Gon Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective Editors Marta Smagacz-Poziemska Krzysztof Frysztacki Andrzej Bukowski Jagiellonian University Press Re-Imagining the CITY Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Sociology Jagiellonian University Institute of Sociology Re-Imagining the CITY Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective Editors Marta Smagacz-Poziemska Krzysztof Frysztacki Andrzej Bukowski Jagiellonian University Press Reviewers prof. dr hab. Marek Krajewski prof. dr hab. Wojciech Świątkiewicz Cover design Andrzej Pilichowski-Ragno Language proofreader Keith Horechka With the fi nancial support of the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University © Copyright by Marta Smagacz-Poziemska, Krzysztof Frysztacki, Andrzej Bukowski, Polish Academy of Sciences & Jagiellonian University Press First edition, Kraków 2017 All rights reserved No part of this book may by reprinted, or reproduced, or utilised in any form or by any elec- tronic, mechanical, or other means now known, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage, or retreival system without prior permission in writing from the Publishers. ISBN 978-83-233-4372-1 e-ISBN 978-83-233-9748-9 www.wuj.pl Jagiellonian University Press Editorial Offi ces: Michałowskiego 9/2, 31-126 Kraków Phone: +48 12 663 23 80, +48 12 663 23 82, Fax: +48 12 663 23 83 Distribution: Phone: +48 12 631 01 97, Fax: +48 12 631 01 98 Cell Phone: +48 506 006 674, e-mail: [email protected] Bank: PEKAO SA, IBAN PL80 1240 4722 1111 0000 4856 3325 CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7 Trajectories of Urban Transition Małgorzata Dymnicka, Th e Urbanity Phenomenon – Tradition and New Cultural Iterations ............................................................................................................... 13 Mikhail Ilchenko, Utopian Spaces: Symbolic Transformation of the “Socialist Cities” under Post-Soviet Conditions ................................................................. 33 Andrzej Majer, Aft er the Profound Changes: Resurgent Polish Cities .................... 57 New Agents and New Phenomena in the City Rodrigo Nicolau de Almeida, Dark Areas: Preliminary Elements for a Sociology of Illumination ..................................................................................................... 73 Ewa Rewers, Reinventing the Meaning of Water in Urban Space ........................... 89 Laura Bovone, Cultural Capital and Creolisation: A Perspective for Milan’s Peripheral Quarters ............................................................................................. 103 Urban Policies and Politics in the City Stanisław Witold Kłopot, Th e Local Historical Policy in Wrocław, 1945–2016 .... 129 Steven A. Tuch, Michael Hughes, Urbanism and Tolerance Revisited: Racial Attitudes in the United States ............................................................................. 155 Katalin Füzér, Th e Projectifi ed City of Postmillennial Pécs: Urban Strategies, Development Projects, and Partnerships on Europe’s Periphery ..................... 167 Public Spaces of the European Cities: Evolutions and Revolutions Marek S. Szczepański, Anna Śliz, Th e City and Its Spaces: From Polis to Metropolis ........................................................................................................ 193 Antonietta Mazzette, Sara Spanu, Public Spaces and Urban Changes: Th e Italian Case ................................................................................................... 209 Mats Franzén, Modalities of Public Space: Th e Case of Stureplan, Stockholm ...... 223 6 Contents Urban Neighbourhoods as the Social and Sociological Laboratories Talja Blokland, Henrik Schultze, Belonging, Conviviality or Public Familiarity? Making Sense of Urbanity in Rapidly Transforming Neighbourhoods through the Lens of Berlin and Rotterdam ...................................................................... 243 Sebastian Kurtenbach, Arrival Areas as Places of Integration: A Systematic View of Specifi c Neighbourhoods with Regard to Migration from Romania and Bulgaria to Germany ................................................................................... 265 Jan Üblacker, Participatory Intervention, Urban Development, and Gentrifi cation: Th e Example of the “We are Neighbours” Project ............................................. 285 Th e City and the Urbanism – Research Approaches and Perspectives Natalia Martini, Capturing the Lived Experience of the City through Methodological Practice of Walking ................................................................... 303 Krzysztof Czekaj, Sociological Research Maps in the Process of Re-Imagining the City: Social Diagnosis and Social Planning in Municipality and Urbanity ........................................................................................................ 319 Borys Cymbrowski, Tracing the Past in the Present: Th e City, Intrinsic Logic, and Historical Sociology...................................................................................... 337 INTRODUCTION Th is book is the result of a combination of positive circumstances brought about through the rigorous work and cooperation of people conducting re- search into the city in diff erent parts of Europe and around the world. Th eir participation in this project testifi es to the city as both a fascinating fi eld of research and a common interest around which research teams, institutions and organizations are integrated. Th e most obvious and fi nal contribution to this book was the conference “Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life”, organized by the European Sociology Association – 37th Research Net- work (Urban Sociology), in collaboration with the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, which took place in 2016 in Kraków. Th e number and diversity of papers and participants from Europe, the Americas and Asia confi rmed the importance of cities and urban issues in a globalized world. Th e variety of concepts and methodological approaches presented stands as conclusive proof that the sociology of the city is now a dynamic discipline with boundless cognitive and applicable ambitions, in the process of building an integrated, and internally diverse, space in which to operate. Sociologists of the city stand face to face with serious and demanding, yet promising, tasks: One, to show the broader sociological environment that our research, albeit oft en locally conducted, and its results have supra-local (scientifi c) consequences, and that, beyond idiography, they enrich sociolog- ical theories and methodologies. Two, to highlight the specifi city and con- tribution of the sociology of the city to the development of a more general body of knowledge of the city. Urban studies are inconceivable without the parti cipation of geography, economics and political science, and the output of these disciplines is certainly inspiring for sociologists; conversely, a very important task for sociologists of the city is to convince those in other disci- plines that sociological research into the city, including qualitative research, is absolutely necessary to a full understanding of the urban condition. And fi nally, to demonstrate clearly to the general public, especially to institutions involved in the planning and implementation of urban policies, the value of applying urban sociological research on the city, including qualitative re- search, to issues that are unappealing or inconvenient to decision-makers: Processes of producing urban cultures, hidden modes of social exclusion, and bottom-up mechanisms for forming new institutions. 8 Introduction Th e implementation of these tasks requires cooperation in the form of joint research, publication and organization – an idea borne with this book. We, as editors, set out to present a range of texts presenting various theoret- ical and methodological approaches in contemporary sociological studies of the city. We also sought to demonstrate how thematically diff erentiated these studies are, refl ecting not only the specifi c interests of the individual authors, but also the cultural, social, political and economic diversity of the examined cities, and represent diff erent perspectives on the regions and countries and their long-term trajectories. Bearing in mind the dynamics of disciplinary synergy, we invited researchers of diff erent generations – both those of es- tablished standing who inspire their younger colleagues, and those recently setting out on their adventure with the city, bringing fresh perspectives on critical and creative development of what we already know about the city, complementing the picture of today’s sociology of the city. Th e aim of this volume is to present and discuss both theoretical as well as empirical results emerging out of urban sociology and related disciplines. Apart from the cognitive achievements of urban studies, we would like to underscore the applicative features of knowledge about urban phenomena and processes, including the sociocultural aspects of planning and of local policies (such as the smart city and sustainable development concepts). Th is study should contribute to the dissemination of sociology fi ndings; it should stimulate scholarly as well as public debate on the vibrant, contemporary ur- ban reality. What are the cities of today?
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