jplLABLEeOrf / ■ www.magjcva JWS T h l & l l U i § 1 S O c c a t s ^ ayrScptem befj^S^3000 . • ■— ------------ '■ -------- ] Tw in Fall's, Idldaho/S>5tii ycur, No.■I. Z 7 i . '— — ^'hiirsda^ * G o o d MOIORNING T l ^ ”Area4ifaces— ) ' ■ \yK/Vl'HKU V shbrtaage S m MRS I day: Mostly iEHII^ NOTs s 3udy, light inds, same ^ of flu night. High ■ -S' I II..... i 8 0),low44.. 1c ........ .......................- - PageA2. J ^ B ■ ■ I I ■ v a c c i ffries i " J 11 ’ M a c ic VAai . L. K V . But there mightmi be On the trail: H H A l | [ i I go around, Craig Williams enough to g( is proud providers saysa^ what he has I! E. ............ I r uceaccomplished' ' By Brahdon'Flala' .......................... since announc- Tlme>Kews writertor___________ _ ing his candi- I ■ iacy iar________ - TWIN FALLS-^ - Flu vacdnes igressional — are in shorrsupplypply ju st as th e flu— ■— I Idaho’s 2nd Congri but local health thc season nears, bu I ' District seat in thc care providersrs say they may l | House. have enough. Page C l C e n te rs fo r DiDisease Control say fnfluenzoi vucvaccine manufac- I Judge candidates:9S: Here’s a list lurers expect dehdelays in delivery . ,|^H li of the candidateses who1 are of this year.s inflinfluenza vaccine I ! looking to replaceice Sth District shipm ents becau.!cause of manufac- I Ma^strate Judge:ge Melvin turing problemsms ithat is limiting I ' Edwards. Magic Vallealley Regional Page C l Medical (. '•nter. r wivill only receive 85 perceiu ofi ththe flu vaccina- lions becausce of the shortage, but the Southh I Travel trends: Therhe Buzz C -c' n t r a 1 .W anta I Langdon Visitor’s>r’s Center had 'District H ealthI I a slow August, duedu to the Departmeni,I. shot? - A2 I West’s fires, butIt willvs end its . H B which doles----------------------------- out more thatut . H |j season \vith a barsang. B i B 6,000 vaccinati'iations eich year, ' Page E3 | H wuetMna/TW will receive itsIS fufull shij^mcnt. Woilnesilay anrl Friitoy, volunUrteers at “There’s^gi»,gjM to be a short-. Saint Edward's Catholic Churchch Ini T»ln Falls. Every Momlaii.V Touchatte, left, and Dale TOampsoipson cook sausBgo patties M Sa age.” ralcrl’ait?atri^ ’Heath,-an I Ol'l'lXX)K!»K S BuOTot I I t « L f e o t _ M s O T _____,___ tho chu:hurch sorvo about 100 dnnor»4o-)4o-pMp]e4vho.need.assl9tanQe^ ____________ infecuon-conttol .__ - Valley Re&onali T \ / patiebts w ho nei ’t show faace ofloccal povertV J get oiie, ^ e saidsaid. Nsfationalstitats don’l The hospittpital’s Dharmacy the statistics. Hauert saidd that in ordered 33.2020 id oses'of th c vac- from 13.8J p ercent to 13.5 percent . i ennlfer Sandmann - 1999.15.6 percent of the! re^on’sr cine, she said,d. I 1998 and 1999. The :h Central District . w-Wwwwittef________ ____ ' 'Mloflliemgoam o /tie . poverty threshold for a population lived in povert;■rty. That The South C r amountstbnearly25,00010 people Health Departnartment will receive of four in 1999 was r of 6,500 doses, said j WIN FALL - Across thehe state have yet to o u t of a totaipopulation o!ofne^y ^ full order of' t w : S .° a ^and It was S13.290 for a pton-Fra«er,irvmu- ion. fewer pSople are report- 160.000. TKe percentatage has - Linda QhaptoT S;. \^miminlkec.economic , .f'^r^ly off tl-three. i , oordinator for the Jiving in .poverty, but* lensus'Btireaii’s mforma- ' Increased trom 13.5'pericrcent in. tiizatiqn coor< al sooal-services workers sayoy ffval/i we'rvs d not -iqclude cotAity 1990.he^»icL , ,• health departmrtm enl. gic Valley Regional . :y haven’t necessarily seen iwns on poverty. B uf the “There aren’t aa ove^erabun- Both Magic fg * breakdowr lealth department ver needy families in thcho statemde. entral Community Acnon dance of high-paying jobsbs here." ' and ilie heal South Ccnt vaccines to arrive in Magicp c Valley. reports that the number H auert .said. expect th e vaci tr second week uf 'he U.S. Census Bureauou - H . DX . P a l r t i c r , lie living in poverty in Hauert’s stats coyerr 1Blame, the-first or s B . Don't look downwn: The liidt is the best lime eased informalion chis weok*ok -ntral Idaho has grown Camas. Cassia; Gooding.,. JJerome, October, which I,ic I d a h o g o v c mlor’softlcc o . south-cent :win Falls to get a flu shotshot, Chapton-Frazier ■ Elephant’s Perd ■ SIt shows ’ the num ber of people past 10 years. Lincoln. Minidoka and Tw untams is a mag- •„ ,j„ _________ over th e po Sawtooth Mount thc United States living in • --------------------:------------ S coll HiHauert; who works for counties. said. er- metropolitan areas, H.D. Palmer, a spokesr>sman for A fte r g e:tiing tiir a flu shot, it H ! net for Idaho’s’s eelite alpine poververty d ropped from 12.7 pcr- saw the num-, th e S o uIth th Central Community in - Statewide; Idaho sa V Paflo no takes at leastast IWO \yeeks for a climt^ers. centit iin 1998 to 11.8 percent in lg below the Action AgtAgency as an AmeriCorps Please see POVERTY.».Pa80A2 1,0, 39. the lowest in 20 years. The:he ber of people living er. has been compiling body to bccome , PageD l 1999. in nation’s poverty threireshold drop . volunteer, the three strains of | . d e ddines i: were concentrated in im m une to the flu coniainecned in a flu shot, | I SPOUI'S Chapion-Frazietizier said. Flu season usually startsIS Ulate November, H : Stais and strikeikes: The U.S. ‘ ’ V / | mittargetidng kids “We a re coniconcerned about peo- baseball teamn ccapped a bull- -L^-lvlovie execicutives adi pie who waitait unlil November,” ' i •-They m ay n ot h a v e ish Olympic rurrun with a gold- ^ nition of whai aggressivsively marketing violent sh e said . “-Thi iwYork Dally News__________ __ into what ihe detinii come immune before medal victoryy oover Cuba. "SI!L laid, evoking movies,?. mi u sic a n d e le c tro n ic lime to becom — *is’ is.” McCain sai th e flu seaso» n n starts.” ; iers President Clinton’n’s infamous games toe;o cliildren-^ . P ageB l WASHINGTON - Temper; marketing memos For high-rih-risk groups - stu- on Monica Lewinsky hhairsplitting And flareared on Capitol Hill or obtained■d Iby ihe New York Daily _ — dcnts..peoplepie .over age 65, peo^______I Sj ednesday after Hollywood execxec- defense. vork around a large , H O p i n i o n narkeling vio- News rev•evealed that.Hollywood p ie w ho ives admitted they test-market■ket- Under fire for mi ' co-workers, and peo-. ors and hoping executivlives screened slasher CO- ;e?; Why can’t 1 violent. R-rated movies to chilchil- lent movies lo minor iffer from underlying . Spare change?: onal criticism , jiiovies-sui•such as “ I Srill Know W hat p ie who •en as young as 9 years old. ■ to blunt congressior snditions such as dia- ’ some of Idaho’slo’s less-prosper- dren cutives brouglu You Didid Last Summer” before medical condi And when the movie mogulgiils iheHoUywood execu ' ous counties1 profitpr from Ai te Commerce audiencesces as young as 10 - « p e - »e shot is especially , itroduced a plan to stop targeirget- before the Senate argedng African-Amencan today’s economomy, today’s edito- intrc lied Committee a 12-pipoint plan to lg children in ads for R-ratei spanic mtjvicgoers. Flu cines are 90 percent rial asks. lovies. an angry Sen. Johio h n clean up Uieir act. al preventing flu in PageA6 2 hearing was “There•re is evidence to suggest1 tfpww effective ai ] [cCain, R-Ariz.. charged thethey The committee I tiendance at the original King people, b u t not as. ii.jring Federal that atte if Sen. John McCain grills Kollolljwood healthy yoims w'ere en simply creating legal looj,oop- called a fter a blisi«! dipped down to tlie age of ■ Trade CommissionI rireport acoised movie dif Pl(Please see FLU. Page A2 J BY SHXrriON hobolcs. Please see MOVIES. Page A22 ewcutlves Wednesday. H SiiGrnoN !■ “We’re in a town where we'e ggo the entt-Ttainmenint industry of P H Section A Dear Abby . .6 2 Crosswori .. .6 ^ ■ Weather ... .2 gry votejrs into aaction ■g Worm ..............7 1 Opel an^ Nation . .3-5.8 Clinton’s’s land p)lans pre Opinion . .6-7^7 N atio n ..............8 F orirmany, it’s , Section D LLife-long DemTiocrats lip Section B’ S p o rts . .1-2.4 . Sports . .. .1-4 still alall about ■ C o m ic s ...........3 - Cconsider C vote fcfor Bush H Section C ha Assoctated Press_____________ _____________ V the ececonomy ■ ] [4 Section E — L o c a l.........1-4 In election years The Associate;iated Press____________ *. .2 C om unidad . .1 SylviaS; Milligan admits it: In Obituaries .. .2. mst, she was a polidcal boob. };e— 6ommunity-TT2-------- A relired teacncr in northC ^ --------- BGONOM — Money •■ ■ ■-73-5- laiU!-imignn mttprf her girlfriendsIs ffor schw)linR on ^ lg cout a living in this — Idatiir'West-4-5- ------at)tly-named [Tnm?92~campaign=alo^= ==3aoiiiirCt)i?a!<:§: 3cniocnii. although-fllie-eunU-n!t^r4mcmbccJier__ --■ iresidential-chotces-beyond.,ndJCennedy_and_ _______ I can echocs)cs ieignt y ears I T e n c ^ l________ ■WjiWMrK»d«ln«t.----------- p ;? IS s tilT aiibout b o tliu econofny in —* nn.i«)d>l«>h Ch,Clinton.
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