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Security Inc. !"#$%#&'()*+",#-.(/&%(0,"1-( Network infrastructure design with security in mind Digital forensics and licensed investigations of both people and .networks Amuleta Intellectual property protection Consulting in all aspects of modern !"#$%#&'()*+",#-.(/&%(0,"1-( hi­tech computer security Computer Firewalls and intrusion detection !"#$%#&'()*+",#-.(/&%(0,"1-Network infrastructure ( design with systems !"#$%#&'()*+",#-.(/&%(0,"1-(security in mind Auditing and documentation for ISO Network infrastructure Digital design forensics with and licensed Security Inc. security in mind Network infrastructure design with level security security in mind investigations of both people and Digital forensics networks and licensed investigations Digital of forensics both people and and licensed investigations Intellectual property protection of both people and Amuleta.com networks networks Consulting in all aspects of modern [email protected] Intellectual property protection Intellectual property protection hi­tech computer security 604­230­8114 Consulting in all aspects of modern Consulting in all aspects of modern Firewalls and intrusion detection hi­tech computer security hi­tech computer security systems Firewalls Firewalls and intrusion and Auditing and documentation for ISO intrusion detection detection Amuleta is Amuleta a licensed is a licensed private private investigative systems systems firm regulated investigative under firm the regulated Security and level security Auditing and documentation for ISO Auditing and documentation for ISO Services Act and Regulations of BC. under the Security and Services Act and Regulations of B.C. level security level security Amuleta.com Amuleta.com [email protected] Amuleta.com 604­230­8114 !"#$%#&'()*+",#-.(/&%(0,"1-( [email protected] [email protected] 604­230­8114 604­230­8114 Network infrastructure design with Langara College Amuleta is a licensed private investigative security in mind Amuleta is a firm licensed regulated private investigative under the Security and Digital forensics and licensed Amuleta is firm a licensed regulated Services Act and Regulations of BC. private under investigative the Security and investigations of both people and firm regulated Services Act and Regulations of BC. under the Security and networks JournalismServices Act and Regulations of BC. Intellectual property protection Consulting in all aspects of modern hi­tech computer security TheFirewalls fastest and post-grad intrusion detection ticket into journalism systems t 8-month certi!cate Auditing and documentation for ISO level security t Hands-on training for print, broadcast and the web t Work as editors, reporters, publishers and producers t $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship available to assist women Amuleta.com Apply [email protected] Start September 2010. 604­230­8114 Learn more. Call Gene Keith at 604.323.5415 or e-mail [email protected] www.langara.bc.ca Amuleta is a licensed private investigative firm regulated under the Security and Services Act and Regulations of BC. ! " # LJR " INDEX In depth 8. Pulse of the community How a Jewish community newspaper changed its voice 12. The fine lines of cartooning Cartoonists are supposed to be funny, but what At a glance happens when no one laughs? 14. The new voice Social networking websites allow journalists to break 5. Courting the truth the mold A legal ruling gives journalists a new defence against libel 17. Reporting under fire 11. Olympic insider Embedded journalists risk their lives to share stories of war A student reporter aims for 20. Conflict journalists in training journalistic gold Journalists get a crash course in war reporting 32. Parsons picks up the pace at a Canadian Forces base Veteran news anchor Tony Parsons 21. Fallen storyteller refuses to call it quits Reporter Michelle Lang gave her life doing the job she loved 35. In jest we trust 22. Censorship in china Satire often gives us insight Are authorities in the world’s fastest-growing economy into the Big Truth lifting the heavy hand of media control? 25. Home team advantage How team websites are changing the nature of sports coverage 28. Writing into the storm Journalism jobs may be scarce but j-schools are still packing ‘em in 30. Teaching a man to fish A recent journalism grad reports on how Canadian cash is helping rural communities in Ethiopia 33. Surfers beware Speed matters when it comes to the free flow of information on the ‘Net 36. The campus press Do student newspapers offer the best training for budding journalists? !"#$"%"&'()%#"*+,-&./0+/1&2343& 35 LJR The Langara Journalism Review An annual review of trends and issues in Western Canadian journalism written and produced by Langara College journalism students. Editor Derek Scott Managing Editor Alana Turner Senior Editor Ben Lypka News Editor Trevor Crawley LJR Staff and Graduating Class of 2010 Assistant Publisher Carly Sheridan Back row from left: Trevor Crawley, Derek Scott, Jerome Turner, Aleksandar Lescan, Production Editor Diego Syz Alex Polutnik, Alana Turner, Diego Syz. Front row from left: Brandi Vincent, Amanda Art Directors Jackaman, Kimiya Shokoohi, Cheryl Minns, Marjorie Ennis, Andrea Cheung, Carly Marjorie Ennis Sheridan, Ben Lypka. Missing: Erin Steele, Weston Steele Brandi Vincent Chief Photographer Erin Steele Photo Editor Cheryl Minns Editor’s Note Copy Chief Jerome Turner Copy Editors Ready to answer the call Andrea Cheung Aleksandar Lescan Last year proved to be a deadlly learned to present the facts and let the Weston Steele year for journalists. The Committee to readers decide. Alex Polutnik Protect Journalists reports 71 journal- But if we’ve learned anything, it’s Page Editors ists, including Calgary Herald reporter that a journalist’s duty is to go further Andrea Cheung Michelle Lang, were killed worldwide and dig deeper in search of the truth be- Amanda Jackaman in pursuit of their passion – a passion to cause there’s no sense telling half a story. Aleksandar Lescan reveal the truth, no matter the danger. We are not all interested in joining Carly Sheridan Some may suggest the job of profes- the troops on the front lines or heading Diego Syz sional storyteller is a relatively safe one. to the nearest failed state. Some of us Weston Steele For the most part this is true. Undoubt- will be content to stay in Canada report- Kimiya Shokoohi edly more journalists survived 2009 than ing on political affairs, or perhaps just the Alex Polutnik did not. But these 71 deaths serve as a affairs of the rich and famous. Whatever Advertising stark reminder of how dangerous this job the beat, we’re ready to get out into the Amanda Jackaman can be. world and get our hands dirty. Cheryl Minns Why do journalists do it? Put their Our class has come a long way dur- Instructor/Publisher lives on the line to tell someone else’s ing the last few years. No longer are we Rob Dykstra story? I believe it’s because they have a content with merely questioning the status calling – a desire to find the truth. quo – we are determined to find the Langara College During the past two years our jour- answers. By continuing this journalistic 100 West 49th Avenue nalism class has spent countless hours tradition, we will ensure that those 71 Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 2Z6 learning the skills and gaining the knowl- journalists who came before us didn’t die Telephone: 604-323-5415 edge to answer that calling. in vain. Email: [email protected] www.langara.bc.ca/ljr We’ve learned to explain complex –Derek Scott concepts in a manner that anyone should Cover photo by Erin Steele be able to understand. We’ve learned the Class photo by Sean Best and Johanna Goodyear rules of media law and ethics. We’ve also Illustrations by Brandi Vincent !" #$%&$'$"()*'%$+,-."/01,02"3454 By Courting the Er in Steele Truth earlessly reporting the truth just got a bit easier. Although this is beneficial to journalists, Tunley says the Journalists and bloggers now have greater leeway in road to free expression involves other aspects, such as access to their quest to report the truth following the Su- information laws that give journalists more information about preme Court of Canada’s ruling that allows a new government activities and policies. Fdefence against defamation. “All of these things are different aspects of a better climb The ruling take into account the potentially subjective to free expression in Canada,” he says. concept of truth and allow the media to report on it, even if Tunley believes blogs are part of this climb. “All kinds of it’s not verifiably true, under two broad conditions: that the new media are available and we need to encourage that as well reported truth is in the public interest, and that the journalist to really have all of these dimensions to free expression.” acted diligently to get all necessary sides to the story. Responsible communication takes the rapidly travelling ve- “It is important because in many circumstances you can’t hicle of social media directly into account. McLachlin says that know for certain the truth of every fact reported,” says Phil because social media often communicates matters of public Tunley, a media lawyer and board member of Canadian Jour- interest and may cast a wider net of claims, it should be subject nalists for Free Expression. to the same laws as traditional media. The new defence, legally referred to as “responsible communication on matters of public interest,” takes this into account by allowing journalists to report responsibly with less All of these things are fear of libelling someone.
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