/ ti!I fclcmd fi;rcJIJI ~ ('i{ffif e(C6I( q;r \3qqjJ1) Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) No. RVNU2014/3/5/1 HR Dated 29.01.2014 To, 1. The Director General(Personnel), Military Engineer Services, E-in-C's Branch, Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi.110011. 2. The Chief Engineer, DDG(Personnel), Border Roads Organization, Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Naraina, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-110010. 3. The Director(Personnel), THDC India Limited, Corporate Office, Rishikesh Pragatipuram, Bypass Road, Rishikesh-249201 (Uttarakhand), 4. The Secretary, Public Works Department, Secretariat, Govt of Uttarakhand, Rajpur Road,Dehradun-248001. Sub: Filling up of various posts in Rishikesh-Karnaprayag New Rail Line Project, on deputation basis, in Uttarakhand. Sir, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (a Mini Ratna PSU under Ministry of Railways) invites applications from experienced Civil Engineers for filling up of posts of Chief Project Manager(CPM), Additional General Manager(AGM), Joint General Manager(JGM), Deputy General Manager(DGM), Sr. Manager, Manager, Assistant Manager, Sr. Executive and Executive on deputation basis, for implementation of new Railway Line Project between Rishikesh and Karnaprayag. The incumbents will be headquartered at Srinagar and Rishikesh in Uttarakhand. The detailed specifications/requirements of the post is enclosed as Annexure. Besides pay & allowances, the Company offers attractive and liberal benefits. The format for application is enclosed herewith. The vacancy notice is also available at our website www.rvnl.org->opportunities->careeropportunities. You are, therefore, requested to kindly have the above-mentioned post circulated in your organization and the names of suitable officers alongwith their ACR ratings forwarded to this office, for consideration. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ~~. DA : As above. ~ Group General Manager(HR) Regd. Office: 1st Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 Tel. : +91-11-26738299, Fax: +91-11-26182957, Web: www.rvnl.org C: \ Users \a6fiisfte~1JUU L'lII'/(jISJrL \([)es/iJop \a6fiisftet<j'IJacoIlCY noufication-deputation \timers officers 14.08.2012.aocx}18 ANNEXURE -1. Name of Organization Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. Name of Project Rishikesh-Karnaprayag New Railway Line Project Name of the post (i) Chief Project Manager(CPM) (ii) Additional General Manager(AGM)/Joint General Manager(JGM)/Deputy General Manager(DGM)/Projects (iii) Sr. Manager/Manager(Projects)/ Assistant Manager(AM) (iv) Sr. Executive/Executive(Projects) Service Civil Engineering Scale of Pay of the (i) Cadre pay plus deputation(duty) allowance(for State/Central deputation post Govt. employees) (ii) Cadre pay plus deputation(duty) allowance or IDA scale of the post offered(for employees of PSU/Autonomous bodies) Number of Post(s) & i. 1 (One) CPM at Srinagar(Uttarakhand) Location ii. 3(Three) AGM/JGM/DGM(Projects) two at Srinagar and one at Rishikesh(Uttarakhand) iii. 4(Four) Sr. Manager/Manager/Manager(Projects) at Srinagar iv. 6(Six) Sr. Executive/Executive(Projects) two at Rishikesh and four at Srinaqar(Uttarakhand) Age Below 56 years Terms of Appointment Normal terms of deputation Tenure of deputation Five years Minimum Eligibility For CPM{Rs.37400·67000/· +G. P. Rs.10000/·(CDA)/Rs.51300· 73000/·(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade RS.37400-67000/-+G. P. Rs.8700/-(CDA) with at-least 17 years service in Group 'A' OR (iii) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.43200-66000/-(IDA) for four years. For AGM{Rs.37400·67000/·+G. P. Rs.8900/·(CDA)/Rs.43200· 66000/·(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.37400-670001-+G. P. Rs.8700/-(CDA) & having 12-14 years' service in Group 'A' OR (iii) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.36600-62000/- (IDA) for four years. For JGM{Rs.37400·67000/·+G. P. Rs.8700/·(CDA)/Rs.36600· 62000/·(IDA)}~ Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.15600-39100/-+G. P. Rs.7600/-(CDA) & having 8-12 years' service in Group 'A' OR (iii) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.32900-58000/-(IDA) for four years. For DGM{Rs.15600·39100/·+G. P. Rs.7600/·(CDA)/Rs.32900· 58000/·(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.15600-39100/-+G. P. Rs.6600/-(CDA) & having 5-8 years service in Group A' OR (iii) posts carrying grade Rs.15600-39100/-+G. P. Rs.6600/-(CDA) & having at-least 8 years' service in posts carrying grades Rs.15600- 39100/-+G. P. Rs.6600/-/Rs.15600-39100/-+G. P. Rs.5400/- /Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.5400/-/Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.4800/- (CDA) taken together OR (iv) equivalent OR (v) posts carrying grade Rs.29100-54500/-(IDA) for four years. Sr. Manager{Rs.15600-39100/-+Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- (CDA)/Rs.291 00-391OO/-(IDA)}:Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade RS.15600- 39100/-+G. P. Rs.5400/-/Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.5400/- (CDA)with four years service in Group '8' Le. in posts Rs.15600-39100/-+G. P. Rs.5400/-/Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.5400/-/Rs.9300-34800/-+G.P. Rs.4800/-(CDA) taken together OR (Hi) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.24900-50500/-(IDA) for four years. Manager{Rs.15600-39100/-+Grade Pay Rs. 5400(CDA)/24900- 50500/-(IDA): Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.4800/- OR (iii) equivalent OR (iv)posts carrying grade RS.20600- 46500/-(IDA) for four years. Asstt. Manager{Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs. 4600(CDA)/Rs.20600-46500/-(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.4600/- OR (iH) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.16400-40500/-(IDA) for four years. Sr. Executive{Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-(CDA)/16400- 32500/-(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.9300-34800/-+G. P. Rs.4200/- OR (iii) equivalent OR (iv) posts carrying grade Rs.12600- 32500/-(IDA) for four years. Executive{Rs.5200-20200+ Grade Pay Rs.4200(CDAlRs.12600- 32500/-(IDA)}: Civil Engineers substantively holding (i) posts in analogous grade OR (ii) posts carrying grade Rs.5200-20200/-+G. P. Rs.2800/-/G. P. Rs.2400/-(CDA) OR (Hi)equivalent Specific requirement The officer should have experience in Engineering geology involving tunneling, mapping, investigation etc. in a hilly terrain project. However, preference will be given to those who have the experience of workinq in a Railway Project/Road/Hydro project in a hilly area. PRESCRIBEDPROFORMA FOR SUBMISSIONOF APPLICATIONS ON DEPUTATION BASIS Letter No. and date of issue of Vacancy Notice Post against which application has been submitted Personal Data 1. Name 2. Gender 3. Department 4. Category(SC/ST /OBC/UR) 5. Community (whether Minority) 6. Date of Birth 7. Date of entry in to Railway/Govt. Service & post at the time of entry to service 8. DITS(Date of entry into time scale) in case ofGroup 'A' recruits/officers in Group A' 9. Date of entry into Group 'B' in case of persons who were recruited as non- gazetted and later promoted to gazetted cadre 10 Present Designation with place posting, Division & Railway/Govt. Office 11 Present pay band with Grade Pay and basic pay as on date of application & Date of entry in post Whether the grade / pay indicated above 12 is on substantive basis or under MACPfin ex-cadre post(if under MACP/in ex- cadre post, please indicate the post held in cadre and grade of the cadre post) 13 Contact Details(struck down which is not applicable) (a) EmaillD (b) Telephone (0) 14 (c) Telephone (R) (d) Mobile Number 15 Preference for /PIU.. place of posting 16 Educational QuahflcatlOns:- S.No. Qualification Year/ Institution/University, Division Place/ Country 17 Expenence Detailsr-. S. Designation & Grade From To No. Railway with Place of posting C:\ User: \a6f.is(zef(,'Rfll LVl?(JlJ:NL \'lJesfiJop \a6f.isfieli.}vacancy notification-deputation \letten staffaocJ86 18. Details of previous deputation/ Foreign assignment, if any 19 Whether debarred from deputation? If yes, please furnish details. 20 Whether cooling off period completed? If yes, date of return from previous deputation with details, , wherever applicable? 21. Details of awards/punishment 22. Whether last three years ACRs attached, in case possessed by the employee(give details) .. I certify that the details furnished by me above are true and I am eligible for the post as per the criteria laid down in the vacancy notice and there is neither any vigilance/DEtAR case pending against me nor I am undergoing any penalty on date. Date: Place: (Name and Signature of the applicant) TO BE FILLED IN BY THE RAILWAY/Deptt WHILE FORWARDINGAPPLICATION FOR DEPUTATION 1. Whether any disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against the employee during his career so far? If yes, details thereof 2. Whether any preliminary inquiry or any other vigilance related matter is pending against the employee. If so, full facts of the pending matter? 3. Whether the name of the employee appears in the Agreed List! Secret List? 4. Whether the employee can be spared on deputation in the event of selection? 5. Please indicate ACR ratings for the last three years in respect of the employee / officer. Signature of the officer certifying the proforma Name: _ Designation: _ C: \ Users \a6(lIsfielio'RJIl L'III'J()lS9VL \'DesliJop \a6fiisfie(\vaca7lCY notification-deputation \fetters staJftfoc387.
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