18, 19(5 ~ Partly Cloudy MEATS, "ATS, r •••1 .... '. Qt Ihr•• ,10 zt .... At Ih,.u,h Xl no .. valid. SUGAR, b ••• r•• r .,... , .. lOWA: Cleat 10 parUy dOlld, ,0•• ro, five po undo Ibr.Dlb AU. II. 8BOl8, .Ir­ • &oday. O"'trlPO I, ~, I ... 4 In b.o. lit•••• re , ... I,,· DAILY IOWAN plane THE ••'lnlloI7. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~invt====C=EN==T=~====~==~J ==~-===========;T=~B~I=A=88=0=C=JAT=I=D=P=.=ls=8====~=;~==~======~==I=O=VV~A=C=ITY~~,~IO~VV=A:===~=S=U=ND~A~Y~,=A~U~G~U~S=T~1~9=,=I~~5========~==~X=~======T=n==A=8=so=c=M=T~1=D=p~u~ss======~Y=O~LUM!~~=I=I~'====NUMB~~~~ = Japs to Learn CHIANG TO MEET WITH COMMUNIST LEADER (ost of War Wartime Curbs Torn to 'Bits At (onference Imperial Delegate. ,In ,Rush·to Convert Economy To Meet MacArthur Tomorrow for Terms :It .... MANILA, Sunday (A P)- The Japanese, thei r dream of Chinese Plan! UI!.R~A pelegates Appro!e}~ Over Soviet O~o!i~on IU. S. Moves .empire vanished and t h('i,' oncc­ arrogllnt armies surrcndering, LONDON (AP) - Over-riding tions on relief to non-repatriates from the vote in committee, in 'Out of Woods' Jap Surrender the dissent of Russia Poland had been defeated earlier In a which the resolution was passed by will lellrn here tomorrow the Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia: stormy committee meeting. One of a 24-to-4 vote. mannet· and cost of ca.pitnlatioll. the council of the United Nations these propos\lls would have re- The decision yesterday cleared Relief and Rehabilitation admin- quired displaced persons unwilling the way for the remaining major Weather permitting, two un- Ten.ion Begins Ea.ing istration yesterday sanctioned aid to go back to their own countries problems of relief for Italy, Aus- Congress Hurries lletween Communists, for war refugees who wish to re- to live in camps. tria, Korea, and Formosa, and a IE SHIMA, Sunday (AP)­ main in exile. Keep UNRltA Out of PolitIcs program for obtaining funds. To Prevent Sharp Japan's surrender envoys ar­ CHINESE COMMUNISTS will send a ..epresentative to Chunlklnl to Central Government The 28-to-4 vote in an open Answering charges that reUef to Some delegates saw sirificance Rise in Unemployment rived by air from Tokyo al this dlscu!s Issues wUh General Ohlan, on Tuesday. Overall aurrender of plenary session was taken after refugees wishing to stay In exile in the split among the b g. powers tiny island west of OkinRwa Jap forces In China haa been delayed. by two clays of defl.ance to central CliUNGKING (AP) - Tension opponents charged the step would would become a method of politi~ in the conferen~e, and sa ltd thd oS,e WA HINGTON (A P )- this afternoon and within 45 Chl.nese ,overnment. between the central government involve UNRRA In explosive Eu- cal interference, British Minister countries objectmg to yes er ay s President Truman lale y ter­ minutes were transferred lo an and the Chinese Communists eased ropean politics. of State P. J. Noel-Baker declared resolution are on the receiving end American C-54 transport plane of UNRRA relief. day threw the whole weight of yesterday as prepartions were Will Violate Rule he considered the resoiution would COllllder Rus ian Request and took oCf [or Manila to re­ governmpnt behind America's ceive their orders from General U. S. Warns Bulgaria At a Glance- completed for the surrender of all Delegates from Yugoslavia and keep UN'RRA out of politics. A member of the American dele- MacArlhur. Japanese forces in China on Tues­ Poland declared that if UNRRA Director General Herbert H. gation, who declined to be quoted rushing driv ioto tb p ace·time day. cares for persons unwilling to be Lehman, assured delegates that it. by name, said that on background futur . Tq Free IElection repatriated, the organization would was hh purpose to distribute re- con ideration, which should not be After two days of apparent de­ be violating a rule against mixing lie! without discrimination. He over looked in weighing the pollti­ Mr. Truman i. ued a directive armed J a pan ese planes ­ Today's which, roundIng and formal­ fiance ' Of Generalissimo Chiang In the politics of member coun- promised thai liaison officers, from cal results of having voted Russia up painted white and marked by Rejects Sponsorship Kai~Shek 's government, Commu~ tries. the countries whose nationals were down on the resolution, was the izing 811 he hod said during the green crosses-are scbeduled to Of 'Fatherland' Regime nist Leader Gen. 1\oIao Tze~Tung Russia, Poland, and Yugoslavia receiving UNRRA care, would be pending Sovlei request for $700,- we k, told his departm ut and take off at 7 a. m . today (5 fl. m. declared they "reserved full allowed to talk with refugees and 000,000 in UNRRA aid. agency b ads they musl: By Soviet Union Ic.wan was reported to have agreed to h d' Satmday, central wal' time) rights," meaning they kept the Inform t em about home con 1- This request is not a subject for "Move as rapidly as possible send a representative to Chung- right to consider the measure In- lions. formal discussion at the UNRRA from Kisaraztl ail'dt'ome south· WASHINGTON (AP) - The without elldang ring th stabil­ east of Tokyo. Wartime curbs* * torn * to bits in king to discuss outstanding issues operative so far as they were con~ Cblna Will Support conference. The British and United States yesterday warned ity of lhe conomy toward the . Al)oard will be a l't'Pl' senta· four days since Japs quit; un­ with General Chiang. cerned. The Chinese delegates then an- Americans make no attempt to dis- removal of price, wage production Uve of the Imperial government the Bulgarian government-a re­ employment soars. Scheduled in Chlbklan&, Yugoslav amendments which nounced they would support the guise their unhappiness over the and other controls and toward the and at least three militarists from gime set up after the Russian army The overal I surrender of J apa- would have imposed tight restric- resolution. China had abstained request for such a large sum. restoration of collective bargain­ Japanese envoys head for sur~ Jal?an's army, navy and alrforces moved in-to free its forthcoming nese forces in China was sched­ ing and the free market. who will get their surrender render conference 0 pen i n g elections from fear and intimida­ uled to take place at Chihkiang In This dJrecUve came some orders at a historic conference Monday. tion so that they may be truly Hunan province. Gen. Ho Ying­ Minister Tells JiHery War Guns Blaze bours after one of tbe hlebes' Monday from General MacArthur More Japs officials In government had said Occupation jittery Japanese get supreme commander of the al­ democratic. Chin, Chinese field commander, the 8udden Japanese surrender lied forces of occupation. Otherwise. Secretary of State it straight from new foreign was peraparing lo leave Chung­ - Yet Over Tokyo minister they are beaten people Japs to Fate Facts found Ibis nation cau,ht ''In the The JallanlllSe are not em­ Byrnes m~de cl.ear, this country and must pay the price. king to receive the capittllation woods." powered to a,ree to terms of will not consider 3igning a peace from envoys of Lieut. Gen. Ya suji (ease Fight This, in effect, is what Mr. Tru­ orrender. They will shnply be Full Text Omits Nip Fighters Attack treaty with the .former axis satel­ U. S. rejects Moscow-sponsored Okamura, commander in chief of man said: (ettinl their orders from Mac­ Statement; Domei Yank Reconnaissance 1. The whole government must Arthur on what Japan must do lile nation. BullJarian regime; call it unrep­ Japanese expediliona.ry forces in resentative. Softens Hard Words Bombers Once Again do all It can to help the change­ 10 carry the terms In effect. The Bulgaria is one of the key na­ China. In Manchuria over to peace. UNRRA approves aid over So­ fOflllal articles of surrender will tions In Russia's eastern European 1'l1e surrender meeting was 01'- Z Price musl be controlled bllt viet opposition. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The OKINAWA. (AP)-The guns of be silned la~r , sphere, and a collision of policies iginally planned lor Monday, but Just as In wartime, they can be The Japanese messaged their . t Domei agency broadcast in Eng- LONDON (AP) - J a pan e s e war still blazed yest rday In the appeared possible. t h e J apanese were gIVen an ex en . ' ea ed to adjust ca es of hard­ plans and ininera ry yesterday to ~ t b !ish to AmerJca yesterday that for- troops laid down their arms in skies over the Tokyo area, where ship or Inequities. Britain back up the American d ay. I ,arrangemen 5 can e I . MacArthur, who had grown im­ growing numbers in Manchuria for the second straight day Japa­ 3. The entire effort will be position. A foreign office com­ Truman Reported made for General Okamura to tol-, eign minister Mamol'u Shlgemitsu patient at thel r delays and had ye3terday while Soviet spearheads nese fighters attacked American under the control of Reconversion &ent them a pc!remptory note to mentator in London said the two low his envoys within 48 hours to informed the Japanese bluntly nations were presenting a "com­ sign a formal surrender, General they were beaten and must face swept within 70 miles of Hsinking, reconnaissance bombers while flak Didector John W.
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