Latino-Biack alliance discussed .. .. 3 TH£ Chapter from Farrell Dobbs' book .. 9 Democracy and revolution in Grenada 22 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 47/NO. 27 JULY 22, 1983 75CENTS August 27 march: why U.S. lies on • Salvador UDIODS should mobilize talks: Labor's stake in jobs, peace, freedom struggle smokescreen BY MALIK MIAH The most pressing task before the labor movement in the next month is to go all out for war and build the August 27 march on Wash­ BY JOSE G. PEREZ ington for jobs, peace, and freedom in­ The Reagan administration has launched itiated and led by the major civil rights or­ a new barrage of lies against the Salvado­ ganizations. ran liberation movement to justify Wash­ Already more than 700 (lrganizations ington's deepening military intervention in have endorsed the march. This includes the Salvadoran civil war. farm organizations, women's groups, The latest U.S. move was designed to Latino organizations, and the AFL-CIO .. present the rebels as intransigent warmon­ gers who have turned their backs on negoti­ Historic march ations despite the best efforts of the Reagan This historic march has the potential to administration. This turns reality on its be a large, militant, and powerful expres­ head. sion of opposition to the war at home and On July 7, U.S.· super-ambassador abroad being · waged against working Richard Stone began a highly publicized people by big business and its government. trip to Central America, where he was Its slogan for jobs, peace, and freedom is a scheduled to have talks with the Farabundo direct . challenge to the rulers' attacks on Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) these basic needs. and the Democratic Revolutionary Front The tens of thousands of working people (FDR) of El Salvador. A couple of days who will be gathering in Washington, in later, Stone abruptly returned to Washing­ fact, will be participating in an action ton, charging the FMLN-FDR leaders had against the rulers over their escalating new refused to go through with the planned Vietnam in Central America and their at­ meeting in Costa Rica. tempt to force working people to pay for the crisis of the capitalist system. U.S. disinformation campaign Opposition to the bosses' offensive The U.S. government and the capitalist among growing numbers of working . press immediately launched a disinforma­ people is why support activity is expanding tion campaign against the rebels. for the march across the country. There are One unnamed "State Department new endorsers and new coalitions forming source" told the Washington Post that the to build the demonstration; and most im­ FMLN-FDR couldn't "get their act to­ portantly, more local unions are throwing gether" due to internal differences. their support behind the march by buying Another "State Department official" in­ bus seats and publicizing the march among sisted that the problem was the liberation Unionists at huge September 19, 1981, march on Washington organized by AFL­ rank-and-file members. CIO. Unprecedented union endorsement has been won for August 27 march. Continued on Page 6 forces didn't really want talks, since they "had plenty of time to get organized if they really planned to." The FMLN-FDR quickly punctured such reports. "All speculation along the Palestinian struggle for a homeland: lines that we refused to talk to Stone, or that we are divided in our position, is to­ tally false," said Alberto Arene, spokes­ a fight the imperialists can't stop person for the groups in Washington. On July 10, the FMLN-FDR representa­ tives in Costa Rica issued a communique BY DAVID FRANKEL tral pos1t1on in the Middle East is their heart of the imperialist system in the Mid­ stating a meeting with Stone had been ar­ challenge to the legitimacy of the Israeli The Palestine Liberation Organization dle East. It is the one country in the region ranged for July 9 by Costa Rican President (PLO) is under siege. The Israeli invasion state. Israel was established' by a colonial that is not exploited and oppressed by im­ Luis Alberto Monge. of Lebanon, the onslaught against West movement that organized the settlement of perialism. It provides a counterrevolutio­ Beirut, the massacre at the Sabra and a European population in Palestine, and nary army of more than 400,000 for use "Unfortunately, it was not possible to Shatila refugee camps, the subsequent which ultimately took over the country, ex­ against the rest of the countries of the Mid­ reach agreement on procedural matters, . U.S. diplomatic offensive and media cam­ propriated the native Palestinian peasantry, dle East, which are super-exploited by im­ thus preventing the meeting from taking paign aimed at splitting the PLO, and now . and expelled some 700,000 Palestinians perialism and which periodically rebel place," the statement said. the attempt by Syrian President Hafez al­ from their homeland. against their oppression. The carefully worded diplomatic docu­ Assad to gain control of the PLO are all The Israeli colonial settler-state is at the Continued on Page 8 ment nevertheless made cleai that it was part of the same package. These unceasing not the FMLN-FDR that was responsible attacks over the past year amount to the for the breakdown 'Of the talks: "Our fronts biggest and most sustained offensive wish to state for the record our total com­ against the PLO since its birth. pliance regarding the agreements reached on the nature of the meeting. Because of its uncompromising struggle "The FDR-FMLN reiterates its willing­ for the national rights of the Palestinian ness for a dialogue and hopes that in the people, the PLO represents a deadly threat near future this can be achieved with Am­ to the imperialist setup in the Middle East. bassador Stone without preconditions, with The U.S. and Israeli rulers are determined an open agenda, and within an appropriate to destroy the drive by the Palestinians to framework." regain their homeland, and the Syrian re­ gime, for its own reasons, has joined in the Rebels explain dialogue campaign against the PLO. The FMLN and the FDR have repeatedly Despite repeated attempts over the called for talks to search for a negotiated years, the imperialists have never been able political solution to the· Salvadoran civil to crush the PLO. Whatever conjunctural war. On June 9, they renewed their call for ups and downs it may go through, the fact "a direct dialogue, without preconditions, is that the Palestinian national liberation among the parties to the conflict, in which struggle will remain in the center of politics all the problems our society confronts can in the Middle East. To eliminate that strug­ be discussed comprehensively, and where gle would require nothing less than the de­ all sectors interested in the search for peace struction of the Palestinian people as a and justice can contribute." whole. The Salvadoran groups warned that What puts the struggle of the Palestin­ "Today, given the undeniable political and ians - and the PLO, as the organized ex­ military advances of the democratic and· pression of that struggle - in such a cen- Continued on Page 2 -SELLING OUR -PRESS AT ,_ THE PLANT GATE------- BY CHRIS RAYSON eraging five or six papers on each The article went on to say, "Al­ cided we could sell our papers have money that day because it MILWAUKEE- For several sale, including one or two PMs. derman Frank J. Chovanec asked without a permit. So we returned was payday. Our sales would have weeks Socialist Workers Party On the fourth week the com­ City Attorney James E. Boren· to Cudahy. been better still if we had brought supporters have been selling the pany called the cops on us. They whether the council would get in Before the sale, we called the more papers. We sold out 20 min­ Militant and Perspectiva Mundial came, asked for our "solicitation any kind of trouble if it did not Militant and PM subscriber who utes before the shift started. at Patrick Cudahy, l! meatpacking permit," and told us to leave when waive the fees. He noted that the had helped us sell at Cudahy in the We found out later that word of plant in Cudahy, Wisconsin, or­ we asserted our right to sell with­ city did not charge solicitation fees first place. He took his PM into our Cudahy sales efforts had ganized by the United Food and out a "permit." for USA Today, The Milwaukee work the day before the sale to spread to other Milwaukee-area Commercial Workers. About We went to the Cudahy City Journal, and Milwaukee Senti­ show to coworkers and encourage plants. 1,000 workers, a large percentage Hall to defend our right to sell. We nel . .. them to buy. A Black garment worker at of whom are Chicano or Mexican, talked to the mayor and city attor­ "'I wouldn't relate one to the The next day, Friday, June 24, Junior House, a garment shop or­ work there. ney. They hemmed and hawed and other as far as the enforcement of two members and an active sup­ ganized by the International In fact a Mexican worker at finally decided to bring the matter our solicitation code is con­ porter of the SWP sold nine Mili­ Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Cudahy suggested we sell there. before the city council. cerned,' Boren said." tants and two PMs at Cudahy. mentioned to a socialist who sells He attended a rally against the de­ The next afternoon, June 22, an A spokesperson for the SWP, There were no cops in sight.
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