8426 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SRD JULY 1979 Foxenden Road Slocton Road any representations and objections which have been duly Gardner Road Sydenhiiin Road made and not withdrawn will be transmitted with the George Road The Mount Order. Guildown Road Upperton Road R. F. K. Carder, County Secretary Harvey Road Warwicks Beach Road County Hall, High Street Weston Road Bedford. Iveagh Road Wherwell Road 3rd July 1979. Kiiigs Road (513) From time to time it has been necessary to make amend- ments to the Schedules to the Regulations in order to BEVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL accommodate the changing traffic routes and housing and other building developments in the town. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 277 As far as possible the markings on the carriageway have Designation of Conservation Area been adjusted to agree with the schedules but in some Southfield, Hessle cases this has been impracticable owing to the provision of vehicle accesses, the re-alignment of kerbs or the necessity Notice is hereby given that Beverley Council at their to retain existing road markings for safety reasons. Meeting held on 28th June 1979 resolved to designate as a The purpose of this amending Order is to adjust the Conservation Area under section 277 of the Town and schedules so that they correspond with the existing road Country Planning Act 1971 an area of land at Southfield, markings. There will therefore be no change in the on- Hessle, the boundaries of which are indicated on a Plan street parking facilities or waiting restrictions now indicated Reference 3/32917/2-2 which is available for inspection by on the carriageway. members of the public during normal office hours at the A copy of the proposed Order and a map showing the offices of the Chief Planning Officer of the Council, The roads to1 which the proposed Order relates may be inspected Gables, Lairgate, Beverley. at the office of the County Area Engineer (West), Highway The effect of the designation is that the Council as district House, Onslow Street, Guildford between the hours of planning authority under the Town and Country Planning 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Objections to the Acts will in their consideration of any applications for proposals together with the grounds on which they are planning permission with respect to land and buildings made must be sent in writing to the Clerk and Solicitor, within the area give special attention to the desirability of Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Guildford preserving and enhancing the character or appearance of the GU2 5BB by 27th July 1979. area. David Watts, Clerk and Solicitor, Guildford Borough In addition, the following statutory provisions will apply Council (for and on behalf of the Highway Authority, to the area and should be carefully noted: Surrey County Council). (a) Section 61A of the Act of 1971 requires that, before any work is carried out on trees growing in a Con- Millmead House, Millmead, servation Area which are not already protected by a Guildford GU2 SBB. Tree Preservation Order, 6 weeks notice of the intention 3rd July 1979. (772) to carry out such work must be given to the district planning authority. (b) Section 277A of the Act of 1971 requires that, with certain exceptions, no building within a Conservation Area may be demolished unless listed building consent TOWN AND COUNTRY has been granted by the district planning authority. PLANNING ACTS R. Gregory, Chief Administrative Officer The Hall, BEDFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Lairgate, Beverley. NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER 29th June 1979. (773) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971—SECTION 210 The Bedfordshire County Council (Footpath No. 27, WARWICK DISTRICT COUNCIL Woburn) Public Path Diversion Order 1979 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order, made on 14th June 1979, is about to be submitted to the Secre- Lowsonford Conservation Area tary of State for the Environment for confirmation, or to be Notice is hereby given that the Warwick District Council confirmed as an unopposed Order by the Bedfordshire have designated an area in Lowsonford as a Conservation County Council. area. The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- The eastern boundary of the Lowsonford Conservation tions, will be to divert part of the public right of way Area extends from the house known as " The Briars" in known as Woburn Footpath No. 27 which extends from a the north down Lapworth Street to its junction with Mill point approximately 30 metres south-west of its junction Lane. The boundary then turns eastwards along Mill with George Street in a south-westerly direction for a Lane to the Stratford-upon-Avon canal ; from Finwood distance of approximately 75 metres to its junction with Bridge on the canal the boundary turns southwards down Wayn Close to a path which will extend from a point the eastern bank of the Stratford Canal and includes Lock approximately 30 metres south-west of its junction with Cottage at Lowsonford Bridge; it then continues south George Street in a north-westerly direction for a distance beyond the bridge and crosses the canal to join the southern of approximately 40 metres and thence in a south-westerly boundary of Lowsonford Village Hall grounds. From this direction for a distance of approximately 70 metres to its it proceeds along the southern boundary of White Horse junction with Wayn Close, in the Parish of Woburn. Cottage to Rookery Lane and then across to the Henley A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has Road ; from the Henley Road it turns north and follows the been deposited at the offices of the undersigned at County western boundary of the properties on the west side of Hall, Bedford, and may be inspected free of charge during Lapworth Street, including White House Farm, Whiteways normal office hours. and Holly Bank back to " The Briars ". If you wish to have sent to you in due course a notice The effects of the designation, inter alia, are to define the to the effect that the Order has been confirmed, and a area as being of special architectural or historic interest, copy of the Order as confirmed, you should write to The the character or appearance of which it is desirable to County Secretary, Bedfordshire County Council, County preserve or enhance, and that the consent of the local Hall, Bedford, giving your name and address to which planning authority is required before any building in the those documents may be sent. Conservation Area may be demolished or trees lopped or Any representation or objection with respect to the Order felled. may be sent in writing to the County Secretary, Bedfordshire A map indicating the area concerned may be inspected at County Council, County Hall, Bedford, before 3rd August my office at the Town Hall, Leamington Spa, Monday to 1979, and should state the grounds on which it is made. Friday inclusive, during normal office hours. If no representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Bedfordshire County M. /. Ward, Chief Executive Council may, instead of submitting the Order to the Secre- Town Hall, tary of State for the Environment, themselves confirm the Leamington Spa. Order. If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State 27th June 1979. (804).
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