Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 43 15 n.d. Report Manpower Report Book II. Contacts including: Foreign Affairs, Domestic Affairs, Fiscal and Economic Affairs, Justice, Law and Order, Health, Education and Welfare, and Administration. 46 Pages. Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Page 1 of 1 This is the summary of the persons contacted by Olds during this period, with ~ brief note on the area of discussion for policy and manpower development. Many of them, if desirable, could make special contributions in this area in cross reference, eva~uation, or recruitment. ( CONTACTS ... Table of Contents '\­ Foreign Affairs---~------------page1 Domestic Affairs---------------page 16 Fiscal and Economic Affairs----page 29 Justice, Law and Order---------page 31 Hea Lt.l. , Education and Helfare--page 32 Administration-----------------page41 ~ ,"'.'' ... .'.~ FOREIC, ... AFFAIRS Contact Position Areas of Discussion Raymond Aaron Professor, Sorbonne European unity, NATO, .difficulties of detente, policy David Abshire Center for Strategic Studies, US/USSR relations, Southeast Asia, defense Georgetown University policy, foreign affairs in general, policy and manpower Richard Adams Professor, University of Texas Latin America, policy Chief S. 0. Adebo " Director, United Nations Insti­ UN revision tute for~raining and Research Chester Alter Chancellor Emeritus, Univ. of Foreign aid; has just finished book on Denver this area and university people in the institutions studied. Policy and manpower Geoffrey C. Andrew Executive Director, Assoc. of Canadian-American relations, international Universities and Colleges of education, policy and manpower Canada Brent Ashabranner Deputy Director, Peace Corps International development, a voluntary service agency, Peace Corps, manpower and policy John S. Badeau Columbia University, Dir., Issues and initiative in the Middle East, Near and Middle East Instit. policy Stephen K. Bailey Dean, Maxwell School, Syracuse A new federalism, foreign aid, research University and education, policy and manpower ' .. .....' ' ..... George Ball Former Ambassador to the l~ Roles of Japan and China in Asian stabi­ lity, alternative to strategy of containment, UN revision, policy page I · FOREIGN FAIRS Contact Position Areas of Discussion Irving Barnett Professor, State Univers~ty of UN, peacemaking and peacekeeping, Asia, New York policy and manpower Eugene R. Black Former President, World Bank Southeast Asia, post-war Vietnam, Asian Bank and Marshall Plan for Asia, policy and manpower Zulfikar Bhutto Former Foreign Minister, Mainland China, India, Pakistan, policy , Pakistan Landrum Bolling· President,~Earlham College Scholars for Nixon, USIA, American image abroad, policy and manpower Robert R. Brooks Cultural attache, India India and South Asia Harrison Brown Professor of Geochemistry, Science and technology, a National California Institute of Foundation for Technical Assistance; Technology; National Academy developing countries, policy and of Science manpower Ralph Bunche Under Secretary of United UN and peacekeeping policy Nations General E. L. M. Burns Advisor to Government of Peacekeeping and Middle East, policy Canada on Disarmament Gwendlyn Carter Professor, Northwestern Univ. African affairs and American policy Ward B. Chamberlin, Jr.. Vice Presid ent, International Private sector and personnel in technical ~=< Executive Service Corps assistance, policy and manpower Oliver Clubb Professor, Maxwell School, Southeast Asia, Asian communism, policy Syracuse University and manpower page 2 FOREIGN AFFAIRS ·Contact Position Areas of D;scussion Harlan Cleveland U. S. Permanent Representative NATO and the new Europe, policy and to NATO manpower Everett R. Clinchy The Institute on Man and Arms control and disarmament, UN and Science educating for peace, policy and manpower James L. Colwell Director, Office of Internat. Foreign aid, technical assistance, Education, University of international education, policy " Colorado.., Philip Coombs President, International Educational and cultural affairs, Institute for Educational France, international education, policy Planning and manpowe-r Che s ter Cooper Director, International and National security reorganization, policy Social Studies Division, and manpower Institute for Defense Analyses Johnson G. Cooper Director, International Ed., U. s. policy in South and Southeast Asia State University of New York, Oswego Andrew Cordier Actg. President, Columbia Univ.; UN, US/USSR relations, foreign affairs Dean, Graduate School of in general, policy and m3n?OWer International Studies Sori Coulibaly Special Assistant to the Revolutions in the New Africa, USSR and President of Mali China influence in Africa, policy ~•.> .' - ."~ Norman Cousins Editor, Saturday Review SR desire for lead articles on RN similar to one on HHH (checked through Klein), disarmament and arms control, law and order, policy and manpower page 3 . FOREIGN AFFAIRS Contact Position Areas of Discussion Royden Dangerfield Director, International International programs, foreign aid and l' _rograms, U·n~v. or,.. 111·__lnOlS . technical assistance, policy and manpower Arthur H. Dean Lawyer; former negotiator, Truce negotiations with communists, policy Korean peace settlement Dona Felisa Rincon Mayor of San Juan Problems of Puerto Ricans in New York, de Gautier , policy John Dickey Presiden~, Dartmouth Reorganization of the State Dept., foxeign affairs in general, policy and manpower John C. Donnell Rand Corporation, Santa Asian cowmunism and Vietnam policy, Monica, Cal. manpower E. J. Duchacek Professor of Political Czechoslovakia and Eastern European Science, City College of situation, US/USSR relations, failures New York of co~~unism, urban prcblems, South­ east Asia, policy and manpower Milton Eisenhower Past President, Johns Justice, law and order, Latin America, Hopki.ris University science and technology Harold L. Enarson President, Cleveland State Foreign aid, relation of international University and domestic urban affairs, policy and manpower ~v " John S. Everton ""- ,'" Vice President, Education and Southeast Asia, Middle East, reorgani­ ~,]orld Affairs zation, policy and manpower Clyde Ferguson Dean, Law School; Howard Univ. UN and world order, policy Glenn ~.J. Ferguson Ambassador to Kenya Africa, Peace Corps, foreign aid, policy and manpower page 1-:. FORF.IGN AFFAIRS Contact Position Areas of Discussion Luis A. Ferre Member, Republican National Role of Puerto Rico in U. S., policy Committee; Puerto Rican and manpowe-r industrialist William C. Foster Director, U. S. Arms Control Arms control and disarmament policy and Disarmament Charles Frankel .. Professor of Philosophy, Cultural exchange and foreign service, Columbia Vniversity policy and manpower Thomas M. Franck Director, Center for Internat. Formulating foreign policy, educational Studies, New York University and cultural exchange, policy and manpower John F. Gange Director, Instit. of Internat. International university programs, Studies and Overseas Admin., conservation, Vietnam, foreign aid, University of Oregon policy and manpower Pau! F. Geren Pr2sident, Stetson University Development and foreign policy training, North Africa, policy and manpower Arthur J. Goldberg Former U. S. Representative to UN, personnel training, leadership, the UN policy Nicholas Gonchoroff Executive Secretary, Internat. US/USSR relations, cultural exchange, Affairs, National ~~CA youth service, policy and manpower Robert C. Good :::'.' Ambassador to Zambia ,,. Africa, foreign aid, policy and , . manpower Leonard Gordon Professor' of Psychology, Dept. of Peace, cross-cultural State University of New York, psychological problems, policy Albany page 5 FOREIGN AFFAIRS Contact Position Areas of Discussion Willis H. Griffin Director, Office for Internat. Foreign aid, public-private partnership Education Programs, Univ. of in overseas technical assistance, Kentucky policy and manpower Ernest S. Griffith Former Dean, School of Inter­ Middle East, US/USSR relations, South­ national Service, American east Asia, policy and manpower University .. Edmund A. Gullion Dean, Fletche~ School of Law Foreign policy, disarmament, training, and Diplomacy, Tufts Univ. policy and manpower Per Haekkerup Former Ambassador to UN from The New Europe, policy Denmark Edward Harrri.Lton Executive Secretary and Staff Foreign aid, young government career Director, Commission on officers, State Dept., policy and International Development manpower Wiliiam A. Hance Chairman, Department of Africa, policy and manpower Geograph) , Columbia Univ. Robert Hartman Professor of Philosophy, . Czechoslovakia crisis and Mexico (had University of Mexico just returned from Europe), US/USSR, peacekeeping, policy and manpower William Hartzog ·UN Development Officer Geopolitics, agriculture, policy Samuel Hayes Foreign Policy Association Voluntary sector in foreign affairs, ~'" "oi...'.,,, UN and peacekeeping, policy and manpower page 6 FOREIGN AFFAIRS Contact Pos:ltion Areas of Discussion Felipe Herrera President, Inter-American Latin American affairs, policy Development Bank Robert C. Hill Former Ambassador to Mexico Ambassadorial leadership, Mexico, Latin American policy, manpower Henry B. Hill Dean, International Studies Foreign aid, international education, and Programs, University training for foreign service, policy ... of T,'lisconsin and manpower '" Paul"G. Hoffman Administrator, UN Development UN and technical
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