LEADERSHIP ACTIONS ON DEI LESSONS ENGAGEMENT BY REFLECTIONS FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR NEW AWARDS & ANTI-RACISM LEARNED FROM PUBLISHING ON REOPENING PLANNING IN THE DIRECTORS 1-4 7-11 CRISIS BOOKS 17-18 PROFESSION 22-23 12-14 15-16 19-21 DirectionsJournal of the Association of Nature Center Administrators // Summer 2020 Andrea Timpone Receives 2020 Nature Center Leadership Award NCA IS PLEASED to an- since then. A nounce Andrea Timpone Under Timpone’s leadership, as recipient of the 2020 Nature Elachee has grown from humble Center Leadership Award. Tim- beginnings to an exceptional insti- pone has led a remarkable career, tution that serves approximately and this award acknowledges her 35,000 schoolchildren throughout exceptional commitment and con- northern Georgia, encompasses tributions to the nature center pro- Elachee Nature Academy that fession, as well as her invaluable includes a Nature Preschool and leadership at Elachee Nature Nature Kindergarten-1st Grade Andrea Timpone Science Center for 35 years. programs, hosts camps and pub- Timpone began her career in lic programs, and preserves over ly to the profession of nature and environmental education in 1979, 1,900 acres while maintaining con- environmental learning centers; working as an interpretive natu- servation projects that have earned Elachee was one of the founding ralist at Panola Mountain State the status of National Audubon members of ANCA in 1989 and Park in Georgia. In 1981 she joined Important Bird Area and part of Timpone has proven generous to Tumbling Waters, a residential the national Old-Growth Forest the ANCA community, serving on camp near Clayton, Ga. In 1985 Network. In 1998, Elachee became two ANCA Peer Consults and as a she became Elachee Nature Sci- the first nature center in the south- mentor in the ANCA Mentor Pro- ence Center’s first employee as an east to earn the prestigious status gram. Under her guidance Elachee instructor, six years after the orga- of SACS/AdvancED-accredita- hosted the 2015 ANCA Summit, nization was officially founded. In tion (now Cognia), granted by the and has hosted or participated in 1988 she became Executive Direc- Southern Association of Colleges multiple ANCA Southeast Region tor of Elachee and later President/ and Schools. meetings. CEO; she has been in that role Timpone has contributed strong- Timpone has also demonstrated Founded in 1989, the Association of Nature Center Administrators is a private non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting best leadership and management practices for nature and environmental learning centers. Serving more than 750 members, ANCA is the leader in1 the profession. CONTENTS 2020 Leadership Award (cont.) leadership within broader envi- 2020 Nature Center 1-2 ronmental communities, being Leadership Award a founding board member of the Environmental Education Alliance 2020 Outstanding 3-4 of Georgia, and formerly serving New Leader Award as President and board member of Earthshare Georgia, an organiza- 5-6 Director’s Notes tion that provides funding for envi- ronmental organizations across the Fontenelle Forest 7-9 state. Takes Action on DEI Dick Touvell, retired execu- Elachee Nature Science Center tive director of Chippewa Nature National Audubon 10-11 Center and recipient of the 2016 goals, and a leader who continu- & Anti-Racism ANCA Nature Center Leadership ously involves her staff and peers Award, writes of Timpone’s career: in navigating the course to suc- Lessons Learned 12-14 “Elachee and Andrea’s story is one cess,” she says. “Andrea has distin- from Crisis of successfully pursuing oppor- guished herself with exceptional tunities, creatively adjusting to leadership at her nature center, Grass River 15-16 challenges and constantly being an within our profession and among Publishes Books innovator. She is the first to say she her peers in the ANCA network.” has been fortunate to be associated Jerry Hightower, Environmen- Reopening The 17-18 with committed staff throughout tal Education Coordinator for the Wilderness Center the years; however, the state-of- Chattahoochee River National the-art facility now in place would Recreation Area, mentions that Financial Investing 19-21 not have happened without her Timpone’s often-unseen work has for the Future extraordinary leadership.” impacted thousands of people, and Pat Welch, retired executive di- echoes Touvell’s statement. “I do Advice for 22-23 rector of the Pine Jog Environmen- not think that we would have the New Directors tal Education Center and recipient extraordinary Elachee that is so of the 2009 ANCA Nature Center important to environmental edu- Leadership Award, commends cation and interpretation without Timpone for her achievements Andrea’s indomitable creative The Directions journal contains both at Elachee and within ANCA. spirit.” news and trends in the nature “Andrea is a remarkable leader To recognize Timpone’s achieve- & environmental learning who strives for excellence, who ments, ANCA will host an Awards center profession, as well as thoughtfully visions the future and Ceremony during the 2020 ANCA relevant resources and stories charts a realistic course to achieve Virtual Summit, Sept. 14-17. of innovative leadership. ANCA members receive each Elachee‘s Chicopee Woods Aquatic Studies Center at Chicopee Lake. Directions by email and can always see back-issues via the member portal on the ANCA website. If you are part of the nature center profession and wish to receive Directions, see ANCA membership levels. Directions offers advertising space for ANCA Business Partners, as well as individual advertising opportunities. 2 Merica Whitehall Receives 2020 Outstanding New Leader Award NCA IS PLEASED to Members to our part-time seasonal A recognize Merica White- staff. She is often seen in the park- hall, Executive Director of Fon- ing lot speaking to members of the tenelle Forest in Bellevue, Neb. public. She truly listens to all sides with the 2020 ANCA Outstanding before a decision is made on any New Leader Award. This award level.” acknowledges Whitehall’s achieve- Among Whitehall’s accomplish- ments within the nature and envi- ments as director, she has been ronmental learning center field in instrumental in the creation of organizational leadership, profes- TreeRush Adventures at Fon- sionalism, professional develop- tenelle Forest, an adventure park ment, and creativity. that includes bridges, zip lines, Whitehall joined Fontenelle and swings between the trees of Forest in 2016 and has since led the Forest. Kema Geroux, Direc- the Forest in engaging new audi- tor of Community Relations for ences and building relationships TreeRush Adventures at Fontenelle within the region. Elizabeth Mulk- Merica Whitehall Forest, writes, “Without Merica, errin, Vice President of Education learning how we all collaborate I’m not sure TreeRush Adventures at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and as a community. Her strong pres- at Fontenelle Forest would have Aquarium, speaks highly of White- ence and confidence helped form opened in July 2019. With integrity hall’s beginnings at the Forest. the bond between the zoo and the and respect, Merica introduced the “The first two weeks as the exec- forest.” notion of partnering to build an utive director of Fontenelle Forest, Denise Lewis, Director of Rap- adventure park to board members Merica was reaching out to local tor Recovery at Fontenelle Forest, and to community stakeholders ... museums, zoos, and nature centers echoes Mulkerrin’s sentiment. Throughout park construction and to introduce herself to the commu- “When Merica was hired as the opening preparations, Merica in- nity,” Mulkerrin says. “Merica was Executive Director ... I was im- spired trust in the adventure park very professional and gave us the mediately impressed by her sense vision.” impression of a very strong leader of community, leadership, and Whitehall has led a diverse who was ready to take on her role creativity,” she says. “Her creative professional career that includes as the leader of Fontenelle Forest, vision is professionally communi- executive level nonprofit manage- jumping into developing an un- cated to all members of the com- ment, teaching in higher education, derstanding of the community and munity, from our Executive Board and managing a nationally touring Fontenelle Forest Nature Center is home to a mile-long, fully ADA-accessible boardwalk. 3 Merica Whitehall Receives 2020 Outstanding New Leader Award (cont. from page 3) performing arts company. Beyond “Locally, five of the Omaha area’s FROM MERICA WHITEHALL: her responsibilities of Fontenelle major foundations have recognized It is a great honor to be recog- Forest, she has been active in her leadership by inviting her to nized as the 2020 Outstanding ANCA by presenting at multiple participate in exclusive leadership New Leader Award recipient. I ANCA Summits, serving on a Peer opportunities. She has also found recall reading ANCA’s Blue Ribbon Consult team, writing for Direc- the time to volunteer on the boards Report in preparation for an in- tions, and contributing as a mem- of the Nebraska Land Trust, Back terview for the position that I have ber of the ANCA Diversity, Equity, to the River, Opera Omaha, and been fortunate to serve in over the and Inclusion Committee. Cather- the Offutt Advisory Council.” past four years. The central theme ine Demes Maydew, Treasurer on To recognize Whitehall’s achieve- of the report was “relevance,” and the Fontenelle Forest Executive ments, ANCA will host an Awards increasing Fontenelle Forest’s Board, notes that Whitehall is ac- Ceremony during the 2020 ANCA relevance has been central to the tively involved in the community: Virtual Summit, Sept. 14-17. growth and success that our Board and staff have worked to achieve. As an organization founded over Below: Opened in 2019, TreeRush Adventures at Fontenelle Forest is a four- 100 years ago, the Forest is deeply acre adventure course between the trees of the Forest. established in the history and the Bottom: Opened in 2016, Raptor Woodland Refuge houses non-releasable hearts of our community.
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