AGENDA ITEM NO. .......*...............-L Application No. S/O1/00607/AMD Date registered 30 May 2001 APPLICANT DALZIEL HOMES LTD. C/O AGENT Agent Skirliiig Design Studio, Balmoral Court, West End, Carnwatli ML11 8RX DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE DETACHED DWELLINGHOUSES LOCATION DALZIEL PARK, HAGEN DRTVE, MOTHERWELL Ward No. 5 Grid Reference 2781 12 658003 File Reference S/PLB/5/50(324)/DA/AH Site History February 2001 - Permission refused for construction of five detached dwellinghouses February 1997 - Golf driving range granted perinission as part of sportsfield alterations February 1994 - Site included in outline permission - site for upgrading of outdoor sports facilities, golf course and 175 house plots Development Plan Strathclyde Structure Plan - Policies GB 1, GB 1A, RES 1 and RES 1A Northern Area Local Plan - Policies El, E2 and E3 Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft (Modified June 2001) - Policies ENV6 and HSG12 Contrary to Development Plan Yes CONSULTATIONS Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water, Coal Authority Conditions Scottish Natural Heritage No Reply Scottish Environment Protection Agency REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement No Response COMMENTS The applicant seeks planning perinission to construct five large single and two storey detached dwellinghouses on the site of the driving range within the grounds of Dalziel Park, off Chapelknowe Road, Motherwell. The site is within the Green Belt. The proposal is a revised version of one refused planning permission by Corninittee in February this year. The revised proposal is substantially the same as the original although further information regarding screening and access have been provided. Nevertheless, it is recommended that planning permission be refused, although should Committee disagree with my recommendation, referral to the Scottish Executive would be required in that the development would be contrary to the Development Plan. The applicant has formally requested that a site visit and special hearing take place before the application is determined. RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:- 1. That the proposed dwellinghouses are contrary to policies GB 1, GB 1A, RES 1, RES 1A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan; policies El, E2 and E3 of the Northern Area Local Plan, and policies ENV6 and HSG12 of the Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft (Modified June 2001) in that there is no justification to permit such a Green Belt release. 2. That the proposed dwellinghouses could have their residential amenity adversely affected by floodlighting and noise from the adjacent pitches. List of Background Papers Application form and plans registered on 30/5/01 Supporting statement from applicant Strathclyde Regional Council Structure Plan, 1995 Motherwell District Council, Northern Area Local Plan North Lanarkshire Council, Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft (Modified June 200 1) Letter from West of Scotland Water, dated 11/1/01 Letter from Coal Authority, dated 10/1/01 Letter from Scottish Natural Heritage, dated 25/6/0 1 Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302090 and ask for Mr Ashman. APPLICATION NO. WO1/00607/AMD REPORT 1. APPLICATION AND SITE 1.1 The applicant seeks planning permission to construct five large single and two storey detached dwellinghouses within the grounds of Dalziel Park, off Chapelknowe Road, Motherwell. The dwellinghouses are 8- 10 apartment, set in grounds of nearly an acre each. 1.2 The application site is located at the end of Hagen Drive, the long access road which serves tlie sports fields and the Golf and Country Club. The road narrows to 3.5 metres width at the end of Hagen Drive and access to the plots would be via the car park for the driving range. This car park also acts as an overspill car park for events staged within the Club. The application site is currently the driving range for the golf club. 1.3 A supporting statement has been produced by the applicant. This largely refers to the reasons for refusal by Committee in February of this year of an almost identical proposal at this site. The statement acknowledges the site is within the Green Belt but considers that the proposal should be approved in the context of the overall “Development Plan” for Dalziel Park, wliicli already has planning approval. This “Development Plan” is not the development, plan, in its truest planning sense, but tlie plan for development of Dalziel Park put forward by the developer in 199 1, This plan established the relationship between the upgrading of the sportsfields aiid the housing development. 1.4 It should be pointed out that this “Development Plan” was refined by the subsequent planning permissions and development and design brief associated with Dalziel Park and that development of housing on the application site was not shown on the indicative plan forming part of the “Development Plan”. Nevertheless, in his supporting statement, the applicant makes it clear that he considers his “Development Plan” to have overtaken the Green Belt designation of the site. On this basis, he considers that the proposal would be in accordance with his “Development Plan”, would be within the scale of approved development within the Estate without harm to any interested party, and would continue the partnership approach of tlie overall development between the Dalziel High Scliool War Memorial Trust, the Couiicil aiid tlie applicant. In respect of the latter point, the applicant considers finance raised froin tlie sale of these plots will assist with tlie completion of road surfacing and proposals by the Trust to extend their grandstand. 1.5 Tlie more tecliiiical issues previously raised are also largely addressed. The applicant indicates that the road leading to the site will be brought up to the “required” standard and a footway provided. He considers floodligliting and noise issues not to be a problem as the distance from the proposed dwellinghouses to the pitches is similar to that of the existing dwellinghouses backing onto Hagen Drive. 1.6 The applicant’s supporting statement also refers to a previous appeal decision elsewhere within Dalziel Park wliicli allowed a bedroom block to be built. Tlie reporter considered that the 1994 outline planning permission overtook the Green Belt designation of tlie site and tlie applicant considers that tlie same principle should apply in this instance. 1.7 It should be noted that the applicant has requested a site visit and special hearing of the Committee before a decision is made. 2. CONSULTATIONS 2.1 The only consultation carried out in addition to those on the previous application was with Scottish Natural Heritage. The responses to the previous application are reproduced below as circumsta~iceshave not significantly varied. 2.2 West of Scotland Water - both water and sewerage connections may be made without significant complications. 2.3 Coal Authority - there are no indications of mineshafts or other potential undermining features where settlement has not already occurred. 2.4 Scottish Natural Heritage - no objections, although conditions are suggested to secure protection of adjacent natural areas. 2.5 Scottish Environment Protection Agency did not respond. 3. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3.1 The development plan for this site consists of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995, as modified, and the Northern Area Local Plan, 1986. The most relevant up to date Local Plan is the North Lanarkshire Council Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft (modified June 200 1). Both of the latter plans allocate the site as Green Belt and, on this basis, there are relevant Structure Plan policies. 3.2 The relevant policies of the Structure Plan are as follows:- Policy GB 1 The spread of built up areas and the encroachinent of developinent into the countryside within a “Green Belt” around the conurbation and AyrPrestwicWTroon, as indicated on the Key Diagram, shall not accord with the Regional Development Strategy. Policy GB 1A Proposals for development within the Green Belt shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) economic benefit (b) specific locational need (c) infrastructure implications, and (d) environmental impact. Policy RES 1 The Regional Development Strategy requires that preference shall be given to residential development on “brownfield” infill or redevelopment sites within urban areas (excluding zoned and other valued and functional open space), rather than “greenfield” sites. Policy RES 1A Proposals to extend the “greenfield” supply of land for residential development shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) clear evidence of a shortfall in effective housing land supply in tlie relevant housing market area; (b) the evidence of need for social or rented housing established in tlie relevant local authority’s approved housing plan; (c) accessibility to the public transport network and town centre; (d) infrastructure implications, and; (e) impact on environmental quality and policy for the Green Belt, Greeiiing the Conurbation, or the Countryside Around Towns. 3.3 The relevant policies of tlie Northern Area Local Plan are as follows: Policy El - Green Belt Within areas defined as Green Belt, only development which is clearly required in connection with agriculture, forestry, outdoor sports and open space uses will be allowed. The exception will be opencast extractioii of ininerals which is the subject of a separate policy. Policy E2 - Urban Fringe At the boundary of the Green Belt
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