Excerpt Index Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01648-4- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: 1871: Volume 19 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A. Secord, Janet Browne, Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Alison M. Pearn and Paul White Index More information INDEX The dates of letters to and from Darwin’s correspondents are listed in the biograph- ical register and are not repeated here. Darwin’s works are indexed under the short titles used throughout this volume and listed in the bibliography. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood: assures CD of de Belgique: elects CD associate, 20 &n.3, 751 & widespread support in US, 368–9, 390–1;CD 752 n.3, 788 & 789 n.1 admires Truth for the times, 391 &n.4, 541, 542 n.2, Acalles: distribution, 76 &n.7 662 & 663 n.1, 686; CD declines to write column Acheus ustus (Bradypus variegatus brasiliensis), 249 & 251 for Index on grounds of health, 686; CD sub- n.5 scribes to Index, 427 &n.2, 541 &n.1; CD unwill- Acmaea:difficulty in classifying western American ing to have his private statements quoted in the spp., 523 & 524 n.19 press, 541 & 542 n.7, 551 & 552 n.7, 662 & 663 n.1, Acraea: A. andromacha, abnormalities in neuration, 686 & 687 n.2; editor, Index, 391 n.4, 551 n.2;lec- 387 & 388 n.6; A. thalia (Actinote thalia), mimicry, ture to Toledo Society of Natural Sciences, 541 441 & 443 n.8 & 542 n.6, 551 &n.3.; lectures on free religion Actinote thalia. See Acraea thalia in Boston, 368 & 369 n.4, 427 &n.3; nothing in Adams, Arthur: cited in Descent, 2d ed., 401 n.1 Origin is inconsistent with religious feeling, xxii, Adams, Henry: editor, North American Review, 513 & 541 & 542 n.4; sends CD bound volume of Index, 516 n.4 541 & 542 n.2, 551; sends CD $50 to become an- Addison’s disease: pigmentation caused by, 66 & 69 nual contributor to Index, 662–3; criticism of H. n.6 Spencer, 368 & 369 n.5 Adlersflügel, Winter von: maternal fright, 633–4 & Abernethy, Julian Willis: sends CD ode in style of 634 nn.2–3 Burns, 73–5 & 75 nn.1 & 2 Agassiz, Alexander: cited in Origin, 6th ed., 411 n.6; Abutilon: A. darwinii, J.D. Hooker names species dis- CD plans to answer St G.J. Mivart in 6th ed. of covered by F. Müller, 202 & 203 n.2, 221 & 222 Origin, 413 & 414 n.4; CD thanks for works pre- nn.1–2, 226 &n.3, 500 &n.1, 501, 502 &n.1, 518 sented by L. Agassiz and Museum of Compar- &n.11; A. darwinii, self-sterile at first, later self- ative Zoology, 562 &n.2; CD will use observa- fertilising, 502 &n.2, 503, 518 &n.12; A. virens, A. tions on Echinodermata in refuting St G.J. Mi- darwinii closely related to, 221 & 222 n.1 vart, xxiv, 549 nn. 2 & 4, 591 & 592 n.10; De- Academy: C.E.C.B. Appleton, editor, 167 n.3; De- scent, presentation copy, 793 & 794 n.12;Echino- scent, review (A.R. Wallace), 26 n.3, 27 &n.2, dermata, pedicellariae are modified spines, 406– 166–7 & 167 n.3, 185 & 186 n.1, 194 & 195 n.4, 199 10 & 411–12 nn.4–6 & 9–19; sexual selection in &n.3, 200 &n.4, 209 & 210 n.4, 288 & 289 n.2, viviparous fish from California, 406 & 411 nn.2– 340 & 341 n.3, 383 & 385 n.1, 796;A.Dohrnre- 3 views A.O. Kovalevsky’s Studies in embryology, 554 Agassiz, Louis: CD sends sincere respects to, 413 & 555 nn.15–16;C.Wright,Darwinism, advertise- & 414 n.5; Descent, presentation copy, 793 & 794 ment and review, 572 &n.3; Expression advertise- n.12; described Embiotocidae, 411 n.2; Essay ment in, 123 n. 4 on classification (with J.L.A. Agassiz), 649 & 650 Académie des sciences: attempt to elect CD hon- n.4; H. Hartogh Heijs van Zouteveen asks CD orary member failed, 415 &n.3 for introduction to, 668 & 669 n.5;mistakenin Académie royale des sciences, lettres et beaux-arts asserting fundamental differences between genus © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Excerpt Index Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01648-4- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: 1871: Volume 19 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A. Secord, Janet Browne, Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Alison M. Pearn and Paul White Index More information 990 Index Agassiz, Louis, cont. Amblystoma mexicanum. See axolotl and species, 682 &n.5; recovers from illness and American Academy of Arts and Sciences: A. Gray, plans trip to California via Cape Horn, 407 & president, 543 & 544 n.2; C. Wright delivers pa- 411 nn.7 & 8, 413 & 414 n.5, 562 n.1; sent circu- per on phyllotaxy, 629 & 630 n.4;C.Wright, lars to CD, 562 n. 2; theory of glacial drift, C. recording secretary, 543 & 544 n.2 Lyell believes evidence of shells disproves, 733 & American Association for the Advancement of Sci- 734 n.2 ence: A. Gray, president, 520 n.3; Indianopolis Ageronia feronia (Hamadryas feronia): silent except dur- meeting, 519–20 & 520 nn.2–3 ing courtship, 440–1 & 443 n.3 American Entomologist: founded by B.D. Walsh and Agrius convolvuli. See Sphinx convolvuli C.V. Riley, 415 n.4; H. Gillman writes Notes for, ai (Bradypus torquatus), 249 &n.1, 257 &n.3 397 Airy, George Biddell, 258 &n.6 American Museum of Natural History, New York: Airy, Hubert: CD sends paper on phyllotaxy to J.B. Holder, assistant, 403; newly opened to the Linnean Society for publication, 716 n.3;CD public, 402–3 &n.5 sends C. Wright’s paper on phyllotaxy, 717 & 718 American Naturalist: American Association for the n.6, 719 & 720 n.2; phyllotaxy, complex leaf ar- Advancement of Science, 520; H. Gillman writes rangements developed to make use of space in Notes for, 397–8 & 400 n.4; H. Gillman, ‘The bud, 716 &n.3, 719 & 720 n.1; platysma, con- flattest tibia on record’, 657 &n.8 traction under terror, 666 n.2, 715 & 716 n.1; American Phrenological Journal: T.N. Gill, lectures on platysma, voluntary contraction, 251 & 252 n.1, Darwinism, 617 n.3 257–8; voluntary movements of the ears, 251 Amos, Sheldon, 672 & 674 n.11 Aix sponsa: O. Salvin sends skin to CD, 654 &n.2, Amphistichus: sexual selection, 406 & 411 n.2 664 & 664–5 n.1 Amphioxus: A. Dohrn considers to be aberrant Albano, Louisa: requests permission to translate forms, not ancestor of vertebrates, 554 & 555 n.17 Descent into Italian, 318 &n.1 Anacampsis pyramidalis. See Orchis pyamidalis Albertus Magnus: described dun horses, 619 & 620 Anas: A. boschas (A. platyrhynchos), CD believes to n.5 be ancestor of all domestic ducks, 565 n.3; A. Albrecht, R.F.: effect of fright on a pregnant ani- clypaeta. See Spatula clypeata; A. histrionica (Histrion- mal, 633–4 & 634 n.1, 636 &n.3 icus histrionicus, harlequin duck), development of Alces alces (moose): E.S. Foster offers information plumage, 385 & 386 n.9 on, 700 & 701 n.1 Anchiterium: V.O. Kovalevsky examines bones dis- Aldridge, Charles: assistant medical officer, West covered by E. Lartet, 539 & 540 n.5;placein Riding Asylum, 294 n.7, 538 n.2 evolution of the horse, 539 & 540 nn.7 & 11 Alexander, Patrick Proctor [Smelfungus]: Mill and Anderson, James: sends CD two volumes of W. Hi- Carlyle, 210 &n.2 bbert’s New theory and practice of medicine, 102 & 103 Alglave, Emile: Descent, presentation copy, 147 & n.2 148 n.5, 188 n.4, 758 &n.5, 759 n.4, 793 & Anderson, Thomas: communicates J. Scott’s pa- 795 n.60; Descent, publishes extracts from French pers to Linnean Society, 659 & 660 n.12 translation in Revue scientifique, 147, 187–8 & 188 Andropogon ischaemum (Bothriochloa ischaemum var. is- n.8, 535 & 536 n.2, 757–8, 758–9 & 759 n.8, 773 & chaemum): seeds collected by ants, 454–5 & 456 n.2; publication of journal erratic during Franco- n.6 Prussian war and siege of Paris, 147, 758; Revue des Anhinga. See Plotus cours scientifiques begins second series as Revue sci- Annales des sciences naturelles: V. Hensen, abstract of entifique de la France et de l‘étranger, 187 & 188 n.3, article on Cephalopodia, 381 & 382 n.6, 428 & 758 & 759 n.3 n.6 Allgemeine Zeitung (Beilage):reviewofDescent, 797 Annales des sciences naturelles (botanique):M.E. Allman, George James: will send CD proofs of his Chevreul, breeding of sheep/goat hybrids in study of graptolites, 669 &n.2 Chile, 687 & 688 n.3 All the Year Round:reviewofDescent, 797 Annelida: classification, 49 n.3 Alopochen aegyptiaca. See Chenalopex aegypticus Annulosa: classification, 49 &n.3 Alyssum maritimum (Lobularia maritima): seeds col- Anon.: CD asks for pamphlets listed by J.W. Spen- lected by ants, 455 & 456 n.7 gel, 695; CD regrets his health prevents his Amaranthus: seeds collected by ants, 454 attending British Association meeting in Edin- Amauris ochlea, 417 & 419 n.8 burgh, 469; CD sends photograph of himself © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Excerpt Index Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01648-4- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: 1871: Volume 19 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A. Secord, Janet Browne, Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Alison M. Pearn and Paul White Index More information Index 991 by O.G. Rejlander, 630–1 & 631 n.2; CD sends Archangelica hirsuta (Angelica venosa): Papilio asterias thanks to T. Laycock for references, 267–8 & feeds on, 728 & 729 n.4 268 nn.2–3; CD thanks for cuttings from for- Archiv für Anthropologie: H.
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