3 0 ., . ,, ., , L,. r jj I . - , . - . v VS. ' I , .. - . .. .......... j' . t ad.t.t; nnsAT r toWtaarrea.hiaeral aritationa..a potAeeaofrrscnirzk.ctawtnattittta .intend rd only t beodt an tadiTkiMU' bualneM, r01 J ctafrf m advert kaemenln, isen Jil In lyp Uian uiui, r Ml Advtattoecnu larftr ' Joct to hrarier fharfrM. " ; CT itutaariptioo to tbe CaMMlfclal Advertlacr to fsVWM C - vaaurvLT i aTanc1. ' rrNo tjaiaieat ax.terUCMU win be Inserted. Ml ru TUB . ' tTjr CtMieaiitiudeaeaiTomaa trucftha Faetflo Wffl aiwajn p-- ba nrjr acceptabte. .0 . nw rrrr n nurw rr7 n iverhmeatst I l. I'.ft " - K I - . COMMEt'IAIi OFFCCX. r. t , . - r mi, (f 0 WMin(( 8 line) per annum WR; ui PLAI1T AK AXCY : - 44 m (i vhuuoihu line) . BOOK AXD JCD A rayaroe io it v- w. l PCIKT1AO linn ilnm. Ja .f iff'. 10 lines j j, awLV edirig space) first insertion $1 i wuy 1 Jti, afru 00. 'y vY'T VVK j UIX8 OF KXCHARQE, I go r vr ivtrt t ""hw.imlih uuenm Ct. in CATAL0CTB8, BILLS OF LADTie, jaDr- - VW'V ; wuj ve ax i cnvm toe Toilowin' ili payableamuB EIIX HEADS, , CONSULAR I LAND, at the end of each quarter s ? BLANK -- CIMI, . for twrntT anea ner CIRCULARS, t iure ourttr ACCTIOS BIU-- , uue. Tth of a column prr quarter . hand --oaa ' of a evtatnui per quarter ; Busijcras, apdreli ' bote - ' xr vismNo, and caeds eniama uer aaarter ...- QarJ rVeaf," ia the hiSbait atjrto of (Aa Yaake ad7 No adrerttjeineot U be Inserted fbr leaf than fnntail m ft art. Cotaiiercial Advertiser. PCBL1JUIED WEEKLT BF -- SIX DOLLARS PER A1TCUM. Ssnefrmisfgtrti.05.-NE- IfJaV M. W1UX.NKV. I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. DECEMBER 24, 1857. iVOU ll,Me. 6. WUOLEKs.71. ! CkrUtaaaa ia Com lax. GOODS ! NEW GOODS gusiiuss Carts. business Curbs. "imsts anil anis. irrip Carts. San raiuisr0 gtolicrHsfmfnls. Jast Received br CbrtatiBaa la coming, the time, " rlorioiu - .S3 s Za Xa Seaaoa of happinesa, bupe and delight, SI 9 . AGENT FOR Horning comes frelcofned with echoing chime, A. P. EVERETJ, THE . FOR SALE OR TO LET. EASTRA & CO., IMPORTANT ! DRY GOODS. to New York Board Underwriters). ' 4-- Pleaaant noon and o'erjnytxu the night. COMMISSION MERCKANT. ( COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Bale brown drill; 4 bre. cotton The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. Car-- AND SOCIETY 3-- 4 Corner of Queen and Xuuanu streeta, Honolulu, H. I. Tr,w ner of Fort and Chaplain streets. Possession, jrlren on ISLANDS Brown cotton flannel' do dot . Hanr op the raj BXUeto la the hall, Ae that be has been duly appointed as Agent for the f SANDWICH doing business in any part of the Padflo Ticking New York JLXaL the 1st of January next. Inquire of J FULLER, at the Hakodadi, Japan. Blue drills! i Tie Board of Underwriters. covers; Llnto napklnsj cp the erer;reea oak by the door, . REFERENCES. .' 7o-- tI Kind of Fresh Provisions Ocean, will always find mm Table . 13-l-y ALEX. Oihce of the Board of Education. furnished ; also, Ship's a Large - ' J. CARTWRIGirr. ALL and Ship Chandlery, WcIlSeleta Scotch diaper; Curtain muslins; Taatea the red bony branch by the wall, Messrs. Pampsok A TiPr., - Boston. at bonolckc rmcn. Stock of Morre antique paraesis; E. Bbigbam A Co TO OR SALE-Posora- wio. giv Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac 71-- ly MI'd and brown damask; Let the freah bay arch the maotlepiece o'er. 1. AGENT FOR LET FOR eord taasels; Picture cord; Bctlkb, KrlTM A UlLL, THE en Immediately Three neat cottages, three rooms in French, British and American " Silk and each, with outhouses on Merchant handy Jet button; lUbhoiia, etc Toicea of childhood are borne on the air. Honolulu, July 1, 1857. Liverpool Underwriter's Association situated street, XI. FANCY DRY GOODS The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners. to the business part of the town. Title fee simple. Apply to Will. KEIiliY, and BONNETS. Flatter young; heart like the lea Tea of the trees, Ship HENRY SMITH, . and masters, that he has received the appointment ol GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, SMALL WARES, cape. fc 74-3- m at Col'd willow cape; Fancy Gladneas la (uahing through lift ererywhere. It. COADY CO., AOKNT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER Or C. C. HARRIS. - Shipping and Commission 8. 1. TAHITI, Blonde; Tissue; Laughter aad music are borne on the breese. Merchants, Ilonololn, WRITER'S ASSOCIATION Hughes & Wallace's, 7 braid; 1-- X Will supply ships with provision, money Black lace; REFERENCES. July tf ROBERT C. JANION. FOR LEASE Ac, and advance on , u-- ly JV05. Col'd glace; Bee how the CVfetmas Tree branches are invvnmQ iruia iur uius oa un l. nisea Dtates. 1 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREKT, Pedal; bant. Messrs. OarsaaxL, Himu A Co- -, . Kew York. COMMODIOUS DWELLING Fancy IJPy Misses' pedal, ete. Loaded with fcr the jubilant ' MTlL-K- T AGENT FOR LLOYD'S in Nuuanu Valley, Just above the residence of tffts Jtxsog, it CO., - ; San Francisco, Cal., MTHE having been put in thorough repair fur-nisu-ed AND SHOES. luUie baro fret toTheir couches are lent, 'VVn.LB, Fabco A Co, - San Vrancisoo. The undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and and W. BUTLER, Consisting in part of BOOTS Auor A Co., Valparaiso. Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ol with an ample supply of water, will be leased on rea- Men's ealf brogans; Super calf ties; Leviog their slocLiogs beside the rraU hone. to good Apply to CUSTOM HOUSE A COMMISSION AGENT White goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons ; Metal ic ii. F. Tbais A Co., - - Melbourne. AUB.vr at these Islands Tor LLOYD'S LONDON. sonable term a tenant. ' Men' Oxford ties; overshoe; s .... MANG0NUL, NEW K WM. C. PARKE, ZEALAND. Misses' goat bootee; Orer the hooaetops Baaiso B A Co., - London. July ROBERT C. JANION. Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, pongee hdkfs ; Misses' kid buskins; 8c NichoUa rides, 71-- tf Agent for W. T. Walker. Shipping or. Boys' goat broganai Si ET supplied the most reasonable term. Lat. Suspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutlery I Misses' fine slipper; Cfaos Exehaasre tor sale on United Europe. 35-- 173-38,- -- 9ama loaded with preeents is here, the State and ASSURANCE S., long. 41-l- y Men's calf boots; Boys' ealf boot; Hoopralu, uly 1, jyl-t- Scissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, Welcome to Chris Unas the fairest of brides, J 156. r TIIErett.TIIERX Fur Fire and Life Assurance at FOR SALE.. V toilet articles; Ladle congress gaiters; Ladies' kid supper. borne and abroad. C. MCRCER. , . C. MERRILL. Yankee notions, haberdashery, Beautiful Christmas the bride of New Tear. A COTTAGE with a large garden, situated on . etc, etcj MISCELLANEOUS. DANIEL C. WATERMAN, Cassltal 1.25B.7GO. lane running from King to Queen Imitation shell round-bac- k combs ; The undersigned AStcrlin. the west side of the Luce mitts; COMMISSION MERCHANT, has been appointed rent for the Sandwich , present occupied by McRUER & JTIERIXIlLsL. Fancy basket; streets, opposite the palace, at J. AUCTIONEERS Black feathers, beads, etc, etc Mohair do; outfitting of Teasels port, to Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION Smithies, Esq. The cottage contains three rooms, and has AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fruit do; VARIETY. Superintends the from this the f. Just Lisle at Honolulu. is good cook Nursery do; gauntlet; shipment of oil and bone, and negotiates whalemen's been put in thorough repair. There a house, fowl dorr's warrhocsk, various kinds, Veil barege; drafts, house and well of water on the premises. The above offers a Nos. 47 49 California LC7 An inspection of our stock is solicited. Fan, Some slanderinir bachelor say" it is much few vKm kc and street, Gimp, furniture gimp; . Fringe trimming; REFERENCES. KRULL & MOLL, . good opportunity to any small family wishing a residence a Lace ha get married, bat more try apply to SAN ICT Our Silk buttons; button; ja after a year or two. Messrs. Moaoaz, Hatha wat, It Co., San Francisco. Agents of the Hamburg and Lubeck Underwriters, Honolulu, short distance from town. For particulars FRANCISCO. importations are direct from Brit- Girdles; Mohair braid; Ax - UE0. CLARK, Hotel street. There are mny men who delight Macoxdkat Co., " Oahu. II. i. July ISoo--tl . BEPEB TO s . and Europe. Malta lace; Muslin flouncing; in playing the X). i, Oct, W-- tf ain , wao R. Gkkks A Co Kew Bedford. Honolulu, 21, 1857. y Capt. James Makee, Honolulu: Cant. D. C. Waterman, Muslin and lace collars; Set collar and alceraa. uhi gvi angry me moment they are told so. Jam Kg B. Cosgdox, Esq., w FLORENS STAPENIIORST, , xiouoiuiu , jiessrs. uiunan uo., Lanaina, . m One of the firm always in satisfactorily biAX VT. O. E. Pora. TO s O the market. HARDWARE, &c. It has been ascertained thai Aacltm Esj Agent tor the Bremen board of Underwriters. - All average claims LET. All executed promptness wrought Sheet lead and sine; enter the water for divers reasons, and come nnt fnr airainst the said Underwriters, occurring in or about this THE TWO STORES NOW BEING S. GKirriTTS MORGAN. C. 8. HATHAWAT. S. r. 8T09B. orders with Cut and nails; W. FIELD, 1-- erected In Fort street, between King and Merchant sts. Handled axes; 8. B. lanterns; kfua dry tuotiTes. B. Kingdom, will have to be certified before him. July tf and dispatch. Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by MORGAN, nATHAWAY & CO., Iron squares, Halter and log chains; When headache- early application. For terms, please apply to Dog collars', Copper and Iron tacks; a man has s - and aava !t thn to-C- .
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