I I I I I PAKHTUNKHWA ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION I (PEDO) GOVERNME:NT'" OF:.KHYBERPAKHTUNKHWA" ,~ , . " ::': .' ..;., "" ::: .. - ", . ,.:.' '.::-' ..',." : :. ." - '", . -: . -. " " ."...',_ :'.- ,-' I I I DARAL KHWAR HYDROPOWER PROJECT I APPLICATION FOR GENERATION LICENSE ,. I I I I I June 2016 I I I I " -.": : I • PEDO PAKHTUNKHWA ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar Daral Khwar Hydropower Project No.381IPEDO/PM/DKH PI Dated Peshawar 14111 June 2016 To The Registrar National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) Nepra Tower Attaturk Avenue (East), G-5J1, Islamabad. Subject: 36.6 MW Daral Khawr Hydropower Project. District Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Application for Generation License 1. I, Muhammad Irfan, Project Manager, Daral Khawar Project of Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) being the duly Authorised representative of PEDO by virtue of authority letter No.56IS/PEOO/CEO dated 14-06-2016. hereby apply to National Electric Power Regulatory Authority for the grant of a Generation Licence to PEDO for 36.6 MW Daral Khawr Hydropower Project, pursuant to the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997. 2. I, certify that the documents-in-support attached with this application are prepared and submitted in conformity with the provisions of the National Electric Power Regulatory I Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999 and undertake to abide by the terms and provisions of the above-said regulations. I further undertake and confirm that the information provided in the attached documents-in-support is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3. A BANK DRAFT for the sum of Rupees 286,016- (Rs. Two Hundred Eighty Six Thousand and Sixteen Only) being the non-refundable licence application fee calculated in accordance with Schedule II to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999, is also attached herewith. , Regards reject Manager Daral Khawar HPP, PEDO,Swat • Check List for Examination of New Generation Facility (Hyden - Licence Application I Name of Company: Pakbtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) Capacity: 3=6~.6~M~W:..:...._ _ I Prepared/Updated on: 13.06.')016 .---- Regulatien Informalion/Documents Req uired Cnmpllance Remarks # Yes No. I ------_.-. -------- ------ --- 3( I ) Authorization from Board Resolution I Yes _\11<1-;11.:1.1 Power of Attorne~ ... __ " ------_ .. -.-_ ---- I 3(3) Application fee (including Indexation] Yes Halik Draft \lla\:liI_d -- 3(4) Three copies of Application Yes Auuchcd -~- 3(5)(a)(i) Certificate of incorporation Yes PEDO is a public sector organizatioui and therefore it is not I required. - - ._----- 3( 5)( a)( ii) Memorandum and articles of association Yes PEDO is public sector organization and is exempt under Section 24 or I NEPRA therefore it is not required 3(5)(a)(iii) Annual Return statements or III lieu No PEDO is public sector organization thereof and therefore it IS not required to submit Annual Return Statement. I ---- -.- ------- 3(5)(b) Profile of experience of the applicant its Yes Brief of PEDO is Attached mauagerncn t, staff and its members 111 power sector. I --- -_._-- -.------ J{5)( c) CV s of applicant's Senior Management Yes Attached and Technical professionals ---_._---_ ..... - I 3(5)(d)(i) Cash balance & bank certificates Yes PEDO is public sector organization and therefore it is not required _"w_ -~---- 3(5)(d)(ii) Expression of imerest to provide credit Yes I'lIlldiug hv (id\-L'lllllll:fll (.'" 1(1,\ 11.'1 or financing along with sources and I'~d\11111111-11\\ ;, I detai Is thereof ._._ .. _----- -_' ---- ---_- 3(5)(d)(iii) Latest financial statements Yes PEDO is public sec lor organization and therefore it is not required -._._--_ ..-- .__ .._- I 3(5)(d)(iv) Employment records of Engineers & Yes CVs of Senior Oflkials of PEDO Technical Staff arc Attached. -._-- _. -.-. _. -- ~ 3( 5)( d)( v) Profile of Sub-contractors Yes Profile of MIs SINOTECII and Mis SIIPE Attached. I . -.---- _-.- __ .. -- 3(5)(d)(vi) Veri tied references W.r.l. experience of Yes EPC awarded under 1'1 ( - rules alter the Applicant and its sub-Contractors rCB and complete veri Iication of contractors. I --------- 3( 5)( e) Encumbrance 011 assets Yes IlIllding b~ (i,.\ 1.111111":111\)1 I'1t\ k'j l'al-.Il11lllkh" ;1 r--- ._,-----. -- _______ · ______ u··u_. _ I 3(5)(t) Technical and financial proposal for Yes EPC execu ted and work ill progress Operation, maiuteuance, planning and under the EPC signed with development of'tnc generation facility, consortium ,)1' SINOTECI-I/SIWE/GRC of Chiuu. I 3(5)(g)(a) Type of Technology Hydel Details provided ill Prospectus .---- _.----_.- 3(5)(h) Feasibility Report Yes Attached -- --._ .... - I 3(5)(i) Prospectus Yes Attached _._-, • ____ •• u ___________ • _ I I I • • I _ ._". Schedule II --- ... ..__ . __ Details provided in Prospectus I I. Location (location maps, site maps) land District Swat ..- .._-. Located on Daral Khawar, a I 2. Plant: run of river, storage, weir Run of River lie-hi tributary of River Swat. .. Max Net Head =194.0m I 3. Head: Minimum, maximum Min Net Head = 175.15m ._--- ..- 2 x 15.3MW= 30.6MW I 4. Technology: Francis, Pelton, etc. Size, Pelton number of units. Ix 6.0MW = 6MW Length 3071m 5. Tunnel (if proposed): length, diameter Yes I Diameter 3.1111 ._ ..- Approvul 1.1.:[[\.;1 .:\Il~ldl("d 6. ESSA ( Enviroumerual and Social Yes Soundness Assessment) .~~ I Copy Attached 7. Detailed feasibility report Yes 8. Resettlement issues No Seltkd I land acquisition 9. Consents ElA and already approved. Customs and other duties at I concessionary raLes will be applicable as per GOP! Govt of Khyber l';iI,hlllIlLIl\\ CI I 1'(11 i.:\ PESCO Consent Attached ._---, __ .-_ .._-- I 10. In frastructure development Included in EPC Contract I'ag\." U{-122,il Employer's RC4u iremcnt I (Copy Attached). + Access Road to Intake I Complex. (H kill) .----- --------_ .. --.---- II. Intercounect ion with National Grid Co. Yes Madyau, Swat distance and name of nearest grid, voltage 10 kill from Dural Khwar 111'1' I level (single line diagram) 132 iv, I ( 'OIISl:lIl 1.l:I1l:I' vI' I'LM 0 AHadtnl _._-. -- I 12. Project cost, information regarding PrujLL'1 ( '(1,,1 l)..L' l~illi\\11 sources and amounts of equity and debt. Fi H~lIld.11 !'lalt & I"llll!.: III Finauciuj; (1'('-1) I Annual lkv I'n \1-!.lilill ( \ 1 )1') .••200~) IlyJl:1 I.k\ I·lI11l1 (I II JI ) I ··IW':;, I ---,. • - • 13. Project schedule, expected life Construction period: 361110nth:;, I Extended to .J2 months. I Project life 30 years, 14. Peaking/base load operation Bast: load I --- I I 15. Plant characteristics: generation vo ltage, Gen. Voltage: II K V power factor, frequency, automatic P.f: 0.8 I generation control, ramping rate, control metering and instrumentation Frequency: 50 Hz, I Interconnection at 132 K V with PESCO grid station at I Madyan. (Consent Letter I Attached) -_-_._-----_----------------------------_---------:---+-----j--~------__-----------------_- 16. System studies load now, short circuit, Copy attached, _ stability. I 17_ Training and development Details provided in Contract (See Pg U{-16 10 [({-I'). Employer's Requirement I ~ ~ ~L- ~ ~~~L_~~~~(Copy Attached) _ I I I I I I I I • • I Schedule I - 3(1) I AUTHORIZATION LETTER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • ~ •. ,.(J PEDO <1~ ~ PAKHTUNKHWA ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION 1 . .. _~o~ern~ent of f<~y~e:r.~a~~~url.~h~t:ip~~h~VJ~r I No,561 M/PEDO/CEO Dated Peshawar 14'11JUI1l: 2016 I I I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Mr. Muhamamd Irfan S/o Abdur Rauf bearing CNIC No 17301-1409318-3 is hereby I appointed as authorized representative of Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO), for the purpose of filing an application for Determination of Tariff for Daral Khawar I Hydropower Project and to submit before NEPRA, an application for grant of Generation License for the said project. He is also authorized to attend any meeting(s) and discussion I related to the determination of tariff and grant of generation license and to provide any information & documents needed in this regard. I I I I ,1 ,y-----\ .. (Akbar Ayub Khan) I Chief Executive Ofliccr PEDO I I I I I "I!" ...i;. .' I ; • I I Generation License Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) Daral Khawar Hydropower Project I District Swat Article -1 I Definitions I (1) In this Licence: a. "Act" means the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of I Electric Power Act, 1997 (XL of 1997); b. "Authority" means the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority constituted under Section 3 of the Act. I c. "Licensee" means Pakhtunkhawa Energy Development Organization (PEDO). d. "Rules" mean the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing I (Generation) Rules, 2000. (2) Words and expressions used but not defined herein bear the meaning given I thereto in the Act or in the Rules. Article - 2 I Application of Rules This Licence is issued subject to the provisions of the Rules, as amended from time I to time. Article -3 Generation Facilities I (1) The location, size, technology, interconnection arrangements technical limits, technical functional specifications and other details specific to the generation facilities of the licensee are set out in Schedule - I to this Licence. I (2) The net capacity of the generation facilities is set out in Schedule - II hereto. (3) The Licensee shall provide the final arrangement, technical and financial specifications and other details specific to generation facilities before I commissioning of the generation facilities.
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