$2.25 Vol. 3 No. 5 June 2012 A Long, Long Night of Fire Volunteers Prevent Total Loss of Clark Point Residence By Edith Walden An incredible save GIFD Fire Chief Mike Stamp- Editors’ note: Details about the er and Assistant Fire Chief Gerry Clark Point fire on May 20–21, Francis arrived at the fire at 2:56 and about the residence and its p.m. with fire rigs. Five other owners, have been the subject of GIFD responders arrived shortly much conversation and speculation. after. They found the area around TheTide has interviewed more the kitchen chimney in the south than 30 participants, officials, and wing fully engulfed in flames that experts in an attempt to present an had broken through the roof. accurate account of the event. The Chief Stamper called for mutu- owner of the residence requested al aid from the Anacortes, Mount that he not be identified; we are Erie, and District 13 fire depart- respecting his wishes. All informa- ments. Their firefighters, a pump- tion not attributed to a specific er, tender, and ladder truck arrived person has been checked with at least between 3:20 and 3:55 p.m. two knowledgeable sources. We are Because GIFD had conduct- extremely grateful to the Guemes ed several previous walk-throughs Island Fire Department spokes- and a drill at the property as re- persons for their generous help and cently as last year, firefighters were cooperation. familiar with its layout and con- struction. Chief Stamper, incident A fire in the 4100 block of commander throughout the fire, Clark Point Road was reported at sent Nancy White, Tim Powell, 2:42 p.m. on Sunday, May 20. By and Francis into the south wing the time the fire was completely out to be sure a critical firewall was at about 10 the next morning, 13 sealed. They confirmed that the fire districts had responded to the fire was actively burning overhead fire, about 100 emergency respond- in the master bedroom area of the ers had attended the scene, at least south wing. Top: By late afternoon nearly half the house was in 23 emergency vehicles had been Using two ladders, Powell as- flames. Bottom: The great room lay in ruins after the fire. transported on the ferry, and about cended the steep, 12/12-pitch, ce- 120 gallons of foam and at least 261,000 gallons of water had dar-shake roof and attempted to break through the attic vents been sprayed on the residence. to allow access for hoses to knock the fire out in the attic. The The 8 occupants of the residence, a dog, some 20 chicks, attempt failed because of the configuration of the gables. and 2 goslings were safe. No one was injured. Computers With this turn of events, the firefighting focus shifted and office equipment were rescued, about 50 percent of the from trying to put the fire out to trying to contain it. A team 11,242-square-foot structure remained salvageable, and the was sent into the dining room area to attempt to confine the heroic volunteer firefighters and auxiliary of the Guemes Is- fire to the south wing. They were driven out when the fire land Fire Department (GIFD) were proud and exhausted. (continued on page 8) 2 The Guemes Tide June 2012 Letters Correction It’s up to us to care ed. Imagine if the Hall had more stor- To the editors, age. And there are many other creative In the May issue of the Tide The community potluck and tal- “imaginings” that could be pursued. (pages 9 and 14) we incorrect- ent show on May 12, sponsored by the I think we can do better—and be ly reported that the jury in the Guemes Island Community Center As- more—than we have been. It’s up to Charles Feld trial returned four sociation (GICCA), gave us great fun, each of us to care a little more about our counts of firearm enhancement food, and entertainment to enjoy with grand old Hall. Let’s make our island charges. The jury returned five our neighbors. We enjoy these events even better. —Emma Schroder such charges. so much, but I wonder if we make the We regret the error. connection that without our communi- Thanks from Roz ty Hall—and GICCA to manage it—we Dear fellow Guemians, Mission statement: The Guemes Tide is would have no place to hold them. I want to thank you all for your help published to connect, inform, amuse, serve, Our community is bound by a with expenses for my cancer treatments. and inspire our island community. shoreline. We know in times of need Because of your generosity the funding Subscriptions are $20 a year (10 issues). or disaster, for fundraisers, or when we target was met, allowing me to focus on Subscribe online at www.guemestide.org; or need space to hold an event, we have healing rather than financial matters, send your mailing address and a check made out to The Guemes Tide to: The Guemes the Hall (and the Church). I feel that as and to have additional treatments which Tide, 7885 Guemes Island Road #1, Ana- a community we don’t show enough ap- gave me the boost I needed. cortes, WA 98221. preciation of GICCA and our Hall. Thank you too for all your prayers Advertising: Space reservations due the GICCA has two more fundraisers and thoughtful cards and notes. They 15th of the month preceding issue date; camera-ready artwork due the 22nd. Con- this summer: the Guemes Garden Tour have been so uplifting. I could feel the tact [email protected]. and the Fourth of July hotdog sale. We love 2,000 miles away in Reno. The Guemes Tide (USPS #014-902) is need people to help. With deep appreciation to this com- published monthly except in January and Some people stay away from GICCA munity and especially to Marianne Koo- August by the Guemes Island Historical because there used to be so much con- iman and to Juby Fouts for their time Society, Win Anderson, publisher, 7885 Guemes Island Road #1, Anacortes, WA tention. It’s not like that anymore, but it and effort in organizing and carrying 98221. Periodical postage paid at Anacortes, may take time for people to see that. out this appeal. Love and blessings, Washington. I think every fundraiser held at the —Roz Glasser Contents © 2012 by The Guemes Tide Hall that does not benefit GICCA- except as otherwise noted. Bylined articles “Well done” to Walden and attributed artwork are published by sponsored projects should donate a por- permission, with all rights retained by their tion of the proceeds towards maintain- Dear editors, creators. Opinions expressed here are not ing the Hall. I have to tell you how impressed I necessarily those of the publisher. Unsolic- By adopting this idea, instead of ited manuscripts and artwork dealing with was by Edith Walden’s article on the Guemes Island and its people are encour- “just getting by” GICCA might be able Feld trial [May issue, page 9]. If there aged but may not be returned. to do a lot more. Imagine the fun we’ll were such a thing as the Guemes Pulit- Advertising Manager: Juby Fouts have when the park stage is complet- zer prize, I’d award it to her! Business Manager: Thea LaCross The Feld story is complex and sen- Calendar Editor: Lynn Prewitt Circulation Manager: Dyvon Havens sitive. Edith did a masterful job of re- Contributing Editors: Judith Horton, search and dispassionate fact telling, and Thea LaCross, Holiday Matchett yet added just the right amount of sen- Design and Production: Nick Allison, Thea LaCross sible “judgment” to make it relevant. Editor Emeritus: Win Anderson I, and I’m sure many others, appre- Managing Editors: Nick Allison, Edith ciate the hours she must have spent get- Walden Other Members of the Publishing Team: ting that story “just right.” Well done! Bob Anderson, Karen Everett, Blaine —Sandy McKean LaCross, Tom Murphy, Anne Passarelli Website: Find back issues, subscription info, More on mystery bullet and more at www.guemestide.org. Email: [email protected] Dear editor, [email protected] Potential explanation for “Bullet in a [email protected] [email protected] Bowl” (see April issue, page 2): Phone: Leave message at 299-9999. Apple tree + autumn + abundunt deer = venison for winter. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to —Scott Ramsay The Guemes Tide, 7885 Guemes Island Road #1, Anacortes, WA 98221-9560 The Guemes Tide June 2012 3 Ferry Information Update 19, July 10, July 24, August 14, August 28, and September 18. By Judith Horton The staff tries to schedule mainte- A lot of information has nance, such as oil changes, so that a sec- recently been released from ond run can still occur after the 11:15 the office of Ferry Opera- a.m. run. On days when that isn’t pos- tions Division Manager Ra- sible, the “No 2nd 11:15 Sailing” sign chel Beck. It’s summarized will be hung at the ferry landing. here, and available in detail at skagitcounty.net/ferry Survey results CAROL STEFFY and at linetime.org. The Ferry Customer Satisfaction Surveys sent out in March have now Peak season been tabulated by WSU Skagit County Peak-season rates and Extension. A comprehensive list of re- sailing schedule are in ef- sults is available on linetime.org and at fect now through September 30. Fare ticket kiosk for the terminal. “We are skagitcounty.net/ferry. and schedule information are inserted having problems with the software and According to Beck, the survey, con- in this issue, and available online and at are putting pressure on the vendor to re- ducted entirely in-house with help from the Anacortes terminal.
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