~ Paid Advertising Supplement ~ AUSA REDSTONE-HUNTSVILLE CHAPTER - “BEST CHAPTER OF THE YEAR” 13 TIMES IN THE LAST 15 YEARS The QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY REDSTONE-HUNTSVILLE CHAPTER VOL 20 ISSUE 1 Spring 2020 2019 National Guard Birthday Breakfast By John Perry, VP Army Reserve and National Guard Affairs The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of AUSA hosted the 383rd birthday of the National Guard on December 11, 2019. This year’s luncheon was celebrated at the Jackson Center with over 100 Na- tional Guard soldiers and chapter mem- bers in attendance. Our keynote speaker was Maj. Gen. Sheryl Gordon, The Adjutant General (TAG) for the State of Alabama. MG Gordon spoke of the role of the Na- tional Guard is now more important than ever. MG Gordon spoke about the evolution of the National Guard from its creation to the present. She spoke on how the Guard adapts to the require- ments of the country. She said that the Guard is flexible and prepared to meet the needs of the ever-changing events worldwide. The annual breakfast doubles as a birthday celebration and a reunion for the National Guard soldiers both re- tired and still actively serving. Dave Maj. Gen. Sheryl Gordon, The Adjutant General for the State of Alabama and Staff Sgt. Fernando Fernandez the youngest Carney, retired National Guard soldier, National Guard Soldier present, cut the cake at the National Guard Birthday Luncheon. said “the breakfast has evolved into a “fellowship” where retired and active “Jack” Haley, BG(R) Bob Drolet, COL National Guard soldiers, both active and for the photo op. Guard soldiers can meet and renew old (R) Todd Grigsby, and numerous other retired, for their dedicated service to the Special thanks to the NAVFOC and friendships”. active and retired National Guard sol- country. Ms. KC Bertling, for sponsoring this Attending the event were Dr. Joe diers. Also, Kris McBride, AUSA 3rd Cutting the ceremonial birthday cake year’s luncheon. Fitzgerald – Civilian Aide to the Secre- Region President, Dave Seay, AUSA was SSG Fernando Fernandez, the Special thanks to COL Mike Izzo and tary of the Army, LTG (R) Willie Wil- State President, and several members of youngest National Guard Soldier and SFC(R) Dave Carney for their assistance liams (USMC), MG(R) Ken Quinlan, the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter AUSA. MG Gordon, the oldest National Guard in making this event a success. Lastly, MG (R) Jim Rogers, MG(R) Paulette Chapter President, Steve Below, gave soldier in attendance. All the National thank you to MAJ John Manders for Risher, MG (R) Gailes, BG (R) John the welcome address and thanked all the Guard soldiers currently serving join in emceeing the luncheon. 35602 DECATUR, AL DECATUR, PERMIT #376 PERMIT HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35807 ALABAMA HUNTSVILLE, PAID POST OFFICE BOX 7054 BOX OFFICE POST U S POSTAGE S U ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. ARMY U.S. THE OF ASSOCIATION PRSRT STD PRSRT REDSTONE-HUNTSVILLE CHAPTER REDSTONE-HUNTSVILLE 2 AUSA Salute Spring 2020 E.R. Less waiting foremergency care (and alot morecare, if youneed it). In a medical emergency, every minute matters. So, at Crestwood Medical Center, you’ll find faster care in the emergency room. We work diligently to have you initially seen by a medical professional with the shortest wait time possible.* And, with a team of dedicated medical specialists, we can provide a lot more care, if you need it. 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The Chapter closed event or for additional information. AUSA Third Region Meeting nity. Visit our website for out 2019 with our annual Holiday recep- Your Association and Chapter have 23-26 April more information on this tion at the Von Braun Center. The re- many exciting opportunities for profes- Army Museum, FT Belvoir program and to find out ception was a great way for us to once sional development, networking and DA Civilian of the Year Dinner how to become a member. again share the spirit of the season and most importantly, supporting our Sol- 28 April Be an active member! to recognize our championship Team diers, their families and Department of Jackson Center For 2020, I encourage each Redstone Army Ten Miler running team the Army Civilians. Here is a short list of ROTC/JROTC Awards Pre- of our Chapter members and our Third Region Volunteer Family upcoming events and activities: sentation and Community Partners to of the Year, Dave and Judy Carney. This Multiple locations event also afforded the Chapter an op- Community Partner Breakfast throughout the Spring take a few minutes to iden- portunity to say thank you to our Com- 11 March tify an area of particular in- munity Partners and Team Redstone for Rocket City Tavern Memorial Day Activities terest. We are continuously their continued support of the many pro- ASUA Global Force Symposium & Army Birthday Dinner looking for ideas and op- grams and events we conduct throughout Exhibition 12 June portunities to support our the year. 17-19 March Trash Panda Stadium soldiers, their families and The seventh annual Global Force Von Braun Center DA Civilians. Along with Symposium is just around the corner. AUSA Young Professionals Networking AUSA Redstone-Huntsville Young Pro- these opportunities comes the need for This years’ event will be 17-19 March at Social fessionals Sub-Chapter – Chris Jeacock, volunteers. If you are interested in pro- the Von Braun Center. The Chapter will 17 March President viding a few hours to offer support, lead- host social and professional networking Below the Radar The purpose of the Young Profession- ership or mentoring skills, please contact events on Tuesday and Wednesday eve- Rocket City Bash als Sub-Chapter is to raise the visibility me or one of our Board members. nings, followed by the JROTC/ROTC/ 18 March of the U.S. Army and the Association Future Service Member panel and lun- Davidson Center within our community, provide oppor- ARMY Strong! cheon. Please visit our chapter website ROTC/JROTC Luncheon tunities for mentorship and networking, (www.ausa.org/chapters/redstone-hunts- 19 March professional development, develop fu- Steve Below ville-chapter) to register, sponsor an Von Braun Center ture leaders and service to our commu- Chapter president Young woman breaks two-hundred-year-old tradition Tuscaloosa, Ala. First Lieutenant Kayla Freeman, their potential. She has worked very hard to earn 26, Alabama National Guard, became the first those wings, and that’s a great example for all of us.” African- American- woman helicopter pilot in the 200 “Freeman is a perfect example of the quality of sol- years history of the Alabama National Guard. diers we have in our military.” Nicolas Britto, presi- After receiving her wings in 2018, Freeman was dent, AUSA West/Central Alabama Chapter said. deployed to Camp Taji, Iraq with her unit in sup- Freeman attended Tuskegee University, where she port of Operation Enduring Freedom. She flew over received a B.S. in Aerospace Science Engineering. At 250 combat flight hours accident free and incident her civilian job she is a Flight Test Engineer for the free. U.S. Army Redstone Center in Huntsville, Alabama. In May 2019, Freeman was awarded the Air Medal. On Wednesday, February 26, 2019, at the “I didn’t think about making history when I started Tuscaloosa River Market, 1900 Jack Warner Pkwy, this journey. I just wanted to do the best that I could starting at 11:30 a.m., the Association of the U.S. do and hopefully inspire a few people along the way,” Army (AUSA) West/Central Alabama Chapter, will Freeman said be honoring Freeman with the 2019 Veteran of the Maj. Gen. Sheryl Gordon applauded Freeman’s Year Award, at its annual “Women’s Leadership historic accomplishment. Gordon is the first female Luncheon.” Alabama Governor Kay Ivey will be pre- general officer in the Alabama National Guard and senting the award to Freeman. is now the first female to serve as its adjutant gen- The event is open to the public. Tickets: $30.00 per eral. “We take the ideals of equal opportunity very person. Make checks payable to: AUSA West/Central seriously,” Gordon said, “and we’re extremely proud AL Chapter, mail to Post Office Box 32, Cottondale, First Lieutenant Kayla Freeman, the first African Ameri- of lieutenant Freeman’s achievements. She is further AL 35453 can female pilot in the Alabama National Guard, getting proof that we don’t see race or gender in the Alabama.
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