Before the UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT ROYALTY JUDGES Washington, D.C. In the Matter of: Docket No. 2011-1 Determination of Rates and Terms for CRB PSS/Satellite II Preexisting Subscription Services and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services WRITTEN REBUTTAL STATEMENT OF SOUNDEXCHANGE, INC. Volume 3: Exhibits, SX Ex. 201-RR — SX Ex. 235-RR PUBLIC EXHIBITS ONLY C. Colin Rushing (DC Bar 470621) David A. Handzo (DC Bar 384023) General Counsel Michael B. DeSanctis (DC Bar 460961) SoundExchange, Inc. Jared O. Freedman (DC Bar 469679) 733 10th Street, N.W. Garrett A. Levin (DC Bar 977596) 10th Floor David Z. Moskowitz (DC Bar 994469) Washington, DC 20001 JENNER 4 BLOCK LLP (v) 202-640-5858 1099 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 900 (fj 202-640-5883 Washington, D.C. 20001 [email protected] (v) 202-639-6000 (fj 202-639-6066 OfCounsel [email protected] [email protected] j&eedmanejenner.corn glevinljenner.corn dmoskowitzljenner.corn Counselfor SoundExchange, Inc. July 2, 2012 PUBLIC VERSION g 261 lkt 4'i RKSTRICTKD EXHIBIT - NOT AVAILABLK The following restricted exhibits are not available in the public version: SX Ex. 201-RR — SX Ex. 205-RR SX Ex. 212-RR SX Ex. 233-RR — SX Ex. 237-RR SX Ex. 239-RR - SX Ex. 242-RR SX Ex. 301-RR — SX Ex. 315-RR SX Ex. 316-RR - SX Ex. 342-RR SX Ex. 347-RR SX Ex. 355-RR - SX Ex. 362-RR RESTRICTED EXHIBIT - NOT AVAILABLK The following restricted exhibits are not available in the public version: SX Ex. 201-RR - SX Ex. 205-RR SX Ex. 212-RR SX Ex. 233-RR - SX Ex. 237-RR SX Ex. 239-RR - SX Ex. 242-RR SX Ex. 301-RR - SX Ex. 315-RR SX Ex. 316-RR - SX Ex. 342-RR SX Ex. 347-RR SX Ex. 355-RR - SX Ex. 362-RR 263 RESTRICTED EXHIBIT - NOT AVAILABLK The following restricted exhibits are not available in the public version: SX Ex. 201-RR - SX Ex. 205-RR SX Ex. 212-RR SX Ex. 233-RR - SX Ex. 237-RR SX Ex. 239-RR - SX Ex. 242-RR SX Ex. 301-RR - SX Ex. 315-RR SX Ex. 316-RR - SX Ex. 342-RR SX Ex. 347-RR SX Ex. 355-RR - SX Ex. 362-RR ~p~ RKSTRICTKB EXHIBIT - NOT AVAILABLK The following restricted exhibits are not available in the public version: SX Ex. 201-RR - SX Ex. 205-RR SX Ex. 212-RR SX Ex. 233-RR - SX Ex. 237-RR SX Ex. 239-RR — SX Ex. 242-RR SX Ex. 301-RR — SX Ex. 315-RR SX Ex. 316-RR - SX Ex. 342-RR SX Ex. 347-RR SX Ex. 355-RR — SX Ex. 362-RR RKSIMC'KKB KXMBII' ROT AVAILABLK The following restricted exhibits are not available in the public version: SX Ex. 201-RR - SX Ex. 205-RR SX Ex. 212-RR SX Ex. 233-RR — SX Ex. 237-RR SX Ex. 239-RR - SX Ex. 242-RR SX Ex. 301-RR - SX Ex. 315-RR SX Ex. 316-RR - SX Ex. 342-RR SX Ex. 347-RR SX Ex. 355-RR - SX Ex. 362-RR dj I I I, N 8 Q II il 0 sr/ I I a 5 ili jEOGAJRo~e SIRIUS XM RADIO INC. EORM 8-K {Current report filing) Filed 05/22/12 for the Period Ending 05/22/12 Address 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 36TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 Telephone 212-584-5100 CIK 0000908937 Symbol SIRI SIC Code 4832 - Radio Broadcasting Stations Industry Broadcasting 8 Cable TV Sector Services Fiscal Year 12/31 powered sr ED~Qrttur http:INrvrw.edger~nline.corn Copyright 20t2, EDGAR Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distribution and use of this document restricted under EDGAR Online, Inc. Terms of Use. SX Kx. 211-RP UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE D.C. 20549CGMMISSIQN'ASHINGTON, FORM 8-K CUIMENT REPORT Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) ofthe Secu6tieis Exchange Act of 1934 Date of Report (Date ofearliest event reported): May 22, 2012 SIRIUS XM RADIO INC. (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) Delaware 001-34295 52-1700207 (State or other Jurisdiction (Commission File Nu~mber) (I.R,S. Hmployer ofIncorporation) Identification No.) 1221 Avenue of the Americas,36 Fl., New York, AY i (Address ofPrincipal Executive Offices) (Zip Code) Registrant's telephone number, including ares. code:.(212) 584.-5100 Check the appropriate box below ifthe Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing I obligation ofthe registrant under any ofthe following provisions: L] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425) Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 underthe Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) underithe Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b)) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c)i under thei Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c)) 4E Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure On May 22, 2012, Mel Karmazin, our ChiefExecutive Officer, spoke to stockholders at our 2012 Annual %r'..— —..eting of Stockholders, A copy ofthe slides used during his presentation to stockholders are attached hereto as . xhibit 99,1 and is incorporated by reference into this Item 7.01. Pursuant to General instruction B.2. to Form S-K, the information set forth in this item 7.01, including the exhibit attached hereto, shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of Section 18 ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or otherwise subject to the liabilities ofthat section. Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits (d) Exhibits. The Exhibit Index attached hereto is incorporated herein. Exhibit Description ofExhibit 99.1 Presentation slides dated May 22, 2012 for 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders K&bldlk Lkl / (gg Ml IM .ah~ 'T' 8 A T E L L l R A 9 I Q t„ t I l Nlcty 22, 2',612l ggl ggi Tho gufdmcc contained herein fs based upcn a. number of, assumptions and asti@utes tlat, vzhffe con fdcrcd .reasonable by ue when taken as a whole, fs fnherenffy subject ia 5fgnfficent business„economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many cf which cro beyond our eantrof. In addition, thc ffufdcncc is based upon specNic assumptions arith respect ta future. business conditions, some or ff of which vdif change; The guidance„ ffke any forecast, fs necessarily spcculatlva ln nature nnrf ft can be exp~d that the. assumptions upon vrhich the guidance ic based vrig nct prove to be valid cr vugg vary from actual rebuffs. Actual result vrili vary Aoin the qufdance and the vaA'ations may he fnafarfaf Consarfuently, the guidance should not bo regarded as a representation by us. or any other person thatthe subscdbars, revenue, andibr adjusted ESfTDA vrill actually be achieved. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this fnfarmatfcn. Y'r This co&tviunfcafiazt caAtafstc '"fagavotd-faakfag qtotqmen~" vrfthfq the meaning af the private Securities Li6gation Reform Act ct $89$. Such statements include, but crc not limited to„statement". about future financfzf and operating resufts, our plans, objectives. expectations aud intentions wfth respect ta future operation", product" and services; and other atatcntents fdcntfffcd by vrords such as 'Wflf likely result," "are expected to," "vdff continue," '5» anticipated„" "cwtfmated,'" "believe," "intend," plan," '*projection," "outfuc ceords af sfmffar meaning. Such forward-locking statemenfs are based upon the currant beliefs and cxpoctatforfs of our management and are inherently subject tc oignfffcant business, economic and comp"tftive uncertainties end contingencies, many af vrhfch are dNAcuft te predict and generally beyond aur controL Actual results ntay differmaterially front tho results anticipated in these forward-fcofdng statements. Tha tot~&Ing fee!hi', enhcnj cLII ern, cauld cauucL "-'tail'osLcho tc vfIHsr materi'ir vien tive A".Jpntcd tc u4 ar other OLIpcwionn evnroaecd tn the forvvnrd.faohtng stcbnteafcc inc!a «uohohLetfaILompcdtcnnoLtgotce np t!Ilpnfo IfuefgtalacteuooavotrLraa. ~ otinh)~echo trope sl!8 ia largofynd og'en utdonzbttui tfcncrgcoonor5Ie.cordltfcoa cau 8!feat Lrul I!ua uI, -; ef '".ucaoyOIlraafe'~'CayttLLL!P'LL'.5Infifehrlt/tlafna!IOOLirhtdin888i OLlru+liip to 8!ItaclalLd tata!a'8LLbvet 58+a!L! tittyrLIILhle lsval ILL iha fublra!8 Lnicottafai . fayan!ta far muSie lfrhte Inay iVieree@n "'fe'lureta eC nLPly LLC! I5 FLvC LeqttiteaVLuL!e COLL'ld dulauyte Lhurbedinea 5; ~ 85@ LtrBaal&la a'e!Caintr llf purA!nj at ".8!uaa'lily sffaa rcd ~id 'have a",InntetiaiadVa!CO @f@tff ~ rafvvt tuebnaiogieal and irduatty ohw~tavs coaltfa fv«tee!y knnucfOLLrueLviuec", tniuroof thitdp-dfcata p Aint ccoh! Odvdr c.'ltcffuct-carbLLelnc ~ chan!le ta«easunLILtptotcctlonyuvuacddtairer farcernarkcaulL!OanqeocrhuahLL 8 «irAnA 8 lan art llnaaf oLLabtfaattutlcataelutoicfiytandcotncauLL!cctan-peolscaaftync!futLvc!panpucteavtcctdfsurdhruntr, « IruLqvatto ptotocttlvvnecun.g ocpcn'oael fafoenet'oaLLhotooerecosoeuLLOL vLe coa5atto uthect Ia ccctttd f ovcrncLeotox!o&coaLoat artier. orpflva;cytipatuoaftdouscaput;ilolyceuh! Of!er, the+canal &fL ~ vvestcy from 8'state LnaLnoLL:tyourhcLalocu 8Lluu,eottittvcc:cnanlptacoulLf advoLrLOIga'foptlieead LLurtiuunctal coats[oat onr acihotcktiatfeed's inN5!OAT OO utd ddlL'C='oc!5' flat! pere ftefnho Aa and cpufd i Iud tpat 8N!iI'r to react ot 4Iaebcn-) Ov Our educ;t&'," .O!Lrbnatfeactabdlhla.tefLau5tdsfnyat!Ort 8!5LOALhah!d LlatlPII(tftfaeffLMaat %hart!!OI Lbfk"'dftf88 dal Bftat!NAeadfihyau!I=at cn!sgrafoLac or tetvvL Its actlviHua: "afsctrwesoddbc,fu',scfareeou fLOLn oihLuta eoafLfCknteoe auz hu fr~el . ';,"tb ~ Oerau LLeaaaOy OLL Imgp!reL! hy tldtdI g dy tntelltcbrLI ncop «I5L+hda; ~ Lthcdy CoiporaEan h e shynihcar 8 fr~ f uasee overourhcuiree aaci ai!alta audits Ibtmt Lnay chffcv!Vcca ours; aud 'onrcatooutatfu!I Iouc con+olvvurdaccoid tlasnku!al hdly fir L'tod tILVOO/nct&neaeaa'LvQeteftfpcftaat, a C1 Sn A cl'tftafrd LY' Lacoatrl Coda Addi!leon!yacht th"t sea! d caeno our rcaulfu to dificr tac!Cd 8'Q fran d.tLSO dmdhnd IodtofneLatd+Sh'9 atcterscaLL'Caa ha tenon ln euv tcpo4 filed or tatn hcd tcvthaccl~aad avellahl o "'.
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