Fordham Law Review Volume 35 Issue 1 Article 1 1966 Arrests for Public Intoxication John M. Murtagh Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation John M. Murtagh, Arrests for Public Intoxication, 35 Fordham L. Rev. 1 (1966). Available at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr/vol35/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Law Review by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Arrests for Public Intoxication Cover Page Footnote Administrative Judge, N.Y.C. Criminal Court. This article is available in Fordham Law Review: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr/vol35/iss1/1 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1966-1967 VOLUME XXXV @ 1967 by Fordham University Press EDITORIAL BOARD RONALD RAUCHBERo Editor-in-Chief FRAqcis J. DEVLIN JOHN A. DONOVAN Articles Editor Articles Editor CHRISTOPHER F. DEARIE JOHN J. REILLY HAROLD L. SCHNEIDER Case Notes Editor Case Notes Editor Case Notes Editor JosEvP J. KLovExoRN GARY MAILMAN Comments Editor Comments Editor CALsJ. NEGAo Managing Editor MEMBERS OF THE BOARD P=R M. AcrON ARTH-U D. GRAY EDWARD A. MCCOYD DAmiAN J. AmODEO JAMES M. KESTENBAUM EDWARD C. MERzYcx BERNARD BRADY IRWiN L. KWATEK MICHAEL J. MURPHY PAUL R. BRENNE JEREMY LANE ANOxNY V. NANNI PETER FRAsER CYNTIA LEPoW RiTA H. QUASMAN PAUL D. FREEMAN LAWRENCE A. LEVINE KEVIN A. QUINN ANDREW P. GARR NORMAN LEVY RICHARD P. SCIAEFER LAWRENCE E. GERSITMAN JAMES J. MALONEY PAUL A. SODEN KEviN GiaLFEcE EDWARD R. MANDELL FREDERICK F. WINELER BEujAiNm E. GOLDMAN RICUARD M. ZAROFT AN V. SuavAN Business Secretary EDITORIAL AND GENERAL OFFICES Lincoln Square, New York, N.Y. 10023 Published four times a year-October, December, March, and May. Member, National Conference of Law Reviews. Printed by the Heffernan Press Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts. Second class postage paid at Worcester, Mass. SuBSncr'ToN Pasca $5.00, SiNGwa Issue $2.00. Make checks payable to FoRDHAM LAw REvIEw. Subscription renewed automatically unless notified to contrary. TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-TITLES ADvERTmiNTs WinCH IDErN= "BRAND X": A TRIALOruE ON =HELAw AND PoLICY. Lawrence D. Gaughan ...................................................... 445 ARRES FOR PUBLIc INyTOXICATION. John M. Murtagh .............................. 1 ATTACKS ON THE CONSTrrUTION, VIOLENCE, AND THE NECESSITY FOR DIoEIENCE. M orris D. Forkosch ........................................................ 71 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION FOR A NEW YORK CLOSE CORPORATION: A FoRm-AN ADDENDum. Robert A. Kessler .............................................. 111 THE CoP.Ex OF PROOF. John Edgar Hoover .................................... 577 CONFIDENTIAL CoiusruICATIONs-THE AccouizcAN-rs' DIx..rNA. Constantine N. Katsoris ................................................................... si DRAFTMG A SAREHOI.DERS' AGREEMrNT FOR A NEW YORK CLOSE CORPORATION. Robert A. K essler ................................................................. 625 THE FAILING C0ispx'y DocmRNE: AN ILLUslvE EcoNomc DEFENSE UNDER SEcTION 7 OF THE CLAYTOx ACT. Richard E. Low ...................................... 425 FIRST PUBLiCATION ABROAD-INESTITIVE, DIVEsTrTivE, OR INOPERATIrE? A TERRITORIAL ViEw OF COPYmRGHT. Elihu Inselbuch ........................................ 477 INTERROGATION OF CRrIMNAL DEFENDANTS-SoME VIEWS ON Miranda v. Arizona. George Edwards, B. J. George, Jr., A. Kenneth Pye, Thomas C. Lynch, Richard H. Kuh, Michael W. Hogan, Osmond K. Fraenkel, Evelle J. Younger .................... 169 JuRIsDiCToN OVER OFESaO FISHEms-How FAR INTO THE HIGH Sems. Ludwik A. Teclaff .................................................................... 409 LOBBYING THE SUPREME COURT-AN APPRAISAL OF "POLITICAL SCIENCE FoLKL.oRE." Nathan Hakman ........................................................... 15 LOCAL FiNANCES UNDER THE NEW YORK STATE CONsTTTUIoN WITH AN EMPHASIS ON NEw YORK CITY. Frank J. Macchiarola ...................................... 263 TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-AUTHORS EDWARDS, GEORGE, Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MaADA v. ARIZONA ................................................................ 181 FoRKoscH, MORaIs D., Attacks on the Constitution, Violence, and the Necessity for Disobedience ............................................................... 71 FRAENKEL, OsmoND K., Interrogationof Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MRANDA v. ARiZONA ................................................................ 249 GAuGHIAN, LAWRENCE D., Advertisements Which Identify "Brand X": A Trialogue on the Law and Policy ....................................................... 445 GEORGE, JR., B. J., Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on M.MDA v. ARIZONA ................................................................ 193 HsAK.AN, NATHAN, Lobbying the Supreme Court-An Appraisal of "Political Science Folklore" . ................................................................. 15 HOGAN, MICA.E W., Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MIRA v. ARIzo A ................................................................ 243 HoovER,JoHNv EDGAR, The Complex of Proof ...................................... 577 INSELBUCH, EIZu, First Publication Abroad-Investitive, Divistitive, or Inoperative? A Territorial View of Copyright ............................................. 477 KAT'som, CONSTANT=NE N., Confidential Communications-The Accountants' Dilemma 51 KESS.ER, ROBERT A., Certificate of Incorporation for a New York Close Corporation: A Form-An Addendum .................................................... 111 Ii FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [Vol. 35 KESSLER, ROBERT A., Drafting a Shareholders' Agreement for a New York Close Cor- poration ................................................................... 625 Kur, RICHARD H., Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MIRANDA v. ARIZONA ................................................................ 233 Low, RILCARD E., The Failing Company Doctrine: An Illusive Economic Defense Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act ............................................... 425 LYNCH, THOMAS C., Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MIRANDA V. ARizONA ................................................................ 221 MACCHIAROLA, FRANK J., Local Finances Under the New York State Constitution with an Emphasis on New York City ........................................... 263 MURTAGH, JOHN M., Arrests for Public Intoxication ............................... I P rE, A. KENNETH, Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MIRANDA v. ARIzoNA ................................................................ 199 TEcLAFF, LUDwIK A., Jurisdiction Over Offshore Fisheries-How Far Into the High Seas 409 YOUNGER, EvELLE J., Interrogation of Criminal Defendants-Some Views on MIRANDA V. ARIZ oNA. ................................................................ 255 TABLE OF BOOKS REVIEWED BAUM & STiLEs: THE SILENT PARTNERS: INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND CORPORATE CONTROL. David C. Bayne, SJ .............................................. 393 BOZELL: THE WARREN REVOLuTION. Charles E. Rice ............................... 760 CARY: POLITICS AND THE REGULATORY AGENCIES .................................. 571 CAVERS: THE CHOICE OF LAW PROCESS. Willis L. M. Reese ........................ 153 DAVIDSON: FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY. Robert L. Sadoff, M.D ......................... 403 HARVEY: LAW AND SocmIA CHANGE IN GHANA. Robert B. Seidman .................. 743 JAFFE: JUDICIAL CONTROL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. Robert M. O'Neil ............ 159 KALVEN & ZEiREL: THE AMERICAN JURY. Delmar Karlen ........................... 769 KUPER & KUPER: AFRICAN LAW: ADAPTATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Robert B. Seidman .. 743 LOFTON: JUSTICE AND THE PRssS. George D. Haimbaugh, Jr....................... 765 SPEISER: RECOVERY FOR WRONGFUL DEATH. Roy L. Lassiter, Jr. and Jordan B. Ray .. 751 COMMENTS DEDUCTIBILITY OF TREBLE DAMAGE PAYMENTS AS AN ORDINARY AND NECESSARY BUSINESS EXPENSE-THE FUTURE o REVENUE RULING 64-224 ......................... 677 DISCOVERY IN FEDERAL CRIMINAL CASES-RULE 16 AND THE PRIVILEGE AGAINST SELF- INCRDM qATION ............................................................. 315 DISCOVERY OF ATTORNEY'S WORK PRODUCT AND OTHER TRIAL PREPARATIONS IN NEW Y ORK ..................................................................... 113 HABEAS CORPUS AND THE INDIGENT MENTAL PATIENT IN NEW YORK .................... 531 THE RIGHT OF SET-OFF AGAINST A BRAwcH BANK ................................. 712 SECTION 301(a) AND THE EMPLOYEE: AN ILLUSORY REMEDY ........................... 517 SEX DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT. ........................................... 503 SPURIOUS CLASS ACTIONS BASED UPON SECURITIES FRAUDS UNDER THE REVISED FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE ................................................. 295 THE TAX TREATMENT OF VOLUNTARY DEATH BENEFITS ................................ 696 1966-67] INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV INDEX DIGEST ACCOUNTING Strict Standards of the Clayton Act Held Not Applicable to Bank Mergers Un- See Privileged Communications der 1966 Bank Merger Act (Case Note) 541 ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Politics and the Regulatory Agencies, A ARREST Book Review 571 See Due Process of Law ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ATTORNEY'S WORK PRODUCT A Director Appearing at a Securities and Discovery Of Attorney's Work Product
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