T H E M A G A Z I N E O F WILLIA M P A T E R S O N UNIVERSI T Y FALL 2 0 1 1 G i v i n g Vo i c e t o College Radio W THE MAGAZINE OF WILLIA M P A T ERSON UNIVERSI T Y THE MAGAZINE OF WILLIA M P A T ERSON UNIVERSI T Y 12 C ON T EN T S F A L L 2 0 1 1 FEA TU RES D E P AR TM EN T S HOW WILLIAM PATerson’s BRAVE NEW RADIO FOUND ITS VOICE W The University’s campus radio station, WP88.7 FM, founded in 1966, continues to serve as a training ground UNIVERSITY REPORT for students and a voice for independent music The latest news from William Paterson By Theresa E. Ross ’80 Page 4 Page 12 NURTURING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS BY ON CAmpuS SERVING BUSINESS Engaging people and interesting events Helping entrepreneurs and offering sound business Page 8 11 advice is the mantra of William Paterson’s Small Business Development Center in Paterson By Barbara E. Stoll ’93, M.A. 94 DEVELOpmENT NEWS Page 16 Advancing academic excellence through philanthropy SUSAN UNGARO ‘75: Page 23 CHAMPIONING AMERICAN CUISINE By Barbara E. Stoll ’93, M.A. ’94 Page 18 PIONEER NEWS Athletics Highlights ActIVE LEARNING THROUGH MENTORING: UNIVERSITY Page 27 FAcuLTY AND UNDERGRAduATES COLLABORATE ON RESEARCH WITH PATERSON HIGH ScHOOL StudENTS PAGE A summer science research program provides one-on-one SPOTLIGHT mentoring and encourages careers in the sciences 1 Alumni News WON E By Mary Beth Zeman Page 30 Page 19 MAGICIAN/ILLUSIONIST MICHAEL TURCO ‘05 PARTING SHOT LIVES HIS DREAM Campus Makeover By Theresa E. Ross ’80 Page 21 Page 36 CHILDREN’S BOOK ILLUSTRATOR DAVE O’NEILL ’01: WHAT’S UP WP TAKING KIDS ON A JOURNEY FROM NEW ENGLAND Calendar of upcoming events TO NEW ORLEANS By Christine S. Diehl Inside Back Cover Page 22 THE MAGAZINE OF WILLIA M WPA T ERSON UNIVERSI T Y Volume 12, No. 2 Fall 2011 E X E CUTIV E E DITOR Stuart Goldstein, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations M ANAGING E DITOR Mary Beth Zeman, Director, Public Relations Dear Friends, A LU M NI A SSOCIATION Douglas Hamilton ’75, President of the Alumni One of the first specific goals I announced upon assuming the presidency in Executive Council; Janis B. Schwartz, Executive Director of August 2010 was the development of a comprehensive strategic plan that will Alumni Relations; Sharon Ryan, M.Ed. ’96, Assistant WPERSPECTIVE Director, Alumni Relations and Comunications; Rodney guide the University’s growth and evolution for the next ten years. I am pleased Cauthen ’97, Alumni Associate; Gina Buffalino, Program to report that after several months of careful consideration, a framework for the Assistant; Mary Ann Cooper ’70, Contributing Editor plan has been developed by a University-wide committee comprised of faculty, M ARK E TING AND P UBLIC R E LATIONS staff, students, alumni, and representatives of the University’s Board of Trustees Editorial: Heather Brocious, Christine Diehl, and Foundation Board, and has been the subject of discussion across the campus Theresa E. Ross ’80, Phillip Sprayberry; Barbara E. Stoll ’93, M.A. ’94 this fall. Our timeline calls for a finalized strategic plan to be approved by the Design: Nadia Esposito ’04, Bob Verbeek ’95 University’s Board of Trustees by March 2012. P UBLICATION D E SIGN This process provides an invaluable opportunity for the entire University com- Brandspa, Montclair, NJ - Allan Gorman, Art Director; Suzanne Giovanetti, Designer munity to reflect on the institution’s mission, values, and vision, and to collec- P HOTOGRA P HY tively chart William Paterson’s future. Articulating a ten-year strategy for the Brian Avila ’12; Rich Green; Roy Groething; University is critical to defining the University’s identity and legacy, and will Larry Levanti; Lily Prince; Michael Rees; Sharon Ryan, provide us with a blueprint that will lead to strengthening the institution’s repu- M.Ed. ’96; Spencer Scott; Stephen Spartana; Bob Verbeek ’95; Conway Yen; Photos on pages 8-9 by tation, building a more distinct image, and enhancing student and alumni pride. Jerry McCrea/Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ Already, a number of key strategic goals have emerged through our discussions, WP is published by the Office of Marketing and Public including: Relations. Views expressed within these pages do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or official • Enhancing the quality and focus of academic programs; policies of the University. © 2011 by The William Paterson University of New Jersey, www.wpunj.edu • Ensuring student success by increasing undergraduate and graduate student A DV E RT I S I N G AND E DITORIAL O FFIC E S matriculation, retention, and graduation; WP, The Magazine of William Paterson University • Providing a gateway for students to opportunities beyond the classroom; Office of Marketing and Public Relations William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Road • Enhancing the sense of community throughout and beyond the University; and Wayne, NJ 07470-2103; 973.720.2615 [email protected] • Serving as a model of affordable, high-value public education in New Jersey. S E ND CHANG E S OF ADDR E SS TO TH E : I encourage you to read more about the strategic planning process in the article Office of Alumni Relations, William Paterson on page 4, and to look for additional updates going forward. I believe that PAGE University, The Allan and Michele Gorab Alumni 2 House, 42 Harmon Place, North Haledon, NJ 07508; despite the complex challenges faced by nearly all institutions of higher educa- WTW O 973.720.2175 tion, including competition for the most able students and best qualified faculty W ILLIA M P AT E RSON U NIV E RSITY and constraints on public funding, William Paterson University is in a highly Kathleen Waldron, President advantageous position to move forward in achievement, renown, and impact over Edward Weil, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Stephen Bolyai, Vice President for the next decade and beyond. Administration and Finance; Pamela L. Ferguson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; John Martone, Sincerely, Vice President for Student Development; Kristin Cohen, Vice President for Enrollment Management Kathleen Waldron President B OARD OF T RU S T ee S Vincent J. Mazzola ’73, Chairperson • William J. Pesce ’73, WE WELCOME LETTERS ABOUT WP, The Magazine of William Paterson University and will continue to publish • • Vice Chairperson Michael L. Jackson, Secretary some of your views in future issues. Letters may be edited for clarity and space. You may write to: Stephen Adzima ’75 • Maureen Conway ’66 • Nalani Letters to the Editor; • • • DeMarco-Clisset Frederick L. Gruel Robert Guarasci WP, The Magazine of William Paterson University • • • Anna Marie Mascolo Linda Niro ’76 Henry J. Pruitt, Jr. P.O. Box 913 Robert H. Taylor Wayne, NJ 07474-0913 or feel free to drop us a note by e-mail at: [email protected] Annual Fund Gifts Support Our Students Our student callers thank you for making the fall phonathon a success! Gifts to the Annual Fund from alumni and friends are an investment in the future of all William Paterson students. Scholarships, research opportunities, technology upgrades, and so much more are made possible through your support. If you haven’t made a gift yet, make your investment now at www.wpunj.edu/giving. You can also make your gift by phone by calling 973.720.3201. All of our students thank you! Stay Connected with Fellow Alumni! Join the growing online community of more than four thousand William Paterson University PAGE alumni on Facebook and LinkedIn! Instantly 3 WTHREE reconnect with former classmates, network professionally, receive updates on the University, invitations to alumni events, and much more. www.facebook.com/wpunj www.wpunj.edu/linkedin Volume 12, Number 2 Fall 2011 W H O W E A R E W HA T W E ’ R E D OING of trade and encourage capital invest- W H O W E A R E ment and joint business ventures. University Launches Strategic University community by the end of the Among the distinguished guests Planning Initiative fall semester, and a final strategic plan were New Jersey Lieutenant Governor The University has launched a strategic expected to be approved by the Board of Kim Guadagno; Zhao Hongzhu, secre- planning process to develop and build a Trustees by March 2012. Additional tary of Zhejiang Province in China; Peng plan that will guide the institution over updates are available on the strategic Keyu, consul general in New York for the next ten years. planning link accessible on the the People’s Republic of China; and He A sixteen-member Strategic Planning University’s home page. Zhi-Yun, vice chairman of the university Steering Committee, headed by University President Kathleen Waldron, has been meeting since early April to develop a framework for the plan. The committee, which includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, and representatives of the University’s Board of Trustees and Foundation Board, has been working with Anthony Knerr and John Braunstein of Anthony Knerr and Associates, a noted UNIVERSITYstrategic planning consultant firm with REPORT extensive experience in planning at public higher education institutions. Feedback has been gathered through numerous discussions with campus constituent groups on topics such as institutional visibility, resource planning, academic focus, and enrollment manage- PARTICIPANTS IN THE SYMpoSIUM INCLUDED (FROM LEFT) UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT KATHLEEN WALDRON, ment. The plan also was discussed during NEW JERSEY LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR KIM GUADAGNO, ZHAO HONGZHU, SECRETARY OF ZHEJIANG PROV- a Board of Trustees retreat, with members INCE IN CHINA, AND PENG KEYU, CONSUL GENERAL IN NEW YORK FOR THE PEopLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA of the University’s Foundation Board and Alumni Association Executive Council, Campus Hosts New Jersey- with the Faculty Senate, and at various Zhejiang Investment and town hall meetings on campus.
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