l11l-Uq-ct(r- | DEPED MAIAYEALAY 1o CIIY DIVI5ION ""*tdl'\ RETEASED DA IE '.,8j BY: Il Republic of the Philippines Department of @lucstion Region X - Northem Mindanao DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY Puok 6, Casisan& Malaybalay City Telefax #088-3 I 4-0094, Malaytalay.city@dep€dgov.ph DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. s. 2019 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors, CID and SGOD Secondary School Heads Others From : REBO R BAGUIO Schools v1srfdw6ntenaentt Subject: RDGISTRY OT' QUALIT'TED TEACIIER APPLICA}ITS FOR JT]I\[OR HIGH SCHOOL (SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020) Date: June I 1, 2019 l. This Offrce armormces the results of the screening and selection of teacher applicants for junior high school for CY 2019 following the provisions in DO No. 3, s. 2015. 2. Attached is the Regisry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) for Junior High School. Teacher applicants with concems on the RQA are given until June 23, 2019 to submit their queries with support documents, if needed, to the Chairman of the Division Selection Committee, ASDS Sunny Ray F. Amit; 3. All secondary school heads are encouraged to post a copy ofthe RQA in their school bulletin board or any conspicuous place of the school for widest dissemination thcrcof. xc ctsi 60. iEi\F 'r.._ -+ Departrent of Education Region X - Northem Mindanao Division of Malaybalay City Puok 6, CasisaDg Malaybalay City 2019 Registry of Qualified Applicants (Junior High School) Demo Edrcation Int€nl€w BT Adicont Elrc. lbachlng No School AS iedl\4ajor Sutiect Irc #-."''rtn'ltvErciiltv STS Score S core Ibtrl Point A&€s 3/Contrct NuEhr MA phD Poin6 Score Poinb Polnt Rating Points Points Points Filipino l. PORRAS, Eric Der,e Sabaa can-ayan Inlegrdted school-Fil/p''o 1.69 20.m LET I5 fi 7V/. B a ch elor of s econ d ary Educa tion - 0.@ 0.m 13.86 13.00 10.00 75,16 Iacalbog, An-ayan, Malavbahy Atu , Bukidnon / 09507664726 13.86 3.00 83.60 10.00 15.00 10.50 Elnhs Inbavao Ann ekFittpino 't;t'7 30.00 LET 15 59.4 6r.r% '' n',Xil";:,:r'; #:;tr:^ 0.@ 0.00 13.iE 12.00 10.00 73.92 P 2, lnbayao, Moloybalay, Bukklnon / 09350351610 133E 4.50 '79.0 10.00 14.E6 9.17 3. GAIIIBOI Berl5m Joy Montecalvo Bangcud National High School- l.%. 30.m LET 14 55.E 6t.|% BachelorOfSecondaryEducation- Filipino 0.m 0.00 12.36 1i.00 10.00 72.36 P5, Bagontaos, Volencia Aty, Bukidnon / 09058132021 1235 4.50 81.60 9.i3 14.00 9.17 4. !'LLAILJOR, Rer{e Jane Diasana Bukidnon National High School- 1.74 7.m LET 14 5s.2 6.8v/. BachelorOfsecondoryEducation- Filipino 0.00 0.00 1i.s6 14.00 10.00 72.13 Pumk, Poblacion, Lontapon, Bukidnon / 09067830731 13.56 1.05 85.m 9.J3 13.t8 10.i3 5. BAI\ZA Krlsdne Jane Deocanpo Bukidnon National High School- 1.94. 21.00 LET l5 56.4 61.|% Eachelor OfSecondary Education - Filipilo 0.00 0.00 12.i6 13.00 10.00 71.80 -, Kalasungay, Malaybalay, Bukidnon / 090654E) 240 1236 3.t 5 8t.m 10.00 11.12 9.17 6 PASCUd Jeza Balmres . , Maraybaray Gty Nationar High Bachelor ofsecondory Educatioi Major- tn t.90 7.@ LEI 15 56.4 68.57/. s"iolt_riipno, 12.60 r3.00 10.00 71.06 Fllipino - 0.m 0.00 -, Bonngay 2, Maloybdlay City, Budddoh / 09489135491 r2.60 1.05 82.60 10,00 14.12 10.29 7. I,ACDAG Stela Me Noronio Bachbktr (tSecondary Educotion Mojor In Bangcud National High School-r'ttl2r;r,., l.80 0.m TFT t5 57.6 $.67% 0.00 0.m 13.20 13.00 10.00 70.5t P7, Bangcud, Mdhrybalq' Ary, B Lidnon/09971019330 13.2 0 0.00 ti1.,{0 10.00 14.t I 10.00 {t. AUDITOR, I\,tlegros Jaudian EhtkidnonNationalHighSchool-riryl"" 1.75 7.$ LEI 15 55.2 58.89% BrtcherorofsecondoryEducoton. 0.m 0.00 13.50 tt.00 r 0.00 10.22 Pu ro k, Tu rn o ta s, Kih a Le, Bu kid no n / 0 94 9 4 I 5 0 5 I 4 1350 1.05 82.20 10.00 13.8i E.8l 9, MANGINSAY Glaizs Golosino Bachelor OJSecondary Educotion Majot ]n Magsaysay Eenrentary School-Fi/rp,rio 2.00 0.00 LET l5 58.8 68.8'7% 12.00 10.00 70.0t F'ilipino - 0.m 0.00 13.00 Puroh6, Son Jose, Malaybola.y Citt, Bukid o,t/0975EEI0746 12.00 0.00 8l.m r0.00 11.7 5 I Prepred by Diris ttee Secretariat: DYS.I f:D A M. EBORA ERTDA PDO II. M SEPS &E, Merrber HRD M Verified by the Dirisi qr Comdttee: I ROS IE S ALUPADO sus s. otAN Ph.D. ro mo. APACIO, EdD. AMTT EP M ember EPS, Prosident qrrbei CES, Co-Charrrnan alrruu APPROVFI) REBO BAGLIIO Schools Divi n Sup erin ( !'ndcnt t ,,:ft Department of Education Region X - Northem Mindanao Division of Malaybalay City Purok 6, Casisan& Malaybalay City 2019 Registry of Qualified Applicants (Junior High School) Dem Ehcation I/h!. Intrrriew PT Adlcant Ebc. Eigilility ElglHlity Teachlng No Schml A$i edl\,tajor SuUect Trc Bserlencc points STS Score Score Totel Polnt A&es s/Contect Nurder MA phD Polnb S core Points Point Rrting Poinb Points Points Social Studies l. S LlMAIlr John fhrtey MonterDr Can-ayan Integrated SchoolJocia/ 1.68 19.00 LET l5 55.8 s',t.78% Bochebr q Sc,conda,y Educotion- Studiat 0.m 0.00 13.92 14.00 10.00 73.14 Puruk L Ca*ayan, Malaybaloy (\t1t , Bulcidnon / 09263343 356 13.92 2.8s 84.40 10.00 14.0t) E.67 2. NIII-ADA, trbtere Bangcud National High School.soclal 1.65 35.00 LEI t4 I t8.8 57.7t3yo BachelorO-fSecondaryEducdtion- Shdies 0.m 0.00 14.10 u.00 10.00 73.35 l,t.l0 5.25 75.00 9.33 15.00 8.67 3. BlezzaLhea Galabin hrkidnon National High School.iocla/ l.'71 0.m LET t5 84 72.22% dchelor OfSde ce ln Eduartion - Studies 0.m 0.00 13.74 13.00 10.00 72.57 , Sumpong, Malo.t'bala), Aty, Dukidnon / 093 537.10t91 13.7 4 0.00 E1.80 t0.00 15.00 10.e1 MU-L/ORIA JIck UoyedMiake hrkidnon National High School-rociar r.80 8.00 LET t5 54 65.560/" Ba(helor OfScience In Education - Sludiet 0,00 0.00 13.20 14.00 10.00 71.73 Kalasurgay Malaybalay, Bukidnon / 09268557662 13.20 1.20 86.80 10.00 13.50 9.83 Winelyn Taray Brkidnon National IIigh SchoolJocia/ t.9l 32.m T.ET l5 55.8 4.22% achelot Ol Sciettce In Educalion - Sludies 0.m 0.00 12.54 I t.00 10.00 71.67 't6.20 -. 4, Malayholay Bukidnon / 0936 I 665 2 I 3 12.54 4.E0 t0.00 14.00 9.i1 6. BIIDO, Clurdy l\,he Chbalquinto Buhdnon National High School t.78 0.m LEI l5 59.4 68.89% BachelorOfSecondoryEduconon- Dah*'anganAnne:cSocialStudie.s 0.m 0.m 11.32 r2.00 10.00 70.53 -, Sunpoag, Moloybulor Bukidnon / 09389233331 r332 0.00 80.20 10.00 14.88 10.11 7. CLINANAN, I\rrry Ann Baslot Bukidnon Narional High School-.iorial L6'7 t0.m LEt l5 57 5 t.l l% Bochelor A Secondam Educotion- Stu/ie-r 0.00 0.00 13.9E t 3.00 t 0.00 10.10 -, Bartngq ), Mahryboliy(:ih, Bukid o /09056748528 13.98 1.50 8 L00 t 0.00 14.25 7.67 U. UMBAGA Angelie Franbnial Malaybalay City National Sr:ience High 2_00 14.00 T,L-T l5 59.4 54.44% Buchebr Of SeLondarl, EduL otion- School-focrd/ Sradies 0.m 0.00 12.00 13.00 10.00 8, Ealila, Inntopan, Bukidnon i 094839005(17 12.00 2.t 0 8l.m 10.00 11.92 Preprcd by Division ttee Sccrctorlst: s.I FI) M. EBORA woo w A PDO It. M sFls &E, Menrbcr SEP Verified bv the Diision m Comr ttee: ROS If.A. S () !,IRGIIJN R SUS S. OIA\ Ph.D. II) o.c IO, FdD AMIT LPS, EPS, M cmbcr DAPP Prcsidch clnbd CES, Co-ChaxtBn a!man APPROVT'r) RBONFAMIL R BAGI]IO Schools Divisiolr Superirltendenr 'Hi-".'i:i'% Departrnent of Education Region X - Northem Mintlanao Division of Malaybalay City Puok 6, Casisang Malaybalay City 2019 Registry of Qualilied Applicants (Junior High School) Demo Edrcgtion Interrlew IPT Adlcant Frfuc. tY EtsiHlitY Teaching No Score Score Totd Pdnt S chml Afl iedlVlajor Subject Trc off*""'t*tnti STS Score Attess/Contect Number MA phD Polnts Points Ptint Rating Points Pdnts Pdnts Religious Education l, SIGNOCAN, l,Isrgle Layag School- Bochelot ol secondaty Educotion Major ln !1t<tfnoil'latlonaluigh 1.87 56.M LET 14.33 55.2 74.4% - Religious Etlucatiotr 12.78 12.00 t0.00 77.73 yorues Educorio - 0.m 0.m Pumk 6, ,lctory, lAntapan, Bukidnon / 093E l7717El 12.78 t.40 '78.20 9.55 11.E3 PreFred Diris ttee Secretrrirt: JIMDANDY S EI) M. FTORA RO PDO 1I, Mem SEPS M&E, M ember RD,M Yerifi ed by thc Diri s ion S cl ecti on Comnittee: 1) ROSIE N. o sus S. OIAN Ph.D, u) o. APACIO. Ed.D. AMIT EPS. ember F,PS. M DAP I Prcsideo M crnber CES, Co{bairman Chairman APPROVE) RI'JO BAGTJIO Schools Div Sup cl int end€nt ( ',ffi: Deparfirent of Education Rcgion X - Northem Mindanao Division of Malaybalay City Purok 6, Casisang Malayba.lay City 2019 Registry of Qualilied Applicants (Junior High School) Eircation IPT Adicant No Schml AEdl edlilrJor Suuect [G Score Tbtal Polnt A&es s/Contrct Number MA PhI) ,1;..*H",".rte*iriu,isr,ritrr.,""f.Ti"t"IH* Poinh Point Rating Points Poinb Points MAPEH I DIIIUALAGAN' Lezlel lngrono- Maraybalay crty National Irigh Bachelor Ol SetondatJ Educoion Mojot In 1.30 5.m LEI 13.61 58.8 w, Schoolul'pcll' 16.20 10.00 Mopeh 0.m 0.00 t2.00 74.8I Lot 2c, Greda S, Casiso .g, Mdlq'bolay Ci\', Bukidnon / 0975971814E 16.20 0.75 78.60 9.
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