/ ' / rOORTEEi ISDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1940 tfanrlrrBtrr Eontbto BnraOk Average Daily Circulation The W**lker For the Mbath at Aaguat, 1M« For at Pt V. e. wentaot Burouu Mary C. Keeney Tent, D, U. V., Juvenile authorlUea will deal mattes or physics would seem to be V wUl its regtllar meeting to­ with a 15-year-old boy caught highly desirable also. Courses Irt 6,331 . A bout Town night in the T. M. C. A. building. with a atolen radio in hla poasee- Night School Generally fair tonlgM and Sat­ other subjects will be given if sultl- >N8IDBlTOUR Menbor of the Audit AU officers are urged to be pres­ Mon. The radio was taken from a cient Interest Is shown but at least urday; oUghtly wanaor touIgM. ent as a rehearsal o f the floor Mala street store Monday nlgh(, Here Sept. 30 20 elections must be made to war­ Botou of drcalattona lira. Mkx Asher of Andover re- work will take place. rant a class In any specific sub­ ISO RANGE L O IL >€|h ManehBiter^A CUy of Vittago Charm the arrival at her place last Oomplaiiit has been made to po­ ject. bt o f a radnff pigeon bearing Co m f o r t in g Troop No. 25, Boy Scouts of the lice that two in a New York Boost Appropriatloii I log bands. The number on the Center Oongregstional church, will registered car have been active^ in Expect That Many Funeral Service EQ UAL TO VOL. LIX., NO. 300 (Claaaiaad Advartlaing oa Paga Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1940 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THNF.E CKN1 num band was AU-40>TON> have a hike Saturday at 9:30 a.m. H ie Board o f ERucatlon has in­ IP the outskirts of town, seeking to Aliens Will Attend the • Modcrat* cMta and the number on a small AU scouts are urged to report and peddle fur coats and rugs without creased the appropriation for / RANGE OIL PURI evening school by $100 to 11600 • Parsonal att.ntion jrteth band la 0-832. Mrs. Asher is to bring sandwiches for one meal. a proper local license, r Classes in Citizenship. and It is expected that moat o f thU • Mcdarn aquipmant In Lots of In LoU of 10 desirous of locating the owner of /IM Gala, or More ! C GaL Gala, or More Gal. tlds bird. Her home is located on additional sum will be expended • Expart dlraetlon 6.1c A meeting for aU group leaders Girl Scout Troop No. 7, Jesse Classes In citizenship are ex­ In citizenahlp clasaes. The sched­ the Hebron-Bolton road in An­ of the North Methodist church will Hewdtt captain, will meet tomor­ pected to attract a banner enroll­ ule of classes will be announced WALTER N, LECLERC dover. he held tomorrow evening at 7:30 MANCHtaTM, row at 6:30 o'clock at Center later after enrollments have been «.-4. m w * L. T. WOOD CO. T el. ^ 9 6 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Holmes, Church. ment when public evening school la received this week. The fl^ t setback party of the 267 Main street. Lesders unable opened here on Monday, Sept 30, to attend are requested to send a 200 German Planes; due to the fact that many aliens new season at the V. F. W. Home Mias Helen Crowe of Buckland A ■ ‘ T ^ . / ■ at Manchester Green, held last representative, as plans for the was one of the candidatea to re­ are seeking a foundation for citi­ coming months will be made and A night, was well attended and all ceive the Bachelor, of Education zenship applications. Principal had a pleasant evening. ItJ s pro­ names assigned for the different degree from 'Teachers’ College, FOOD SALE groups. Chester L. Robinson announced to­ posed to hold these socials each Danbury. It was conferred at a day that registration of students Given By Lndlea’ AM Society week on Wednesday evening and convocation of the State Board of will take place next week Monday, o f Emanuel Lutheran Church Avoid The Week-End Rush this year the men of Anderson- Mrs. Michael G. Gorman of 86 Education, Saturday, in New Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to Linden street and Miss Anna Gor­ AT HALE’S STORE Shea Post will assist the auxiliary. Britain. 9 p. m. nightly at the supcrlntend- I f you have dry cleaning work that you can anticipate Mrs. Anna Barron won first hon­ man of 732 Main street have re­ dht’s office In the main building. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER >1 and we pick it up before Friday noon, you will be assured Torpedo Sinks Nazi Troop Transport turned from a several days’ trip Starting A t 1# A. M. ors in the games last night, A. C. Samuel Steven.son. 57. of 79 Fos­ Last 'Year's Courses of its return by Saturday night. Your cooperation hag Mankin. second and C. W. Custer, to Niagara Falls and Canada. Mrs. Clashes W'ere held last year In COMI IN FOR A Gorman left her son, Robert, who ter street was arrested on a third. Home made cake and cof­ charge of driving a car with de­ sewing. cooking, typewriting, been appreciated and we know it will continue. __ * fee was served at the social period graduated In June from Manches­ stenography, bookkeeping and ter High school, to fnter Niagara fective brakea yesterday afternoon which followed. training In citizenship and the University as a freshman. after he collided with an auto op­ Luftwaffe and R. A. F. Trade Blowi erated by Walter W. Hopper of 89 same classes will be conducted or THf MIW 1*41 Vernon street, Rockville, atj,Main^ this year If elections warrant w- A feature of the Cherry Park Bowling practice for the St. Manchester Dry Cleanersi tWillkie’s Backers and Flower streets. their continuance. Mr. Robinson Raiders Seen fair at Avon next week Thursday. Mary's church team originall.v expressed the opinion that. In view PHONE 7254 Friday and Saturday will be the scheduled for September 23 ha.i of the keen Interest being sho\vri In PHILCO HELGOLAND^ elaborate flower show, under the been postponed to a later date .as Isadore J. Koster, 25. of Palm trade education, classes in mathe- chaimanship of Henry N. Loomis the Y.M.C.A. alleys will not be street, Hartford will appear In o Keep Spending who was In charge of Jandscaplng open until October 1. court tomorrow charged with fail­ »AOIO-*HOMOqL*APH •S* wHULL at the ” Barkhamsted’" Reservoir. ing to halt at a stop sign at Hart­ S 6 a -\ , tfiiHAMBURG To Coast of Mr. fxKjmis .is a well known civil A delegation of 12 members of ford road and Main -street last ALIC'B COFRAN engineer. He will be a.ssisted by the Manchester Young Republi­ night at 8 p.m. s (Known As Queen Alice) ithin Limit Set LIVERPOOL Frank H Demars of Winsted, vet­ can club will travel to Rutland. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM IS YOUR HOUSE IN GOOD REPAIR? eran gardener whose work at fairs Vermont September 21 to attend Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son LET US CHECK it OVER AND MAKE ANY REPAIRS has Dcen widely acclaimed. In ad­ Bom With a VelL BARSTOW’S BItIMINGHAM,’? the New England convention of enate Cam- Huge Rat More Cause I E I T H E R dition to entries of many fall flow­ young GOP clubs. Readings Dally 9 A. 51. to 9 P. M. RADIO SHOP TH AT MAY BE NECESSARY Root Tells BERLIN 4,000 Aboard Drown For Scare Than Bomb ers, there will be miniature bou­ Or By Appointment. In the Service PHONE 3234 paign lilyestigating f;j;ill(OMAM.UECK quets and a large variety of pot­ of the People for StI Years. Miss Josephine Saplenzs, daugh­ {Massive Battle Over .; ted plants. ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sa- 171 Chnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. CAimmittee t More London, Sept. 20.— (45—What 1 ■’•t:’::i?BETHEL Ad^lraUy Sink, LONDON jy ^ r W a y plenza of 202 Oak street, was the Phone 6-2237 The low cost of a do those fearless members of I Southeast Coast Fol­ guest of honor at a dinner given Than $3,000, Will bomb disposal units think about William Shea, foreign news BARBER Genaico while dealing with unexploded lows Night-Long Nazi at the Heubleln Hotel, Hartford, Be Expended W All SOUTHAMPTON v.>v. Burst of Smoke and TtOODS Traiil analyst of the Hartford Times, will last night by her office associates Hexagon Shingle bomba? be the speaker at the weekly meet­ Raids on London and at the Prudential Insurance com­ Roof is no indica­ Groups of Supptmers. A member of one ^rew seated . Flames by Submarine -* ^ ing of the Kiwanla club at the pany's branch In the Cheney build­ astride a monster bomb sig- ‘ Country club Monday noon. The tion of its quality. Heavy R. A. F. Coun- ing. In recognition of her mar­ naled frantically and shouted G E RMANY Sturgeon on Arm of FoV Londltlff attendance prize will be furnished These shingles riage on October 5 to Frederick Washington, Sept. 20. - V ^ "Get me out of here.” North Sea Off Den- ____ ter-Blows Against Ger­ by J. G. Echmallan. Notice ! give many years of •Malon of Bristol, Miss Sapienza — Oren Root, Jr., told Hie Hauled up, he explained bis received from her friends a com­ protection — impart Senate Campaign Investiga anxiety by pointing down in : CHERBOURG-.- mark Srpt. 2; Nearly man Continental bination sandwich grill and waffle the bole at a huge sewer rat.
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