Published by SPOTLIGHT 90 / JUN-12-18 Eurosatory Daily No 1 Leonardo Insights Eurosatory is always a good place to meet the most important VIPs of the defence sector. ESD Spotlight spoke with Leonardo’s Chief Commercial Officer Lorenzo Mariani on future development, strategies and technology. The interview was conducted by Dorothee Frank. ESD Spotlight: You are Leonardo’s Chief the four domestic ones we have in total years, working at Commercial Officer for almost one year (beyond Italy, they are: UK, USA and Po- transforming this now, how has the company changed in this land), it accounts for approximately 18% of organization in or- year and what are your success stories? our revenues. This provides evidence not der to improve the Mariani: Following the presentation of the only of the importance of the export mar- integration of our 5-year Industrial Plan at the end of Janu- ket but also of our overall competitiveness sectorial group into ary this year, Leonardo has confirmed the worldwide. Nevertheless, domestic mar- the wider ASD dy- “One Company” basic principles and illus- kets can strongly contribute to the wider namics. trated the intention to strengthen its mar- global success. Very often potential foreign ket presence, competitiveness and product customers look at what we do domestically ESD Spotlight: portfolio and ensure sustainable growth. in terms of programme developments, What future trends The Sales and Marketing function has been product and service supply and through do you see in the defence sector? reorganized under the new Chief Com- life cycle support, because our domestic Mariani: Defence has evolved and is still mercial Officer structure to guarantee the customers have a strong reputation for evolving towards a stronger link to Secu- One Company acts with one voice and in a being demanding and important opera- rity. A mix of conventional and most fully coordinated manner in the world mar- tors. Sometimes the international market of all asymmetrical, expeditionary and ket, offering its integrated package of solu- looks at our capabilities as best suited to homeland threats require integrated tions. To do so, the international footprint provide solutions otherwise unavailable capabilities, innovation and supporta- is being expended with the opening of new elsewhere. Through industrial collabora- bility while driving costs down. Besides offices, the reinforcement of our customer tion, technology transfer and offset po- specialized platforms and systems, dual services and pursuing, where appropria- licies we can help emerging markets to use technologies are becoming of grea- te, partnering opportunities. Leading the enter the aerospace and defence/security ter importance allowing diversified re- OCEAN2020 initiative for maritime surveil- sector or to strengthen their existing role turn on investment, and are often de- lance in Europe, finalizing the NH90 helic- further, with significant economic and st- ployed by armed forces for public utility, di- opter programme in Qatar as prime, selling rategic benefits while we’re allowed to ac- saster relief or emergency response missi- an additional four M-346 trainers to Poland cess all new opportunities. The European ons. Customers require an increasing level are a few examples of successful achieve- dimension then has a special importance. of support, maintenance and training solu- ments to date. Europe is devoting significant efforts to set tions which have become a significant part up an all new defence policy, allocate R&D of our overall performance, making Leo- ESD Spotlight: How important is the inter- funds and reinforce industrial collabora- nardo a total capability provider enabling national market for Leonardo, compared tion. In the land sector, as an example of operators to maximize mission effectiven- with your national customer? an important role in cooperation, Leonardo ess and safety. Military services are going Mariani: Leonardo is a global company ac- has chaired ELDIG (the European Land De- more and more digital in a more complex ting in the Aerospace, Defence and Secu- fence Industry Group serving as a sectorial network enabled environment where all rity sectors with an extensive commercial, group for the land defence industry under assets in the battlefield ‒ soldiers, plat- service and industrial presence. If taking the Aerospace and Defence Industries As- forms, systems in land, sea and airspace ‒ into account the Italian market, out of sociation of Europe – ASD) for the last two are connected and seek information supe- ISSUE 90 / 2018 2 SPOTLIGHT riority and effective command and control. also presenting our new technologies on The more complex this becomes the more board of the wheeled 8x8 Centauro II, the you need to reduce workload and increase Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV) 2 and our re- situational awareness and here is where trofit/upgrade solutions of existing armou- automation, for example, is going to play red vehicles, like for the M60 tank. Further- an important role. We are significantly in- more the HITFACT II large calibre family of vesting into the remotely piloted and un- turrets are offered for both the Centauro II manned realm to an extent Leonardo can and the GD ASCOD family of vehicles, de- today be considered as the only Europe- (Photos:Leonardo) monstrating how these weapon systems an OEM offering true integrated solutions players and in the framework of multina- can be integrated on different platforms in this field. Last but not least, the cyber tional and European efforts. Cyber security according to specific requirements. A signi- dimension. It’s becoming a threat and a follows as it has demonstrated something ficant opportunity is offered by the provi- battlefield of its own and is going to be part the world cannot underestimate. More- sion of anti-tank capabilities to the Polish and parcel of anything we are used to do over, in addition to all new products, we’re Rosomak vehicles, already featuring the in any other defence and security sector: also focusing on retrofit and upgrade solu- HITFIST 30mm turret, by integrating the Ra- it will impact land, sea and airspace and tions providing one more chance for armed fael Spike missile. Leonardo is leading this we need therefore to protect all of them forces to enhance their existing assets and capability enhancement programme. One equally with appropriate measures. effectively extend their life cycle to cope of the most innovative products world- with latest requirements. Considering the wide is the Vulcano, a family of guided am- ESD Spotlight: Is there any new technology cited variety of areas and the integrated of- munitions that exceed the performance or new areas of interest that Leonardo will fer the One Company is able to deliver, we of all current precision-guided projectiles. especially focus on in the future? do believe Leonardo is an ideal position to The Vulcano has attracted the interest Mariani: Analyzing market trends in each of respond in the best possible manner. of the U.S. Navy and is at the heart of a the sectors previously mentioned will see strategic collaboration with BAE Systems Leonardo is strongly committed to pro- ESD Spotlight: What defence programmes US, poised to open up favourable market viding modern solutions for our military are of special interest? prospects. forces or dual use aircraft for use in emer- Mariani: We’re pursuing a number of gencies, for examples our helicopters or opportunities in various sectors worldwi- ESD Spotlight: How important are trade the C-27J Spartan. We have an excellent de covering land, airborne and naval do- shows like Eurosatory and what outcome range of training platforms and dedicated mains. Europe of course is crucial too. At- do you expect for Leonardo? systems: trainers, simulators and virtual tending Eurosatory, there are several land Mariani: Major exhibitions offer us oppor- environment generators, which we’re go- programmes which can be mentioned. An tunities to meet a number of existing and ing to offer in a more and more integra- expert in the latest SDR (Software Defined potential customers, suppliers, partners in ted approach. At Eurosatory, for example, Radio) comms technology, Leonardo has just a few days. Most often you’ll need an we’re providing evidence of capabilities in taken an important role in support of the entire year to meet many of them in dif- fully immersive virtual operating environ- interoperability of European land forces ferent periods and different places, the- ments and simulation for soldiers integra- within the ESSOR consortium in developing refore shows are a unique chance to ma- ted with the Command and Control chain. a shared European radio architecture and ximize available time illustrating the very These capabilities can replicate the envi- a common waveform, the ESSOR HDR WF latest solutions. And even more important- ronment that forces are required to jointly (High Data Rate Waveform). The company ly, exhibitions allow Leonardo to provide operate in and in a coordinated manner is also involved in the Generic Open Soldier an informative insight of our integrated and mirroring our system integrator capa- System Reference Architecture (namely capabilities combining platforms, systems, bilities in the digitalized space: sensors, “GOSSRA”), a project aimed at producing equipment and comprehensive support comms, data sharing. Leonardo has already an open architecture to be standardised and training services, fully mirroring our developed and marketed and is developing among European nations, defining a futu- One Company organization. new advanced unmanned solutions, auto- re modernised soldier system that achiev- Leonardo: Pav IT / Hall 6 C 300 and B 301 nomously or in cooperation with other key es effectiveness and cost-efficiency. We’re www.leonardocompany.com ISSUE 90 / 2018 3 SPOTLIGHT Weise New Chairman of ELDIG tion,” said EDA’s Chief Executive Jorge Do- (df) Yesterday – at the first day of Eurosa- mecq at the ceremony. “There has been tory – the chairmanship of the European quite some movement in the land domain.
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