Journal of Clinical Sexology - Vol. 4; No.2: April- June 2021 75 MASTURBATION- BETWEEN NORMALITY AND PATHOLOGY (FROM THE INTRAUTERINE STAGE TO PUBERTY)-PART I 1*Vasile NIȚESCU 1.*Medical Centre for Obstetrics-Gynaecology and Sexology; Abstract Performing manual stimulating maneuvers on the genitals by an individual (at first - su- perficially, accommodating, then well determined), regardless of gender and age, in order to achieve a sexual erotic state, often completed by ejaculation and orgasm, defines the masturbation . During puberty, masturbation is not a perverse act, being determined neurohormonally, in the normal evolution of childhood to normal adulthood. At puberty, specific sex hormones increase the sensitivity and the excitation of the tactile receptors of the genitals and their adjacent areas, with erotic sensitivity such as those of the perineal floor, anal region and urethra. The occurance of an erection is essential for masturbation in both sexes. Masturbation is completed by obtaining orgasm, caused by nerve impulses that are transmitted through the spinal cord sympathetic nerves from T12-L2, after which the erection decreases, as well as the state of pleasure obtained. Keywords: eroticism, masturbation, spinal cord, erection, orgasm, brain. *Correspondence: 1*Assoc. Professor Nițescu Vasile, MD,PhD, E-mail [email protected], phone +40723151804 76 Journal of Clinical Sexology - Vol.4; No.2: April- June 2021 Introduction: Penis erection and the vulvar vasodilation are determined by the intensity of sexual sti- Masturbation achieves sexual relaxation mulation, by impulses of the parasympathetic of the young man, who is at a time of insuf- vegetative nervous system, nerve endings re- ficient neuropsychic and anatomical deve- leasing nitric oxide and/or vasoactive intesti- lopment, the age at which, normally, parents nal peptide (VIP) and acetylcholine (Guyton, and society do not agree to the premature be- Benson). All these neurotransmitters may in- ginning of sexual life. duce an erection, that is essential for mastur- Puberty is the last stage of childhood, of bation and/or copulation. morpho-functional development of the hu- The ejaculation and the orgasm occur man body, before becoming an adult, and through sympathetic nerve impulses, starting masturbation makes the transition to nor- from the medullary reflex centers T12-L2. In mal peno-vaginal sexual intercourse, that is this context, the ejaculation and orgasm may essential, without which there would be no easily be produced by masturbation, by S2- human procreation, respectively the perpetu- S4 medullary reflex arch, in the situation of ation of the species. interruption of the ascending and descending In the absence of a partner, the pubescent medullary pathways, at the cervical level, as resort to masturbation, which is the sexual act when the cervical spine is sectioned or due of transition to a normal state, in adulthood. to psychological factors, when the brain is So when the increase in erotic sensation involved. begins, an erection appears, which induces In the pubertal girl, the masturbation of masturbation, respectively ejaculation and the vulva, especially of the labia minora and orgasm. of the clitoris, as well as the stimulation of If, at the beginning of puberty, the boy, in- other areas close to the vulva, produces or- sufficiently developed anatomically and ne- gasm, similar to the pleasure state that ap- uropsychically, does not have the necessary pears in the boy. training, or courage and determination to initiate an approach to a female partner, how could he perform a sexual act? In boys, the strongest, most sensitive and Regarding the sensory sexual nerve impulses come from the morphophysiological changes receptor cells of the nerve threads of the glans of the puberty penis (Guyton) that are directly involved In the prepuberty stage, regardless of ex- during masturbation, due to the maneuvers of citing stimulus, the sexual reactions are non- penile decapsulation and recapsulation. The specific, context in which the penile erection impulses reach, through the pudendal nerves, is not determined by erotic sensations, so it the sacral spine cord S2-S4, and, through the cannot induce masturbation. Thus, one can’t ascending medullary pathways, finally the talk about masturbation until the beginning of sensation reaches the brain. puberty. Journal of Clinical Sexology - Vol. 4; No.2: April- June 2021 77 The self-touching of the genitalia in the child”) procreate at the age of 12-14 years, 8-10 years children is transient and inofensi- in a short time, after a sexual act, even if the ve, without having an erotic basis, as well as physical and neuropsychic development are the curiosity visualization (self-examination) not appropriate. of their own genital organs. According to Berek and Novak, the ave- Unlike “self-touching and visualization”, rage age of first sexual intercourse in the US in the situation of pubertal masturbation, the is 16, and by the age of 19, three-quarters of erection, in both sexes, is given by the ero- teens have already begun their sexual lives. tic state and the neuroendocrine alterations Victims of 12-14-16 years easily switch which, after the stimulatory maneuvers per- from masturbation, determined by the pleasu- formed on the receptors of the sexual nerve re of erotic state, to peno-vaginal „play”, but threads (especially those of the glans, clitoris they do not announce the family of the first and labia minora), produces ejaculation and sexual contact, because they are afraid of be- orgasm, on the background of sexual pleasu- ing persecuted in the family, school, society. re, by releasing nitric oxide at this level. They do not talk about starting sexual acti- The touching of the genitals, without a vity, or the fact that, after sexual intercourse, subjacent erotic state, is not actually self-dis- they missed menstruation, context in which turbance. The ejaculation is obtained only by the pregnancy evolves towards the final term, the friction of the genital structures with in- appearing in the data of the National Institu- creased erectile potential. te of Statistics, in Romania, in 2018 became At puberty, the erection occurs as a result mothers 727 girls under 15, of whom 19 are of neuro-hormonal changes, which cause at the 2nd birth and one at the 3rd birth, and erection and masturbation, the stage being of the adolescents aged 15-19 who gave birth succeded by the occurence of the peno-vagi- 3929 are at the second birth, 731 are at the nal act, thus the adolescent entering the adult third birth , 72 at the fourth, 8 at the fifth and normality; genitalia receptors may induce one at the sixth birth. erection. Puberty is the transition period from child- hood to adulthood, during which, among On the influence of testosterone others, appear the gonadal maturation, the in the puberty period in development and finalization of secondary determining masturbation and sexual characteristics, the occurence of ovu- peno-vaginal act latory menstrual cycles and of spermatogene- The secretion of testosterone by Leydig sis and semen emission. cells from the interstitium between the tes- Basically, at puberty, at the age of 10-14 ticular seminiferous tubules is stimulated by years, menarche appears in girls, and at 13-16 the pituitary gland, due to the Luteinizing years old, the first pollution appears in boys. Hormone (LH). All these allow the genital system to According to genetic programming, sex abnormally (because “a child cannot raise a hormones are those that give rise to internal 78 Journal of Clinical Sexology - Vol.4; No.2: April- June 2021 and external genitalia in both male and fema- The clinical forms of masturbation are: le. These hormones mature morpho-functio- • Self-masturbation- performed by both nally these organs and establish the sex di- sexes, but individually fferentiation, thus preparing the genitalia for masturbation and for sexual intercourse. • Heteromasturbation- performed by a partner of the opposite sex Testosterone ensures not only a morphophysiological development of the • Homomasturbation- performed by a male genitals, but also their physiology until person of the same sex the end of life. Testosterone also ensures the differentiati- on of the sexual apparatus in the fetal period Discussions and later of the neuropsychic peculiarities, even if the hormone cannot act directly on the genes. DISCUSSIONS: Androgenic hormones influence the penile Masturbation is an evolutionary stage, of structure, participating in the maintenance of constitution of sexual act. It is practiced by it’s peripheral nervous network, the structu- pubers and adolescents due to strong local res of the corpus cavernosum, the albuginea erotization as well as a result of the action of and the endothelium of the cavernous spaces. the cerebral nervous centers, being present in domestic or wild animals. masturbation is Testosterone also has a neuroendocrine practiced discrete and moderate, the maneu- effect, through which sex hormones sensitize ver being considered as “physiological”. the peripheral tactile receptors of the tissues of the external genitalia, that determine the Masturbation is an evolutionary stage in state of eroticism, respectively the erection the constitution of sexual intercourse; it is necessary for copulation and masturbation. practiced by the pubescent and the adolescent due to the strong local eroticization as well as The molecular mechanism of sex hormo- a result of the action of the cerebral nervous
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