GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 2018 Guinevere Installation Decommissioning Project Environmental Impact Assessment PERENCO 3 Central Avenue | St Andrews Business Park Norwich | Norfolk | NR7 0HR PERENCO GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Document Control Page Document Reference SN-PG-BX-AT-FD-000002 Number: Revision Record DATE REV NO. DESCRIPTION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED 08/05/18 01 Draft for PUK review D Morgan G Jones (BMT G Nxumalo (BMT Cordah) Cordah) (Perenco) 04/06/18 02 Installation only D Morgan G Jones (BMT G Nxumalo (BMT Cordah) Cordah) (Perenco) 09/07/2018 03 BEIS comments G MacGlennon G Nxumalo G Nxumalo addressed (Perenco) (Perenco) (Perenco) PERENCO II GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Standard Information Sheet Information Project Name Guinevere Installation Decommissioning Project Environmental Impact Assessment BEIS Reference No. n/a Type of Project Decommissioning Undertaker Name Perenco UK Limited Undertaker Address St Andrews Business Park, 3 Central Ave, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0HR Licensees/Owners Perenco Gas (UK) Limited (75%) Hansa Hydrocarbons (LAPS) Limited (25%) Short Description Perenco UK Limited propose to decommission the Guinevere Installation which is located within the UKCS Block 48/17b in the southern North Sea. Cessation of Production was approved by the Oil and Gas Authority in December 2016. This Environmental Impact Assessment has been prepared to support the Guinevere Installation Decommissioning Programme. The infrastructure which is included within the scope of the Guinevere Decommissioning Programme is summarised below: One (1) platform topside; One (1) four-legged jacket and four (4) piles; and Two (2) platform wells (48/17b-G1, 44/17b-G2). Anticipated It is currently envisioned that decommissioning activities will commence during Commencement of late Q3 2018 and last for up to four years (although activities will not take Works concurrently during this period). Previously Submitted None Environmental Documents Significant Following the identification of the interactions between the proposed Environmental Guinevere decommissioning activities and the local environment, the Impacts Identified assessment of all potentially significant environmental impacts, and key environmental concerns identified as requiring consideration for impact assessment were investigated under the scope of the following: Energy use and atmospheric emissions; Underwater noise; Seabed impacts; Societal impacts; and Accidental events. PUK have, or intend to put in place sufficient safeguards to mitigate the potential environmental and societal risk and to monitor the implementation of these measures, a programme of which will be agreed with the Regulator. Document Prepared Perenco UK Limited in conjunction with BMT Cordah Limited By PERENCO III GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND UNITS % Percentage °C Degrees Celsius µg Micrograms ACOPS Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea AIS Automated Identification System Al Aluminium ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable API American Petroleum Institute As Arsenic Ba Barium bbls barrels BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (formerly DECC) BHA Bottom Hole Assembly BMAPA British Marine Aggregate Producers Association BOD Biological Oxygen Demand boepd Barrels of oil equivalent per day BSI British Standards Institute C Carbon Category I Fish with no swim bladder or other gas volume (particle motion detectors) Category II Fish with a swim bladder or other gas volume, and therefore susceptible to barotrauma, but where the organ is not involved in hearing (particle motion detectors) Category III Fish with a swim bladder or other gas volume, and therefore susceptible to barotrauma, where the organ is also involved in hearing (sound pressure and particle motion detectors) CCS Carbon Capture and Storage Cd Cadmium Cefas Centre for Environmental, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CH4 Methane Cm centimetres CO2 Carbon dioxide COP Cessation of Production Cr Chromium cSAC Candidate Special Areas of Conservation CSV Construction Support Vessel Cu Copper dB Decibel dB re 1 µPa m Units of the zero-to-peak decibel ratio of sound pressure to a reference pressure of 1 (peak) micropascal at 1 metre (re 1 μPa m) in underwater acoustics dBht (species) Sound level in decibels above the hearing threshold of a species DECC Department of Energy & Climate Change (currently called BEIS) DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs DP Decommissioning Programme DTI Department of Trade and Industry (currently BEIS) EA Environment Agency EBS Environmental Baseline Survey EC European Commission ED50 European Datum 1950 EDC Engineering Down and Cleaning PERENCO NTS-IV GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND UNITS EEC European Economic Community EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPS European Protected Species ERL Effects Range Low ES Environmental Statement Espoo The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context EU European Union EUNIS European Nature Information System FAC First Aid Case FC&D Final Cleaning and Disconnect Fe Iron g grams GJ Gigajoules Hg Mercury HLV Heavy Lift Vessel HMX Explosive also known as Octogen HSE Health and Safety Executive HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environment Hz Hertz ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea IoP Institute of Petroleum IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ISO International Organisation for Standardisation ITOPF The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee kg Kilogram(s) kHz kilohertz km Kilometre(s) km2 squared kilometre LAPS Lancelot Areas Pipeline System LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide m Metre(s) m/ s Metres per second m2 Squared metre(s) m3 Cubic metre(s) MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MAT Master Application Template MBES Multi-beam echo sounder MCA Marine and Coastguard Agency MCAA Marine and Coastal Access Act MCZ Marine Conservation Zone; rMCZ – recommended MCZ MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol Mg/ l Milligrams per litre mm Millimetre(s) MMO Marine Management Organisation MMObs Marine Mammal Observers Mn Manganese PERENCO NTS-V GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND UNITS MoD Ministry of Defence MPA Marine Protected Area ms-1 Metres per second MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive MTC Medical Treatment Case NA Not Applicable Nb Niobium NFFO National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation Ni Nickel nm Nautical Mile NMPI National Marine Plan International NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials NOx Nitrogen Oxide compound NRA Navigational Risk Assessment NUI Normally Unattended Installation OGA Oil and Gas Authority OGUK Oil and Gas UK OPEP Oil Pollution Emergency Plan OPOL Oil Pollution Operator’s Liability Fund OSPAR The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic OSPAR Oslo Paris Convention OSPAR Oslo and Paris Convention OSPAR Oslo Paris OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic OSRL Oil Spill Response Limited OWF Offshore Windfarm P Phosphorous P&A Plug and Abandon/ Abandonment PAH Polyaromatic hydrocarbon PAM Passive Acoustic Monitoring Pb Lead PETS Portal Environmental Tracking System Phi The Krumbein Phi logarithmic Scale for sediment sorting PL Pipeline POMS Perenco Operating Management System ppt Parts per Thousand PTS Permanent Threshold Shift – A permanent elevation of the hearing threshold resulting from physical damage to the sensory hair cells of the ear PUK Perenco UK Limited RIH Run In Hole RWC Real World Case s second S Sulphur SAC Special Area of Conservation; cSAC – candidate SAC SAT Subsidiary Application Template SCANS Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Sea SCI Site of Community Importance PERENCO NTS-VI GUINEVERE INSTALLATION DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND UNITS SD Standard Deviation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEL Sound Exposure Level in dB re 1 µPa2 s SEMS Safety and Environmental Management System Si Silicon SLzp Zero to Peak Source Level - the decibel ratio of sound pressure to some reference pressure in dB at 1 m (re 1 μPa m) in underwater acoustics (zero-to-peak) SMRU Sea Mammal Research Unit Sn Tin SNS Southern North Sea SO2 Sulphur dioxide SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan SOSI Seabirds Oil Sensitivity Index SOx Sulphur oxide compound SPA Special Protected Area; pSPA – possible SPA SPL Sound Pressure Level – the decibel ratio of sound pressure to some reference pressure in dB re 1 μPa in underwater acoustics (zero-to-peak or peak) SSB Spawning Stock Biomass SSS Side Scan Sonar t tonnes THC Total Hydrocarbons Ti Titanium TOC Total Organic Carbon TOM Total Organic Matter TTS Temporary Threshold Shift – Temporal and reversible elevation of the auditory threshold which is the minimum sound level that can be perceived by an animal in the absence of background noise UK United Kingdom UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf UKDMAP United Kingdom Digital Marine Atlas UKHO United Kingdom Hydrographical Office UTM Universal
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