
Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 6-22-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 22, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1990 Volume 75, Issue 159 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------.---------- Daily Egyptial1 Sou lhern IIltnOl' Ln]\'crsilY al Carbond ale Wednesday. June 20.1990. Vol. 75. No. 1:;7. 16 Pages Council approves downtown plan By Jerlanne Kimmel d(' veloF" ~IH plan approved by the and shoul d also attract private area. The parks are expected to COSI adverse impact on the surrounding SIan wrner City C::>unci l includes many new developers 10 build a new hotel an esti"a1Cd S35.()(Yl. area would include incrca'icd traffic I"UUCtu :-c)\ ,ntended ror public usc. across rrom il designer ~WT said, The parks W0iJl d be locatcd in the developing residential """'. The Ca rbondale: e ll) Coun cil The proposed city hall-civic between ll11n 01s Avenue and The beergard en proposal for appro ved a downiown The plan. deSIgned by Edward P. center l:omplcx would be the cenLer Wa Shington Street along the Checkers ni ghlclub was d(.. nied development plan and ;] new W:llcr \Vomack. Vice rn.' <;;lde nl o r a poi nt of the development plan. It Illinois Ccnual Gull Railroad. because lim ited parking in the tre.aUllcnt plant facility for Ihe ell) Nashv ilic. Ten n,. consulung firm woul d be localed on the plOI of Lewis Park Mall area, sa id Tuesday nighl and Richard E. StarT. vice president land S.uTounded by Walnut Strcct. 1bc new walei' treatment plant is Cowrcilman Keith Tuxhorn. of Econom ICS Research Associates Illinois AveolJC. Monroe Su-ecl and proposed for the southeasl comer "This IS a vc ry ambitious or Chicago. fea tures a civic center­ University Avenuc, of the City ReseNoir. Acting as the liquor contro l tImetable:' CII), Ma nager Sieve city hall complex. a recreati on A Class A liquor license. which commission , lhe coun cil also Hoffner said of thC' downtown plan. center for yo un g people. an art~ Estimated cost for the complex is would allow the sale of all alcoIroI denied a Class A liquor license for The plan would call for and crafts center, a new hOtel and between S4.5 million and S4 .9 by the package or drink. was S31 uki Liquors. Inc .• Route 51 construction and renovation 10 be restOration or the old train Slation. million. denied to Saluki Liquors because South. and a becrgarden proposal finished by April 1991. The ci ty hall-civic center The plan also calls for lIm:c new of its traditionally dry location. for Checkers nighlclub, 760 E. T he new downlOwn complex should help expand retail s to be built in me downlown Councilman John Yow said the Grand Ave, SIU-C to begin Cheney proposes new policy to control waste I troop reductions \\' ASH I~ GTON (UPI) - He al so prescnted two other By Christina Hall Defen ... c SeC r l! l.::lr ~ Dic k Cheney ou tlines, cach showing deepcr Staff Wrner prc.se ntl!d Congress \\.'Ilh the fore..! cul'- that would havc 10 be oUllinc Tue'iday of a 25 pe rcent made from fis cal 1991 . 0 5 If l1li.: l'IlI\(,P,1\\ v. III JnJn­ rl!.d UCIlOn In L' ,S rorees over Lh e Conl:,'Tcs.." adopted either t.hc Senate J:':\,.' uS h<.l/.mfnus '.A. J 'ih: nc;\[ '1\": vc ar o; tha t \\.o uld cut Budgct Committee· ... ddense 1' ''JC:f <J nC'v. polK\ \ t:mm).! -lJ:! .OOO lHlop.... III warships and proposal or the Housc's de ense Ihl" ,unlln l'r J ... PiJrL uf a 11 Air Furt'e winl!s. numbers . hi.J/:.J rdnu, '" ~bll' pc:rmJl Alth\) ugh the- plan would cut President Bus h proposed 5307 rl.'nl,.''AJI pn~·I..·"s projectcd ...-pending hy nearly S1 30 bJillon In milit.1 ry spend i ...... TIlt' h~lI~m l nu .. \\~l";t 1..... · ' ­ ~il li on ovcr five \ears. Ch"nc\ authonlY ror the 1991 budgct now JIll! mil" t'll' :lpprovC'd n~ !Ilsir,;a.l~ al a news conferencc ... It is being ncgotiJlcd . wi th spending '!II: :'n\ IrnnoH'nul nO! J nl'\\. adm lillstrJllOn proposal droppi ng ~Jowly m the )'caJa ahead. Pn1lt'UlIln A~\'III'\ M\ I (~'~ on thl! ddl!n~ bucicel" BUI the combi nat ion or casin g III Ilnkr lor 1.hl,.' L:n i~ '('r'lI\ BUL he Jdtkd. :.!t tu rns OU\ to tensIO n 10 Eastern Eu rope and !\} ' Inrc h:II:lrdous "3<; 1\.':, he. 10 tl'mlS of i l~ O \' C r.il1 lhr lL~ t and prcssurc rrom the budget deficit Til l' C'11 I \'c r"ll v :wd dlrl't-Jon. vcry clChC to the kinds or has led lawmakers to look for more IA !\dlulltln Control iii thmg:i lhat we. \Ir, ould have u> do to subSlantial savings, \mpkmcnt changes in their gel \0 \he leve\s in the presldent's Cheney said a 25 percent V.3"itc m::m:lgcment policy budgel anyway." rcduction in U.S forces "':vuld In order to compl y \\. ith He said the outli ne docs " track resuh in a savings of S1 27.9 billion ne w EPA rcgubunn'i , gener:llly" wim the direction he is [rom 199 1-95 - only SL3 billion SIU-Cs pollution contrnl currently contemplating in less th an the 2 percent- per-year In tt,e rn<;; t wa." rc,.;;pun slhlc developmg a five- yC3r dcrensc plan reduction in dollar terms thai Bush for plddng up th e WaSI l..: 10 be presented 10 Congress in recommended. and idcnt i:ymg c h cmi c~11 . January, Under mis 25 percent plan, the sa id Rich Schlcyc r. h:lI.­ Cheney prescnt ed th e Pentagon . 'ould: :lrJous waste m3nJ(!er at out!inc-he c311ed it .::In . Cut America's 2. 1 million acti ve pollution control. ~ "i1l ustral: ... e e"amp lc"-at thc duly troops by 442,OOO--<> r 21 As f,an of me new policy, request o r IJwmakers who Jre pc ent-and reserves by 260,000, pc, lltllion control will bl' t:.Ikll1g p:.l rt in the budget summ it This would mean the IIHoked earlier in the l11:.in· ncgotlJtiof') s wi lh th e agclllcn t o r hJzardous .Idlninj,,u ~l lI O Il . See TROOP, Page 5 W:lste, said Ga r; Stcele, environment protcction spe­ ci.3li ... t ror tJ1 C Illinois EPA "There were sc vc ra I COBA alumni to start prob l c r.~:i (with Lhe wJste) tJ1;1I pollution control didn 't Jack Meyer, of cartenrille, emerges frOm a manhole at the \4.'('," Stcele ~ i d, Pollulion comer 01 South illinoIs and Grand Avenues on Tuesday l:ontrol was not rc.\-ponsi blc chapter in Malaysia afternoon. Meyer, a cable spicer tar GTE, was adding "cable pairs" to ipIII1I'IIen!s In the EasI Grand Street area. ror tJ1C condition or the h37' By Ka ren Radius jobs. serve ardous waste while it wa.'i Staff wrrt er "They mig ht also set up a ~'1I11O the l:.lborJtoncs, As a rererral and counseling service to I"(':-. ul l they were not aware The SIU· C College of Business help advise. recommend. and refer or Ihose storage problem "" Association Alu mni ar ~ not onl ) new Sludenl'i LO the U.S. to study," Local fanners eligible Slecle said. active in tJle Unitcd States. but arc Guueridge said. "Some or the containers no\\. ~c tive inlem.Jl ionall y, tha nks COBA is me only college thal we re nOt IJbclcd, some or 10 Dean TIloma.s G. GUlteridge. has orr -earnpus alumni associations forenlergencyloans th e containers were lert Ovcr 200 native Malaysian al the Un iversity. There arc large oren. and ~--'! incompau- COB A al umn i arc now back in assoc iations in Chicago and Sl. Grammer's Orchards in ~ '1.Jlay s ia and tJley arc planning to Louis Federal funds are Carbondale, said the fund s will See WASTE, Pago 5 devclop an alumni as.."iOCialion by "We organiz.e our al umni most likely not innuence mOSI of the cnd or th is summer. assoc iations geographi cally," available for crops the orchanls in the area. Gu lteridge attend ed a mecting G utlcrid~e ~i d , with an SIU-C alumnus. FrJncis damaged in winter "It's I10l going to benefil anyone Ng, in tv1.J1.Jysia on June 5. around here, because you have 10 11rls Morning By Christen Cortasco not be able to gel a loar. ... "I wrote him a letter tclling him I StallWmer was coming to Malays ia and that I Gl1IlI1mersaid. Grammer said this past winter McLeod Theater would likc u> rove dinner. TIlen, I Southern lllinois fru it farmers challenged him to set up a COB A were made eligible for emcrgcocy was bad, but her crC'ps did not to begin Playhouse suffer as much as she lui fcared. aJumni group." Guucridge ~id, federal loans for meir crops that -Page3 To set up the o rganii'~ ti on . the were damaged in last winter', hard "They had some ~amage .
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