DOCUBENT RESUME ED 127 880 HE 008 192 TITLE Horizons: A Guide to Educational Opportunities in Onta7io Beyond the Secondary School Level. INSTITUTION Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Utiversities, Toronto. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 121p- AVAILABLE FROMInformation Resources Branch, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Mowat Block, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1E9 Canada EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$6.01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Admission Criteria; Bibliographies; *Community Colleges; Degree Requirements; *Directories; Educational Finance; *Financial Support; General Education; Guides; *Higher Education; Liberal Arts; Post Secondary Education; Statistical Data; *Student Costs; *Student Loan Programs; Trade and Industrial Education; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Ontario ABSTRACT Postsecondary educational opportunities in Ontario are described in this edition, revised as of June 30,1976. Information is presented on: financial assistance to students; student costs; general information on colleges of applied arts and technology; chart of programs available at colleges of applied arts and technology; skilled trades and trade descripti,ons; general information on Ontario universities and charts of programs available ai them; and other postsecondary education institutions. A selected list of other reference publications on postsecondary education is also included. (IBB) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproActions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** DUCEDTHISU S.DOCUMENTEDUCATIONOFFICE DEPARTMENTEXACTLY OF AS HAS EDUCATION& RECEIVEDWELFARE OF DEEN HEALTH. REPRO FROM INAfINGTHECATIONREPRESENTIONS PERSON STATED POSITIONIT POINTS OFFICIALOR DO ORGANIZATION OR NOTOF POLICY VIEWOFFICE NECESSARILY DR OF OPIN ORIG EDU 0 A guide to educational opportunities in Ontario beyond the secondary school level Published by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities Ministry of Colleges anti Universifies Ontario Hon. Harry C. Parrott. DDS, Minister Dr. J. Gordon Parr, Deputy Minister The information in this edition has been revised as of June 30, 1976. As some changes in courses and admission require- ments may be made during 1977, students planning to attend college or university in 1977-78 are advised to consult their guidance counsellors and rtheck the calendars of post- secondary institutions in which they are in- terested. Information on post-secondary courses offered in French is summarized inTour d'horizonwhich is distributed to all franco- phone and bilingual secondary schools. Copies ofHorizonsand of Tourd'horizoncan be obtained free of charge by writing to or telephoning Information Resources Branch Ministry of Colleges and Universities Mowat Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1B9 Tolephone (416)965-6134 3 Contents 5 Financial Assistance to Students 59 The Skilled Trades 8 Students' Costs 62 Trade Descriptions 11 General Information on Colleges of Applied Arts 65 General Information on Ontario Universities and Technology 69 Chart of Programs Available at Ontario .14 Chart of Programs Available at Colleges of Universities Applied Arts and Technology Ontario Universities and Ryerson Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology 72 Brock 26 Algonquin 73 Carleton 27 Cambrian 74 Guelph 28 Canadore 77 Lakehead 30 Centennial 79 Laurentian 31 Conestoga 81 McMaster 33 Confederation . 83 Ottawa 34 Durham 85 Queen's 35 Fanshawe 87 Royal Micitary College 37 George Brown 89 Ryerson 38 Georgian 91 Toronto 39 Humber 95 Trent 41 Lambton 96 Waterloo 42 Loyalist 98 Western 44 Mohawk 101 Wilfrid Laurier 45 Niagara 102 Windsor 46 Northern 103 York 47 St. Clair Other Post-Secondary Education 49 St. Lawrence 107 Ontario College of Art 50 Sault 106 Teacher Education 51 Seneca 110 Certified General Accountants Association 54 Sheridan 110 The Institute of Chartered Accountants 56 Sir Sandford Fleming 111 Society of Industrial Accountants 112 Centralia College of Agricultural Technology 112 Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology 113 New Liskeard College of Agricultural Technology 113 Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology 114 Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture 115 Canadian Coast Guard College 117 Selected List of Other Reference Publications on Post-Secondary Education Note: With reference to admission requirements for post- secondary programs: Year 5 refers to Ontario grade 13 Year 4 refers to Ontario grade 12 Year 3 refers to Ontario grade 11 Year 2 refers to Ontario grade 10 OSSGD = Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma (completion of 27 credits meeting Ministry of Education requirements) OSSHGD = Ontario Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma (completion of six credits at the year 5 level) ;-* .14 Ae, riam1111111 Ira A :1114454', V. '41 , , ,.-- :" 4 4:4 4;01 I , .11 4. r;;; -211111.11.* 44 6 4o0 tortillti 4.44 C t r- 41/4,er. 201.14 e% / 44." .54rib _f;,2%--',....!' ,4t4"-A-11, 4t I. Financial Assistance Who is eligible? to Students You may qualify for loan and grant assis- tance from OSAP if you plan to attend one of the following institutions in Ontario: Students who need financial assistance a uoiversity to attend a university, community col- a college of applied arts and technology lege, or other post-secondary institution a teacher education college may b6able to obtain it from government a college of agricultural technology or private sources. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute A numbe4corporations, veterans' the Royal Military College of Canada organizatiohi irtd service clubs offer the Royal Conservatory of Music scholarships kir academic excellence in the Ontario College of Art particular subjects, and most univer- the Ontario Bar Admission Course sities have entrance scholarships for outstanding scholars. Information on the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic these bursaries and scholarships should' College. Outside Ontario, you may qualify for be available from your guidance office or loan and grant assistance if you plan to from university calendars and student attend any university or certain commu- awards offices. nity colleges in Canada or a Canadian About two out of every five full-time military college. students at Ontario's colleges and uni- To qualify, you should be taking at versities receive financial aid from the least 80% of a full course load in a Ontario Government which administers program of 26 weeks or more which has the student assistance programs out- been approved by the Ontario Govern- lined below. ment and which leads to a degree, diploma or Certificate: You-should also Ontario Student Assistance Prcgrarn be a Canadian citizen or landed immi- (OSAP) grant and meet Ontario's residency OSAP is intended to help students who requirements. need money for further education. Ontario residents who wish to attend Academic excellence is not a qualifica- private institutions in Canada or recog- tion. OSAP provides funds to supple- nized post-secondary institutions out- ment a student's own financial resources side Canada may be eligible to receive a and those of his or her immediate family. loan through the Canada Student Loans The main features of the program are Plan (CSL), but will not be eligible for a summarized below. Full information is grant. Under the Canada Student Loans contained in the brochure entitled Plan, applicants may obtain loan assis- Ontario Student Assistance Program tance only, up to $1,800 per academic 1976-77, which you may obtain from your guidance counsellor, from the Stu- year, baSed oh-assess-ed need. Applicants eligible for OSAP rlay re- dent Awards Officer at the institution you hope to attend, or from the Ministry of ceive loan or loan-grant assistar lee up to the amount of their financial need. Fi-' Colleges and Universities (address at nancial need is calculated by subtractin the end of this section). An updated brochure describing OSAP for the financial resources froM educational 1977-78 academic year will be distrib- costs. If you and yoUr, farnily have: financial resoUrces; your assistance uted to all Ontario secondary schools in could be the full cost of your eduCation the spring of 1977. and related extren6es.'..lf YoUr financial '- resources' equal or' exceed your edUca tional cost's, you will not qualifyfor assis tance. Most appliCanti receiVe-an awk covering an assessed propOrtion of th. educational CostS... Flnanclid Aim:Italic:6 to Studeiiis Educational Costs loan of $1,000 and a grant of $200. If Educational costs include the actual or your financial need is $2,500 you will get estimated costs of the following items, as a loan of $1,000 and a grant of $1.500. determined by the institution and ap- proved by the Ministry: Where, When and How to Apply tuition and compulsory fees If you are planning to attend an Ontario books and equipment college or university or one of the other board and lodging and miscellaneous Ontario institutions listed above, you can expenses get your appiication forms directly from. return trip home each year the institution's Student
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