Province of British Columbia MINERAL RESOURCES DIVISION Ministry of Energy, Mines Geological Survey Branch and Petroleum Resources Hon. Anne Edwards, Minister BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE GERMANSEN LANDING - MANSON CREEK AREA, BRITISH COLUMBIA (94N/9,10,15; 94C/2) By Filippo Ferri, P.Geo. and David M. Melville, P.Geo. with contributions by M.J. Orchard (GSC) BULLETIN 91 Ferri.Filippo. 1959- . Bedrock geology of !he Germansen Landing-MansonCnek area, British Columbia (94N19. IO. 15: 94CR) (Bulletin. ISSN 02267497 ; 91) Issued by Geological Survey Branch. Ineludes bibliographical references: p. ISBN 0-77262125-X VICTORIA BRITISH COLUMBIA 1. Geology -British Columbia - Germansen Landing Region. CANADA 2. Geology - British Columbia - Manson Creek Region. 3. Gcology. - British Columbia - Germanscn Landing Economic APRIL 1994 Region. 4. Geology. Economic - British Columbia - Manson Creek Region. I. Melville. David M. 11. BritishColumbia. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Perroleurn Resources. Ill. British Columbia. GeologicalSurvey Branch. IV. TiUc. V. Series:Bulletin (British Columbia. Ministry of Energy. Miner and Peuolcum Resources) ; Fieldwork for this research was 91. carried out during the period I987 to 1989 TN27.B7F47 1994 551.7’00971182C94-960168.3 - ABSTRACT TheGermansen Landing-Manson Creek area is sillimanite grade within the Wolverine Metamorphic Com- located within the southern Omineca Mountains of north- plex. Rocks of the Nina Creek group were imbricated and central British Columbia. This region streddles the Inter- emplaced on top of North American rocks during this time montane-Omineca Belt boundary and encompasses rocks period.Middle to Late(?)Jurassic D2 deformation fromfive tectonostratigraphicterranes and subterrenes. refoldedthese rocks into uprightto northeast and These are: North American siliciclastics and carbonates of southwest(?)-verging structures. D, deformationbroadly the Cassiar Terrene, represented by the Upper Proteroroic warped and uplifted these rocks during theEarly to Middle Ingenika Group through to the Devonian to Permian Big Cretaceous.Late Cretaceous to Tertiaryright-lateral Cresk group; pericratonic clastics of theKootenay Ter- movement along the Manson fault zone was accompanied rent:, comprised of the Upper Proteroroic to Paleozoic('!) by dip-slip motion on the brittle-ductile, southwest-side- Boulder Creek group: the oceanic Slide Mountain Terrane, down Wolverine fault zone in response to uplift of meta- which is made up of deep waterargillites, cherts and morphic rockswithin the Wolverine Complex. Rapid basalts of the Mississippian to Permian Nina Creek group: uplift of these rocks is recorded by early Tertiary K-Ar arc volcanics and sediments of the Triassic to Jurassic(?) cooling dates. Rocks in the hangingwall of the Wolverine Takla Group of the QuesnelTerrane; and theHarper fault 70ne cooledrelatively early in thedeformational Rartch Subterrane. represented by Mississippian(?) to Per- sequence (Middle Jurassic). mian arcvolcanics and sediments of theLay Range The map area contains a wide variety of mineral asst:mblage. occurrences which reflect the long and complex history These rocks were polydeformed and strongly meta- recorded by these rocks. The most abundant arepoly- molphosed beginning in the Mesozoic as a result of colli- metallic reins genetically related to the Manson fault zone sion and obduction of exotic terranes from the west. Mid- and spatially related to strongly altered ultramafic bodies. dleJurassic, northeast-verging Dl deformationwas Carhonate-hostedlead-zinc mineralization in the Otter acc8nlnpanied by regionalmetamorphism which reached Lakes group is locally important. ... 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS . ... ABSTRACT .............................................................. 111 Quesnel Terrane ......................................... 42 INTRODUCTION .................................................... I Lay Range Assemblage ..................... 42 Geographic Setting............................................. 1 Age and Correlation .................. 42 Geologic Framework ......................................... I Unit MPlrl ................................. 43 Methods .............................................................. 5 Unit MPlr2 ................................. 43 Previous Work .................................................... 7 Evans Creek Limestone ..................... 43 ExplorationHistory .......................................... 9 Age and Correlation .................. 43 Acknowledgments .............................................. 9 Takla Group ....................................... 44 Age and Correlation .................. 44 LITHOLOGIC UNITS ............................................ II Slate Creek Succession .............. 47 Ancestral North American Craton .................... II Plughat Mountain Succession ... 48 Kootenay Terrane ....................................... II Chemical Composition and Boulder Creek Group ........................ II Tectonic Significance of Age and Correlation .................. II Takla Basalts ......................... 50 Lithology .................................... II Intrusive Rocks .................................................. 54 Cassiar Terrane ........................................... 12 Carbonatites................................................ 54 lngenika Group .................................. I2 Wolf Ridge Gabbro .................................... 54 Age and Correlation .................. IS Wehrlite ..............: ....................................... 54 Amphibolite and Calcsilicate Gabbro ........................................................ 54 Gneiss ..................................... 16 Germansen Batholith and Related Rocks 54 Paragneiss, Schist and Intrusive 16 Monzonite to Quartz Monzonite and Paragneiss and Schist ................ 17 Related Volcanics ................................... 55 Impure Metaquartzite ................. Monzonite to Syenite................................. 55 Swannell Formation ................... 18 Wolverine Ranee Intrusions ..................... 56 TsaydiL Formation ..................... 19 Espee Formation ........................ 20 STRUCTURE ........................................................... 51 Stelkuz Formation ...................... 20 Introduction ........................................................ 57 Atan Group ........................................ 20 Omineca Belt ..................................................... 57 Age and Correlation .................. 21 Phase 1 ....................................................... 58 Mount Brown Quartzite ............ 22 Phase 2 ....................................................... 60 Mount Kison Limestone ............ 22 Phase 3 ....................................................... 62 Razorback Group .............................. 23 Phase 4(?) ................................................... 63 Age and Correlation .................. 24 Faults .......................................................... 63 Lithology .................................... 24 Thrust Faults ...................................... 63 Echo Lake Group ............................... 24 Normal Faults .................................... 65 Age and Correlation .................. 25 Wolverine Fault Zone ................................ 65 Lower Member .......................... 26 Age and Tectonic Implications ......... 66 Sandy Dolomite Unit ................. 26 Discussion .......................................... 67 Otter Lakes Group ............................. 27 lntermontane Belt ............................................... 68 Age and Correlation .................. 27 Phase I ....................................................... 68 Lithology .................................... 27 Phase 2 ....................................................... 68 Big Creek Group ................................ 28 East-trending Structures South of the Age and Correlation .................. 28 Evans Creek Fault .................................. 68 Lithology .................................... 29 Faults .......................................................... 69 Blue Lake Volcanics .......................... 31 Evans Creek Fault .............................. 69 Age and Correlation .................. 31 Thrust Faults ...................................... 69 Intermontane Supenerrane................................. 31 Normal Faults .................................... 69 Slide Mountain Terrane ............................. 32 Manson Fault Zone ............................................ 70 Nina Creek Group.............................. 32 Timing of Movement ................................. 71 Age and Correlation .................. 32 Extensions Outside the Map Area ............ 72 Mount Howell Succession......... 34 Relationship to Wolverine Fault Zone ...... 72 Pillow Ridge Succession ........... 36 METAMORPHISM ................................................. 13 Chemical Analysis and Introduction ........................................................ 73 Tectonic Setting of the Nina Intermontane Belt ............................................... 73 Creek Basalts ......................... 37 Omineca Belt ..................................................... 73 Manson Lakes Ultramafics ................ 4041 Mineral Isograds.. ........................................ 74 Age and Correlation .................. Chlorltold ........................................... 74 Lithology ...................................
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