Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2012-10-03 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2012). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 657. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/657 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Get a glimpse at Xavier’s faith community. Staff Ever wondered about what it’s like to work as a jour- writer Nikhil Jelaji shares his experience at the nalist? Editor-in-Chief Rachael Harris explores the Xavier Navigators Experience Weekend. life of an editorial intern at Cincinnati Magazine. See CAMPUS NEWS| Page 3 See FEATURE| Page 12 INSIDE The Xavier University October 3, 2012 Volume XCVIII EWSWIRE Issue 8 PublishedN since 1915 by the students of Xavier University HereXavier comes students attend SAC sponsored,the masquerade Boat themed boat Dance dance BY ANDREW KOCH with the turnout. “I could not be Staff Writer happier with the way Boat Dance went this year,” she said in an e- On Sept. 28, over 400 Xavier mail. “We were fortunate enough students flocked to the banks to have perfect weather, and I of the Ohio River for a night was happy to see students repre- of sightseeing, dancing and din- senting all classes.” ner during the Student Activities Senior Kevin Tighe, one of Council’s annual Boat Dance. two event chairs for Boat Dance, Buses left from Xavier at 6 was similarly satisfied. “It p.m. and dropped students off was fun, well behaved and ran by the Ohio River, where they smoothly,” he said. Tighe added boarded a BB Riverboat steam- that increased interest from pre- boat. Attendees were served din- vious years prompted SAC to ner and encouraged to dance as build the size of the event. SAC the steamboat chugged along the accommodated twice the amount Ohio River, passing by downtown of students this fall, selling over Cincinnati twice before returning 415 tickets compared to the 250 to the dock. sold last spring. “Because the Xavier’s Boat Dance occupied event has always been such a suc- two floors of the three-tiered cess, [this year] we wanted to ex- boat, with disc jockeys on each pand it for more to enjoy,” Tighe floor. Students were also able said. Sophomore Kaitlin Whelan, to take pictures in a photo booth the second event chair for Boat and walk around the deck for Dance, shared Tighe’s feelings. “I sightseeing along the river. really feel that we brought a great Sophomore Colleen Reynolds, event to more students,” Whelan chair of the Campus Traditions said. Committee of SAC, was pleased Newswire Photos by Andrew Koch Sophomores Katie Hautman, Erica Mazzoni, Hollis Conners, and Traci Garcia smile before leaving for the dance. FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUM Continued from page 1 2 October 3, 2012 Campus News XAVIER NEWSWIRE Xavier students bring Third annual health and Xavier students donate blood and save lives Jesuit ideals to Uganda wellness fair on Xavier Yard BY REBECCA BAYENS Staff Writer BY DAVID MAXWELL Staff Writer -Paid Advertisement- Last Thursday, Unified for said in a recent e-mail in regard UNIFAT (U4U) co-founder and to the progress that Dennis spoke students by “gaining student feed- local Cincinnatian, Will Tardio about. The Student Health Advisory back on services they’ve received, Oxford Apartments and head mentor, Opiyo Dennis Dennis stated that progress has Council (SHAC) will hold its third meeting with administration, pro- 1005 –1007 Dana Ave been made in helping the school annual Health and Wellness Fair moting Wellness Services and by came to Xavier University. ______________________ They spoke to Xavier students to keep providing an education to from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 3 hosting events relating to health in Kennedy Auditorium about children who would otherwise not in Gallagher Student Center and and wellness.” 1 bedroom apartments receive one. the progress UNIFAT is making on the Xavier Yard. For those interested in becom- Affordable - $425 and up in Uganda. In addition, he was able to pro- The objective of the fair is to ing a member of SHAC, applica- Free heat & water According to Xavier’s U4U vide information about certain promote general health among tions are typically accepted in the chapter president Breanna Lynch, students at the school that the the student body. spring semester of each school Walk to XU campus Xavier chapter sponsors. It also seeks to increase student year. the group “is a student-run, non- Cable & Satellite hook-ups “[UNIFAT’s] cause is a strik- awareness of the organizations in- However, freshmen, transfer profit organization that works to Equipped kitchen financially and emotionally sup- ing one...and once I heard about volved in health and wellness at students and first-year graduate port the most destitute children at- the UNIFAT mission, there was Xavier. Some of the features of students will have the opportunity Full bathroom no way I could know and do noth- this year’s fair include injury evalu- to apply later in the fall semester tending UNIFAT Primary School Air conditioning in Gulu, Northern Uganda.” In ing,” Lynch said concerning her ation from current Xavier athletic in order to ensure that all areas addition, UNIFAT chapters na- own involvement in the club. training students, insight on a va- of the student body are consis- Parking tionwide work to bring peace to She also stated that this organi- riety of wellness topics provided tently represented throughout the the Ugandan area. zation “allows students, faculty and by nursing students, fitness aware- school year. Manager: Art Office: Lynch stated that the Xavier staff alike to immerse themselves ness courtesy of the Recreational 513-961-3786 513-474-5093 U4U chapter began in March in a new culture, one in which we Sports department and a variety 2011 and that the group “truly can help not only the children of of presenters addressing current speaks to the Jesuit ideals and UNIFAT, but the people in Gulu mental health issues. Healthy superfoods to eat this fall Xavier values of recognizing the through interactive learning and One of the main components interconnectedness between all sustained engagement.” introduced for the fair this year is human beings.” For more information, Lynch an “Eat Well Market” where lo- Apples: We all know the old saying “an apple a “Our efforts also help to main- recommends checking out the cal businesses will showcase and day keeps the doctor away,” which is true. Apples tain the school, qualified teachers, group’s Facebook page (Unified promote foods that contribute to contain antioxidants that fight diseases. ongoing construction and men- for UNIFAT at Xavier), OrgSync healthy living. torship for the children,” Lynch page or website at www.unifiedun- The “Eat Well Market” fea- ifat.com. tures several sponsors includ- Pumpkin: Pumpkins can be used for more than ing Whole Foods, Costco, Green clever jack-o-lantern carvings. They contain vita- Bean Delivery, Dove Chocolate, min A as well as potassium to keep your bones Xavier Dining and several farmers strong. from the local community. The Health and Wellness Fair is one of the premier events for Chestnuts: Want to fight the cold and flu sea- SHAC, which serves as a liaison son? Chestnuts contain vitamin B6 which boosts between Xavier Wellness Services your immune system and are high in fiber. and the student population. Kyle Hickey, president of Newswire photo by Breanna Lynch SHAC, says the 25-member coun- Pomegranate: Pomegranates are heart healthy, Xavier students gather together to help maintain schools, teachers and cil works to improve relations contain fiber, and lower “bad” cholesterol. mentors for Ugandan children in the club Unified for Unifat. between Wellness Services and -Paid Advertisement- Attention!!! THE ROAD TO All Xavier Students THE WHITE HOUSE Important Off-Campus Housing GOES THROUGH OHIO Information The C-SPAN Campaign 2012 Bus is Coming to your campus! ****OFF CAMPUS HOUSING FOR 2013*** Thurs., October 4 1 – 3 pm 2,3,4 and 5 bedroom houses walking distance to Location: Herald Ave. between Husman and campus. Laundry, off street parking, full sized Fenwick Residence Halls bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens. Less than 5 Students can tour the Bus to learn about C-SPAN’s Campaign 2012 resources minutes walking to center of campus. Please contact and programming through interactive, multimedia equipment. Offered locally by: Doug Spitz at: 513.616.3798 or [email protected] Stop by and tell us your thoughts on the election via ****OFF CAMPUS HOUSING FOR 2012*** See your responses at Available for immediate occupancy. 2,3,4 and 5 www.tout.com/cspanpolitics. bedroom houses walking distance to campus. Laundry, off street parking, full sized bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens. Less than 5 minutes walking to center of Created by Cable. campus. Please contact Doug Spitz at: 513.616.3798 or Offered as a Public Service. c-span.org/bus [email protected] P163 C12 Xavier U.indd 1 10/1/12 11:05 AM XAVIER NEWSWIRE Campus News October 3, 2012 3 Navigators’ Experience Weekend CORRECTIONS BY NIKHIL JELAJI me to see how God moved in my Staff Writer life,” Gerber said. “I got to share with This past Friday, 47 Xavier other people the character of a God Navigators spent a weekend retreat who is living and active rather than called “Experience Weekend” in somewhere in the sky, God was able Sharonville, Ohio.
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