E1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 9, 2014 RECOGNIZING THE 100TH RECOGNIZING THE DESERT VISTA His military education includes 19K (Tanker) ANNIVERSARY OF BOSCOV’S HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS CROSS OSUT, 88M (Truck Driver), Primary Leader- COUNTRY TEAM ship Development Course, Basic Noncommis- sioned Officer Course, Advanced Noncommis- HON. JIM GERLACH HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA sioned Officer Course, Basic Instructor Course, Recruiting and Retention School, OF PENNSYLVANIA OF ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Driver Training Course, Mind Resistant AP In- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES structor Course. Tuesday, December 9, 2014 He furthered his civilian education at Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Coahoma Community College in Clarksdale, Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognize the Girls Cross Country Team of Mississippi where he graduated in 1999 with a partnership with my colleagues, Representa- Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, Arizona, technical certification in Barbering. His awards and decorations include: the tive CHARLIE DENT, Representative PAT MEE- home of the Thunder. On November 8, 2014, the team won the Division One State Cham- Army Commendation Medal, Army Reserve HAN, and Representative JOE PITTS, to recog- pionship in Cross Country, and the team’s Components Achievement Medal (3RD nize Boscov’s, one of the nation’s largest fam- captain, Senior Dani Jones, set a new course Award), National Defense Service Medal With ily-owned department store chains, on the oc- record for Arizona. Bronze Star (2ND Award), Iraqi campaign casion of its 100th Anniversary. This year, for the first time in Desert Vista Medal with Campaign Star, Global War on Boscov’s, headquartered in Berks County, High School history, the team qualified for the Terrorism Service Medal with Campaign Star, Pennsylvania, was founded by Solomon Nike Cross Nationals, a meet that brings to- Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Boscov in 1914 at 9th and Pike Streets in gether the fastest high school cross country Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Serv- Reading, Pennsylvania. Solomon emigrated to teams and individuals from around the coun- ice Ribbon, and Armed Forces Reserve Medal the United States in 1911, purchased $8 worth try. On Saturday December 6, 2014, the team with M Device (2nd Award). of merchandise, and traveled on foot through took 5th place at this meet, and Dani Jones Sergeant First Class Roach has two daugh- Lancaster and Berks Counties selling his took 3rd place in the individual category. ters: Laliya and Brianna; and one son, Tony wares. Within a year, he had saved enough to This past year, I have had the great honor Cordale. Sergeant First Class Roach is the purchase a horse and wagon and increase his of running with the team during their early son of Freddy Bryant and Gloria Roach and inventory. morning practices. The focus, dedication and has 6 siblings: Gloria, Dellia, Nicole, Lee, spirit of these exceptional young women are James, and Isaac. From these humble beginnings, Boscov’s inspiring. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me has grown to a chain of 43 stores in 6 states Congratulations to the Desert Vista High in recognizing an amazing American Soldier. with a yearly revenue of over $1 billion. Cur- School Girls Cross Country Team, to Team f rently headed by Solomon’s son, Albert, who Captain Dani Jones, and to Head Coach Jeff serves as Chairman and CEO, Boscov’s is Messer and his dedicated coaching staff. This IN RECOGNITION OF THE SAN one of the last family-owned department store amazing team consists of exceptional young BRUNO CENTENNIAL chains in the United States. In addition to of- female athletes, dedicated coaches, and sup- fering fine merchandise at outstanding value, portive parents. HON. JACKIE SPEIER Albert Boscov has been a tireless advocate for I am very proud to represent the students OF CALIFORNIA the Greater Reading area and his devotion to and families of Desert Vista High School, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the community, through civic and charitable I urge my colleagues to join me in recognizing Tuesday, December 9, 2014 activities, is unrivaled. Throughout its long and the accomplishments of these remarkable storied history, Boscov’s has exemplified the young women. Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the 100th birthday of the city of San Bruno, notion that quality never goes out of style. And f Albert has exemplified the principle of cor- California, a city of about 40,000 residents HONORING MR. TONY ROACH spreading over 5.5 square miles between the porate leaders being involved in their commu- flat lowlands near San Francisco Bay and the nity’s life and reaching beyond the company foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains rising office to help those in need. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OF MISSISSIPPI 700 feet above the Pacific Ocean. San Bruno Mr. Speaker, in recognition of its 100 years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is adjacent to San Francisco International Air- of faithful service to its customers and commu- port and bestrides the Golden Gate National nity, I and my Pennsylvania colleagues ask Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Cemetery. San Bruno is located in my Con- that the House join us today in recognizing Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- gressional District and its scenic beauty and Boscov’s on the exciting occasion of its 100th er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Amer- community life make it one of the most be- Anniversary. ican Soldier, Sergeant First Class Tony loved cities on the Peninsula. Roach, a resident of Shaw, Mississippi. San Bruno is filled with natural beauty and f Sergeant First Class Roach entered the stunning views of the ocean and bay. It has Army Reserves on February 9, 1990, and superb schools, a beautiful main city park, and OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL completed Basic and Advanced Individual top-notch businesses. The city has also con- DEBT Training as an armor crewman at Fort Knox, tributed to popular culture and sports as it is Kentucky directly after graduating from Shaw the hometown of actress Suzanne Somers, High School. He was stationed at Fort Hood, soprano Luana DeVol, musician Ron ‘‘Pigpen’’ HON. MIKE COFFMAN Texas and Camp Shelby, Mississippi. His McKernan and three famous baseball players: overseas assignment include Log Base Seitz Wally Bunker, Keith Hernandez and Pablo OF COLORADO in Iraq. Sandoval. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SFC Roach was deployed in support of Op- Long before the city of San Bruno was in- eration Iraqi Freedom, OIF 2004–2005, in sup- corporated, the Ohlone people lived in a vil- Tuesday, December 9, 2014 port of Operation Enduring Freedom, and lage here named Urebure. In 1769, the area Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, OEF was explored by a Spanish expedition led by 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- 2006–2014. Most recently, he served eight Gaspar de Portola, followed by a more exten- fice, the national debt was years as an Observer Controller Team Leader sive exploration by Bruno de Heceta. That at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. second exploration resulted in the naming of $10,626,877,048,913.08. SFC Roach has served with overwhelming San Bruno Creek which eventually gave the Today, it is $17,991,068,498,107.32. We’ve admiration at every level within a Tank Pla- community its name. added $7,364,191,449,194.24 to our debt in 5 toon to include: Tank Gunner, Tank Com- When Mission San Francisco de Asis was years. This is over $7.3 trillion in debt our na- mander, Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant. established to the north, much of the land tion, our economy, and our children could He has served as an Interim Observer Con- around today’s San Bruno became pasture for have avoided with a balanced budget amend- troller Team Leader, Battalion Operations Ser- livestock. Grazing continued even after the de- ment. geant, and Observer Controller Group Leader. cline of the missions. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Dec 10, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09DE8.010 E09DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1759 The city had its origins in Clark’s Station, an phere that makes San Bruno so special. There Australia, where they spent Christmas until 1849 inn that served as a stop on the might be some millionaires or someday per- boarding a Dutch ship and setting sail for Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach route. haps even a billionaire living in San Bruno, but Java, an island in the Dutch East Indies, This inn was eventually renamed Uncle Tom’s fundamentally the community is where Amer- shortly before New Year’s Day. They arrived Cabin. Significant development of San Bruno ican families live so that they may enjoy great at Java on January 11 and stayed for nearly didn’t begin until after the 1906 earthquake. schools and great fun amidst like-minded peo- two months, sharing the island with troops The first public school was completed that ple dedicated to hard work, honest commerce, from the Netherlands and Australia, among year. The paving of California’s first state high- and civic engagement. other allied countries. way, El Camino Real, began in 1912 in front Its 40,000 residents are a wonderful mix of After weeks of uncertainty, the boys started of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, eventually replaced by ethnic backgrounds and ages. Under the to grow restless as they pondered what their 14 Mile House and subsequently by other steady guidance of Mayor Jim Ruane and next assignment would be.
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