Num r12 His DilJine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder Acharya Ifllematiollo1 Society for Krishna COllsciom1less Editorial Policy VEDIC VILLAGE REVIEW is meant to promote a beUer understanding ofissuesand philosophyvital to Vaishnavas and their preaching work. We apologize for our errors and we hope to continue with the blessing,'> of devotees, open to review from all quarters. Although we may unintentionally upset some by addressing sensitive issues, it is better to generate debate and an exchange of views than to be silent. Complacent and dull­ headed we will not be. We want to spark healthy discussion and Number 12 March 1990 analysis of topics for the advancement of Srila Prabhupada's Published with the direct approval of (and inspired by)·: His mission. We beg pardon for any offenses that may be made in Divine Grace A.C. Rhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada this effort. We invite response to our articles, as we have an FounderAclrmya: [,,[emotional Societyfor Krish"a Consciousness. open editorial policy. We do reserve the right to edit letters and articles for brevity and conciseness, taking care to preserve the Editor and Publisher: Nityananda Dasa Adhikari spirit of the opinion. Please participate by writing us today! Co-Editors: Rupa-vilasa Dasa, Karnamrita Dasa WR is printed by NEW JAJPUR PRESS, and attempts to Vedic Village Review is published quarterly. promote the development of "Vedic villages" around the world as the foundation of a new Vedic civilization. God-centered, VVR is a confidentiaJ publication, meant for devotees, rural devotional communities such as New Jaipur, Mississippi, fricI!.ds, and other tnt-ete$ted parties only and itisnot intended are the hope of the future during the Golden Age. These fordistribilti9n to thegeneraJ public. theviews expressed in villages will be based on the teachings of Lord Krishna, Lord letters andatlic1es do not necessarily refI~cl the views of the Chaitanya, His Divine Grace A.c. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pra­ editors, tbe New Jaipur communityorlSKCON. This publi­ bhupada, and the predecessor acharyas. cation is not an official ISKCQN publication and it is inde­ pendantly produced by theeditorsand publisher. Still, we feel Address all correspondence to: VVR is an essential forum and aid Lo Krisbna-bhaktas aroUnd VEDIC VILLAGE REVIEW, PO Box 127, the world. Please send US your comments, your memoiiS~ of Washington, Miss. 39190, USA Srila Prabhupada (for publication), and your articles onvar­ nashtam~gUnHattva,ISKCON, Vaishnava philosophy in TOLL FREE NUMBERS generaJ al1dothet topics rdated Lo Krishna collsciousness. (for brief calls - USA only) 1-800-274-2539/1-800-553-8298 FOREIGN CALLS-601-445-2222 SUBSCRIBE CONTENTS WR Now available by GBC Accepts WR Ritvik Challenge 1 subscription only! Ravindra Writes Again! ...........•.........' 2. USA Annually 4 issues $8.00 A Letterto Srila Prabhupada 8 Foreign Annually 4 issues $11.00 Moving a Mountain •..............................9 Overseas Air Mail 4 Issues $25 Ritvik News 13 Notes in Response-from Yasodanandana dasa 14 Wa~hington, VVR PO Box 127, MS 39190, USA Non-liberated Gurus - a False Thesis! 16 Qualifications of a Bona Fide Guru 20 Please notify us if you wish to continue reeci\;ng VVR, orwe will assume you Mysteries and Contradictions :23 donot. Back Issues are $2.00cacho We request you tomai lorcall us with names and addresses of devotees who may like to receive a complimentary issue of JagatGuru for the Golden Age ' 24 Vedic Village Review or Vedic River Devolional Supplies flyers. ISKCON Ritvik Reflections 26 World Review will not report on New Jaipur nor print our ads for Vedic River Devotional Suppljcs. We therefore depend on our readers to help us find European Temple Presidents Petition GBC 27 persons who might like to be on our mailing list. Evidence & Precedents tor the Ritvik System 28 WR Impounded in England! 31 'Srila Prabhupada, leller to Nity.manda dasa, 3116m: "The New Tlllllvlln Rev~w and brochul'1$ are both nry nicely done and I thank you for TKG Writes Rupavilasa dasa 31 them...Plellse go on very enthusiastically denlol)in!: your farming com­ "Precipice of Spiritual Calamity" , 31 munity." Questions Put to Various Parties at San Diego , 33 The Will of Srila Jiva Goswami 37 All rights reserved Letters to the Editor 38 Copyright © March 1990 Letter to a Friend 51 2,000 printed. Vedic River Devotional Supplies , 52 Petition II 57 No.12 Vedic Village Review 1 SIVE investigation must be completed posthaste. Then the society of devotees must have full access to the subsequent I GBC Accepts WR ~ RTVIK REPORT: from there we will see what to do. Let the I truth come out! Ritvik Challenge Although the San Diego debate was a breakthrough, bring­ ing very sensitive but crucial issues out into a GBC sponsored by Nityananda dasa open forum for perhaps the first time, VVR was dismayed at the content and style of the GBC ideologists' defense of ITHIN days after mailing VVR #11, which contained ISKCON's current guru system. Rabindra Swarup and Jayad­ W my "challenge horse" to the GBC regarding the rtvik waita Swami had little SUBSTANCE or EVIDENCE to system for initiations, we heard from several key members of demonstrate the validity of the ISKCON guru system OR dis­ the GBC. They were very sympathetic with efforts to uncover credit the RTVIK system. In this issue of VVR, Karnamrita das the whole truth in these matters. Discussions and visits fol­ meticulously sorts out the facts from the fiction in Rabindra's lowed, and the VVR editors were invited to make a presenta­ recent guru paper (part one). The GBC ideologists appeared tion on the Ritvik System at the North American GBC meeting to us ill-prepared, a bit patronizing and at times silent. See the in San Diego. We agreed, and on January 7, 1990, Rupavilasa, video for yourself. Karnamrita and I participated in over four hours of debate and discussion. Jayadwaita Swami and Ravindra Swarup Prabhu represented the present ISKCON guru system. The event was VVR Challenges GBC Again videotaped (available through Vedic River), the meeting was Now that the GBC is considering the RTVIK issue with the open to all devotees, and Yasodanandan and Gauridas Pandit intent of ascertaining the conclusive truth in the matter ofSrila testified before the assembled devotees as to Prabhupada's desires for the continuation of their knowledge in regards the rtvik evidence initiations in ISKCON, we must not neglect to (see VVR # 11). Sri Ram Prabhu moderated ascertain the validity of the present ISKCON superbly and a motion was unanimously guru system. It is the position of VVR that the adopted by the more than 100 devotees present, GBC has seriously deviated from the instruc­ and subsequently ratified by the North Amer­ tions of Srila Prabhupada by condoning and ican GBC. It reads: promoting the unauthorized guru system of ISKCON since 1978. The demise of the zonal THE NORTH AMERICAN GBC recom­ acaryas was a partial reform, but the same mends that the International GBC, at Maya­ system of GBC authorized, unqualified gurus pur Festival 1990, set up an independent remains in place today. brahminical committee,with unrestricted powers orinvestiga­ Cosmetically there have been changes in the last few years, tion and examination ofwitnesses to investigate: but Srila Prabhupada is officially slill denied his proper place 1. What system Srila Prabhupada wanted for initiation as the PREDOMINATING DIKSA GURU even after his physi­ after his disappearance and the continuation of the cal departure. VVR's suggestion that there was a conspiracy to sampradaya. The results of such investigation are to be duly disobey Srila Prabhupada's orders or a conspiracy to form an considered by the GBC and widely published. unauthorized guru system unsubstantiated by sastra and Pra­ 2. The possiblecover-up ofSrila Prabhupada'sinstructions bhupada's teachings is not so extreme. History already tells us in this regard. loud and clear that the GBC engineered a disastrous succes­ sor-acarya hoax. Now we see that the GBC has endorsed an VVR's editors are very pleased with the results ofVVR # 11, unauthorized method for rubber stampinggurus who are clear­ and especially with the San Diego GBC meeting, which was ly unqualified (otherwise why so many fall-downs?). open, reasonably fair, productive, educational and well The GBC will not easily reform itself. The general devotees managed. The atmosphere in ISKCON appears to be dramati­ must speak up and actively work for the purity, health and cally improving, with honesty and purity prevailing more and strength of this movement. In a mood of support, hoping to more. We hope that the International GBC will approve the prod the GBC into effectively and responsively dealing with above resolution, creating a committee to research and inves­ widespread doubts, dissatisfaction and confusion throughout tigate the Rtvik system as per Srila Prabhupada's instructions the society of devotees, VVR hereby issues another challenge and also the extent of the cover-up that was involved. We pray horse to the GBC: this investigation will move forward from the pages ofVVR into the full arena of the ISKCON devotees. However, VVR will KINDLY SUBSTANTIATE THE PRESENT ISKCON continue to present research, articles and evidence on the GURU SYSTEM WITH REFERENCE TO SRILA RTVIK QUESTION. PRABHUPADA'S TEACHINGS, ESPECIALLY IN H is the earnest expectation of VVR and many devotees REGARDS TO THE APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICA­ worldwide that this RTVIKQUESTIONshould NOTbe swept TION ISSUES. under the rug, pooh-poohed or dismissed prematurely. An extensive effort by a well-balanced committee must investigate IF UNABLE TO DO SO CONCLUSIVELY, THEN ABAN­ this matter FULLY in the upcoming year. Questions must be DON THIS SYSTEM AS UNAUTHORIZED AND IN­ answered by certain individuals, research must be done, wit­ STITUTE THE RlVIK ACARYA SYSTEM AUTHORIZED nesses must be interviewed and a TOTAL COMPREHEN­ BY SRILA PRABHUPADA IN 1977.
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