The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) Multi-Unit Bilateral Trade Matthias Gerstgrasser,1 Paul W. Goldberg,2 Bart de Keijzer,3 Philip Lazos,4 Alexander Skopalik5 1,2,4Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford 3School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex 5Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente fmatthias.gerstgrasser, paul.goldberg, fi[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract term “satisfactory” can be tailored to the specific market un- der consideration, but nonetheless, in economic theory vari- We characterise the set of dominant strategy incentive com- ous universal properties have been identified and agreed on patible (DSIC), strongly budget balanced (SBB), and ex-post individually rational (IR) mechanisms for the multi-unit bilat- as important. The following three are the most fundamental eral trade setting. In such a setting there is a single buyer and ones: a single seller who holds a finite number k of identical items. • Incentive Compatibility ((DS)IC): It must be a dominant The mechanism has to decide how many units of the item are strategy for the agents (buyers and sellers) to behave truth- transferred from the seller to the buyer and how much money fully, hence not “lie” about their valuations for the items is transferred from the buyer to the seller. We consider two in the market. This enables the market mechanism to classes of valuation functions for the buyer and seller: Valua- tions that are increasing in the number of units in possession, make an informed decision about the trades to be made. and the more specific class of valuations that are increasing • Individual Rationality (IR): It must not harm the utility of and submodular. an agent to participate in the mechanism. Furthermore, we present some approximation results about • Strong Budget Balance (SBB): All monetary transfers that the performance of certain such mechanisms, in terms of so- cial welfare: For increasing submodular valuation functions, the mechanism executes are among participating agents we show the existence of a deterministic 2-approximation only. That is, no money is injected into the market, and no mechanism and a randomised e=(1−e) approximation mech- money is burnt or transferred to any agent outside of the anism, matching the best known bounds for the single-item market. setting. This paper studies the capabilities of mechanisms that sat- isfy these three fundamental properties above for a very sim- 1 Introduction ple special case of a two-sided market. Bilateral trade is the most basic such setting comprising a buyer and a seller, to- Auctions form one of the most studied applications of game gether with a single item that may be sold, i.e., transferred theory and mechanism design. In an auction setting, a sin- from the seller to the buyer against a certain payment from gle seller or auctioneer runs a pre-determined procedure or the buyer to the seller. The bilateral trade setting is a clas- mechanism (i.e., the auction) to sell one or more goods to sical one: It was studied in the seminal paper (Myerson and the buyers, and the buyers then have to strategise on the way Satterthwaite 1983) and has been studied in detail in var- they interact with the auction mechanism. An auction set- ious other publications in the economics literature. Recent ting is rather restrictive in that it involves a single seller that work in the Algorithmic Game Theory literature (Blum- is monopolistic and is assumed to be non-strategic. While rosen and Dobzinski 2016; Blumrosen and Mizrahi 2016; this is a sufficient assumption in some cases, there are many Colini-Baldeschi et al. 2017b) has focused on the welfare applications that are more complex: It is often realistic to as- properties of bilateral trade mechanisms. These works as- sume that a seller expresses a valuation for the items in her sume the existence of prior distributions over the valuations possession and that a seller wants to maximise her profit. of the buyer and seller, that may be thought of as modelling Such settings in which both buyers and sellers are consid- an intermediary’s beliefs about the buyer’s and seller’s val- ered as strategic agents are known as two-sided markets, ues for the item. whereas auction settings are often referred to as one-sided The present paper studies a generalisation of the classical markets. bilateral trade setting by allowing the seller to hold multi- The present paper falls within the area of mechanism de- ple units initially. These units are assumed to be of a sin- sign for two-sided markets, where the focus is on designing gle resource, so that both agents only express valuations in satisfactory market platforms or intermediation mechanisms terms of how many units they have in possession. The fi- that enable trade between buyers and sellers. In general, the nal utility of an agent (buyer or seller) is then determined Copyright c 2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial by her valuation and the payment she paid or received. We Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. focus our study on characterising which mechanisms satisfy 1973 the the above three properties and which of these feasible present various mechanisms for it that approximate the op- mechanisms achieve a good social welfare (i.e., total utility timal social welfare. Their best mechanism achieves an ap- of buyer and seller combined). proximation factor of e=(e − 1). As in the present paper, Due to its simplicity, our setting is fundamental to any there are prior distributions on the traders’ valuations, and strategic setting where items are to be redistributed or re- the quantity being approximated is the expectation over the allocated. Our characterisation efforts show that all feasible priors, of the optimal allocation of the item. mechanisms must belong to a very restricted class, already The weaker notion of Bayesian incentive compatibility is for this very simple setting with one buyer, one seller, and considered in (Blumrosen and Mizrahi 2016), where the au- a relatively simple valuation structure. The specific mecha- thors propose a mechanism in which the seller offers a take- nisms we develop are very simple, and suitable for imple- it-or-leave-it price to the buyer. They prove that this mech- mentation with very little communication complexity. anism approximates the harder gain from trade objective within a factor of 1=e under a technical albeit often reason- able MHR condition on the buyer’s distribution. Our Contribution. Our first main contribution is a full The class of DSIC, IR, and SBB mechanisms for bilateral characterisation of the class of truthful, individually rational trade was characterised in (Colini-Baldeschi et al. 2016) to and strongly budget balanced mechanisms in this setting. We be the class of fixed price mechanisms. In the present work, do this separately for two classes of valuation functions: sub- we characterise this set of mechanisms for the more general modular valuations and general non-decreasing valuations. multi-unit bilateral trade setting, thereby extending their re- Section 3 presents a high-level argument for the submodu- sult. The gain from trade arising from such mechanisms was lar case. A full and rigorous formal proof for both settings analysed in (Colini-Baldeschi et al. 2017a). is given in the full version of this paper (Gerstgrasser et al. 2018). Essentially, for the general case, any mechanism that Various recent papers analyse more general two-sided aims to be truthful, strongly budget balanced and individu- markets, where there are multiple buyers and sellers, who ally rational can only allow the agents to trade a single quan- hold possibly complex valuations over the items in the mar- tity of items at a predetermined price. The trade then only ket. (Colini-Baldeschi et al. 2017b) analyse a more general occurs if both the seller and buyer agree to it. This leads to scenario with multiple buyers, sellers, and multiple distinct a very clean characterization and has the added benefit of items, and use the same feasibility requirements as ours giving a robust, simple to understand mechanism: the agents (DSIC, IR, and SBB). (Segal-Halevi, Hassidim, and Au- do not have to disclose their entire valuation to the mecha- mann 2018b) have considered a similar setting but focus on nism, and only have to communicate whether they agree to gains from trade (GFT) (i.e., the increase in social welfare trade one specific quantity at one specific price. For the sub- resulting from reallocation of the items) instead of welfare. modular case, suitable mechanisms can be characterised as They initially considered a multi-unit setting like ours (al- specifying a per-unit price, and repeatedly letting the buyer beit with multiple buyers and sellers), and they extend their and seller trade an item at that price until one of them de- work in (Segal-Halevi, Hassidim, and Aumann 2018a) to al- clines to continue. low multiple types of goods. They present a mechanism that approximates the optimal GFT asymptotically in large mar- Secondly, we give approximation mechanisms for the so- kets. (Balseiro et al. 2018) designs two-sided market mech- cial welfare objective in the Bayesian setting in Section 4, anisms for one seller and multiple buyers with a temporal for the case of submodular valuations. Theorem 4.1 presents component, where valuations are correlated between buyers a 2-approximate deterministic mechanism. For randomised but independent across time steps. A good approximation mechanisms, we show a e=(e − 1)-approximation in Theo- (of factor 1=2) of the social welfare using the more permis- rem 4.2.
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