INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 14, No. 1-3, March-September, 2000 187 Two new species of Botocudo from Trinidad, Tobago, and Grenada (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Antillocorini) Julieta Brambila Florida State Collection of Arthropods Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services P.O. Box 147100 Gainesville, FL 32614-7100 Abstract. Botocudo trinidadensis is described and illustrated from the islands of Trinidad and Grenada and Botocudo [asciatus is described and illustrated from Trinidad and Tobago. Resumen. Be describen e ilustran Botocudo trinidadensis, de las islas de Trinidad y Granada, y Botocudo fasciatus, de Trinidad y Tobago. Key Words: Hemiptera, Lygaeoidea, Lygaeidae, Antillocorini, Botocudo, Cligenes, picturata, Trinidad, Grenada, Tobago, West Indies. Introduction as A&M University, College Station, Texas); and UNAM (Coleccion Entomologica, Instituto de Bi­ The descriptions of Botoeudo trinidadensis and ologia, Universidad Nacional Autonorna de Mexico, fasciatus are presented here to make their names D.F., Mexico). available for a work on the lygaeoid fauna of the West Indies nearingcompletionby R. M. Baranows­ ki and J. A. Slater and for a revisional study in Bocotudo trinidadensis Bramhila, progress on the genus Botoeudo. These species ap­ new species pear to be congeneric with the type species of Boto­ (Figs. 1-10) eudo since theyhave one trichobothrium anterior to the spiracle on the fifth abdominal sternite and a Description. Male. Head, pronotum, scutellum, a second trichobothrium posterior to the same spira­ large and oblique macula along lateral corial mar­ cle (Figs. 5, 15), as illustrated by Slater and gin at level of claval commissure, a large subapical Brailovsky (1994) for the type species of Botoeudo, corial macula which extends across corium (Fig. 1), B. dilutieornis (St~U); furthermore, they lack a lon­ pleuron, sternum, abdominal sternites, and labial gitudinal groove on the prosternum (Brambila 2000) segments I and II dark reddish brown. Clavus, as well as spines on the fore femora, they have low corium, apex of scutellum, labial segments III and and long bucculae and a narrow gula, and their IV, and legs creamy white, but with fore femur lateral pronotal margins are not laminate. yellowish brown. Tylus, labial segments III and IV, All measurements are in millimeters. coxae, and genital capsule yellowish brown. Anten­ The following acronyms indicate the deposition nal segmentI yellowishbrown; II paleorangebrown; of specimens: AMNH (American Museum of Natu­ and III and IV dull orange brown, nearly black at ral History, New York); BMNH (The Natural Histo­ extreme proximal ends. Membrane of hemelytron ry Museum, London, England); LBOB (Lois B. transparent. Head, antennae, legs, and abdominal O'Brien Collection, Tallahassee, Florida); FSCA sternum with decumbent silvery setae. Occiput (Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gaines­ without setae, polished. Tylus reaching middle of ville, Florida); JAS (J. A. Slater Collection, Storrs, first antennal segment. Gula shallow withbucculae Connecticut); NMNH (NationalMuseumofNatural low, forming a point at posterior end (Fig. 2), reach­ History, Washington, D.C); REW (R. E. Woodruff ing anterior margin of prosternum. Labium extend­ Collection, Gainesville, Florida); RMB (R. M. Bara­ ing posteriorly slightlybeyond mesocoxae; segment nowski Collection, Homestead, Florida); TAMU (Tex- I not attaining anterior prosternal margin. Prono- 188 Volume 14, No. 1-3, March-September, 2000, INSECTA MUNDI 2 3 4 6 -' ,'" ~ _ . Figs. 2-10: B. trinidadensis, illustrations, not to scale. 2: head, ventral view; 3: metapleuron with scent gland auricle and Fig. 1: Botocudo trinidadensis, n. sp., dorsal view of holotype, evaporative area; 4: left fore leg, anterior view; 5: male photograph. abdomen, lateral view; 6: right paramere; 7-9: male genital capsule caudal, dorsal, and lateral views, respectively; 10: tum and scutellum coarsely punctate, at most only spermatheca. slightly shining; "pseudocollar" marked by punc­ tures; lateral margins sinuate, posterior margin labial segments I 0.26, II 0.30, III 0.24, IV 0.19. concave, anterior lobe dorsally slightly convex, pos­ Pronotum trapezoidal, length along midline 0.46, terior lobe dorsally flat. Metathoracic scent gland width across posterior margin 0.93. Scutellarlength small, slightly raised above evaporative surface, 0.52, width 0.56. Totalfore winglength at midline of strongly curving posteriorly (Fig. 3). Evaporative body 1.64, claval commissure length 0.18, midline area covering less than half of metapleuron, with distance from apex of clavus to apex of membrane lateral margin straight but rounded posteriorly; 0.94, membrane extending beyond tip of abdomen. evaporative area on mesopleuron covering Male genital capsule, right paramere and sper­ mesepimeron and extending in a narrow band to matheca (from paratypes) as in Figs. 6-10. reach dorsal margin (Fig. 3). Abdominal sternum polished. Fore femur width 1.5x width of middle Variation. Paratypes range from 2.00 to 2.48 mm femur, without rows oflarge spines (Fig. 4). Clavus in body length. All specimens of both sexes are with three rows of brown punctures. Corium with macropterous. The color ofthe females is similar to brown punctures except on large translucent area the color of the males. The anterior margin of the that reaches posterior margin. Inner halfof posteri­ pronotum varies in color from white to dark reddish or margin of corium deeply indented. brown; this region, here called the pseudocollar, is Total body length 2.26. Head length 0.28, width indicated by a row of punctures that is even or 0.50, interocular space 0.28. Length left antennal sometimes uneven. Some specimens have the wing segments I 0.26, II 0.42, III 0.38, IV 0.44. Length INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 14, No. 1-3, March-September, 2000 189 membrane translucent-white instead of transpar­ Discussion. The specimen from Balthazar, Grena­ ent. da, was previously identified by Uhler (1893) as Salaciapiciurata Distant, nowBotocudopicturaius Holotype: Male. TRINIDAD: St. George Co., Ari­ (Slater 1964), and reported by Bergroth (1895) as ma-Blanchisseuse Rd., Simla, 22-X-1983, colI. R. M. Cligenes piciuratus in a key to all species of Cli­ Baranowski (RMB). To be deposited in FSCA. In genes. Botocudo picturatus was described and illus­ good condition, glued on its right side to a paper trated from Panamaby Distant (1893) as Salacia (?) point, but missing the distal half of the left hind piciurata. Although with some similarities in the tibia and left hind tarsus. corial coloration, the specimen from Grenada is unlike the lectotype selected by Scudder (1967) for Paratypes: 13m, 32f. TRINIDAD. 2fSt.Augustine, "Botocudo picturata" (from BMNH), which was ex­ 19--, N.A. Weber (AMNH); 5m, 2fSimiaBiol. Sta., at amined by the author. B. trinidadensis differs from light, M. Emsley(JAS); 1mArimaValley, 800-1,200 B. picturatus in part by size, ratios, and color as ft., 10-22-II-1964, Rosen & Wygodzinsky (AMNH); follows: 1) the range of total body length ofholotype 2f Simla, Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd., 12-VII-1975, and paratypes of B. trinidadensis is 2.00 to 2.48 elev. 600ft., blacklighttrap, J. Price (RMB); Ifsame while the lectotype of B. picturaius measures 3.06; except 16-VII-1975 (RMB); IfSt. George Co., Lalaja 2) the ratio of pronotal width to head width is 1.86 Rd., 7.5 mi. post, 26-IX-1978, R. M. Baranowski for the holotype of B. trinidadensis and 2.1 for B. (RMB); IfSt. George Co., Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd., piciuratus; 3) the pronotum of B. trinidadensis is Simla, 17-X-1983, R. M. Baranowski (RMB); 1m entirelyor nearly entirelydark reddish brownwhile same except 22-X-1983 (RMB); 1m, If St. George on B. picturatus the anterior lobe of the pronotum is Co., SimlaResearch Center, 4 mi. N. Arima, 20-X-6­ reddish brown, the posterior lobe yellowish brown, XI-1983, Malaise [trap], M. J. Smolen (TAMU); If and the lateral margins are yellowish brown; and 4) St. George Co., Simla, Arima Valley, 12-VII-1978, the antennal segment IV of B. trinidadensis is black light trap, M. Ramla (RMB); 1m, If same orange brown with the base nearly black instead of except 13-VII-1978 (RMB); 2m same except 21-IX­ whitish yellow with base and apex brown, as is inB. 78 (RMB); Ifsameexcept 12-X-1978 (RMB); Ifsame piciuratue. Uhler's record of picturata is referred except 26-X-1978 (RMB); If same except 2-XI-1978 here to trinidadensis. (RMB); 2m, 8f same except 3-XI-1978 (RMBC); 4f same except 4-XI-1978 (RMB); If same except 10­ XI-78 (RMB); If same except 14-XI-1978 (RMB); If Botocudo fasciatus Brambila, same except 11-XII-1978 (RMB); Ifsame except 12­ new species XII-1978 (RMB); Ifsameexcept 13-XII-1978 (RMB). (Figs. 11-20) OtherMaterialExamined: GRENADA: If, [18]97, Description. Male. Yellowish brown. Head darker S351, Balthazar (Windward side), #66, colI. H. H. than pronotum. Pronotum without markings but Smith (Salacia picturaia Dist.) (NMNH); 1m St. with humeral angles slightly darker than rest of Andrews Parish, Mirabeau Agric. Lab., 30-1-1990, pronotum. Scutellum withbase dark reddish brown BL [black light] trap, J. Telesford (RMB); 1m, 2f and slightly iridescent, apex white. Clavus white same except 31-1-1990, BL trap, A. Thomas (RMB); except along inner margin and along commissure IfSt. Andrew, MirabeauAgric. Lab., 4-II-1991 black reddish brown. Corium white with smooth area light trap, J. Telesford (REW); 1m, IfGrand Etang anterior to indentation transparent and reddish N. P., Mt. Qua Qua Tr., 7-IX-1991, C. W. & L. B. brown, with brown band extending across corium at O'Brien (LBOB); Ifsame except 9-IX-1991 (LBOB). level of claval commissure, with a brown marking subapically (Fig. 11), and with apex creamy white. Etymology. This species is named "trinidadensis" Membrane transparent but reddish brown. Abdo­ because the holotype and most of the paratypes men with sternites reddish brown and genital cap­ were collected in Trinidad. sule pale yellowish brown. Labium pale yellowish brown, except second segment brown.
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