"Weather Dfifributfort te ; Todlay 3rS 22,375 wnnn, M. lee Weather, DIAL SH I-0010 VOL 85 188 ••*•« *•"»• *o«4w taunt* sway. ft«ni aw RED , N. J., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE See End Tomorrow Kennedy, Central American Chiefs Confer SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP)- ing that the conferees avoid con- Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa by drops In world prices for cof- It appeared doubtful, however,. President Kennedy, sits down to- sideration of joint measures Rica. They hope that Panama fee and other commodities. that Kennedy would be able to day with the chiefs o" five Cen- against Castro at this time. will join eventually. The five visiting Latin-Amer! sidestep the Cuban problem alto- tral American republics and Pan- Kennedy reportedly asked thai Seek Support can presidents held a three-hour gether. ama to discuss how the United the three-day conference concen The Central American leaders conference with Orlich. Yester- President Miguel Ydigoras day no formal statement was is- LONG BRANCH - An fcnd is Mr. Bowen was suspended Fel — relieved Itself of the necessity States can help them promote trate on such problems as eco hope to get moral support and! Fuentes of Guatemala Insisted sued, but President Ramon Vil- In light to the ouster hearings of presenting evidence in support economic union. nomic integration of the Centra: financial aid from the United on the need to "fix bayonets" t because, a 6-3 majority States under Kennedy's Alliance leda Morales of Honduras said against what he called Soviet for City Manager Richard J. of its reasons to fire Bowen; Some of the Latin American American states. council said, he had caused bi for Progress. They were expected; they discussed only economic Colonialism in Cuba. Bowen. barred Bowenjrom asking coun- presidents indicated they 'also President Francisco J. Orlic to give Kennedy a list of eco-| matters. Want Action City Council recessed its third city publicity and was out cilmen questions, and ruled the wanted to plan steps to check the of Costa Rica has stressed that nomic measures they consider lejilon on removal of the 36- harmony With the full council. public audience had no right to spread of communism from Fidel prime issue is Central America "There was absolute agreement President Luis Somoza of Nic- year-old, $13,0Q0-a-year manager be heard. Castro's Cuba, but informants integration into a "common mai most urgent. The primarily among all the presidents!" he aragua was reported ready to Before 500 people in the Juni agrarian states have been hit hard said. (See COSTA RICA, Page 2) Saturday .and decided to meet High School for (our hours Fi (See BOWEN, Page 3) said Kennedy sent a message ask- ket" of Guatemala, El Salvador again tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the day night, and in front of 20 Morris Avenue Junior High residents for about 4J4 hour School. Saturday, Mr. Bowen pressed Mr. 'Bowen and his lawyer, point. He contended the city Charles Frankel, agreed to finish admitted poor public image a their presentation at least by City Hall discord was the fa Area Couple Lost midnight. Council members indi- of the council and not himself. cated they would then take the Began March I case under advisement.. No vote on a, final decision is expected Hearings began March 9 atte until sometime later. council — also by 6 to J vot In Crash of Plane MILFORD, Conn. - A twin Bridgeport Airport, where the Bank, N. J., CAP Squadron, Boro Turns Green engine plane crashed into Long couple took off. notified the Eastern Rescue Com- Island Sound minutes after its The control tower at Bridgeport mand at' Robbing Air Force Base, • HIGHLANDS — This borough turned green yesterday. takeoff in fog and drizzle yes- Municipal Airport, Stratford, said Ga., and CAP and Coast Guard And just about everybody and his'brother turned Irish. Mr. and Mrs. Grossman departed search operations were begun. terday. Police Chief Howard Monahan said the first annual St. there at 12:39 a.m. in a Pipei The search in New Jersey was Patrick's Day parade went over big. Apparently killed in the acci- Apache aircraft. suspended at 10:30 a.m. when it "If* been a long time since I've seen such a crowd come dent were William Grossman, 35, At 6 a.m. Gordon D. Donald, was learned of the discovery ol out," he commented. / , of 9 Meredith Dr., New Shrews- Jr., also of New Shrewsbury, the wreck here. Positive identi- bury, N. J., and his wife, Bar- Some ISO marched in the parade, while an estimated 600 reported to the Civil Air Patrol fication of the aircraft was made bara, 31. looked on. that the Grossman plane was at 11:30 a.m. ALL IRISH Wreckage of the plane and oneoverdue at Colts Neck Airport. The Grossmans took off from The marchers included the "Irish" Coppertones, a 40-piece body were found in shallow.water Mr. Grossman and Mr. Donald Colts Neck Saturday to visit Middletown band; the "Irish" local fire department and its off Milford Point. The crash site, were partners in the operation o; (See PLANE, Page 3) "Irish" auxiliary, the "Irish" Sea Bright fire department, the at the mouth of the Housatonic that faculty. "Irish" local First Aid Squad, the "Irish" American Legion River, is less than a mile from Ronald Pierson, of the Rei and Veterans of Foreign Wars post, the "Irish at/heart," and the real Irish. • ' ' .. • . • Borough councilmen watched from the reviewing stand, at Bahrs' Restaurant. Long Branch Man \ The parade proceeded from Linden Ave. down Bay Ave. to the bridge. Mayor Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr., was grand marshal. HONORS — Cmdr. Isaac Schlossbach, owner of the Asbury Park Air Terminal, center, Death Held Murder was honored at a testimonial dinner Saturday night in Crystal Brook Inn. The event COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP-Ai cutor's office joined the investi- also marked the 25th anniversary of the Jersey Aero Club, sponsors of the> dinner. autopsy performed yesterday in gation. Group Challenged With him are Richard Lewis, club president, left, and William Placek, supervising dicated that Thomas J. Schici- Yesterday, an alarm was ano, 52, of 576 High St., Lon inspector of the Federal Aviation Agency.(Story on Page II). broadcast by county detective Branch, was murdered Jan, 18—for a 19-year-old girl and a 45- 'Citizens' Concerned About 'Voters the day he was reported missing. year-old man, both acquaintance* MARLBORO - The township ning Board members John Dr. Julius A. Toren, county of the dead man. Citizens' Committee, in a state- Bennett, Jr., Lawrence Young- 3 Large Stores 'Interested' physician, said last night thai Mr, Schicitano's death wa! Gloria Klrerstead of 315 Sewall meat, challenge* a "study" un- man, (also chairman of the Mu- Ave., Asbury Park, and Robert iertaken 'by the newly created nicipal Utility Authority), and caused by a shotgun blast in thi chest. Ciccone of 284 Portaupeck Ave, Marlboro Voters' Association of William. Meyer, Sr.; candidate Oceanport, are the subjects of the proposed change of govern- for Township Committee Henry The victim's body was foum the alarm. John M. Gawlor, chief ment. Sadowsky, and Industrial Com- New Shopping Center? Saturday at 7:40 a.m. in of county detectives,, said th mission member Garrett Voor- wooded area near Asbury Ave, The citizens' group statement two are wanted for questtonint William Grossman Mid, "The opportunity to make hees. MIDDLETOWN-The possibility of a new case March 4, and referred it to the Zoning by Charles Woodward and Mi because "we think they may be an unbiased atudy of municipal Also present were Mr. and Mr*. Rt. 35 shopping center which alight include an Board.' chael Rupp, both of Rumson. able to help us." M.: Phillips Van Mater, Mr. and gwtramtnt is and has been F. W. Woolworth. store, Steinbach'a and an The developer hoped Friday night to get State Police at Howell were The discovery of the victim' Mrs. George T. Saatboff. Robert available with the Mirflxmi Town- A&P supermarket Is an issue which will come the blessings of the Economic Development otified and State Police a body Saturday ended a wide- Newspaper before the Zoning Board of Adjustment to- ' Committee, but the committee reserved de- Shrewsbury were called to begi spread search. Group, Mr. W night cision. he investigation. Long Branch liam Dooling, Mrs. Everett Mun- According to his son, Frank Settlement "We would be pleased to have The possibility was revealed at a session Mr. Kennedy said that Steinbach's, Wool- police and the county prose- dy, Alfred Storer, Charles Smith Friday night of the Economic Development worth and A&P are "interested" in the cen- Schicitano, Mr. Schickano was assistance in our effort* to bring Mr. and Mrs. Leland Garnei last seen in front of his home (he facts to the people, but we Committee. ter, but conceded that the developer has no Hopes Dim Mr». Youngtnan and Mrs. Perry firm commitment from any of the firms, talking to an unidentified man are concerned over the make-up Plans for the shopping center were pre- The statement points out thai sented by Grammarcy Associates, New York, ONLY EXPLORATORY armingdale on the day of his disappearance, NEW YORK (AP) - Printeri of flit promoters of this group. have voted to continue their the group is made up of " represented by G. Paul Kennedy, former Committee member Arthur T. Young left He reportedly was carrying about This group has every right to op- newspaper strike here, dimming members of the Farmers-Homi Planning Board chairman, and Atlantic High- the session to make a telephone call, returned $1,000 on hig person.
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