GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected] www.archives.sa.gov.au Special List GRG24/4 Correspondence files ('CSO' files) - Colonial, later Chief Secretary's Office – correspondence sent GRG 24/6 Correspondence files ('CSO' files) - Colonial, later Chief Secretary's Office – correspondence received 1837-1984 Series These are the major correspondence series of the Colonial, Description subsequently (from 1857) the Chief Secretary's Office (CSO). The work of the Colonial Secretary's Office touched upon nearly every aspect of colonial South Australian life, being the primary channel of communication between the general public and the Government. Series date range 1837 – 1984 Agency Department of the Premier and Cabinet responsible Access Records dated prior to 1970 are unrestricted. Permission to Determination access records dated post 1970 must be sought from the Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet Contents Correspondence – “Mabbett” to “Mezzger” Subjects include inquests, land ownership and development, public works, Aborigines, exploration, legal matters, social welfare, mining, transport, flora and fauna, agriculture, education, religious matters, immigration, health, licensed premises, leases, insolvencies, defence, police, gaols and lunatics. Note: State Records has public access copies of this correspondence on microfilm in our Research Centre. For further details of the correspondence numbering system, and the microfilm locations, see following page. 2 December 2015 GRG 2414 (1837-1856) AND GRG 2416 (1842-1856) Index to Correspondence of the Colonial Secretary's Office, including S<?me newspaper references HOW TO USE THIS SOURCE References Beginning with an 'A' For example: A (1849) 1159, 1458 These are letters to the Colonial Secretary (GRG 24/6) The part of the reference in brackets is the year ie. (1849) The last part of the reference are the letter numbers ie. 1159, 1458 On microfilm in Drawers .b... .\.) ... in the Microfilm area References beginning with any other letter of the alphabet For example.: Q (1849) 445, 476 These are letters from the Colonial Secretary (GRG 24/4) The part of the reference in brackets is the year ie. (1849) The last part of the reference is the page numbers ie. 445, 476 On microfilm in Drawer .. ~.. in the Microfilm Area 'W Fin' references refer to GRG 24/20 in Drawer . .. in the Microfilm Area 'S.A. Aug. 28, 1849. 2C, 3C' type references refer to the early newspapers held by the State Library of SA MABBETI, William. Seeks appointment in the Police Force. A (1844) 910 A (1845) 1319 L (1845) 19 twice MABBETI, William. Appointment in the Police Force. A (1846) 161 L (1846) 167 MABBETI, William. Resigns from the Police Force. A (1846) 1320 MABBOTT, William See Mabbett MABERLY, A William. His interest in the Macclesfield Special Survey. A (1855) 3122, 4154 x (1856) 55 MacABE [sic], Edward. Trustee of St. John the Evangelists Church at Kapunda. A (1850) 225 McALISTER, James. Surgeon Superintendent etc. on the Isabella Watson. A (1845) 341, 349Yz, 357, 404, 574 G (1845) 799, 816, 818, 871 McALISTER, James See also McAllister McALLISTER, Edward. Surety for J. Nihill. A (1853) 780 McALLISTER, James. Seeks medical treatment for his wife. A (1846) 886 L (1846) 389 McARTHUR, Charles. Objections to a new road near Echunga. A (1851) 245 McARTHUR, Donald. Application for an occupation licence in the county of Robe. A (1847) 508, p. 19 McARTHUR, Donald. Seeks publican's licence at Limestone Ridge, north of Peno la. A (1848) 955 p (1848) 316 McARTHUR, Donald. Signatory to a memorial beseeching the establishment of a pound at Penola. A (1852) 10 McARTHUR, Donald. Description of his property at Penola. A (1854) 1571, 1652 McARTHUR, John. Discharged from the pilot service. D (1840) 270 MACARTHY, Peter. Applies for position as messenger, C.S.O. A (1852) 243 T (1852) 91 McASKILL, John. Constable on Hercules. A (1853) 2275 v (1853) 595 McASKILL, Jane See McCASKILL, Jane MacAULAY, Aulay. Seeks appointment to survey land for the proposed lines of railway. A (1854) 1157 v (1854) 439 MacAULAY, Aulay. Appointed Superintending Surveyor for the Northern District. A (1854) 1832 McBARNETT, A Correspondence as secretary of the Mount Remarkable Mining Company. A (1846) 1540 M (1846) 216 MacBEAN, Rev. John. AlTives in Mount Barker to take charge of the Presbyterian Church. A (1852) 1816 MacBEAN, Rev. John. Authorised to solemnize marriages. A (1853) 150 u (1853) 26 MacBEAN, Rev. John. Holograph letter. A (1853) 150 MacBEAN, Rev. John. Seeks an extension of his authority to solemnise marriages. A (1853) 1859 McBEAN, Lachlan. Correspondence as agent for A. Jaffrey. A (1846) 1272 M (1846) 127 twice McBEAN, Lachlan. Application for occupation licence in the county of Eyre. A (1846) 1375 outsize McBEAN, Lachlan. Complains about the ferry at Wellington. A (1846) 1541 McBEAN, Lachlan. Applications for occupation licences on the Murray. A (1847) 329, pp. 5,14 McBEAN, Lachlan. Application for an occupation licence on the Reedy Creek. A (1847) 508, p.6 McBEAN, Lachlan. Complains about Wellington ferry. N (1847) 1 McBEAN, Lachlan. Refused compensation for improvement on land held under a depasturing licence. A (1856) 26 x (1856) 14-15 McBEAN, Lachlan. Forwards memorial praying that the country, known as the Overland Spring District may be proclaimed a hundred. With map. A (1856) 2788 McBEAN, Requests delay in the appointment of a poundkeeper at Moorunde. A (1856) 2841 x (1856) 511 McBEATH, John. Lessee of an Aboriginal reserve. A (1842) 702 E (1842) 760 F (1842) 91, 213 K (1842) 128 A (1843) 55, 58, 336, 596, 865 G (1843) 21 A (1844) 635 A (1846) 1159 A (1848) 835 p (1848) 200, 245 McBEATH, William. Claim for carting emigrants and luggage. A (1843) 995 G (1843) 301 MacBEATH, William. Inquest on his death. A (1850) 2331 McBRAHARTY, Edward. Cost of his family's passage reimbursed to F. Durant. x (1856) 3 McBROOM, Elizabeth. Passenger to South Australia by the Ascendant. A (1851) 223 McCABE, Edward. Application for auctioneer's licence. A (1848) 1467, 1506 P (1848) 472 twice McCABE, Edward. A trustee of Roman Catholic glebe. A (1849) 2003, 2105 MacCABE, Edward. Complains of an unfounded charge brought against him by Alex Tolmer. A (1850) 2187 R (1850) 557 McCABE, J . Appointed postmaster at Salisbury. A (1853) 3037 u (1853) 871 McCABE, James. Remission of fine. c (1838) 122 MacCABE, Joseph. Seeks appointment in the G.P.O. A (1853) 2133 u (1853) 637 McCABE. Joseph. H.R. Wigley forwards an auctioneer's certificate in favour of Joseph McCabe. A (1856) 869 McCAHON, Hugh. Colonial Surgeon requests authority for removal of Hugh McCahon from Gaol to Lunatic Asylum. A (1856) 287 x (1856) 44 McCALLUM, John. Penalty for late payment of rent (C.L. lease) remitted. A (1855) 2253 W Finance (1855) 115 McCANN, J . Secretary of the North Adelaide and Suburban Building Society. A (1851) 2197 McCANN, Mrs. Mary. Nurse at the Hospital. A (1849) 162, 606, 811 Q (1849) 58, 248 McCANN, Mrs. Mary. Resignation as nurse at the Hospital. A (1849) 1443 McCARTHY, John. Gratuity as constable on the Hooghly. A (1846) 1342 M (1846) 147 McCARTHY, John. A lunatic. A (1852) 1007 McCARTHY, Laurence. Convicted of assault. A (1844) 288 McCARTHY, Martin. Loses receipt for payment on his land. A (1855) 265 w (1855) 99 McCARTHY, Michael. Not granted a remission of his sentence. A (1852) 2443 T (1852) 780 McCASKILL, Jane*. Inquest on her murder. A (1852) 1842 *a child McCAUGHEY, Samuel W . Seeks position as assistant to the Inspector of Weights and Measures. A (1845) 1272 McCAUGHEY, Samuel W . Application for Government appointment refused. K (1845) 110 McCAULL, E N . Appointed house surgeon at the Hospital. A (1851) 1488 McCAULL, E N Resigns as house surgeon at the Adelaide Hospital. A (1852) 510 T (1852) 145, 163 McCLALAND, Joseph, policeman See also McCleland McCLELAN, Joseph, constable See McLelan McCLELAND, Joseph. Appointment in the Police Force. (Entered as McClaland). A (1848) 996 McCLELAND, Joseph*. Dismissed from the Police Force. A (1849) 599 * NOT Joseph McLelan McCLEOD. William See McLeod, William McCLERNAN, Felix. Appointed to the Mounted Police Force. A (1845) 999 K (1845) 34 MACCLESFIELD. Advertisement of J. Lawrence's weekly conveyance. S.A. Jan. 20, 1843. 3E MACCLESFIELD. Plans of the town, with notes on the interests of the Davenport family. A (1844) 781, 1032 H (1844) 101 twice MACCLESFIELD. S. Davenport seeks to buy part of the park and recreation ground. A (1844) 1032 H (1844) 189 MACCLESFIELD. Proposed pound. A (1848) 673 p (1848) 225 MACCLESFIELD. Objection to the erection of an Anglican Church. Reg. March 4, 1848. 4A MACCLESFIELD. R. Jones' weekly conveyance between Macclesfield and Adelaide. S.A. Sept. 29, 1848. 3B MACCLESFIELD. J.A. Hill's school. A (1849) 473, 2017 Q (1849) 152 MACCLESFIELD. Memorial asking that the cemetery acre be conveyed to trustees. A (1851) 3430 A (1854) 1192 T (1852) 258 MACCLESFIELD. Inquest into death of Edw. Enright (4 years). A (1855) 2559 MACCLESFIELD. Transfer of local policeman to Strathalbyn suggested. A (1855) 2780 MACCLESFIELD. Urged as chief polling place, Electoral Dist. of Hindmarsh. A (1855) 2782 w (1855) 635 MACCLESFIELD. Request for grant of land for Church of England purposes. A (1855) 1961, 2975 w (1855) 676 MACCLESFIELD. Grant of 'l4 acre site for school. A (1855) 2696 MISSING W (1855) 707 WITH MARGINAL PLAN MACCLESFIELD. Advocate General reports on the land grant for the Church site. A (1856) 192, 314 x (1856) 41 MACCLESFIELD - Name lists. Petition. A (1855) 1961 MACCLESFIELD - Postal arrangements. Miscellaneous references. A (1844) 599, 620 A (1847) 729 H (1844) 32 N (1847) 305 MACCLESFIELD - Postal arrangements. Weekly mail cart service organised by D.
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