U.S. Naval War College U.S. Naval War College Digital Commons Historical Monographs Special Collections 2012 HM 20: New Interpretations in Naval History Craig C. Felker Marcus O. Jones Follow this and additional works at: https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/usnwc-historical-monographs Recommended Citation Felker, Craig C. and Jones, Marcus O., "HM 20: New Interpretations in Naval History" (2012). Historical Monographs. 20. https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/usnwc-historical-monographs/20 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at U.S. Naval War College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Historical Monographs by an authorized administrator of U.S. Naval War College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE PRESS New Interpretations in Naval History Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Naval History Symposium Held at the United States Naval Academy 10–11 September 2009 New Interpretations in Naval History Interpretations inNaval New Edited by Craig C. Felker and Marcus O. Jones O. andMarcus Felker C. Craig by Edited Edited by Craig C. Felker and Marcus O. Jones NNWC_HM20_A-WTypeRPic.inddWC_HM20_A-WTypeRPic.indd 1 22/15/2012/15/2012 33:23:40:23:40 PPMM COVER The Four Days’ Battle of 1666, by Richard Endsor. Reproduced by courtesy of Mr. Endsor and of Frank L. Fox, author of A Distant Storm: The Four Days’ Battle of 1666 (Rotherfi eld, U.K.: Press of Sail, 1996). The inset (and title-page background image) is a detail of a group photo of the midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy’s class of 1865 taken in front of the Atlantic House hotel, which the Academy leased when it moved to Newport, Rhode Island, during the Civil War. The class of 1865 was the only one trained entirely in Newport. Three of its members later returned to Newport as presidents of the Naval War College (Caspar Goodrich, Charles Stockton, and French Chadwick) and one as a faculty member (Bowman H. McCalla). Naval War College Museum (original in U.S. Naval Academy Museum). NNWC_HM20_A-WTypeRPic.inddWC_HM20_A-WTypeRPic.indd 2 22/15/2012/15/2012 11:42:25:42:25 PPMM New In ter pre ta tions in Na val His tory HM20_Felker&Jones-NativeB Wednesday,February 15, 2012 10:22:08 AM U.S. GOV ERN MENT OF FI CIAL EDI TION NO TICE Use of ISBN Pre fix This is the Of fi cial U.S. Gov ern ment edi tion of this pub li ca tion and is herein iden ti fied to cer tify its au then tic ity. ISBN 978-1-884733-91-8 is for this U.S. Gov ern ment Print ing Office Of fi cial Edi tion only. The Su per in ten dent of Doc u ments of the U.S. Govern ment Printing Offic e requests that any re printed edition clearly be la beled as a copy of the authen tic work with a new ISBN. Legal Status and Use of Seals and Lo gos The logo of the U.S. Naval War Col lege (NWC), Newport, Rhode Is land, au then ti cates New In ter pre ta tions in Na val His - tory: Se lected Pa pers from the Six teenth Naval His tory Sym po - sium Held at the United States Na val Acad emy 10–11 Sep tem ber 2009, edited by Craig C. Felker and Marcus O. Jones, as an of- fi cial publi ca tion of the Col lege. It is prohib ited to use NWC’s logo on any republication of this book without the ex press, written permis sion of the Edi tor, Naval War College Press, or the ed i tor’s designee. For Sale by the Super in ten dent of Doc uments, U.S. Gov ern ment Print ing Of fice Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washing ton, DC 20402-00001 ISBN: 978-1-884733-91-8 HM20_Felker&Jones-2 Friday, February 17, 2012 8:52:15 AM NAVAL WAR COLLEGE HISTORICAL MONOGRAPH SERIES NO. 20 The histor i cal monogra phs in this series are book-length stud ies of the history of na val war fare, ed ited his tor i cal doc u ments, con fer ence pro ceed ings, and bib li og ra- phies that are based wholly or in part on source ma te ri als in the His tor i cal Col lec - tion of the Na val War College. The ed i tors of the Na val War College Press express their special grati tude to all the mem bers of the Naval War College Founda tion, whose gener ous finan cial sup- port for researc h projects, confer ences, and printing has made possi ble the pub lica - tion of this histor i cal mono graph. HM20_Felker&Jones-NativeB Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:22:08 AM {BLANK UNLESS NEEDED FOR DEDICATION} HM20_Felker&Jones-NativeB Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:22:08 AM New In ter pre ta tions in Na val His tory: Selected Pa pers from the Six teenth Na val His tory Sym po sium Held at the United States Na val Acad emy 10–11 Sep tem ber 2009 Ed ited by Craig C. Felker and Marcus O. Jones N ES AV T A A L T W S A NA VAL WAR COLLEGE PRESS D R E C T I O N L L U E E G H E NEW PORT, RHODE IS LAND T R I VI IBU OR A S CT MARI VI 2012 HM20_Felker&Jones-5 Friday, February 17, 2012 8:56:24 AM The con tents of this vol ume rep re sent the views of the au thors. Their opin ions are not nec es sar ily en dorsed by the Na val War Col lege or by any other agency, or ga ni za tion, or com mand of the U.S. gov ern ment. Printed in the United States of America His tor i cal Mono graph Se ries The Li brary of Con gress Cataloging-in-Pub li ca tion Data NAVAL WAR COLLEGE PRESS Code 32 United States Na val Acad emy His tory Sym po sium (16th : 2009) Naval War College New in terpre ta tion s in naval his tory : se lected pa pers from the six teenth Naval 686 Cush ing Road His tory Sym posium held at the United States Naval Acad emy, 10-11 Sep tember New port, R.I. 02841-1207 2009 / ed ited by Craig C. Felker and Marcus O. Jones. — 1st ed. p. cm. In cludes bib lio graph i cal ref er ences and in dex. ISBN 978-1-884733-91-8 (pbk.) 1. Naval art and science— His tory—Congres ses. 2. Naval his tory—Congres ses. I. Felker, Craig C., 1959- II. Jones, Marcus O. III. Ti tle. IV. Ti tle: Se lected pa pers from the six teenth Naval His tory Sympo sium held at the United States Naval Acad emy, 10-11 Sep tem ber 2009. V27. U55 2009b 359.009—dc23 2012000736 HM20_Felker&Jones-6 Friday, February 17, 2012 8:57:37 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Fore word, by John B. Hattendorf ...............................................ix Pref ace .....................................................................xi Program of Events of the 2009 Na val His tory Sym posium ........................xvii I. Co lo nial Amer i can Re sis tance to Brit ish Na val Im press ment in the Rev o lu tion ary Era ............................................................1 Chris to pher P. Magra II. Medium Powers and Ironclad Con struc tion: The Spanish Case, 1861–1868...........11 by Carlos Alfaro Zaforteza III. Wa ter Wings: The Early Years of Navy and Ma rine Corps Avia tion..................23 Laurence Mitch ell Burke II IV. Riverine Oper a tions of the Dan ube Flotilla in the Austro-German Ro ma nian Cam paign of 1916 .................................................35 Michael B. Barrett V. “There’s Noth ing a Ma rine Can’t Do”: Pub lic ity and the Ma rine Corps, 1911–1917 ....................................................49 Heather Pace Mar shall VI. Arms and the Man: Some Ap proaches to the Study of Brit ish Na val Com mu ni ties Afloat, 1900–1950 ...................................61 Bruce Tay lor VII. Ostfriesland, the Gen eral Board of the Navy, and the Wash ington Na val Treaty: A Relook at a Historic Sinking .................................................73 John T. Kuehn VIII. “This Tempo rary Strategical With drawal”: The East ern Fleet’s War time Af ri can So journ.....................................................87 An drew Stew art HM20_Felker&Jones-7 Friday,February 17, 2012 8:58:50 AM viii NEW IN TER PRE TA TIONS IN NA VAL HIS TORY IX. Escort Oilers : The Untold Story of the Battle of the At lantic ........................99 Ken neth P. Hansen X. See Fido Run: A Tale of the First Anti-U-boat Acous tic Torpedo ...................115 Kathleen Broome Wil liams XI. Hiding in Plain Sight: The U.S. Navy and Dis persed Oper a tions under EMCON, 1956–1972........................................................127 Rob ert G. Angevine XII. Tur bu lence and Ter ror ism: The Story of Head quar ters Sup port Ac tiv ity Sai gon, 1964–1966 ................................................................143 John Darrell Sherwood About the Au thors .........................................................161 Titles in the Se ries ..........................................................165 HM20_Felker&Jones-8 Friday,February 17, 2012 8:59:13 AM FOREWORD The U.S. Naval Academy’s Naval History Sympo sium, held regu larly in Annapolis, Maryland, since 1971, con tin ues to be one of the most im por tant events for the schol arly ex change of ideas on na val his tory.
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