63668 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices (6) An estimate of the total public Supp), Rental Assistance (RAP), section 102(2)(C) of the National burden (in hours) associated with the Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab), Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 collection: The total estimated annual and Mod Rehab Single Room U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). The FONSI is hour burden associated with this Occupancy (SRO) programs available for public inspection during collection is 960 hours. (collectively, ‘‘covered programs’’) to regular business hours in the (7) An estimate of the total public long-term, renewable assistance under Regulations Division, Office of General burden (in cost) associated with the the Section 8 project based voucher Counsel, Department of Housing and collection: The estimated total annual (PBV) or project based rental assistance Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, cost burden associated with this (PBRA) programs. The most recent Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410– collection of information is $7,200. version of the RAD program notice is 0500. Due to security measures at the Dated: December 4, 2018. PIH 2012–32/Housing 2017–03, REV–3, HUD Headquarters building, please which has been amended by Samantha L. Deshommes, schedule an appointment to review the supplemental guidance published July FONSI by calling the Regulations Chief, Regulatory Coordination Division, 2, 2018, is located at https:// Office of Policy and Strategy, U.S. Citizenship Division at (202) 708–3055 (this is not www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/Housing/ a toll-free number). Individuals with and Immigration Services, Department of _ _ _ Homeland Security. documents/RAD Notice Rev3 speech or hearing impairments may Amended_by_RSN_7-2018.pdf. [FR Doc. 2018–26727 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am] access this number via TTY by calling This notice announces the posting of BILLING CODE 9111–97–P the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877– a second supplement to the most 8339. current notice PIH 2012–32/Housing Dated: November 28, 2018. 2017–03 REV–3 (RAD Supplemental DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND Notice 3.B, PIH 2018–22/H 2018–11). As Dominique Blom, URBAN DEVELOPMENT provided by the RAD Statute (Section General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. [Docket No. FR–6135–N–01] 237 of Title II, Division L, Transportation, Housing and Urban Brian D. Montgomery, Rental Assistance Demonstration: Development, and Related Agencies, of Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Amendment to Final Notice the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Housing Commissioner. 2018, Pub. L. 115–141), this notice [FR Doc. 2018–26709 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am] AGENCY: Office of the Assistant addresses the requirement that the BILLING CODE 4210–67–P Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing demonstration may proceed after HUD Commissioner and Office of the publishes the terms of the notice in the Assistant Secretary for Public and Federal Register. This notice DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Indian Housing, HUD. summarizes the key changes made to ACTION: Notice. the PIH 2012–32/Housing 2017–03 Fish and Wildlife Service SUMMARY: This notice announces a REV–3 through the RAD Supplemental [Docket No. FWS–HQ–IA–2018–0083; change to the Rental Assistance Notice, PIH 2018–22/H 2018–11. FXIA16710900000–178–FF09A30000] Demonstration (RAD) regarding II. Key Changes Foreign Endangered Species; Marine conversions to project-based rental In order to maximize the resources Mammals; Receipt of Permit assistance under RAD’s Second available to make property Applications Component. improvements for low-income DATES: The RAD Supplemental Notice, households living in properties AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, PIH 2018–22/H 2018–11, is operative converting under the Second Interior. December 11, 2018. Component of RAD and to align RAD ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit ADDRESSES: Interested persons are requirements more closely with the applications. underlying PBRA statutory and invited to submit questions or SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and comments electronically to rad@ regulatory requirements related to the Wildlife Service (Service), invite the hud.gov. Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, the public to comment on applications to Supplemental Program Notice clarifies FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To conduct certain activities with foreign that execution of a PBRA contract as a assure a timely response, please direct species that are listed as endangered result of the conversion of Rent Supp, requests for further information under the Endangered Species Act RAP, Mod Rehab, or Mod Rehab SRO electronically to the email address rad@ (ESA) and foreign or native species for contracts through RAD after the hud.gov. Written requests may also be which the Service has jurisdiction publication of this notice does not directed to the following address: Office under the Marine Mammal Protection trigger Davis-Bacon prevailing wage of Housing—Office of Recapitalization; Act (MMPA). With some exceptions, the requirements. Department of Housing and Urban ESA and the MMPA prohibit activities Development; 451 7th Street SW, Room III. Revised Program Notice with listed species unless Federal 6230; Washington, DC 20410. Availability authorization is acquired that allows SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The RAD Supplemental Notice (PIH such activities. The ESA and MMPA also require that we invite public I. Background 2018–22/H 2018–11) can be found on RAD’s website, www.hud.gov/RAD. comment before issuing permits for RAD, initially authorized by the activities involving endangered species Consolidated and Further Continuing IV. Finding of No Significant Impact or marine mammals. Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 122– A Finding of No Significant Impact DATES: We must receive comments by 55, signed November 18, 2011) (2012 (FONSI) with respect to the January 10, 2019. Appropriations Act), allows for the environment has been made in ADDRESSES: conversion of assistance under the accordance with HUD regulations in 24 Obtaining Documents: The public housing, Rent Supplement (Rent CFR part 50, which implemented applications, application supporting VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:51 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 247001 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1 amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices 63669 materials, and any comments and other allowing so would violate the Privacy (Leopardus pardalis mitis), jaguar materials that we receive will be Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) or Freedom of (Panthera onca), and South American available for public inspection at http:// Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). tapir (Tapirus terrestris) from Brazil for www.regulations.gov in Docket No. the purposes of scientific research. This C. Who will see my comments? FWS–HQ–IA–2018–0083. notification is for a single import. Submitting Comments: When If you submit a comment at http:// submitting comments, please specify the www.regulations.gov, your entire Applicant: Wild Cat Education & name of the applicant and the permit comment, including any personal Conservation Fund, Occidental, CA; number at the beginning of your identifying information, will be posted Permit No. 97801C comment. You may submit comments on the website. If you submit a The applicant requests a permit to by one of the following methods: hardcopy comment that includes purchase a captive-born snow leopard • Internet: http:// personal identifying information, such (Uncia uncia) from Tanganyika Wildlife www.regulations.gov. Search for and as your address, phone number, or Park, Goddard, KS, for the purpose of submit comments on Docket No. FWS– email address, you may request at the enhancing the propagation or survival of HQ–IA–2018–0083. top of your document that we withhold the species. This notification is for a • U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public this information from public review. single transfer. Comments Processing, Attn: Docket No. However, we cannot guarantee that we Applicant: James Madison University, FWS–HQ–IA–2018–0083; U.S. Fish and will be able to do so. Moreover, all Harrisonburg, VA; Permit No. 88299C Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: submissions from organizations or BPHC; 5275 Leesburg Pike; Falls businesses, and from individuals The applicant requests a permit to Church, VA 22041–3803. identifying themselves as import scientific samples of Verreaux’s For more information, see Public representatives or officials of sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) from Comment Procedures under organizations or businesses, will be Madagascar for the purpose of scientific SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. made available for public disclosure in research. This notification covers FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: their entirety. activities to be conducted by the Brenda Tapia, by phone at 703–358– II. Background applicant over a 5-year period. 2104, via email at [email protected], or To help us carry out our conservation Applicant: Wildlife Conservation via the Federal Relay Service at 800– responsibilities for affected species, and Society, Bronx, NY; Permit No. 99617C 877–8339. in consideration of section 10(a)(1)(A) of The applicant requests a permit to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as export two male and two female I. Public Comment Procedures amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), captive-bred African wild dogs (Lycaon and section 104(c) of the Marine pictus) to Canada for the purpose of A. How do I comment on submitted Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as enhancing the propagation or survival of applications? amended (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361 et the species. This notification is for a You may submit your comments and seq.), we invite public comments on single export. materials by one of the methods in permit applications before final action is ADDRESSES. We will not consider taken. With some exceptions, the ESA Applicant: Indiana University-Purdue comments sent by email or fax, or to an and MMPA prohibit activities with University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN; address not in ADDRESSES. We will not listed species unless Federal Permit No.
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