![Arxiv:1807.08680V4 [Hep-Ex] 1 Mar 2019](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) The Full Event Interpretation An exclusive tagging algorithm for the Belle II experiment T. Keck1, F. Abudinén2, F.U. Bernlochner1, R. Cheaib3, S. Cunliffe4, M. Feindt1, T. Ferber4, M. Gelb1, J. Gemmler1, P. Goldenzweig1, M. Heck1, S. Hollitt5, J. Kahn6, J-F. Krohn7, T. Kuhr6, I. Komarov4, L. Ligioi2, M. Lubej8, F. Metzner1, M. Prim1, C. Pulvermacher1, M. Ritter6, J. Schwab1, W. Sutcliffe1, U. Tamponi9, F. Tenchini4, N. E. Toutounji10, P. Urquijo7, D. Weyland1, and A. Zupanc8 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 2Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich, Germany 3University of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA 4Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany 5University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia 6Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany 7University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia 8Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 9INFN - Sezione di Torino, Torino, Italy 10University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract The Full Event Interpretation is presented: 1 Introduction a new exclusive tagging algorithm used by the high- energy physics experiment Belle II. The experimental The Belle II experiment is located at the SuperKEKB setup of Belle II allows the precise measurement of electron-positron collider in Tsukuba, Japan, and was otherwise inaccessible B meson decay-modes. The Full commissioned in 2018. The experiment is designed to Event Interpretation algorithm enables many of these perform a wide range of high-precision measurements in measurements. The algorithm relies on machine learn- all fields of heavy flavour physics, in particular it will ing to automatically identify plausible B meson de- investigate the decay of B mesons [1]. For this purpose, cay chains based on the data recorded by the detector. the experiment is expected to record about 40 billion Compared to similar algorithms employed by previous collision events each containing an Υ(4S) resonance, experiments, the Full Event Interpretation provides a which at least 96% of the time decays into exactly two greater efficiency, yielding a larger effective sample size B mesons (a BB pair). Each B meson decays via vari- usable in the measurement. ous intermediate states into a set of final-state particles, which are considered stable in the Belle II detector. In general, charged final-state particles are reconstructed arXiv:1807.08680v4 [hep-ex] 1 Mar 2019 as tracks in the central drift chamber and in the inner Keywords multivariate classification, full event silicon-based vertex detectors, whereas neutral final- interpretation, full reconstruction, tagging, Belle II, state particles are reconstructed as energy depositions HEP, machine learning (called clusters) in the electromagnetic calorimeter. The entire experimental setup of the detector and the col- lider is described in more detail in Doležal and Uno [1]. T. Keck Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Campus Süd Institut für Experimentelle Teilchenphysik Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1 76131 Karlsruhe E-mail: [email protected] 2 FEI tag-side signal-side Consequently, exclusive tagging reconstructs the Btag independently of the using either hadronic or + Bsig µ semileptonic B meson decay channels. The decay chain νµ of the Btag is explicitly reconstructed and therefore the ντ Υ(4S) assignment of tracks and clusters to the tag-side and Btag Bsig signal-side is known. ντ In the case of a measurement of an exclusive branch- ing fraction like B τ ν , the entire decay chain of sig ! τ the Υ(4S) is known. As a consequence, all tracks and Fig. 1: Schematic overview of a Υ(4S) decay: (Left) clusters measured by the detector should be already ac- − 0 0 a common tag-side decay B D ( KS( counted for. In particular, the requirement of no addi- tag ! ! ! π−π+)π−π+)π− and (right) a typical signal-side-decay tional tracks, besides the ones used for the reconstruc- + + + Bsig τ ( µ νµντ )ντ . The two sides overlap spa- tion of the Υ(4S), is an extremely powerful and effi- tially! in the detector,! therefore the assignment of a mea- cient way to remove most reducible1 backgrounds. This sured track to one of the sides is not known a priori. requirement is called the completeness constraint throughout this text. In the case of a measurement of an inclusive branch- The measurement of the branching fraction of rare ing fraction like B X `ν, all remaining tracks and sig ! u decays like B τ ν, B Kνν or B `νγ, with un- clusters, besides the ones used for the lepton ` and the ! ! ! detectable neutrinos in their final states, is challenging. Btag meson, are identified with the Xu system. Hence, However, the second B meson in each event can be used the branching fraction can be determined without ex- to constrain the allowed decay chains. This general idea plicitly assuming a decay chain for the Xu system. is known as tagging. Conceptually, each Υ(4S) event The performance of an exclusive tagging algorithm is divided into two sides: The signal-side containing the depends on the tagging efficiency (i.e. the fraction of tracks and clusters compatible with the assumed signal Υ(4S) events which can be tagged), the tag-side effi- Bsig decay the physicist is interested in, e.g. a rare decay ciency (i.e. the fraction of Υ(4S) events with a correct like B τ ν; and the tag-side containing the remaining tag) and on the quality of the recovered information, ! tracks and clusters compatible with an arbitrary Btag which determines the tag-side purity (i.e. the frac- meson decay. Figure 1 depicts this situation. tion of the tagged Υ(4S) events with a correct tag) of The initial four-momentum of the produced Υ(4S) the tagged events. resonance is precisely known and no additional parti- The exclusive tag typically provides a pure sample cles are produced in this primary interaction. There- (i.e. purities up to 90% are possible). But this approach fore, because of the relevant quantum numbers conser- suffers from a low tag-side efficiency, just a few percent, vation, knowledge about the properties of the tag-side since only a tiny fraction of the B decays can be explic- Btag meson allows one to recover information about the itly reconstructed due to the large amount of possible signal-side Bsig meson which would otherwise be inac- decay channels and their high multiplicity. The imper- cessible. Most importantly, all reconstructed tracks and fect reconstruction efficiency of tracks and clusters fur- clusters which are not assigned to the Btag mesons must ther degrades the efficiency. be compatible with the signal-decay of interest. Both the quality of the recovered information and Ideally, a full reconstruction of the entire event the systematic uncertainties depend on the decay chan- has to take all reconstructed tracks and clusters into nel of the Btag, therefore we distinguish further between account to attain a correct interpretation of the mea- hadronic and semileptonic exclusive tagging. sured data. The Full Event Interpretation (FEI) Hadronic tagging considers only hadronic B de- algorithm presented in this article is a new exclusive cay chains for the tag-side [3, Section 7.4.1]. Hence, tagging algorithm developed for the Belle II experi- the four-momentum of the Btag is well-known and the ment, embedded in the Belle II Analysis Software Frame- tagged sample is very pure. A typical hadronic B de- work (basf2) [2]. The FEI automatically constructs plau- cay has a branching fraction of (10−3). As a conse- O sible Btag meson decay chains compatible with the ob- quence, hadronic tagging suffers from a low tag-side served tracks and clusters, and calculates for each decay efficiency and can only be applied to a tiny fraction chain the probability of it correctly describing the true of the recorded events. Large combinatorics of high- process using gradient-boosted decision trees. “Exclu- sive” refers to the reconstruction of a particle (here the 1 Reducible background has distinct final-state products Btag) assuming an explicit decay channel. from the signal. FEI 3 multiplicity decay channels further complicate the re- Tracks Displaced Vertices Neutral Clusters construction and require tight selection criteria. Semileptonic tagging considers only semileptonic ∗ + + + + 0 γ B D`ν and B D `ν decay channels [3, Section e µ K π KL 7.4.2].! Due to the presence! of a high-momentum lepton these decay channels can be easily identified and the 0 J= π semileptonic tagging usually yields a higher tag-side ef- 0 ficiency compared to hadronic tagging due to the large KS semileptonic branching fractions. On the other hand, 0 + the semileptonic tag will miss kinematic information D D Ds due to the neutrino in the final state of the decay. ∗0 ∗+ ∗ D D D Hence, the sample is not as pure as in the hadronic s 0 + case. B B To conclude, the FEI provides a hadronic and semilep- ± 0 tonic tag for B and B mesons. This enables the mea- Fig. 2: Schematic overview of the FEI. The algorithm surement of exclusive decays with several neutrinos and operates on objects identified by the reconstruction inclusive decays. In both cases the FEI provides an ex- software of the Belle II detectors: charged tracks, neu- plicit tag-side decay chain with an associated probabil- tral clusters and displaced vertices. In six distinct ity. stages, these basics objects are interpreted as final-state + + + + 0 particles (e , µ , K , π , KL, γ) combined to form in- 0 0 ∗ termediate particles (J= , π , KS, D, D ) and finally 2 Method form the tag-side B mesons. The FEI algorithm follows a hierarchical approach with six stages, visualized in Figure 2. Final-state parti- to create a π+ candidate can originate from a pion cle candidates are constructed using the reconstructed traversing the detector (signal), from a kaon traversing tracks and clusters, and combined to intermediate par- the detector (background) or originates from a random ticles until the final B candidates are formed.
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