KADIR HAS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CITIZEN JOURNALISM PRACTICES IN TURKISH ALTERNATIVE MEDIA IN DIGITAL ERA N. GÜLİN KÜPELİOĞLU September, 2015 CITIZEN JOURNALISM PRACTICES IN TURKISH ALTERNATIVE MEDIA IN DIGITAL ERA N. GÜLİN KÜPELİOĞLU Submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Communication Sciences KADIR HAS UNIVERSITY September, 2015 ÖZET DİJİTAL ÇAĞDA TÜRK ALTERNATİF MEDYASINDA YURTTAŞ GAZETECİLİĞİ UYGULAMALARI N. Gülin Küpelioğlu İletişim Bilimleri, Yüksek Lisans Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. İrem İnceoğlu Eylül 2015 Türkiye’de alternatif medya üzerine yapılan araştırmalar çoğunlukla teorik bilgilerden ibaret kalmış, uygulamaya yönelik çalışmalar ise güncelliğini yitirmeye başlamıştır. Özellikle Gezi Parkı protestolarından sonra ana akım medyada yaşanan kırılmalar, ana akım medyaya duyulan güvenin sorgulanmasına neden olmuş; gelişen iletişim teknolojileriyle geleneksel gazetecilik anlayışının değişmesi alternatif medya türlerinin daha da önem kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Yurttaş, böyle güvensiz bir medya ortamında ana akım medyaya karşı alternatif medya mecralarına yönelerek haber üretim süreçlerine dahil olmaya başlamıştır. Her ne kadar yurttaş gazeteciliği yeni bir gazetecilik anlayışı olmasa da özellikle iletişim teknolojilerindeki digitalleşme ile birlikte yurttaş gazeteciliği dijital platformlara taşınmıştır. Bugün yurttaşlar internetin sağladığı olanakları da arkasına alarak haber üretebilmekte, yaptıkları haberlerle dünyanın her yerinden insana anında ulaşabilmektedir. Yurttaş gazetecilerinin ürettiği haberler ana akım medya için de kimi zaman öncelikli haber kaynağı olmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışma son yıllarda Türkiye’de yurttaş gazeteciliğinin önem kazanmasına bağlı olarak yurttaş gazeteciliği mecralarının kurulmasından yola çıkarak Türk alternatif medyasında iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerle yurttaş gazeteciliğinin geçirmekte olduğu değişimi gözlemlemekte, günümüz koşullarında yurttaş gazeteciliğini yeniden isimlendirerek dijital yurttaş gazeteciliği kavramını oluşturmakta ve mevcut uygulamalar üzerinden bir araştırma yaparak Türk alternatif medyasındaki yurttaş gazeteciliği uygulamalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: alternatif medya, yurttaş gazeteciliği, dijitalleşme v ABSTRACT CITIZEN JOURNALISM PRACTICES IN TURKISH ALTERNATIVE MEDIA IN THE DIGITAL ERA N. Gülin Küpelioğlu Master of Arts in Communication Sciences Advisor: Assist. Prof. İrem İnceoğlu September 2015 Alternative media studies in Turkey are mostly based on theoretical research; practice-oriented studies are deemed outdated. Especially after Gezi Park protests, a shift occurred in the mainstream media. Almost a complete destruction of confidence in the mainstream media and a change in traditional journalism with the evolving communication technologies have led to alternative media types gaining more importance. People in such an insecure environment have created their own alternative media and private citizens began to produce news. Although citizen journalism is not a new concept in journalism, especially with digitization as a result of recent changes in communication technologies, the form of citizen journalism has also changed and it has moved to digital platforms. Today, with the help of the Internet, citizens produce news and are able to reach people all over the world instantly. Citizen journalists have changed the traditional understanding of journalism; news produced by citizen journalists has become the primary news source for the mainstream media. This study, based on the establishment of a citizen journalism channel and the importance of citizen journalism in Turkey, observes the changes that are being undergone, the development of communication technologies about citizen journalism in Turkey and how the alternative media create the concept of digital citizen journalism and aims to examine current citizen journalism practices in Turkey by doing a research on alternative media. Key Words: alternative media, citizen journalism, digitization vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to offer my first and largest gratitude to Dean of Kadir Has University Faculty of Communication Professor Sevda Alankuş. During my undergraduate and graduate education, she always supported and trusted me. When I had no idea what to write for my thesis, she led me to find a topic and made suggestions. Without her help and guidance, I could not write this thesis. I am forever grateful to her. I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Assistant Professor İrem İnceoğlu, who always and always helped me, answered all my questions patiently and encouraged me to finish this thesis. Without her help and guidance, I could not show the courage to write this thesis. I am very happy to meet her and I am forever grateful for agreeing to be my advisor. I hope I will not frustrate her efforts. Lastly, I would like to give special thanks to my family. My father, Necati Küpelioğlu, my mother Şükran Küpelioğlu and my sister Gülfem Gönen deserve the greatest of thanks. Without ever getting bored and wearisome, materially and spiritually, in all circumstances my family is with me. If they are not with me, I could not come today. Therefore, they deserve the biggest thank you. İstanbul, September 2015 vii Table of Contents Özet Abstract Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Tables 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 2. Methodology ......................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Research Model and Context................................................................. 6 3. Alternative Media and Online Journalism in the Digital Era ...................... 12 3.1 Definitions and Concepts of Alternative Media ................................... 12 3.2 Features of Alternative Media .............................................................. 14 3.3 The Mainstream Media in Turkey ........................................................ 16 3.4 Online Journalism as an Alternative Media Type ................................ 22 4. The Rise of Citizen Journalism in the Digital Era......................................... 26 4.1 A Conceptual Approach to Citizen Journalism .................................... 27 4.2 Factors Affecting Emergence of Citizen Journalism............................ 35 4.3 A New Journalism Concept: Digital Citizen Journalism ..................... 36 4.4 Examples of Citizen Journalism from Turkey...................................... 39 4.5 Critiques of the Citizen Journalism .......................................................45 5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 50 Endnotes ................................................................................................................... 54 References ................................................................................................................ 58 viii List of Tables Table 1 Features of Participants.............................................................................. 11 Table 2 Mainstream Media Owners in Turkey ........................................................ 18 ix Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis explores the citizen journalism practices in Turkish alternative media in the digital era. In Turkey, the mainstream media reports partial and biased news and prevents citizens’ access to objective information. In many cases, such as Uludere and Reyhanlı bombings, Gezi Park protests, I realized that the government-hid information from its citizens by issuing publication bans or releasing false or distorted news reports. In such an environment, citizens couldn’t access unbiased information and they have created their own media alternatives to the mainstream media. Private citizens produce their own news using the facilities of communication technologies and the Internet. Through the Internet, communication technologies have improved and access to information has become cheaper and faster. With all these negative conditions in the mainstream media and all these positive conditions in the communication technologies citizens become journalists and inform one another. In Turkey, people of different languages, religions, races and genders have been faced with the mainstream media’s discrimination. As a result of this successful alternative media initiatives have emerged and they have been trying to draw attention to the mainstream media’s discrimination for many years. Although citizen journalism is not a new journalism concept, with the developing communication technologies it has transformed into the digital environment and has become more functional. Therefore, in this thesis I will suggest that citizen journalism can be re-conceptualized as 'digital citizen journalism’. 21st century is marked as the technology and information era. Political, economic, social, cultural fields have changed and transformed all over the world. The media has 1 also been affected by these changes. The main function of media is to inform the public. Today, however, the mainstream media follows the basic principles of supply and demand of the industry, market and government to make more profit. It is under the control of the ruling power because of its financial and political concerns. It is possible to say that the mainstream media as
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