THE 'IGNORANCE IS BLISS" ANNUAL POETIC THE IRON —EXCEPT ON EDITION EXAM WEEK! VOLUME XXX LARAMIE, WYOMING. NOVEMBER 25, 1924 NUMBER 11 SOLDIERS FROM FT. RUSSELL SUCCUMB Two Dozen Recommended for CLARK STARTS BASKETBALL PRACTICE TO YEARLING ATTACK FOR SECOND Football Letters by tbe Coacb WITH SEVERAL VETERAN TOSSERS AND TIME THIS SEASON IN ONE-SIDED GAME Twenty-four men have been recom­ year, and of this number nine will be i GOOD FROSH MATERIAL AT HIS SERVICE mended for Varsity football letters by initiated into W Club since they have LONG RUNS BY FROSH OUTCLASSED CAVALRY TEAM Coach Dietz. These men will receive a letter in no other branch of sport. CAPTAIN ERICKSON WILL HEAD SQUAD THAT SHOWS Following are the men that have awards together with the men in other FOR SECOND TIME THIS SEASON. ARMY HELP been selected by the coach to receive a PROMISE OF CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE. EARLY LESS AGAINST OFFENSE OF CALFBOYS. branches of sport, and the Frosh num­ "W:" Ericksou, Gilbert Greeuburg, PRACTICE SHOWS SEVERAL GOOD FROSH. eral winners at the annual presenta­ Wood, Vandaveer, Gisli, Greth, Kocher, From the time Stanton galloped across the goal line in the first tion during Tournament Week. Of Denton, Mabee, O'Bryan, Allsman, Mil­ Coach Clark has had the basketball candidates, not out for foot­ minutes of play with a blocked punt, there was no doubt as to the the men that will receive their "W" ler, DeForest, Faurle, Lester, Rice, ball working daily, and next week the squad will be reinforced by final outcome of the Wyoming Frosh-Fort Russell game here Satur­ this year, seven are Seniors. Sixteen Groves COrbett, Redhair, Blanchard, several of the gridiron warriors that are also cage artists. The work­ day. When it finally ended after Coach Clark had given every man won their first letter in football this Spears, Roberts and LaNoue. outs have not been very severe as yet, but with the opening of the in uniform a chance to play, the county stood 43 to o in favor of the new term, the grind will begin in earnest that is to finish Wyoming Calfboys. ENGINEERS HEAR TALK CORTHELL SPEAKS TO near the top of the conference heap. At the present time it seems The yearlings were able to score almost at will. However, stiff BY DR. SMITH OF COLO. POTTER LAW CLUB that the team will be built around Captain Erickson at guard, with Army resistance or a fumble held down the total to a certain extent. all other letter men making a strong bid for their old positions. For the most part, straight line bucks and end runs sufficed to over­ "Asphalt" was the subject of an il­ N. E. Corthell, a prominent lawyer A wonderful crop of material is being harvested from the Fresh­ whelm "the troopers, but a trick play accounted for one touchdown, lustrated talk delivered to the engi­ and legal authority of Wyoming, ad­ men class, and it is possible that some of the yearlings will be able and in one or two cases the aerial route j neering students Wednesday night by dressed the members of the Potter Law to crowd tlie older men off the squad. was resorted to, but with little success, j P L1 A CAM EJAKIADC Dr. Smith of Denver. The history of Club, Thursday evening on the sub­ The reputation that Coach Clask has Many long gains featured the game. ! J LiluUIl IlvllvIVu asphalt and its use was given from ject of "Uniform State Laws." Mr. PUNCHERS LOSE made in the past with green men A run by Hubbard of 78 yards which about 3000 B. C., when it was used in Corthell discussed the work of the makes the University highly optimistic was halted when he stepped outside on making the old carvings left by the commission which has been working regarding the basketball prospects since the two-yard line, was an out-standing GO TO COLORADO Mesopotamians to its use today in on this mutter, and pointed out the FINAL GAME OF he will be aided by the presence of event. Long runs by "Red Grange" j modern road building. The refining general movement toward greater uni­ several veterans. Denmau made the soldiers look bad. UNIVERSITY TEAM process was shown and the best meth­ formity in the laws of the various YEAR TO TIGERS Until the new gymnasium is opened ods were illustrated and discussed states. All the Wyoming team showed unusu- Colorado University established a for the basketball candidates, the coach ally well against the vastly weaker for the laying of the pavements. The At this same time the club elected Wyoming went down to defeat in |ms requegted that men who have been firm hold on the championship of the success <ff pavements of this type is their last game of the season with Col­ team. It would be difficult to pick any Rocky Mountain Conference when they officers for the Winter Quarter. Those out for the cage game before at this shown by the increase of about 40 per orado College, 28 to 3. A drop kick by stars from the twenty-five first string outclassed the Aggies Saturday by the elected were as follows : Fred Parks, school, and know that they have no men, since all had a chance to execute cent in the last two years, while con­ president: Ralph Conwell, vice presi­ Erickson in the first quarter gave the chance to make the team do not report one-sided score of 36 to 0. Denver U. Cowboys the lead, but in the second the spectacular. crete the nearest competitor had a dent ; W. E. Garbett, secretary-treasur­ for practice at this time. That is men might be partially responsible for the slight loss. frame the Tigers cut loose and soon At no time during the game was the , since their feat of holding the er. that simply wish to get in condition for Dr. Smith expressed his approval of overcame the margin. Several times Yellow and Brown line in serious dan- ailyer and Gold to a scoreless tie the It is planned to begin moot court the infra-mural contests are requested the up-to-date work- being done by the the Dietzmen threatened the Bengal ger. week previous made the State war- work in the near future, when the em- not to report with the Varsity squad Engineering Department of the Uni­ goal line, hut stiff resistence and poor ! rio rs see red, and they did not obliter­ broyo lawyers will be given a chance to until the move into the new quarters. versity and of his desire to return generalship kept the goal line un­ ate the vermillion hue from their eye prove their mettle. However, Freshmen, who have had any later for other lectures. crossed. previous court experience, and any EARLY RESULTS until after the game with Collins. Long runs, some of them the result This school wishes to join witli the SICKNESS INVADES STOCK other who fell they have a chance are NOTICE MATH STUDENTS of intercepted forward passes accounted especially urged to report. ARE GRATIFYING j other institutions of the conference in JUDGEKS CAMP AT AMES for most of the C. C. scores. Poor j co ngratulating Boulder on their re­ The regular meeting of the "Irra­ punting, fumbles, and bad tackling all IN S. C. A. DRIVE markable achievement of winning the tional Club" scheduled for Thursday Douglas Hutton has taken sick with contributed to the downfall of the title two years in succession, and es- of this week will be postponed until the diphtheria, according to word received Punchers. CLASSES CHOOSE : About two weeks ago Buck Peterson, tablishing the record of the only col- next regular meeting, December 11th. here from ('oach Hultz and the team McDougal tore off some long runs, chairman of the campaign, started his lege football team in the country to is quarantined for four days as a re­ and added a few more laurels to his CO EDS TO RUN IN two teams for the S. C. A. finance: have held their opponents scoreless sult. The trip to Madison, Wisconsin, crown as the best broken field runner NON-FRAT. will have to he postponed, but the Cow­ drive: the T. N. T. group, headed by ; du ring the present season. The only of the conference. Ethleyn Christensen and the Dynamite thing that appears as a blot on the boys will be represented at the Inter­ ANNUAL RACE MEN FORM C. C.-Wyoming Figures group, headed by Roy Crawford, each Boulder record is the scoreless tie with national, barring any more mishaps. Colo. Wyo. with six able helpers, out to canvass the Ministers. ASSOCIATION They are confined in the University Col Two Dozen Girls Will Contest for First downs 17 Beauty Popularity Honors in An­ faculty members and students of the There was no doubt as to the supre- Hospital at Ames. 8 116 University. At the present time only macy of the Colorado U. machine. They Tuesday evening at a well attended Yards from scrimmage 335 nual WYO Selling Campaign. about one-third of the people in the had everything including a varied at- meeting of the non-fraternity men on Forward passes— Attempted 10 Twenty-four of the fairer sex have Unlversity have been canvassed. The tack, and a tight defense. There were the campus, there was started an or­ UNI GRADUATE 21 Completed 3 been elected by their respective classes following table will give the figures re- brilliant stars in both line and back- ganization, known as the Independent 3 8 VICTIM OF THUGS Yardage 40 102 to compete for places in the Beauty garding the people who have pledged: field, and in most cases Chilson's gen- Association of the University of Wyo­ Incomplete 4 Section of the 1925 WYO.
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