•-MDTA. Pro· ram ~ Rolling Al.ong OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 3 ~637 Vol 23-No. 2 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA February, 1964 Now ~ s the Time To Join Convention Vote \CA.MP R·OBERTS· , 8 CJoses -· Feb. 24 . HUMMING W!JH Credit Union · ec.e1.ves. kay ./ 150 '.TRAIN.-E. ES' Official ballots to elect 58 dele- gates and alternates to the 27th Conve.nti.on of International' CAMP ROBERTS - Classes 'Operating Engineers are in the roar.ed to life early Monday morn­ .Jor .·Northern California ·_· hands of Local 3 members. · All . ing, January 27, as the "pilot pro­ marked ballots must be returned gram", --designed to retrain 150 Brother Operating Engineers and SAN FRANCISCO - The Op­ members save money through ers: W. G. Dowd, Don Kin~hloe, on or before February 24 in San upgrade job skills got underway. erating Engineers Local 3 Credit lower interest rates. Interest W. M. Talbot, R. C. C.o·oper, Joe Francisco; -according to Price, 1 The program is part of the De­ Union received approval to op­ charges will be c.alcula.ted at "no Miller, K W. _ Huston, Harold Waterhouse & Co. official tabu­ partment o-f Labor Manpower De­ _erate from the State Corpora­ more than 1 per cent" per month. Lewis, War ren LeMoine, E. M. lators. J,. Hope, Russ Swart- 1)eventy candidates are· listed velopment and Training Act, 1962 tion Commission. on the unpaid balance. For ex- .'· Nelson, A. (MDTA) . This ·means that engineers ample, on a $100 loan, repaid in son, J. B .. Jennings and Ed on the ballot. Fifty-eight dele- may: now ·join the credit union 12 monthly installments, the total -Hearne. - gates and alternates shall be · The project has transformed upon purchase (}f two $5 shares paid back to the credit union Loan' credit u,nion' offices will elected. Brothers Al Clem and Camp Roberts from a scene of and one dollar entrance fee, ac­ would be $106.62:- This. includes be set up in each district to re- Paul Edgecombe, Business Man- ~rricaP.ed barracks and dusty cording to Paul Edgecombe, · insurance in the event the J)oi·- ceive money. Each district will ager and President, respectiveiy, walkways into an in f e r n o of treasurer. rower were to _die, the' balimc_e :in·aintain ~n edu'cation commit- _are au t oma t·1c d e 1ega t es. action. Cats, d. o z e r s, skinners, The credit union has been es- ' of the loan is paid off at no extra tee to indoctrinate members on This is the first International ·blades, shovels e·cho through the tablished to: 1. provide low-in- ·cost to the .beneficiary: There· the working . of the credit-'union Convention of Engineers held in plains and hills of this 20,000- . terest· bearing loans t~ qualified are no other fees, discounts, priveleges. San Francisco and within the acre World War II a~· my training . borrowers and 2. provide a syste­ charges . or premium . "extras.:• . Plans ate underway to extend jurisdiction ot Local 3. Delegates base as men arid equipment grind matic dividend-bearing savings Loans shall be made for any the credit union services to mem- and alternates will arrive in, San away daily lear!J.ing hew skills e :· prograni ·for engineer' me!llbers. good purpqse:. old debts, furni- bers in Northern Nevada, Utah Francisco from the United States as operating engineers. Officers of the Credit Union ture, toois; funerall), vacations, and Hawaii; acc'ording to Brother and Canada for the four-day -con- A close surveillance is being . corporation are: . Busip.ess ~ Man­ autos; etc. Clem.- ·· . • · clave ' be~anning April 13. The -· kept by state arid federal agencies . · · M~r ,At Clem, president; Edge: AU . ~oans have - added ' profe'c, ~ - :, He added (that· ~OiJ.E\y 'invested ,convention ·is at the Sheraton: . -: as well as ma· n~gement and labor• . cotllbe; ~ treasurer·_. and. financial . tion of "loan ihsuranc-e" which · l}y trl'Em'iJ) ih·~ · ''i%' · p'e~fectly sffe. ~- Pala ~e ~o'iilL · . - · .c- · ·· Actual and real results may never manager; W. -G. Dowd, vice -presi­ pays the loan· in. the event of ... §av'l:n:gs '!nv~§tEict are ,protected · com.inittee . delegates are ex- . fully be r~alizeq for many months deb:t';. T.: -J ) Staple'toil? secretaryi total 'disability 'or death. with- '''life' savings . i~su'rance" ;...._pected to begin arrivi~g from,all . to come as "studentll" become Don -Kiiichloe and. A ~ J. Hope, · With income ·from i.nterest pn guaranteeing. proceeds · to sur- over the United States and Carra· more efficient · in the field a!ld · assistant treasurers .. loans the . credit, union pays ex- vivors who qualify. da th~ week before -the conveil- find better-paying jobs. The decision to set up a credit pense of admin.istration and sets Most of the tnohey is safely in- tion, "according to Business Man- Life at Camp R o b Q t r t s union 'for members benefit stem­ up reserves required by law, The vested' in loans to members. All ager Al Clem. on Page 12 . med from the fact that the aver­ -Continued Supervisory. C o m m i t t e e , or persons who handle .funds or rec­ age. working man needs lqw-cost "watchdog committee," oversees ords are bonded under the law, credit as much as he needs a pay all records and administration of and the credit union-is examined check. the cr-edit union. Members on re·gularly by state agencies and . According to statistics most HIGH TENSION SAFETY this committee include: George 'its own Supervisory committee. ' ,.. families normally finance pur­ D. Crowley, Dale Marr, W. G. chases of over $50. ~nd most of To dat~ there are nearly 100 Raney and Fran Walker. them already earmark 10· to ·20 members of the· &edit union who· percent of take home pay for All loans will have final ap­ have paid the minimum of $10 Look Up and Live credit installment payments. proval· of the Credit CQmmittee, for shares, plus a one dollar en­ By DALE MAlm tices that you see and I'm _sure can help made up of the following Broth- trance fee. The credit union we can help get the situation We continue to be plagued by · straightened out. accidents· on and around ·cranes We ha7e also had 11everal acci­ of all types. Most serious of . all dents to our oilers who were is contacting high voltage wires. servicing the rig while it was -in ::. This is the most serious type of operation. This is a practice that accident that our brothers are must be stopped at once if we faced with in the field and one are to stop these injuries to our we are constantly pleading with oilers. our employers and our operators to prevent this carlessness. We It is that time of year again have just recently had several when you fellows are · crawl(ng accidents involving .high voltage on and off equipment that is wet wires where one of our fellow and slippery and several of our • injur)r in workmen was either, l<;illed o~ ~­ brothers have suffered sel'iously injured. falls from equipment, ·so be ex- tremely cautious; ' . As ybu all know, when we--: vi­ o.late the "six' foot dearance of We are looking forward to hav­ ·- high voltage wire rule" we also ing Jake Gold from the U. S. De­ violate ·the State · Penal. Code , paf-tine nt of Lapo/ .in San Fran­ whereby .our operator is held-re, ·cisco the .last rof· March to con- . s'ponsible · for the safe . operatipn ,~· duc t a safety seminar foi· us, and . of his machine. I-f you · ar~ asked I hppe many of you fellows will to work close to ·.high voltage . be ~ able- to- attend. Jake is con­ wires, please notify:·: your agents sidered .to be -One - q~ the · outstand~ ·at once as we must stop this vii>- ing speakers and teache1's of safe- lation. · · ty in America, and I know thaf._ w 'e have h'ad sever.al ·ac'cidents tt will be well worth yo1,1r time lately on heavy lifts tl-i~t were to attend: We will hav·e -ali the apparently '~caused ·· by .p .0 0 r details of the ' seminar in the: •• rigging practices. At least two of March issue. of the paper. these' accid,ents caus~d . a con­ Let's continue to help each siderable amount of damage and other by reporting to your 'Safety it was just a miracle that no on_e Committeem;J. n or to us · any · CRED.LT U ON' offiCials received an okay. from · California State Corporate Commission was· inj~red or_killed. Please re­ safety hazard · that you -.see on -=- in NOrthern {;alifornia. Left to right:· AI Clem, J:>resident; T ~ J. Stapletofl ,:'~- secre~ary, · operate port to us any poor rigging prac· your jobs. and Paul Edgecomb, treasurer and financial manager of the nev.:_ly-created' Credit J~~nion . • I- J f' l:o ' I E . ! ':J_ ·M.G.I NEE R'S NEWS ...._ February, 1964 Apprentice Corner ·sari.... -J-oa. ln 1·- Sacramento e Ed Hearne, Local 3 District ..... ' Sho~ - - Big:g :est · cnns Representative_·iri .the St.ate of ., .... Utah, has been SAN RAfAEl By DANNY 0. DEES, C. R. VAN Holloway has been taking his '?O-n . the Union · Brother L. E. Evere-tt 'd.ropped in to say tha.nks-for the WINKJ.,E, E. J. 1\'IIDDLETON , teachers training course in San staff since 'September, 1955.
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