Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / July 16 1383 Every major doctors, nurses, and patients or- in efforts led by Under Secretary of State ganization in the country knows the dif- Eizenstat, to work constructively with our ference. I believe that the will of the people friends and allies for the promotion of free- will still prevail in this Congress. dom and democracy in Cuba. Statement on the Death of During this last 6-month period, friends Congressman George E. Brown, Jr. and allies, in both word and deed, have stead- July 16, 1999 ily increased pressure on the Cuban Govern- ment to respect human rights and move to- I was greatly saddened to learn of the ward democracy. Many national leaders have death of Congressman George Brown. When publicly and privately pressed senior Cuban he last visited the White House, I noted that officials on the need for reform. The United he was affectionately known as Mr. Science. Nations Commission on Human Rights His legacy of service and lifetime of contribu- passed a resolution, sponsored by Poland and tions helped sustain American leadership the Czech Republic, condemning Cuban across the frontiers of scientific knowledge. human rights abuses. The European Union George Brown's support for science was renewed its Common Position, committing drawn from his deep belief that science and member countries to take concrete steps to technology could help achieve a peaceful promote democracy in Cuba. A number of world and a just society. For almost 40 years, nongovernmental organizations have also in- from his earliest days fighting racial inequal- creased support to democratic groups on the ity, George Brown challenged us to build a island. better world. Our Nation has lost a good man The Cuban Government's disgraceful and an irreplaceable voice for science and human rights record underscores the need justice. for our coordinated international strategy. Hillary and I extend our deepest condo- Showing disdain for universally recognized lences to his wife, Marta, and to his family. human rights, the Government in February Statement on Review of Title III of promulgated a draconian law that criminal- the Cuban Liberty and Democratic izes a wide range of democratic activities, in- Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 cluding any journalism independent of the July 16, 1999 state. After a closed trial in March, the re- gime sentenced four courageous leaders of Today I am notifying the Congress of my the ``Internal Dissident Working Group'' to decision to suspend for another 6 months im- harsh prison sentences merely for speaking plementation of provisions of Title III of the out about their nation's future. International Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity condemnation of these acts has been clear Act that allow legal action against firms traf- and swift. Countries long eager for warm re- ficking in confiscated properties in Cuba. I lations with the Castro regime have clearly take this action because it is in America's na- reassessed the wisdom of that approach. tional interest and because it will hasten the The growing international consensus on day when the people of Cuba enjoy freedom the need for concrete steps to promote de- and democracy. mocracy in Cuba gives us confidence that our I allowed Title III to enter into force in July 1996. It has put businesses around the multilateral strategy is working. It is sending world on notice that by trafficking in expro- a strong message to the Cuban Government priated American property in Cuba, they risk that the time for change is nowÐand a strong significant liability in the United States. Cou- message to the Cuban people that we stand pled with aggressive implementation of Title with them in their efforts to build a demo- IV of the law, this provision has helped deter cratic future. I once again pledge my admin- such activities. istration's strongest efforts to work with our Since 1996, I have exercised the authority friends and hasten the day when our Cuban provided by the law to suspend the right to brothers and sisters enjoy the rights and free- file suit. This has enabled the United States, doms that we all cherish. VerDate 26-APR-99 07:23 Jul 21, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\PD19JY99.TXT atx006 PsN: atx006 1384 July 16 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 Letter to Congressional Leaders on Americans have expressed their devotion Review of Title III of the Cuban to freedom and human rights through actions Liberty and Democratic Solidarity as well as words, having fought and died for (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 these ideals time and again. In World July 16, 1999 War II, we battled the brutality of fascism. In Korea, Vietnam, and throughout the Cold lllll Dear : War, we stood up to the despotism of com- Pursuant to section 306(c)(2) of the Cuban munism. In the Persian Gulf, and in partner- Liberty and Democratic Solidarity ship with our NATO allies in the skies over (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law 104± Serbia and Kosovo, we have fought brutal 114), (the ``Act''), I hereby determine and and oppressive regimes. report to the Congress that suspension for Thanks to our strength and resolve and the 6 months beyond August 1, 1999, of the right courage of countless men and women in to bring an action under title III of the Act is necessary to the national interests of the countries around the world, we can be proud United States and will expedite a transition that the list of captive nations has grown to democracy in Cuba. smaller. The fall of the Berlin Wall a decade Sincerely, ago finally enabled us to pursue democratic William J. Clinton reform in Central and Eastern Europe and to lay the firm foundations of freedom, NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Jesse Helms, peace, and prosperity. And in countries chairman, and Joseph R. Biden, Jr., ranking mem- around the world, from South Africa to South ber, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Ted Korea to South America, democracy is flour- Stevens, chairman, and Robert C. Byrd, ranking member, Senate Committee on Appropriations; ishing, and citizens enjoy the liberty to seek Benjamin A. Gilman, chairman, and Sam Gejden- their own destiny. son, ranking member, House Committee on The post-Cold-War world, however, con- International Relations; and C.W. Bill Young, fronts us with a new set of dangers to free- chairman, and David R. Obey, ranking member, domÐthreats such as civil wars, terrorism, House Committee on Appropriations. and ethnic cleansing. There are still rulers Proclamation 7209ÐCaptive Nations in the world who refuse to join the march Week, 1999 toward freedom, who believe that the only July 16, 1999 way to govern is with an iron fist, and who rely on reprehensible practices like arbitrary By the President of the United States detention, forced labor, torture, and execu- of America tion to subjugate their people. A Proclamation As we observe this Captive Nations Week, let us once again reaffirm our profound com- This month Americans mark 223 years of mitment to freedom and universal human freedom from tyranny. We celebrate the vi- rights. Let us continue to promote tolerance, sion of our founders who, in signing the Dec- justice, and equality and to speak out for laration of Independence, proclaimed the those who have no voice. Let us rededicate importance of liberty, the value of human dignity, and the need for a new form of gov- ourselves to the growth of democracy and ernment dedicated to the will of the people. the rule of law; and let us resolve that in As heirs to that legacy and the fortunate citi- the next century we will foster the further zens of a democratic Nation, we continue to expansion of the rights and freedoms with cherish the values of freedom and equality. which Americans have been blessed for so Many people across the globe, however, are long. still denied the rights we exercise daily and The Congress, by Joint Resolution ap- too often take for granted. During Captive proved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat. 212), has au- Nations Week, we reaffirm our solidarity thorized and requested the President to issue with those around the world who suffer a proclamation designating the third week in under the shadow of dictators and tyrants. July of each year as ``Captive Nations Week.'' 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