Sanction lift not expected WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Jimmy sia at the end of May ending 90 Carter reportedly is expected to years of white minority government. tell Congress he has decided to keep The Senate recently called upon Guantanamo economic sanctions against Zimbabwe Carter, by a 75-19 vote, to lift Rhodesia, but will reconsider his economic sanctions mandated by the decision if the new Salisbury govern- United Nations 13 years ago. ment can broaden its support. But critics of the new regime in The Washington Post quotes Con- Salisbury say important powers were gressional sources as saying the de- stripped from the parliament before cision may be announced as early as April elections that installed the today. new government. Carter has said he would decide The critics also say full U.S. Gazette by the middle of this month whether recognition of the government of to recommend lifting U.S. economic Zimbabwe Rhodesia would anger black sanctions against Zimbabwe Rhodesia. African nations, including Nigeria Senate staff aides are quoted as which supplies 12 percent of U.S. ing the compromise would not sat- oil imports. fy conservatives who want an im- Congress passed a law last year Guantanamo Bay, Cuba mediate end to sanctions against the requiring the president to lift the new government headed by Prime Min- sanctions if he determines the elec- ister Abel Muzorewa. tions were free and fair and that A limited form of black majority there have been negotiations with Vol 34 No. 108 Thursday, June 7, 1979 rule took effect in Zimbabwe Rhode- the guerrillas. FAA halts operation of DC-lOs in United States COMPILED FROM UPI -- For the fourth day that closed U.S. airspace to of DC-10 engines on two American an "extreme and unwarranted act." time the Federal Aviation Adminis- foreign carriers. Airlines planes in San Francisco. It said it would do whatever it tration has ordered the grounding Under the order, foreign DC-10s has to to get the planes flying of DC-10 jetliners, and it also or- in the United States can take off It was an American Airlines DC-10 again. dered U.S. airspace closed to the using the most direct route out of that went down on May 25 killing Meanwhile, thousands of air trav- same craft owned by foreign air car- the country but without passengers 275 people. elers were either stranded or sent riers. or cargo. DC-10s are built by McDonnell- into long lines to change their Most European airlines followed Douglas, which is headquartered in flights because of the order. FAA administrator Langhorne Bond Bond's order by grounding their St. Louis. grounded the domestic DC-10 fleet DC-10s, and the British grounding A company spokesman yesterday said The nation's largest carrier, indefinitely until further inspec- shut down Laker Airways' "Skytrain" construction of the $40 billion United, said about 25 percent of its tions can determine that they are trans-Atlantic service. planes is continuing, pending reso- passengers are carried on DC-10s. safe or until needed work can be Bond told reporters yesterday he lution of the FAA order which with- National Airlines said all its completed on the three-engine jets. was turned from a skeptic to a be- draws the DC-10's airworthiness overseas traffic is on DC-10s and Bond also issued a supplemental or- liever in the grounding by the dis- certificate. it has no other planes capable of der, effective at 6 p.m. EDT yester- covery of cracks on the wing mounts The company termed the grounding making such a long haul. Navy women to begin donning new style uniforms For the first time in nearly 35 The double knit khaki uniform for purchase in selected Navy for officers, collar devices for ears the Navy's women will be pre- items are now available in Navy Exchanges. chiefs and sleeve rating badges for senting a new appearance as they Exchanges at Newport, R.I.; Naval The Summer White uniform is com- E-6 and below are also worn. White slip into the first line of new Base, Norfolk, Va.; Naval Training posed of a short sleeve polyester dress shoes for officers and black uniform fashions. Center, San Diego, Ca.; and Pearl cotton white shirt with a conver- dress shoes for chiefs, and E-6 and This array of new uniforms for Harbor. They are also available tible collar (enabling it to be worn below will be worn. Until the white both officers and enlisted include: through direct mail orders from the with or without a tie) and a white shoulder bag for officers and chiefs Summer White, Summer Blue, Winter Navy Uniform Shop, Brooklyn, New 100 percent polyester gabardine becomes available, the small white Blue and Winter Working Blue. Also, York, which is the only way to get skirt that has three panels instead clutch bag authorized for wear with a Working Khaki uniform will be the cotton polyester blend versions of six to simplify its lines and to Service Dress Whites will be uti- available for officers and chiefs. of the khaki uniform. make it easier to alter. The skirt lized. The principle components of all zips in the back above a slit that The Summer Blue uniform consists combinations, except khakis, are After August 1, 1979, the new will ease walking without being too of the short sleeve white shirt, new blue slacks, blue shirt, long Summer White Alfa (skirt) and the provocative. A white web belt with worn with the collar open, blue sleeve blue shirt and a long sleeve Summer Blue Bravo (slacks) uniforms buckle (gold for officers and skirt or blue slacks, and a blue white shirt. Someday there will be are authorized for wear on an chiefs, silver for E-6 and below), web belt. These new slacks, to be new white slacks for the summertime optional basis and will be available and insignia (soft shoulder boards authorized August 1, 1979, have a but the Navy is having a problem wider, more comfortable legs, plus with transparency of materials. a zipper front. The skirt will Already in the system are the blue become available in the fall of 1979 skirts and slacks, as well as the and is authorized for wear after white shirts. The new fashions were October 1, 1979. Insignias and belt chosen for specific purposes and buckles are the same as mentioned after years of designing and reac- mR above for Summer Whites. tion testing among Navy women. The D: )ateline . The Winter Blue and Winter Working new color combinations and belted Blue uniforms are composed of the styles are meant to match, as much long sleeve blue shirt, blue skirt as possible, the current male line WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The nation's energy crunch appeared a bit bright- or slacks and the blue web belt with of clothing. er yesterday -- at least for the short-range outlook. the appropriate buckle. The Winter The Working Khaki uniform was An economist told a Senate banking subcommittee the current oil Blue differs from the Winter Working authorized for wear on May 1, 1979 shortage will be brief although problems will extend into the 1980s. Blue in that it is always worn with for officers and chief petty offi- I the collar closed and with the cur- cers and may be prescribed after KRAKOW, Poland (UPI) -- A moist-eyed but smiling Pope John Paul II rent women's tie and ribbons. September 1, 1979. returned to Krakow yesterday where he was archbishop before he was Insignias are collar devices for This khaki uniform is composed of chosen as pontiff. officers and chiefs, and sleeve the following items: Shirt, slacks, A driving wind and lashing rain failed to dampen the jubilant wel- rating badges for E-6 and below. windbreaker jacket, skirt, garrison come for the pope, who told singing, dancing and cheering crowds, The matching sleeve rating badges cap, combination cap cover and web "I'm back, my children." will be available for purchase after belt (an optional double knit belt October 1, 1979. is also authorized). WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House Commerce Subcommittee yesterday ap- Mixing of the Service Dress Blue All these items, except the wind- proved legislation to prohibit the federal government from banning items (skirt, slacks or white shirt) breaker jacket, will be stocked in saccharin until June 30, 1981. with the new items is not autho- double knit material. The action, if adopted by the House and Senate, will extend a mor- rized. However, the new white shirt The following uniform regulations atorium on banning the sugar substitute which expired last month. may be worn with Service Dress Blue pertain to khakis: The khaki open and the present Summer Blue collar shirt is worn with the khaki WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The government said yesterday that despite years utilizing unbelted skirt or slacks skirt or slacks, with a web khaki of research, it still does not know enough about marijuana to change and necktie. belt with a brass bucle and collar restrictions on its availability, even for medical use. There is no style distinction insignia. (Incidentally, the male The Department of Health, Education and Welfare was under court or- between officers and enlisted except web belt won't have to be worn with der to decide whether majijuana should be moved from the same cate- for grade designations, hats, white any of the new fashions, there will gory as heroin to one permitting some restricted forms of medical shoes and purses with the officer be a slimmer, one-inch belt in blue, use for treatment.
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