, t M ftlf 11 $M j i tax .4 .4 - RiUblUhed Jul a. 1856. VOIj. XIX., 1STO. 3G51. XKXNOIOXTJ, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MOTS DAY. APRIL 2, 1894. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Business ari)s. cUdriis. of earth enough to leave a cha-- G000 Business THE PALACE OF THE SUN. feet deep and thirty miles in circum- ference; but such are the facts, and it is well worth the journey to see just C. BREWER CO., LIMITED M. E. D.D.S. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., how a big mouutaiu looks after it has k Grossman, The New Jewelry Store belched forth so much valuable terri- 13 A 1 K , tory. HA W The Scene of Grandeur Beheld from Queen Street, Honolulu, H. S03 Street, The pilgrim fiually reaches the edge I Port Cutlery and Glassware its Summit. of Haleakala before daylight if he is ARE PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE ANY sensible! To his left is a cave beneath 307 AGENTS FOR THING IN Til KIR LINK. Fort strt. a pinnacle of raged rocks, and before 3575-l- v him the crater. The entire circum- Hawaiian Aerricnlfcnral Co.. Onomea I3JFD3STTISTY ference of the silent pit is surrounded Souvenir Spoons! bowlders and cathedral-shape- d 8ugar Co., Honomu 8ug&r Co , Wailuku J. U. DAVIDSON. BEAUTY, SILENCE AND DESOLATION. by mountain Rncar . Wit.ihfft Suerar Co.. Makee a specialty. Also, on band a fine stock cliffs, with here aud there a 8ugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapa- - 93 HOTIL STRUT. of imported gap into which people can walk, and pala Kanch. from which they can look upon tho Line San Francisco Packets . Attorney and Ccaflssi!or-&t-;- -, suolimest spectacle on earth anew Planters' Irvine Describes Haleakal of and echoes, valleys Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston eST'Omcx HouBa 9 a. v. to 4 p. JEWELRY. l.rteli world lights k. EVERYTHING IN THE LATEST DESIGNS. Wonders in Glowluff Lanenge-- A and steep mountains three thousand Packets. sun-kisse- d I - - - - -- Great- feet below; rainbows and Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. j x f j r TlfT T" promptly Oflic 36 Merchant Htreet Weird Moonlight Itlde to the PhiJaoeipma r- I r A- 1V1 f Island orders attended to. clouds everywhere, rolling in from Aeents lioaraot Unde- JJ IV- - IV. - VJVJrVrT rV est Kxtinct Volcano in the World. the ocean wastes aud encircling the writers. P. O. BOX 237. IVT. peaks, I.IST OF OFFICERS: F. WAKEFIELD, clear cut outlines of lava red MUTUAL TELEPHONE 463. which project from the floor of the P. C. Jones President Attorney and Counsellor at Law crater; mountains within mountains, Geo. H. Kobkktson Manager DENTIST, Mr. Leigh Irvine, when he re- craters within the great crater, a world hemmed in by a circle E. F. Bisnop Tres. and beey. Temporary Office with C. W. Ashford, turned from visiting the two great mimic Col,. VV. F. Allen Auditor A. of towering peaks ten thousand 'feet C. M. Cookb ) E. JACOBSON Merchant Street, Honolulu. wonders of the islands Kilauea above the foaming sea. Directors y Whatsoever things endure forages H. Watekhouse. 3394-l- and Haleakala remarked that he of C. L. Carter ) Office: Arlington Housa, Hotal 2. while the temples and habitations Si, Parlor considered the latter of much more men crumble away and return to Criterion Saloon WILLIAK C. PARKE, origiuiil dust, impress the mind with HAWAIIAN ST"Gas Administered. interest than the former. His ac awe. Here are processions of clouds ATTORNEY - AT -- LAW count of his visit to the " Palace of from away outyouder on the surging ocean, through a great gap in Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. AND pouring Abstract and Title Co. Officb PER AUSTRALIA the Sun," which appears helow, the mountain side which was once a 3271-l- m Another Invoice of the celebrated jLQ9tt to t&va Acknovledgmonta will be read with much interest: flood gate for lava. Through that chasm the clouds have Uen rushiug Oryicx No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hotio- - old legends of India the first JOHN WIELAND EXTR1 PALS lulu, 11. 1. In the for thousands of years, until their MERCHANT ST. SAKS SOUCI" HOTEL mists aud storms have worn away .0. licious. They were thrilled by sun! gigantic bowlders and polished jthe SEASIDE RESORT, LEWERS & COOKE. aud moon and stars, ana in tiie tnu-mond-cl- ear mountains, which suddenly glisten HONOLULU, H. 1. mornings and halcyon like dark rubies when struck byUhe WAIKIKI, : HONOLULU. Laser Beer (3ncoeaaora to Lewero At Dletaoaj sunsets they saw the symbol of God. rising suu. Over yonder are dancing Iiiiivojrters aud Dealers lu (.timber There is not so much simple faith and rainbows and purple clouds whose Also, a fresh Invoice of poetry in the busy world of shams beauties have formed ami dissolved: "7 desire to find no ouieter haven Ana all Kindi of Bclldlne man would be thrilled F. M. Matcli - President the tSa7i8 SoucV, and may well wtrlu. today, but if a for countless ages. Probably that gal- Vice-Preside- nt than CALIFORNIA. OYSTKRS wonder and inspired with Cecil Brown with inepoet: No. 8a TOBT STREET, Honolulu with lery of swift forming pictures in tho W. R. Castle Secretary add FOE thoughts of the eternal; if he would air was rich with fantastic forms and J. F. Brown, Treasurer & Manager iTn mnw sacrpfl or pennestered bower. forget the narrow, artificial and cur life of mau on Auditor u aunus part colors before the earth W. V. Frear Nor nympn nor naunieu. OYSTER. COCKTAILS B. W. M'OHSSIIIE?, J. M. A F. W. M'CHH JNXT. tailed life of cities aud become a began. Nature here shifts the scenes STEVENSON." 124 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Hono. of the elemental world, let nim go to and changes the tones forever, with? BOBEB7 LOUIS of and climb 10,000 C. Advertise Oct. 7, 1893. LI. W. McOEESNEY es SONS, the island Maui out noise or monotony; for the sun i3 J. feet above the level of the sea to the always on time, mists eternally rise Thi8 Company is prepared to search L. H. DEE, - Proprietor Wholesale Grooers, Commission Mer- Palace of the Sun, which is a slumber- from"the billowy main, and the air records and furnish abstracts of title to T. A. Simpson, ing volcano into which America's changing clouds on wings that Jungciom. 3406 chants and Importers. be dropped without wafts all real property in the :523-l- v MANAGER. metropolis might never grow weary. Just as the winds inconvenience. as rolls, Porlrau nl?ioino Ififtna Oil. Or COnteilVDlat 40 Queen St., Honolulu. sovereign wherein blow, just the earth the purchase of real estate will find it OASTLK & COOKE The mountain myriad beauties of Haleakala form ing the Haleakala sleeps like a dead giant its Maui's great trop- to thcur advantage to consult mu wuiyuuy C. B. MPLEY, and conforma- each day beneath in regard to title. & CO.. every rent and mouud ical mountain. lal'K AND FIRK LEWIS tion n. liistnrv of tremendous enerffV midnight, and early morn alike U Spreckels-vill- e, At JEST-A- orders attended to with prompt ! is about twenty miles from the palace of the sun is a place for ness. ARCHITECT i ttrJnJl P. the largest plantation in the meditation. Its sublime silence be- - - gradu- BeU Tiw.'hoi 225- P. O. Box 15." Office New Safe Deposit Building, NSUHANOE- world; but when one climbs neath the quiet stars and ripe moon H. ally up the mountain side until he has is a poem that awakens the noblest, Honolulu, I. reached the rugged home of wild goats 40,000 acres impulses of the human mind, and one piti Htwm Sections, and Superintend 111 FOP.T 9TISKET. and aboriginal cattle, the stands entranced as he views theyastr ence given for every description of Build' of sugar cane surrounding Spreckels-vill- e area embraced withiu theaneientcrat? National Iron Works ins. do not look much larger than a er an area once covered with surging Old BuiHings successfully remodelled WENTP FOR town lot; and before the apex of the billows of melted lava, but now silent and enlarged. BEAVER SALOON, mountain is reached the land and as the sky as if the spirit of Fire had QUKEN STREET, Design for Interior Decorations. octan in the back ground are ob- painted it all in immortal colors that HEW ENGLAND MUTUAL XTort Street, Opposite Wilder A Oo.'a structed by great banks of clouds, storm can never wash Alakea and Richard Streets. Macs or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, 3 NOLTZ, sunshine and Between and Blueprinting. H. FSOFBIETOB. which lie far beneath the observer. away. And rising above all is the F'rtt-cla- si on way a delightful ESS' Drawing p for Bofco or Newspspz Lnnchei Berved with Te, OoQtB There is the eternal mystery of the dead abyssits Co. 8oa WAter, Glager Ale or aZllk. summer residence known as Olinda, a sub- - Illustration. Life Insurance history forever hidden within Its mnir. (TNDKKSIGNED ARE PRE- Open 3 a.m. JO p. quiet aud picturesque rest for the and speechless depths! all of Iron, from till on thefeloping lime X pared to make' kinds OF BOSTON, " weary, which nestles many echo canyons -- TSraokers BeQiilaitea a Specialty, There are in Ri-aaa Rronze. Zinc and Lead Castings; mountain, about four miles below the the Palace of the Sun places where also a general Repair Shop for Steam spot from which tourists view the the voice plays fantastic pranks, as if Engines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Water i&tiia Fire Insurance Co. JffiW T. WATERH0USE. ancient prison wherein the god Maui to make one think beheld communion Wheels, Wind Mills, etc.; aiacmnes ior chained the sun until he promised with beings bidden in secret caverns, Islands ns the cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil Beans, Importer and Da!r iu to give the Hawaiian their or that shadow-musicia- sang from vamio HJssaL PineaDDle Leaves and mi HARTFORD.
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