UNilLID MATlOiJS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD EB13/40 16 December 1953 Thirteenth Session ORIGINAL» FRENCH PLA.GE OF EIGHTH 1DRLD HEA.LTH ASSEMBLY Invitation of the Government of Mexico The Fifth World Health Assembly requested the Executive Board to continue its studies on the holding of World Health Assem: lies in places other than headquarters. "When the Director-Gene ral coiaiminicated this Assembly reso- lution to State Membersj he asked them to examine Waether any World Health Assembly might be held in their country. During the Sixth ?:orld Health Assembly the Mexican delegation transmitted an invitation from the Government of Mexico to hold the Eighth World Health Assembly 2 in Mexico City in 1955. Ttie Assembly noted the invitation with appreciation and requested the Director-General to study -,vith the Government of Mexico its implica- tions, including the financial aspects, and to submit a report to the Executive Board. During a visit to the American continent the Assistant Director-General, Department of Administration and Finance, interviewed officials of the Mexican Government. A summary report on these interviews is contained in a letter iNhich the Direсtor-General addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mexico, on 7 September 1953 (see Annex I). A preliminary stucfy try the Director- General ,summarizing the various repercussions of a financial and practical nature which would result from the holding of an Assembly outside headquarters, was attached. A copy of the introductory note to this study, together with an extract from the study itself on the fmancial aspects of this plan) will be found in Annex II. Additional costs incurred, by the holding of the 7íorld Health Assembly in Mexico, TJhich had to be considered as provisional owing to lack of information on certain items, -/rere indicated as ranging about $125,000. This 1 Resolution lv1iA5.48, Handbook of ^solutions and Decisions, 2nd edition, p.97 2 Résolution 7Я1А6.42, Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 2nd edition, p.98 EB2/38 Add. 1 page 2 figure did not include the additional costs - about $30,000 - which would be incurred by the holding cf a session of the Executive Board in Mexico. The formal invitation of the Government of Mexico was transmitted to the Director-General by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs by letter dated 18 November 1953 (see Annex III). As requested by the Sixth World Health Assembly in paragraph 3 of resolution ЩА6.42, the Executive Board will wish to report on this subject to the Seventh World Health Assembly. EB3/38 page 3 ANNEX 工 ORIGINAL: FRENCH 7 September 1953 Sir, During the Sixth World Health Assembly the Mexican delegation, headed by Dr. José Zozaya, transmitted to the Assembly the Mexican Government's invitation to hold the Eighth World Health Assembly in 1955 in Mexico. The Sixth World Health Assembly, in its resolution WHA6.42, noted the invitation with satisfaction and requested me to study, together with your Government, "the inplications of this invitation, including its financial aspects", and to submit a report to the thirteenth session of the Executive Board so that the Board might, in turn, submit a report to the Seventh World Health Assembly, with which the final decision will rest. In accordance with these instructions, and in agreement with your Government, I asked Mr. Milton P. Siegel, Assistant Director-General in charge of the WHO administrative and financial Services, to go to Mexico to examine with the competent services there the conditions under which the invitation in question could be accepted. Mr. Siegel has just submitted to me a report on the interviews which the Minister for Public Health was kind enough to grant him in the presence of the representatives of the departments concerned. The report includes the following points: (1) The Government of Mexico confirms the invitation transmitted to the Sixth World Health Assembly the head of the Mexican delegation. (2) If the invitation were accepted by the Seventh World Health Assembly, the Mexican Government would be prepared: (a) to bear all the additional costs incurred by the holding of this Assembly outside Headquartersj Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Dirección General del Servicio Diplomático Avenida Juarez Mexico Б.F. Mexico. EB4/38 page 3 Annex I (b) to grant to all delegates to and. observers at the Eighth World Health Assembly, to the Secretariat of the Organization, to the personnel of the Assembly and Delegations, and, in general, to all persons participating or collaborating in the work of that Assembly in any capacity whatsoever, the necessary facilities, immunities and privileges to ensure normal running of the sessionj (c) to place at the disposal of the Organization the premises, • installations, equipment and services necessary for the work of the Assembly. In virtue of the instructions given to me by the Assembly, and in order to enable me to make an official report to the thirteenth session of the Executive Board which will be held in Geneva in January 1954, X would be grateful if you would confirm your agreement on the points enumerated above. For your information,工 attach herewith a preliminary study (of which I have had a Spanish translation made for your convenience) summarizing the various repercussions of a financial and. practical nature which would result from the holding of a conference of this size outside headquarters. It is to be understood, of course, that the various items in this study are, as they must be at the present stage, provisional; their accuracy can only be verified by examination of the local situation. May I take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the reception given to Mr. Siegel by the Mexican authorities and the courtesy they have shown in facilitating his task. I have the honour to be., Sir, Your obedient servant M.G. Candau, M.D. Director-General EB5/38 page 3 ANNEX II 20.5.53. ORIGINAL: FRENCH NOTES ON CONFERENCE COSTS MEXICO The attached estimates concerning a meeting of the World. Health Assembly to be held in Mexico cover a three-week session which would be run on the usual lines. Such estimates are necessarily of a provisional nature owing to lack of information on local conditions, especialOy as regards the possibilities for recruiting conference staff and on local salaries. Detailed computations are shown in the Annexes. 1. Annex I Travel and per diem allowances. Annex 工 shows travel costs for delegates, for 59 people from Headquarters, for the six Regional Directors and the Director of the New ïork Liaison Office, and for seven permanent staff members from the Washington Office. The figures given are, in our opinion, minimum estimates. Owing to insufficient information as to the possibilities for recruiting locally qualified English and French interpreters the detachment of eight interpreters from UN Headquarters New York has been provided for. 2. Annex II Temporary personnel. These are divided into two categories: (a) eight interpreters loaned from UN New York; (b) tenporaiy personnel 他0 should be recruited locally. Owing to insufficient information concerning local salaries paid to conference staff in Mexico the rates indicated are those in force in Geneva. EB6/38 page 3 Annex II Should it" be necessary to recruit part of this personnel from New York, Washington or Europe, a considerable increase in expenses would result. The term "monolingual" is used in this Annex to designate staff with a working knowledge of English or French, and the term "bilingual" to designate staff with a working knowledge of both those languages. 3. Annexes III and IV Detailed statement of the space and furniture required for the meeting on the basis of staff estimates as in Annexes I and II. This is an "ideal" table presented mainly with a view to giving a general idea of the volume of the Session and of the quantity and quality of space required. However, these are not ne varietur elements. For example, the kind of space available will have to be examined before a decision is made vdiether staff could be accommodated in groups'of two in small offices or if it would be necessary to have them grouped by eight or ten in larger offices. 4. Annex V Stationery and office equipment. It is current practice for the inviting Government to supply, free of charge, part of the stationeiy and office equipment required. To what extent this should be done could be decided in the course of further discussions with the Mexican Authorities. 5. Annexes VI a & b Arrangements with the inviting Government. It will be necessaiy for the Mexican Government to enter into an agreement with WHO in order to fix, on the one hand the immunities and privileges to be granted to the Organization, to its delegates and staff members during the session, and on the other, to determine what services, equipment and supplies will be made available to the Organization by the Government of Mexico. EB13/40 page 7 Annex II The arrangements made with the Italian Government in 1949 were based on precedents established at big international conferences held after the war, and particularly on the arrangement between the French Government and. the United Nations made in view of the preparation of the UN Assembly in Paris in 1948. This arrange- ment could serve as a basis for the negotiations with the Mexican Government. Detailed estimates for the additional cost of holding the Executive Board meeting following upon the Assembly in Mexico have not been made, but the extra cost is considered to be in the region of 130,000. COMPARISOK OF CONFERENCE COSTS GENEVA AL® I'IEXICO SUî#i;\RÏ US^ US# Net additional costs attributable to items other than travel, per diem and freight charges 6,180 Travel, per diem and freight 1.
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