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1959 Fein, Michael, 1970 Fejes, Zoltan, 1968 Feldmann, Richard J., 1962 Ficken, Janet, 1966-67, 1970-72 Fischer, Ernestino, 1972-73 (2 folders) Roland, 1966, 1968-72 Box 10: Fisher, Rob, 1970-71 Fitzgerald, Sue, 1966-68 Flyer, Jill, 1965-66 Fogel, Lawrence, 1958-65, 1967, 1969-70 (2 folders) Folk, Hugh, 1972 Fonseca, Jose S., 1974 Forbes, Kathy, 1961-64 Ford, John, 1970 Margie, 1971-72 Fornero Fowler, Vernon, 1955 Francis, W. J., 1969 Frankl, Vikto 1963 Frauenfelder, Hans, 1971-72 Fredericksen, Dick, 1971 Freedman, David, 1964-67, 1969 Box 11: David, 1964-67, 1969 Roberta Fremont-Smith, Frank, 1969 Friedman, Andrea, 1970 Robert Friedenberg, 1967 Fromm, Erich, 1971-72 Fry, Elizabeth, 1973 William, 1968 Fucetola, Dorothy, 1971 Joe, Thesis, 1971-73 (2 folders) Fujii, Katsuhiko, 1971-72 11/6/26 8 Fukoshima, Kunihiko, 1965-66, 1968-71 Fuller, R. Buckmeister, 1964-68 Gabrieli, E. R., 1970-71, 1974 Gaburo, Kenneth, 1972-73 Gaddy, Oscar L., 1959-62, 1972 Galavitz, Kathleen, 1963 Gandhi, Firoze D. Gans, Carl, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1971, 1974 Gardner, Bruce, 1970 Mark R., 1967, 1970-71 Garvin, Paul, 1963, 1965, 1967-68, 1971-72 Box 12: Gasparyan, Youri, 1972 Gast, Jan Willem, 1971 Gauthier, Richard, 1973 Gazdag, Jeno, 1964-66, 1969 (2 folders) Geiger, David, 1962 Geisler, Kurt, 1971 George, F. H, 1964, 1967, 1970 Gilden, Meyer, 1953-54 Gilstrap, Lewey O., 1971 Giuliano, Vincent, 1963 Glanville, Ranulph, 1971, 1974 Glasersfeld, Ernst, 1964, 1966 Glassman, Jeff, 1972 (2 folders) Glick, Roberta, 1973 Godfrey, Warren, 1965-67 Goel, Narendra, 1971 Goerner, Johannes, 1965-66 Gold, Mark, 1965, 1967-68, 1970 Goldhor, Herbert, 1967-68, 1970 Goldschmidt, Daniel, 1960-61 Ernst, 1968, 1970 Golla, Sister Marie, 1974 Gonzalez, Robert, 1972 Goodall, Marvus, 1962, 1970 Box13: Gordon, Charles Kenneth, 1963, 1965, 1967 Dick, 1966 11/6/26 9 Gose, Earl E., 1965, 1970-71 Govindjee, 1972 Graham, Gene, 1972 Paul, 1972-73 Grant, Douglas, 1970 Grasselli, Antonio, 1959 Greene, Peter, 1962, 1966, 1970-72, 1974 (2 folders) Greening, Bernard Gregg, John, 1973 Grenell, Robert, 1970 Grothe, David, 1971, 1974 Gruberg, Edward, 1967, 1969 Grush, Hubert L., 1960-61 Gunkel, Pat, 1972 Gunsalus, Gene, 1960 Gunther, Gotthard (5 folders) Box 14: Gotthard (3 folders) Recommendations for promotion, 1967 Retirement pay dispute, 1968-71 Correspondence, 1969-74 Guy, Robert, 1969-70, 1972 Gwinn, Cecil, 1970-72 Haak, Ronald Hackmann, John, 1972-74 Halpern, Barbara, 1969, 1971 Hampton,Ian, 1966-67 Hansen, Katherine, 1963, 1965 Harman, Willis, 1970 Box15: Harmon, Leon, 1960-62, 1964, 1966, 1968-69, 1972 Harris, Lawrence A., 1950 Harrison, Marty, 1972-74 Steve, 1973 Hattery, Lowell, 1973 Hausenstein, Ranee, 1964-68, 1971 Hawkins, David, 1972-73 Joseph, 1965, 1967, 1969 Heckt, John., 1973 11/6/26 10 Hecker, Morris, 1970 Hediger, Marcia, 1964, 1966 Heid, Kermit, 1959-60 Heidecker, Joan, 1970 Heimann, Klaus, 1961 Heims, Steve P., 1969 Heiser, John, 1970 Helvey, Charles, 1968, 1972 Hemphill, Stuart, 1970 Henshaw, Paul, 1966-67 Herendeen, Bob, 1972-73 Herrmann, Roy, 1972-73 Higman, Howard, 1972-74 Hilbertz, Wolf, 1972-73 Hilgartner, C. A., 1972 Hill, Yates M., 1950, 1960 Hiller, Lejaren, 1969 Hirsch, Henry, 1963 Hobson, Philip T., 1972-73 von Hoerner, S., 1970 Hoffman, Michael, 1971-72 Hogins, Michael, 1966-67, 19 Holden, Alistair, 1972 Holloway, Michael, 1973 Box16: Holshouser, D. F., 1953, 1956, 1958-59, 1965 (2 folders) Donna, 1974 Hong, Se June, 1967 Hormann, Aiko, 1970 Howard, Bernard, 1951 Fred, 1969-70 Howe, Richard H., 1970-74 (2 folders) Hsiao, Mu-yue, 1963 Hsieh Na, Hwa-Sung, 1962-65 Hsu, H. T., 1965-66 Hsu, Dick Tsing-Ping, 1963, 1965 Huang Solomon, 1961, 1963 Huckel, Manfred, 1962-63 Hughes, Harold, 1969 Hull, Thomas, 1973 11/6/26 11 Hultzen, Lee S., 1963-64 Humphrey, Hubert, 1959-62 Hunt, J.N., 1973 Hurley, Neil, 1967 Hyde, Gordon, 1972-73 Iberall, Art, 1967, 1971-72 Ichen, Lila, 1972-73 Ijams, Karl, 1967 Illich, Ivan, 1971-74 Box 17: Inselberg, Alfred, 1960, 1962, 1964-73 (5 folders) Irtem, Ali, 1960-64, 1967 Iso, Yasoyuki, 1964-67, 1971 Ivaknenko, Alexy Grigorevich, 1961 Jacobow, Roman P., 1965 Janin, Pierre, 1974 Jarest, Pierre, 1969 Jarvis, Ken, 1963, 1965-67 Jendnasiak, Gordon, 1972-73 Jentschke, W., 1972 Jethwa, C.

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